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Roger Daltrey v Robert Plant

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Topic: Roger Daltrey v Robert Plant
Posted By: Tommy
Subject: Roger Daltrey v Robert Plant
Date Posted: June 05 2007 at 01:43
Taking into consideration both stage presence & vocal abilities, who was the better frontman?

Posted By: Novalis
Date Posted: June 05 2007 at 01:52
I have to say Robert Plant, although I'm not sure whether that's because I like Led Zep more or not.

Posted By: andu
Date Posted: June 05 2007 at 02:04
Prog Poll?

Plant, anyway.

"PA's own GI Joe!"

Posted By: Joseth On Kings
Date Posted: June 05 2007 at 02:13

You guys are crazy because vocal wise and stage wise Daltrey owns.

Plant's good and all but he doesn't draw a crowd nor keep a crowd going as good as Daltrey does also Daltrey's voice is just beautiful, while Plant's is just ok.

Posted By: NotSoKoolAid
Date Posted: June 05 2007 at 02:14
Plant is rock'n'roll and must be voted for in the name of presence, though I'm considering the idea that Daltrey actually had a more "beautiful" voice as Joseth said.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 05 2007 at 02:24
Daltry did have the more pleasing voice and he was the original blonde-locked crooner, but Plant's deep blues knowledge, amazing range (up till about the end of '72) and enthusiasm for the music was infectious. They're both equal to me, but I give it to Plant for his superior phrasing.

Posted By: paul.timediver
Date Posted: June 06 2007 at 15:47
Roger Daltrey : cos he's shorter and moves better but, most of all, cos he's got a sense of humour.  Running onto the stage (after rain) to start the set at The Valley (Charlton Athletic FC), Daltrey goes a purler skidding several yards on his pants.  Leaping to his feet, he hollers into the microphone "it's The Who on ice" before Townshend can strike the first chord.  Pure magic.  I reckon Plant (bless him and his silly high voice) would have sulked or at least looked very embarrassed.

Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: June 06 2007 at 15:57
I was watching The Song Remains The Same and do not get the whole Robert Plant fascination. Listening to his nasally screeches and moaning about drove me to shove an ice pick through my temples.

Daltrey, on the other hand, has such a great rock voice. That guy could crush Plant.



Posted By: randyhiatt
Date Posted: June 06 2007 at 16:08
I always felt RD was a wimp, like a collage kid, whereas RP was a rock god and at the time his sound was quite the rage.  As far as looks go RP also takes the cake.
Who do you think got the most girls?


Posted By: paul.timediver
Date Posted: June 06 2007 at 17:07
Originally posted by randyhiatt randyhiatt wrote:

Who do you think got the most girls?
I always assumed that Daltrey did!  Are there any official records?? LOL

Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: June 06 2007 at 17:22
Originally posted by randyhiatt randyhiatt wrote:

I always felt RD was a wimp, like a collage kid, whereas RP was a rock god and at the time his sound was quite the rage.  As far as looks go RP also takes the cake.

Who do you think got the most girls?

Gene Simmons



Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: June 06 2007 at 17:33
Tough call, but I've got to vote for Daltrey. He's got a more versatile and expressive voice than Plant, although Percy is still the man when it comes to out and out rockers, and Daltrey is also an amazingly charismatic performer. Plus, if they had a fight he would beat the crap out of Plant any day of the week, and could probably take on all of Led Zeppelin single handed.

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 06 2007 at 17:37
Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

Plus, if they had a fight he would beat the crap out of Plant any day of the week, and could probably take on all of Led Zeppelin single handed.

oh no doubt, he'd kick Plant's ass (though not Bonham or Peter Grant).

Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: June 06 2007 at 17:45
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

Plus, if they had a fight he would beat the crap out of Plant any day of the week, and could probably take on all of Led Zeppelin single handed.

oh no doubt, he'd kick Plant's ass (though not Bonham or Peter Grant).

Fair comment - if Peter Grant jumped in all bets would be off.  

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 04:57
Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

Tough call, but I've got to vote for Daltrey. He's got a more versatile and expressive voice than Plant, although Percy is still the man when it comes to out and out rockers, and Daltrey is also an amazingly charismatic performer. Plus, if they had a fight he would beat the crap out of Plant any day of the week, and could probably take on all of Led Zeppelin single handed.
if  Quadrophenia and their mods roots indicate, The Who were a violent crew.
Daltrey would beat Plant
Moon would probably fight dirtier than Bonham and eventually win
Townsend would kick the living crap out of Page
Towering Entwistle would probably beat the crap from Jones, but I bet those two would just sit together and relish thge fight while sipping on a brew.Wink
But Grant would probably beat up all four Who members together, plus their Kit Lambert manager. >> this guy was a professional wrestler before.

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 05:09
I couldn't possibly vote on this - i have been a huge fan of Plant and Daltrey for many years, both their groups were great friends going way back to the 60's. Moonie even came up with the name Led Zeppelin, that is  well documented.
As for today, i'm still a big fan of Robert Plant but i feel time has been kinder to Daltrey's vocal chords - i will see the Who in a couple of weeks so will be able to make a better judgement, but on their latest album he sounded great!Thumbs%20Up
now possibly Roger ...Ermm
then definately Robert!Clap

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 05:19
Originally posted by randyhiatt randyhiatt wrote:

I always felt RD was a wimp, like a collage kid, whereas RP was a rock god and at the time his sound was quite the rage.  As far as looks go RP also takes the cake.
Who do you think got the most girls?
Roger Daltrey a WIMP/College kid???
I should hardly think so - he's one of the hardest hardnuts in rock!  Before he became a professional singer he was a sheet metal worker, brought up in a very tough part of London - Hammersmith and Shepherd's Bush where they punched first and asked no questions! Ouch
Read some early biographies - these were tough working class lads not wimps!Pinch

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: andu
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 08:35
Originally posted by mystic fred mystic fred wrote:

I couldn't possibly vote on this - i have been a huge fan of Plant and Daltrey for many years, both their groups were great friends going way back to the 60's. Moonie even came up with the name Led Zeppelin, that is  well documented.
As for today, i'm still a big fan of Robert Plant but i feel time has been kinder to Daltrey's vocal chords - i will see the Who in a couple of weeks so will be able to make a better judgement, but on their latest album he sounded great!Thumbs%20Up
now possibly Roger ...Ermm
then definately Robert!Clap

I am hopefully going to see Robert & the Strange Sensation playing at the Live Earth event in 8th of July here in Bucharest, so we can combine our feedback! Smile

@ E-Dub: the Plant fascination is out of any possible real explanation, even for the fans. It just... happens. Smile Anyway "The Song Remains The Same" is not really indicated for a good picture of Plant's ability, the screeching is there indeed and it annoys me (at the same that I love it... the Plant fascination, you know... Big%20smile). Of course this applies to most of the singing from that show but NOT to Stairway to Heaven - by some magical reasons, that's just PERFECT. Anyway, I think you could like more the way Plant sings on the video I posted on my Myspace page ( - ) - a fabulous band performance and a mature voice from Plant.

Coming back to the poll, I reckon something more - one should take into consideration the whole of their careers. And this is where the difference can really be seen, as Who and Zepp are such huge and influential bands. Plant comes with a great solo career, proving his creativity and singing on 9 (!) solo albums, more or less successful, and two Page-Plant albums. There is no real competition...

"PA's own GI Joe!"

Posted By: Peter
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 14:22
Both are terrific classic rock front men, & I love 'em both, but from a listening perspective, to this non-musician's ears, I think Plant is technically better/has more range.
Daltry is at his best when rocking out -- Plant is (at least) equally good at that, but very good on a gentle ballad as well.
For strictly stage presence, though, I'd go with the dynamic Daltrey.

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 17:36
  Robert Plant

Posted By: randyhiatt
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 18:26

RD seems "like" a college kid wimp to me, in looks and all.


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 18:32
^ not bad for someone who is 63 then Wink
but why stop here - at one time both bands looked the same anyway...
Peter Townsend vs Jimny Page
John Entwistle vs John Paul Jones
Keith Moon vs John Bonham


Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: June 07 2007 at 21:07
Originally posted by E-Dub E-Dub wrote:

I was watching The Song Remains The Same and do not get the whole Robert Plant fascination.


I don't really love his vocals from that show either, but Page absolutely owns and friggin' blew me away with his playing.

I still probably prefer Robert Plant slightly, although they're both such classic, excellent frontmen.  Really tough call.

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: June 08 2007 at 05:17
Originally posted by andu andu wrote:

Originally posted by mystic fred mystic fred wrote:

As for today, i'm still a big fan of Robert Plant but i feel time has been kinder to Daltrey's vocal chords

I am hopefully going to see Robert & the Strange Sensation playing at the Live Earth event in 8th of July here in Bucharest, so we can combine our feedback! Smile

I didn't vote because pear and oranges don't compare.
Fred: Actually Plant's voice has never neen better IMHO. The last two Strange Sensation are marvellous. Daltrey's voice seems a bit rusty in the last Who album.
However time has not beeb kind physically to the "Golden God" , while Daltrey looks much youger than he is.

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: tardis
Date Posted: June 08 2007 at 17:46
Robert Plant...just like the name.

Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: June 08 2007 at 17:51
Originally posted by randyhiatt randyhiatt wrote:

RD seems "like" a college kid wimp to me, in looks and all.

I'd love to see what he'd do if you didn't have the comfort of the internet and you said that to his face. You'd be crappin' your own broken teeth for a week.



Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: June 08 2007 at 18:00
Plant, but only because he had the better main band, solo career, and voice.

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: randyhiatt
Date Posted: June 08 2007 at 21:42
Originally posted by E-Dub E-Dub wrote:

Originally posted by randyhiatt randyhiatt wrote:

RD seems "like" a college kid wimp to me, in looks and all.

I'd love to see what he'd do if you didn't have the comfort of the internet and you said that to his face. You'd be crappin' your own broken teeth for a week.


I ment he has that young big eye'd, hairless chest, squared jaw, college kid look, kinda innocent (I guess that's the punk part).

yes, he'd kick my ass


Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: June 09 2007 at 08:14
Originally posted by randyhiatt randyhiatt wrote:

Originally posted by E-Dub E-Dub wrote:

Originally posted by randyhiatt randyhiatt wrote:

RD seems "like" a college kid wimp to me, in looks and all.

I'd love to see what he'd do if you didn't have the comfort of the internet and you said that to his face. You'd be crappin' your own broken teeth for a week.


I ment he has that young big eye'd, hairless chest, squared jaw, college kid look, kinda innocent (I guess that's the punk part).

yes, he'd kick my ass

OK, I get what you meant. The 'wimp' part really threw me off.



Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: June 09 2007 at 08:56

both are ofc great 2 of the best singers in rock.. but i go with Daltry he was the orginal and yes i like hes voice beter. And the who is my favorite classic rock band. Some days ago i bough a new live dvd with em from 75 huston texas and woooow great stuff been watching it over and over again, best live band ever.


Posted By: Progger
Date Posted: June 09 2007 at 16:04
Originally posted by Zargus Zargus wrote:

Some days ago i bough a new live dvd with em from 75 huston texas and woooow great stuff been watching it over and over again, best live band ever.

Is this a boot or official release ?

Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: June 10 2007 at 13:38
Good question.. i dont think it is but im no bootleg expert i found this site that sell it take a look for yourself.. -


Posted By: markosherrera
Date Posted: June 10 2007 at 20:21
Robert Plant for one hair

Posted By: The Whistler
Date Posted: June 11 2007 at 02:28
Daltrey. By a long shot. Far less annoying. Not that Plant's particularly annoying, but he did pave the way for high pitched, metal screamers.

"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson

Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: June 11 2007 at 08:52
Roger Daltrey for me, I like his style (and band) more.

Posted By: The Whistler
Date Posted: June 15 2007 at 03:46
Originally posted by darqdean darqdean wrote:

^ not bad for someone who is 63 then Wink
but why stop here - at one time both bands looked the same anyway...
Peter Townsend vs Jimny Page
John Entwistle vs John Paul Jones
Keith Moon vs John Bonham
The Who on all fronts EXCEPT guitar; as much as I feel Page is overrated, Townshead is easily the weakest link in their musical lineup.

"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: June 18 2007 at 01:13

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: vicZeppelin
Date Posted: June 18 2007 at 01:19
Hard one...

Robert Plant.

Posted By: billbuckner
Date Posted: June 19 2007 at 06:22
Possibly the hardest PA poll I've seen.


Posted By: Kid-A
Date Posted: June 19 2007 at 17:32
I love both, but Robert Plant led to Axl Rose, so I'll vote for Daltrey. And for me Zeppelin = page, the Who are a better overall group.


Posted By: Slayertplsko
Date Posted: July 07 2007 at 06:54
I voted for Plant, but this really is the hardest poll I've ever seen. Although Daltrey is a better frontman(according to stage presence - and there's no denying that), he still lack Plant's amazing range. For me, it's Plant.

Someone stated here, that Page was overrated. Well, I don't really agree. For me, as a guitarist, Page has always been never-ending source of inspiration. Man, he has the style that is so unique. There are many overrated guy yes - likes of Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen...and yeaah, then the suckers like Slash or Kirk Hammet, put Page deserves our respect.

Posted By: andu
Date Posted: July 12 2007 at 06:00
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Originally posted by andu andu wrote:

Originally posted by mystic fred mystic fred wrote:

As for today, i'm still a big fan of Robert Plant but i feel time has been kinder to Daltrey's vocal chords

I am hopefully going to see Robert & the Strange Sensation playing at the Live Earth event in 8th of July here in Bucharest, so we can combine our feedback! Smile

I didn't vote because pear and oranges don't compare.
Fred: Actually Plant's voice has never neen better IMHO. The last two Strange Sensation are marvellous. Daltrey's voice seems a bit rusty in the last Who album.
However time has not beeb kind physically to the "Golden God" , while Daltrey looks much youger than he is.

So I've been to the Plant concert and he was superb - and the most surprising thing (even for me) was that his voice is still as good as it was in the late 70s! He took all the high notes just like he always did, it were the low notes he kinda avoided, while I would have expected the exact opposite...
Here are some samples (phone camera videos):
Black Dog - -
Babe I'm Gonna Leave - -

Fantastic music, great band, Robert Plant, what a night!

"PA's own GI Joe!"

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 12 2007 at 06:09
yes I've noticed this too, andu, he seems to actually be getting better... even when I saw him for 'Now and Zen' he was sounding better than he had on his first three albums.

Posted By: andu
Date Posted: July 12 2007 at 06:36
I think the secret of his long lasting career is that he knows what to do with the available resources. I also reckon the essence of his late "maturity" does not lie necessarily in his voice, but in something rather undefinable - possibly a mix of voice evolution, personal charisma & wisdom, attitude, restless artistic creativity... I say this as he was singing better in the early 70s; 1972 seems to me to have been his best year ever, as proven by "How The West Was Won".

The European Robert Plant / Strange Sensation tour is in full pace now: there will be 12 more concerts until the last one on August 18, starting today with the Belgrade concert. People, do not miss this!
Here are the tour dates: -

"PA's own GI Joe!"

Posted By: Equality 7-2521
Date Posted: July 12 2007 at 11:38

On paper Daltrey is the better stage performer, he certainly was flashier. However, Plant had this inescapable allure about him. He did much less on stage to keep you interested, but he didn't seem to have to do anything and your eyes were still fixated.

Vocally I feel Plant is far superior. The only album which I would call Daltrey vocals amazing is Quadrophenia, but Plant has 6 albums about which I'd say that.

I voted Plant.

"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "

Posted By: Morak99
Date Posted: July 12 2007 at 13:29
Daltry, I say. Both have thier strenghts, but I find that when I compare a Zep and Who song, I'll almost always prefer the Who's vocals.

Posted By: Leningrad
Date Posted: July 15 2007 at 18:40
I love both, although Daltrey wins because I've seen him live.

Posted By: Hacketeer
Date Posted: July 15 2007 at 18:43
Daltrey for me, the only words I could decipher Plant singing were "baby" and "woman".

"Just keep me nose clean, egg, chips & beans, I'm always full of steam"

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 15 2007 at 18:45
^ and mamma.. don't forget mamma

Posted By: T.Rox
Date Posted: July 18 2007 at 06:25

I'm going with Daltrey because he's ahead in the poll ... and I like to back a winner! Wink

Not really, I'm going for Daltrey because I really enjoy his work with the 'oo. Daltrey is dynamite.
Plant has been good of recent, though. Mighty Rearranger is good album, as is Dreamland ... I really get into the take on "Hey Joe" from Dreamland.

"Without prog, life would be a mistake."

...with apologies to Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: July 18 2007 at 09:53
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

^ and mamma.. don't forget mamma

hahaha.. yup he likes his mamma.. yes he do. Wink


Posted By: StyLaZyn
Date Posted: July 18 2007 at 15:03
Two different styles, personalities, and voices.
I can't choose readily. Since Plant is currently the underdog, I must go with him.


Posted By: meinmatrix
Date Posted: July 19 2007 at 08:22
I used to be a big fan of Led Zeppelin, and i still am. But when you put 25 years extended remastered version of "Live at Leeds" in your cd player, the answer is clear: Roger Daltrey.


Posted By: Barla
Date Posted: July 19 2007 at 16:32
Robert GOD Plant. One of the best vocalist in history!!! He's in a superior level when it comes to vocals and stage prescence (BUT obviously behind Freddie).


Posted By: markosherrera
Date Posted: July 22 2007 at 19:28 - -

Posted By: Asyte2c00
Date Posted: July 22 2007 at 19:30
They both suck. 
When it coms to har rock, ian gillan or ozzy orbourne

Posted By: bluetailfly
Date Posted: July 22 2007 at 19:45
Well, Plant is the better artist, hands down. If you want to limit it to stage presence and vocal ability, Plant still wins because he's simply a more interesting person to watch and to listen to. Daltrey is a an excellent vocalist, and the Who music would be much less without his interpretation of Townsend's ideas. But his talent stops there (and that's a quite the talent to possess).
But Plant is the true warrior/artist. I really respect what he continues to do.

"The red polygon's only desire / is to get to the blue triangle."

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: July 22 2007 at 20:05

stuffing socks in crotch or swinging micophones and beating up your bandmates...

Daltrey by a mile

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: bluetailfly
Date Posted: July 22 2007 at 20:25
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:


stuffing socks in crotch or swinging micophones and beating up your bandmates...

Daltrey by a mile
LOLLOL This is the logic by which you made your decision?!

"The red polygon's only desire / is to get to the blue triangle."

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 22 2007 at 20:31
On a good night, Zeppelin delivered more music and magic than most of their contemporaries, and being an indispensible part of that is really where Plant takes the prize.

Posted By: Dim
Date Posted: July 22 2007 at 23:30
Plant lost his vocals after three years with zeppelin


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 22 2007 at 23:46
he lost his high range by '73 but he made up for it with some great soul on Physical Graffiti, SRTS, and Presence. And his blues knowledge and artistry is second to none, up there with Janis and Joe Cocker

Posted By: Hirgwath
Date Posted: July 24 2007 at 18:15
If you don't vote for Daltrey, you'll get a bunch of fives. It took a strong right hook to be the Who's front man.

Posted By: Hirgwath
Date Posted: July 24 2007 at 18:15
(Sorry, I double-posted)

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: July 24 2007 at 18:20
Originally posted by bluetailfly bluetailfly wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:


stuffing socks in crotch or swinging micophones and beating up your bandmates...

Daltrey by a mile
LOLLOL This is the logic by which you made your decision?!

hahhahah    ahhh... yeah!!! 

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: mrcozdude
Date Posted: July 25 2007 at 02:28
2 of my favourite bands Cry arhh  i'll go for plant seeing every vocal track is always outstanding

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Guzzman
Date Posted: July 25 2007 at 13:15
Although it's a difficult choice I have to say Robert Plant. Plant and Daltrey were/are two extraordinary stage personalities. I don't know if Plant would have been able to sing Quadrophenia, but I'm equally unsure considering Daltrey singing any Led Zeppelin-tune. They both were excellent in their heydays and both lost some of their abilities later on, but made up for it somehow. In the end it was Plant for me because he has the wider range and can sing softer, more pleading - which is what a hard rock shouter should be able to do now and then. Just listen to "Babe I'm gonna leave you" - that song has it all.

"We've got to get in to get out"

Posted By: Kyle
Date Posted: July 31 2007 at 16:43
No contest. Daltrey hands down. He has more range and power in his voice. Plant is just plain annoying and overrated, sorta like the group he once fronted....

Posted By: Badger
Date Posted: August 31 2007 at 01:04
If only there was a formula  to employ. The science of art....Wacko
Do they know it's a competition? 

Posted By: ClashWho
Date Posted: September 18 2007 at 04:37
Daltrey beats Plant pretty easily when it comes to stage presence and consistency. I just saw The Who a few months ago and Daltrey's voice is still a powerhouse.

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: February 08 2008 at 13:12
Led Zep vocals always were difficult to me to accept .... In the other case The Who was much easier to get into. So i'll go for Daltrey. He's a marvellous singer and when he sings live seems like DP or LZ itself.

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