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International Progressive Rock News

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Category: Other music related lounges
Forum Name: Get The Word Out
Forum Description: Promote your Prog shop, website, concert, book or CD...
Printed Date: March 01 2025 at 04:39
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Topic: International Progressive Rock News
Posted By: Rory
Subject: International Progressive Rock News
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 18:26

Welcome to a truly international edition of NHM's progressive music newsletter.  This month, we have news from - The Grand Trick  (Sweden), - Michel Griffin (France), - Andrew Roussak and - RPWL (Germany), - Jazzjet and - Rory Ridley-Duff (UK) and - Nascent (Massachusetts, USA), - Leigh Evin McCulloch (Illinois, USA) and - Z Sheet (New York, USA).  You can catch up with the news from these artists on the - August News Page .

With the release date of - Protos 's new album approaching, we have - an e-mail interview with guitarist Steve Anscombe about his recent recording activities.  You can also access this, and other interviews, on this site's - Interviews Page .  This month's, and previous months' interviews, are listed there (including an audio interview with Rory and Head Case Radio's DJ Meatwad).

Last, but certainly not least, we stick with the theme of recording new albums in Rory's mindpiece (below).  What is a good mindset for making and recording music?  How has technology changed what is possible?  What are the pitfalls of investing too much in technology and too little in yourself?

To carry on reading, click -


Posted By: Jon89
Date Posted: August 11 2007 at 18:30

jon 89

Posted By: Rory
Date Posted: August 12 2007 at 04:10
You're welcome Justin.
I originally posted this to the 'news' forum but some moderator must have moved it here.  Do you find that strange?
Best wishes


Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: August 12 2007 at 07:14
It's a link to read the news elsewhere and provides no real info or news for anyone reading it.
It is news about news...Confused
Therefore it is advertising the site where this news resides..ergo the mod who moved this was correct to do so.

I wonder why you constantly choose to antagonise the Admin of this site - it cant be doing you any good....

Posted By: Angelo
Date Posted: August 12 2007 at 07:23
Originally posted by Rory Rory wrote:

I originally posted this to the 'news' forum but some moderator must have moved it here.  Do you find that strange?

Thanks for providing this Rory.

As for the news section: the only section named 'News' on this forum is this one:

forum_topics.asp?FID=12 - Internal news
Stay informed about the latest updates regarding the site

Given that definition, I'm not surprised this got moved Wink

-------------" rel="nofollow - ISKC Rock Radio
I stopped blogging and reviewing - so won't be handling requests. Promo's for ariplay can be sent to [email protected]

Posted By: Rory
Date Posted: August 13 2007 at 02:52
I reiterate what I've said before - it is better to consider each post from the perspective of the reader and not the perspective of an administrator, musician or publisher.  If you are looking for news about progressive rock artists, you will go to a 'news' thread and not 'Get the Word Out' (which people expect to contain news only about the artist who has posted it). 
In the past, I've posted material that only relates to myself or my own label's artists in 'Get the Word Out' but material that relates to several artists or other's progressive rock news sites to the 'news' forum.  You never seem to distinguish between the two.
I continue to think that this is a more sensible editorial approach and that moving some items has been a disservice to the people on this site, and progressive rock music generally.  If the effect of your policy is to make it harder for fans to meet/learn new contemporary progressive rock artists, what is the benefit?
This particular newsletter draws together news provided by a dozen or more artists at SoundClick and MySpace who self-define as progressive rock, mostly about album releases, song releases or calls for assistance to help get progressive rock (rather than other music artists) onto the bill at high profile events.  Has your editoral policy been helpful to them?  Has your editorial policy been helpful to progressive rock fans?  If not, then change it.
I only antagonise the admin team when they antagonise me.  I have shown respect for you discerning between items that should be posted to 'Get the Word Out' and itesm which are genuinely 'News'.  Is it not time for you to show more respect and trust in my judgement?
Best wishes


Posted By: Rory
Date Posted: August 13 2007 at 03:07
Hi Angelo,
Thanks for the response.
The subtitle to the 'News' forum is:
"Submit press releases, news , new releases, prog music news and other interesting things happening in the world of progressive music"
That is exactly what the newsletter contains......
'Get The Word Out' says "Promote your prog shot, book, CD etc."
The promotion of the New Horizons Music site was totally secondary to the items contained in the newsletters: this included information on album releases, song releases, prog music news and 'interesting others things' (such as articles about music advertising, reviewing, listening to music).  I personally, and the company - New Horizons Music - have no stake whatsoever in the other artists featured in the newsletter - they are simply 'friends' on SoundClick and MySpace.
When those doing others a service for no personal benefit are considered 'self-promoters' then it is reasonable to question others moral (and editorial) judgement.


Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: August 13 2007 at 03:39

The initial post does not contain any news at all. It links to another site which purports to contain news, but is in fact a promotional vehicle for Rory's own project.

If you wish to post prog news about bands listed on this site, (not just links to "news" on other sites) you are welcome to do so.

This thread is a marketing exercise. You show disrespect for our members by claiming otherwise.



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