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Thread Deletion

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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Help us improve the site
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Printed Date: March 01 2025 at 12:12
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Topic: Thread Deletion
Posted By: thellama73
Subject: Thread Deletion
Date Posted: August 03 2007 at 14:17
I notice the "What a Joke" thread has been deleted. While I understand that it was a stupid and pointless waste of board space, it's frustrating when you're trying to find a thread and it has simply vanished. Wouldn't simply locking threads such as these be better? Or perhaps we could have a system where a thread is marked for deletion, but still shows up for 24 hours or something so that we have a chance to see what happened to it.
More often than not, a thread is deleted immediately after a particularly juicy comment, but I never get to see what it was before it disappears :(
Does anyone else feel the ssame way?


Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: August 03 2007 at 14:25
Threads are rarely deleted.
Generally we simply close them leaving it on display for being "visited" or in some cases we close and hid, perhaps due to the amount of flak which makes it impossible to be kept unveiled.
Some hidden threads are un-hidden later but it's normally a prerrogative of the Admin who was dealing with it.



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