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Prog Polls - Meshuggah - I
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Meshuggah - I

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
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Topic: Meshuggah - I
Posted By: Zitro
Subject: Meshuggah - I
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 13:38
Choose, what bothers you the most of this highly unique track.

Remember that I don't necessarily believe in some of the options I gave, but some might think of them.

Vote none if nothing bothers you.

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 13:45
Nothing in the song actually bothers me, but I wouldn't say it's perfect either.... yet. Wink


Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 13:50
I put a "nothing in particular but it's not perfect" option ... removed "lyrics"

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 13:54
Thats more like it.

How about you, Zitro? What's the thing that bothers you the most about the song?


Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 13:56
A combination of lack of melody/harmony and those death metals.

But other things bother me.

the second to last paragraph in my 3-star review summarize all my problems.

I'll vote for death metal vocals .. they just don't work like Opeth!

Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 14:22
I think you spelled 'soul' wrong.
Your review, which I read a few days ago, inspired me to listen to it again.
I've always been amazed at the complexity of the rhythms they play, but the problem is that that seems to be practically all they rely on. Everyone plays the same thing almost the whole song long (and this happens in some of their other material as well); only during a brief solo or interlude (which in a way don't even fit because there was no transition to or from them) does the band break from playing the same chord pattern. I am somewhat bothered by the lack of melody, which is due to the music and the vocals. I don't know how they could, but to hear singing over that stuff or worked into it somehow would be interesting. I also have never liked their relentlessly heavy music; mox it up a bit! I can hardly get through one of their albums because of that. So, I don't know what to pick.
In short, though, in concurrence with what you said, this song, and much of what they do is both some of the best stuff ever, and the worst.

Posted By: heyitsthatguy
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 14:26
where's the option for "no musical substance"?


Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 15:16
I think it´s one of the most perfect songs ever written, but I can easily see why most people wouldnt think alike.

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: alan_pfeifer
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 15:26
I am abit confused as to why everyone says there's no melody.  It's dissonant as hell I'll get that, and it's not the most pleasing thing to the ears, but if someone could explain this to me I'd more than willing to listen.
That said, I can't really think of anything wrong with it. 

Posted By: heyitsthatguy
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 15:30
Originally posted by alan_pfeifer alan_pfeifer wrote:

I am abit confused as to why everyone says there's no melody.  It's dissonant as hell I'll get that, and it's not the most pleasing thing to the ears, but if someone could explain this to me I'd more than willing to listen.
That said, I can't really think of anything wrong with it. 

my problem with Meshuggah is that they seem to be dissonant for the sole purpose of being dissonant and having weird rhythms for the sake of having them, not really making them go anywhere per se

but good for anyone who does enjoy them


Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 16:20
Perfect song! One of their best!

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: OpethGuitarist
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 16:23
Originally posted by heyitsthatguy heyitsthatguy wrote:

Originally posted by alan_pfeifer alan_pfeifer wrote:

I am abit confused as to why everyone says there's no melody.  It's dissonant as hell I'll get that, and it's not the most pleasing thing to the ears, but if someone could explain this to me I'd more than willing to listen.
That said, I can't really think of anything wrong with it. 

my problem with Meshuggah is that they seem to be dissonant for the sole purpose of being dissonant and having weird rhythms for the sake of having them, not really making them go anywhere per se

but good for anyone who does enjoy them

so Genesis has melodies for the whole purpose of melodies? or insert any other band with prime focus on melody

not everything has to be "sing-a-long" (not saying that this is you, btw, just an observation)

back from the dead, i will begin posting reviews again and musing through the forums

Posted By: russellk
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 16:33
I think it's fabulous, achieving exactly what was intended by the band. It could only be 'improved' by changing it into something different, and why do that?

Posted By: Hatters
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 17:19
I would change the question to what is great about the track, then I would choose all the optiosn except no emotion and the bottom two.

I went for the song being perfect, which I think it is.


Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 19:00
Nothing really.

Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 20:51
Originally posted by OpethGuitarist OpethGuitarist wrote:

so Genesis has melodies for the whole purpose of melodies? or insert any other band with prime focus on melody

not everything has to be "sing-a-long" (not saying that this is you, btw, just an observation)

I can see why heyitsthatguy said what he said, but OpethGuitarist has a point here.


Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 21:22
Nothing really in particular, but it's not perfect.
Good song from a good Technical Metal band!

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: June 18 2007 at 14:12
I find Nothing wrong with I,but it isn't perfect either.


Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: June 18 2007 at 21:29
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

I find Nothing worng with I,but it isn't perfect either.

I hope that wasnt a joke... cause if it was... it sucked!!!

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Matt Dickens
Date Posted: June 22 2007 at 01:21
Originally posted by el böthy el böthy wrote:

Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

I find Nothing worng with I,but it isn't perfect either.

I hope that wasnt a joke... cause if it was... it sucked!!!
i laughed

If it ain't broke don't break it.

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