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Un Weekend De Rock Progressif A Montreal 15&16/09

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Topic: Un Weekend De Rock Progressif A Montreal 15&16/09
Posted By: Alucard
Subject: Un Weekend De Rock Progressif A Montreal 15&16/09
Date Posted: August 09 2007 at 06:17


Un Weekend De Rock Progressif  A Montreal 15&16/09/07:

(Salle Pierre Mercure 300, Bld de Maisonneuve Est Montreal)
Festival website: -
-The Strawbs
-Samla Mammas Manna
-Ville Emard Blues band
-Jelly Fiche
-Nathan Mahl
+ Friday Preshow :
Tickets : -
Gosh, I just wish I could have stayed  longer in Montreal... Cry

Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 09 2007 at 15:58
I don`t support any form of music in this basket case city any more with a few exceptions and  think I pretty much made my point (s) clear in the Montréal International Jazz Festival Thread so I`m not going to repeat myself here.


Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 05:22
more pics from the "bascet case city"Wink
the weather is soo bad in Paris, the neurotic Parisians even more ill tempered then usual and I just have the Montreal Blues....Broken%20Heart

Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: The Rock
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 07:32
Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

I don`t support any form of music in this basket case city any more with a few exceptions and  think I pretty much made my point (s) clear in the Montréal International Jazz Festival Thread so I`m not going to repeat myself here.
Can you please elaborate?
Basket case city?
First time I ever hear this one.

What's gonna come out of my mouth is gonna come out of my soul."Skip Prokop"

Posted By: The Rock
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 07:50
Ok I just read your diatribe in the Montreal ''jazz'' festival thread.
I do feel some of your....hmmmm...''pain'' about the Cranberries'chick,but Van Morrisson,he did some cool jazz oriented stuff.
I don't remember the name of the song,but the classic ''Monlight'' has a lot of jazz elements in it.
Besides,the FMPM is nothing like the jazz fest.It's a lot  more intimate,friendlier,cheaper,and you can leave the site, go eat and drink whatever you want,wherever you want ,at will.
And you won't hear Van Morrisson and the Cranberries...

What's gonna come out of my mouth is gonna come out of my soul."Skip Prokop"

Posted By: pots
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 12:43
Montréal his a beautiful city with an european flavour and all the bands and musicians
love to play there (better than Toronto and some US cities) It's the second FMPM and
it's better than ever and growing up.So let's encourage prog music festivals because
it's not the newspapers and tv and commercial radios who does.So internet and music
fans passing the word is the key.Keep on proggin                              Pots


Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 14:36
some more pics of my favourite spots in Montreal:
 -les rapides Lachine à l'ouest,+ the small island with a lot of  birds & ornitologues 
Mont Royal:

Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: Melomaniac
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 14:39
As a Montrealer, I had a painful choice to make : either go see the FMPM or Genesis and Rush (all concerts THE SAME WEEK-END)...
In the end I chose Genesis and Rush... September 14th and 15th.

"One likes to believe in the freedom of Music" - Neil Peart, The Spirit of Radio

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 16:59
Now that you`ve got me going.......Since the big businesses such as Sun Life & CP left thirty years ago these stupid made up "scenes" and festivals  have become nothing more than money generators which rape the essence and beauty of art. Now that we have a XXX rated fetish festival we can be rest assured that the Montréal International Nose Picking Festival complete with a parade of freaks is not far off. Combine this with all the gang related crime, car theft, pedophile activity, maniac drivers, collapsing bridges, not being able to let  your dogs run in the park and then I `d say Montréal isn`t doing too bad  as far as third world world metropolises go. Just take a look at the headlines on both English & French newspapers this morning. But if you live in immagination-land then I guess this doesn`t apply.
I`ve lived in this sl*g-heap for my whole life with the exception of a 9 year period which was work related. I was born, raised and educated here and,happy to say we have plans to leave for the townships within the next couple of years. At one time it was fun and vibrant but when I returned in the year 2000 I was shocked. I`m not saying that the grass is greener everywhere else but I`m done with this twighlight zone and just won`t encourage anyone to come here.



Posted By: pots
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 23:30
Me too had a choice to make Genesis & Rush but I choose FMPM because I saw
Rush about 8 times and Genesis 5 times (2 with Gabriel) .Rush will be there tomorow
and Genesis (not for me without Gabriel & Hackett).I prefer to encourage local talents
and smaller bands because they really need it than big millionnaires of music.For the same price of one show I will see about8 to 10 bands and prog festivals are rare (in
Québec) we must encourage them because it's not the medias who does. Next time
check for Rush they are playing in Ottawa 21 sept and Genesis 16 sept so you could always go there to see them.It's just a personnal opinion.


Posted By: The Rock
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 23:30


Gang and related crimes,car theft,pedophiles,maniac drivers,bridges collapsing...Montreal has no monopoly on those aspects.

How about Minneapolis bridge?

Like I said earlier,FMPM has nothing to do with the other'' money generator'' festivals.And belive me,they barely break even.The purpose of the event is to expose the wide variety of spectrums called progressive music.Not to piss you off.

Besides,Montreal has the best selection of restaurents and the best looking women in the world!Thumbs%20Up

What's gonna come out of my mouth is gonna come out of my soul."Skip Prokop"

Posted By: The Rock
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 23:39
Originally posted by pots pots wrote:

Me too had a choice to make Genesis & Rush but I choose FMPM because I saw
Rush about 8 times and Genesis 5 times (2 with Gabriel) .Rush will be there tomorow
and Genesis (not for me without Gabriel & Hackett).I prefer to encourage local talents
and smaller bands because they really need it than big millionnaires of music.For the same price of one show I will see about8 to 10 bands and prog festivals are rare (in
Québec) we must encourage them because it's not the medias who does. Next time
check for Rush they are playing in Ottawa 21 sept and Genesis 16 sept so you could always go there to see them.It's just a personnal opinion.
I agree,Genesis plays Friday and that's the reason the FMPM was postponned one day.It was supposed to be Friday/Saturday but they reschedule Saturday/Sunday.
Rush, I have seen them 3 times already and will have many more opportunties to do so, I'm sure.But how many opportunities will I have to see The Strawbs,Samla Mammas Manna,Nathan Mahl,IQ and all the other bands?
Not too many.
Besides,like you said,let's support this unique event that we have,they need it much more than al those big names.10 bands,10 different aproaches to prog music,diversity,professionalism,intimity,warmth...and a lot of fun!

What's gonna come out of my mouth is gonna come out of my soul."Skip Prokop"

Posted By: pots
Date Posted: August 11 2007 at 00:19
And further more those big shows are so predictable and sometimes after the show I'm  dissapointed but with prog festivals I go there with no expectation and I'm always
glad I did go (more satisfaction for less money).Maybe it's me (saw too much shows
around 300) or I'm getting too hold OR I have better taste.But for me it's FMPMt
I know it's not the popular choice but you have the right not to follow the trends that
commercial radio and all the rest of the music business want you to buy-listen-see
like sheeps.Well I think I will go to sleep now.


Posted By: The Rock
Date Posted: August 11 2007 at 04:55
Originally posted by pots pots wrote:

And further more those big shows are so predictable and sometimes after the show I'm  dissapointed but with prog festivals I go there with no expectation and I'm always
glad I did go (more satisfaction for less money).Maybe it's me (saw too much shows
around 300) or I'm getting too hold OR I have better taste.But for me it's FMPMt
I know it's not the popular choice but you have the right not to follow the trends that
commercial radio and all the rest of the music business want you to buy-listen-see
like sheeps.Well I think I will go to sleep now.
Belive me,you never can claim to have seen too many shows.You are lucky you did live to see most classic bands.You are priviledged.

What's gonna come out of my mouth is gonna come out of my soul."Skip Prokop"

Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: August 11 2007 at 13:45
Originally posted by The Rock The Rock wrote:

Besides,Montreal has the best selection of restaurents and the best looking women in the world!Thumbs%20Up

Well Paris isn't  bad either (Women & Food) the advantage in Montreal : the women  look  less stressed and seem to be in a better physical shape in general....which might be a little exhausting giving it a second thought...Wink
I rarely felt so much secure walking in the middle of the night in a big city as in Montreal... but then it's a big city and all big towns have their quota of crime.... for the festival my personal favourites are Miriodor and Sammlas Mamma Manna which I really regret not to see, I hope they play both during the second RIO festival next spring in Carmeaux!

Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: The Rock
Date Posted: August 11 2007 at 14:43
Tell you all the truth,Montreal's weak spot has got to be the never ending traffic jams.
Major roads such as highway 40(Metropolitaine) are almost always jammed 24/7.
This year St-Laurent blvd is under major construction so it's always jammed too.
Other than that all other quibs such as crime rates,taxes,bridges collapsing,parking meters ect...are common in most large cities.

What's gonna come out of my mouth is gonna come out of my soul."Skip Prokop"

Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: August 13 2007 at 22:56
At the Prog.Fest," I 'll be There, I'll Be There, I will be there!"
On Saturday and Sunday. On friday, I could not resist; I will be at the big O listening to Genesis.  On Saturday and Sunday, The Prog.Fest.

C'est la vie

Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: August 13 2007 at 23:02
Beautiful pictures Alucard!Big%20smile
Jacques Cartier Bridge from the Old Port, near the Old clock, and La Ronde far away on the other side of the St-Lawrence River. ( I was doing quadricycle with my daughter). It was taken 2 or 3 years ago... Spending a day in the old port each summer is one of our favorite activities; Flora ( gardens), Imax, Quadricycle, pedalo, the labyrinthe, the book merchants, boat tours, etc...a lot of fun.  

C'est la vie

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 16 2007 at 13:09
Hey Sylv,
What about Rick.


Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: August 16 2007 at 14:46
Rick is coming this saturday, so on sunday, you will have a report.Smile

C'est la vie

Posted By: Firepuck
Date Posted: August 16 2007 at 15:01
I too shall be there. Bought my tickets months ago.
The venue is amazing.
And the groups playing? - Nuf said!

Kryten : "'Pub'? Ah yes, A meeting place where humans attempt to achieve advanced states of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of fermented vegetable drinks."

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 16 2007 at 15:36
Originally posted by Prog.Sylvie Prog.Sylvie wrote:

Beautiful pictures Alucard!Big%20smile
Jacques Cartier Bridge from the Old Port, near the Old clock, and La Ronde far away on the other side of the St-Lawrence River. ( I was doing quadricycle with my daughter). It was taken 2 or 3 years ago... Spending a day in the old port each summer is one of our favorite activities; Flora ( gardens), Imax, Quadricycle, pedalo, the labyrinthe, the book merchants, boat tours, etc...a lot of fun.  
Well, have a nice look at the next piece of junk that`s going come collapsing down any day now in Montréal, I don`t know what`s going be first, the Lafontaine tunnel or this grade 9 science project. I just hope that not too many people have to die. Seriously.  Gustav Eiffel designed this with horses and buggies in mind. Yes it was the same architect guy who designed that tower in Paris. If you`ve ever rode across it on a bycycle with few sixteen wheelers on the span at once it`s a pretty scary experience.


Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: August 16 2007 at 18:55

Maybe you can go live in United States; remember that bridges collaspe there...

C'est la vie

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 03:52
Originally posted by Alucard Alucard wrote:

Originally posted by The Rock The Rock wrote:

Besides,Montreal has the best selection of restaurents and the best looking women in the world!Thumbs%20Up

Well Paris isn't  bad either (Women & Food) the advantage in Montreal : the women  look  less stressed and seem to be in a better physical shape in general....which might be a little exhausting giving it a second thought...Wink
I rarely felt so much secure walking in the middle of the night in a big city as in Montreal... but then it's a big city and all big towns have their quota of crime....
I'm glad to see you actually checked what I told you about the Quebec women! They are the main attraction of La Belle Province!!
Trust me though, there are parts of Montreal where you'd better hang around too long. When I was younger Longueuil (on the South Bank of St Laurent) was one place to avoid! Biker gangs etc... Don't know if it is still like, though!

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 10:18
 the only place on the south bank we went was les 'Rapides de Lachine', which is a beautiful cozy residential area. In fact the most bikers I saw was on the mountain roads and in a small mountain town...some cute brides ...I avoided a closer look so ..Wink
some more pics:
the first evening we took a walk on St. Denis and there were a lot of Firemen, but we saw no fire. When we came back the next day the whole place had burned down and we learnt in the news that it was a well known Restaurant....
  Duluth is maybe my favourite  Plateau street, nice atmo &  lots of Portugese restos ....
bakery on 'Duluth' with cool birthday cakes
we saw 'Police' in the Bell Center , nice concert,
FrancoFolies the big Festival for FrenchSung music. This was a concert of 'Amin', a singer from a Parisian suburb area known a 'Neuf Cube'= 93, bluesy-rap-chansons
Les Rapides de lachine  beautiful place with lots of birds....
the big fat squirrels in the center of Montreal
Quebec  a record shop on St. Jean, fortunately  for me it was closed
that's all!

Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 10:33
Now that you`ve seen the big fat squirrels, you should see some of the big fat rats in the center of Montréal. Go to China Town. I honestly think they should actually have DANGER : BEWARE OF GIANT VICIOUS RATS signs plastered all over the place. And next time don`t forget to bring extra money to give to the dirty, stinky, uncivilized and aggressive panhandlers who litter just about every street corner in the downtown area. Fortunately this human refuse have been barred fro my nieghborhood.


Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 10:56

comme chantait  Robert Charlebois : "Je reviendrais à Montreal  pour voir les 'Giant Vicious Rats' Wink


Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 11:09
In every big city in the world, there are rats, so Mtl is not worst than any other city... 

C'est la vie

Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 11:15
By the way, last year at this prog.fest, we had a lot of fun, before, during and after the shows; a safe place to be. I went there alone, and I met a lot of interesting and fun people    

C'est la vie

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 11:21
Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

Now that you`ve seen the big fat squirrels, you should see some of the big fat rats in the center of Montréal. Go to China Town. I honestly think they should actually have DANGER : BEWARE OF GIANT VICIOUS RATS signs plastered all over the place. And next time don`t forget to bring extra money to give to the dirty, stinky, uncivilized and aggressive panhandlers who litter just about every street corner in the downtown area. Fortunately this human refuse have been barred fro my nieghborhood.
don't be so negative about Mtl, it's a great place, but once you're in it for a while, you're too close to see how good it is!
And next year, the Stanley Cup is coming home with the Habs. It "almost" (4-1 is not close) went to Ottawa
the amazing thing is that those grey squirrels are not exactly fearful!
We used to have them in our house in Toronto! They've conquered most of England an,d apparently we're starting to see them on the Continent as well. Our red squirrels are probably going to be extinct soon, because they're too fearful and avoid humans.
And the Korean squirrels are getting the upper hand as well on the native reds

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 11:52
I`ll eat my underwear if the habs could even win a ping pong tournament against a group of retarded  monkeys. The habs are a done deal they`ll never come back. Look at Carbnoneau he`s always staring at that stupid clock the clock. I am always saying " look there he goes again, looking at the F****** clock ",just wanting  to get the inevitable humiliation over with as quick as possible . Believe me when I was a kid I lived and breathed the habs but sad but true they`re only part of Montréal folklore these days. It will take some sort of wierd monumental miracle for them to win a cup even in the next ten years. I`ll have to admit, though, the squirrels are one of the few things that I stll really like about Montréal.


Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 12:23
Go live in New York if you think that it's better...I don't live in Montreal, but It's ok to go there from time to time in the old Mtl, in the old Port etc... to see a show, or go to an event.   

C'est la vie

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 14:03
Originally posted by Prog.Sylvie Prog.Sylvie wrote:

Go live in New York if you think that it's better...I don't live in Montreal, but It's ok to go there from time to time in the old Mtl, in the old Port etc... to see a show, or go to an event.   
So if you don`t live here, pay taxes here, have to put up with all the nonsense for the better part of 365 days a year that I`ve been describing ( and believe me there are a lot of Montréalers just like myself who are FED UP ) I don`t see how you can go on on about what a Utopia this dump is. I think most of the people who have been participating in this insane thread about this ridiculous festival don`t live here either. I`ve been to Moscow ,had a good time, but I wouldn`t say it`s the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel or sliced cheese based on my experiences as a tourist. You wouldn`t believ how some tourists are treated by some of the local populance here ( especially if they can`t speak French ).
 Just last week, for example while walking with a friend, I overheard a cab driver wanting to charge an American couple $45  ( the going rate is $25 ) to go from downtown out to Pierre Elliot Trudeau ( the name of the Montréal international airport ), and over and above that he wanted to charge them an additional $20 for each piece of luggage! My car was parked nearby so I drove them out there free of charge. The cabbie wasn`t too happy. I took down his licence # and told him to take up another profession which requires no more than a grade two education before I reported him to his company.. This is just one example of what has been happening in this once fair city which makes me so sick.


Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 14:10
You can go live in Kandahar or Bombay!LOL

C'est la vie

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 14:49
Originally posted by Prog.Sylvie Prog.Sylvie wrote:

You can go live in Kandahar or Bombay!LOL
First she wants me to live in The United States now it`s Afghanistan or IndiaConfused All these choices. Actually at least in Kandahar I wouldn`t have to worry about ferocious giant rats, maybe a stray rocket or incoming artillery shell that`s about all. I could deal with them. But giant rabid  rats give me the heebee geebees


Posted By: The Rock
Date Posted: August 18 2007 at 19:33
Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

Originally posted by Prog.Sylvie Prog.Sylvie wrote:

Go live in New York if you think that it's better...I don't live in Montreal, but It's ok to go there from time to time in the old Mtl, in the old Port etc... to see a show, or go to an event.   
So if you don`t live here, pay taxes here, have to put up with all the nonsense for the better part of 365 days a year that I`ve been describing ( and believe me there are a lot of Montréalers just like myself who are FED UP ) I don`t see how you can go on on about what a Utopia this dump is. I think most of the people who have been participating in this insane thread about this ridiculous festival don`t live here either. I`ve been to Moscow ,had a good time, but I wouldn`t say it`s the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel or sliced cheese based on my experiences as a tourist. You wouldn`t believ how some tourists are treated by some of the local populance here ( especially if they can`t speak French ).
 Just last week, for example while walking with a friend, I overheard a cab driver wanting to charge an American couple $45  ( the going rate is $25 ) to go from downtown out to Pierre Elliot Trudeau ( the name of the Montréal international airport ), and over and above that he wanted to charge them an additional $20 for each piece of luggage! My car was parked nearby so I drove them out there free of charge. The cabbie wasn`t too happy. I took down his licence # and told him to take up another profession which requires no more than a grade two education before I reported him to his company.. This is just one example of what has been happening in this once fair city which makes me so sick.

Why do you call this thread insane?
And why ridiculous festival?
These guys are putting so much time,energy, efforts and money into it.
You don't like it?Fine.
You don't know what you'll miss.

What's gonna come out of my mouth is gonna come out of my soul."Skip Prokop"

Posted By: smcfee
Date Posted: September 17 2007 at 20:52
Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

I think most of the people who have been participating in this insane thread about this ridiculous festival don`t live here either.

The only ridiculous thing here is your ignorant commentary about a festival you have not attended. You went to the jazz festival and didn't enjoy yourself (hard to believe with such a positive outlook on life) so therefore every festival must be the same?

On the bright side, at least you kept this thread on the top page for a while with your "contributions".

Thanks to everyone who attended (and played for us!) this year, it was a lot of fun to see all the basket cases at our insane and ridiculous event :).


Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: September 18 2007 at 11:33
I enjoyed very much myself at the Mtl prog.fest . The place and the hall were excellent. The shows were pretty good. Nice people to meet and to talk to. We had a very good festival, it's promising for next year. Someone told me ( Gerry) that at least 60 prog.groups want to come at the festival ( known and not known) and from many places in the world. I would check for pictures and I will see if I can post some.

C'est la vie

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