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mellotron on dvd

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Topic: mellotron on dvd
Posted By: rick gryphon
Subject: mellotron on dvd
Date Posted: May 16 2007 at 05:56
hello there are there any fans of mellotron out there that could tell me what dvd or video is there of mellotron bands if possible thanks .....

Posted By: iguana
Date Posted: May 16 2007 at 06:04
check' IQ's “live from london 1985“ DVD (also originally released as the
“living proof“ live album) – widge is working a nice ‘tron on there.
also “yessongs“ (esp. wakeman's solo)


progressive rock and rural tranquility don't match. true or false?

Posted By: pero
Date Posted: May 16 2007 at 06:23
"Keyboard wizzards" with: Emerson, Wakeman, and lot of others

Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: May 16 2007 at 08:07
Nearfest 2005 DVD with Wobbler
Yes - Yessongs
IQ - Live In London
Pallas - Live In London
Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same
Barclay James Harvest - Caught Live
The Strawbs - Live In Tokyo '75
Rick Wakeman - Journey To The Centre Of The Earth
Steve Hackett - Live 1979
Earth & Fire - Greatest Hits
For more details, see my reviews on this site Wink
Good luck, fellow Tron-maniac Thumbs%20Up

Posted By: pierreolivier
Date Posted: May 16 2007 at 18:18
Erik named the majors dvd featuring Mellotron but there's are others that featured it,only in some moments of the dvd.
1.Led Zeppellin-DVD box set:during the '75 tour,who can see JP Jones playing the intro of "stairway to heaven" and "The Rain Song" on a white M400.
2.Jean-Michel Jarre-Oxygen in Moscow 1997:JM Jarre played a modified Mark II Mellotron with a plexiglass back on 2 songs of this dvd.He played it with white gloves but uses it for Fairlight sounds only.Confused
3.The Beatles-Anthology:It's very brief but during "Stawberry Fields"history,you could see Paul McCartney performing the famous flute mellotron intro on a rare Mark V Mellotron.You also see the back of a Mark II sound effects console during the "Lady Madonna" video when Ringo is sitting on a chair and dancing seated.LOL
4.David Bowie-Ziggy Stardust dvd:Don't know the exact title of that dvd but featured an M400 on several songs.
5.OMD-"Architecture and Morality"tour:I don't know if it's out on dvd but remembered that I saw a video of that tour.They used a black Novatron(the same as Mellotron,the company had to change the name in the late 70's) on several songs like "Joan of Arc".
These examples are minor ones and featured the Mellotron briefly but Erik already cited the major ones.Wink

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