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Sola Scriptura

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Topic: Sola Scriptura
Posted By: Yito
Subject: Sola Scriptura
Date Posted: April 17 2007 at 12:40

My favorite album of Neal Morse, my choice is "The Conclusion" is Fantastic.


Psalm 96
1 Sing to the LORD a new song;
       sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Posted By: RaphaelT
Date Posted: April 17 2007 at 14:32
Great music, although my favorite is The Door, especially the closing section "Upon The Door" - just warm welcome

yet you still have time!

Posted By: Lofcaudio
Date Posted: April 17 2007 at 15:08
Originally posted by RaphaelT RaphaelT wrote:

my favorite is The Door, especially the closing section "Upon The Door"
I wholeheartedly agree.  The Conclusion is my second favorite track though as the final climax is pretty special.  But Gilbert's guitar solo during Upon the Door really steals the show.

Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: April 17 2007 at 17:37
Gosh, this is tough. The first two and closing sections of The Door are better than the corresponding sections of The Conflict, and I like "This Is All I Ask For" too, but the instrumental in the middle of The Conflict (the beginning of the "Underground" section), the rest of that section and "Two Down One To Go" are possibly my highlights of the album. Of course, The Conclusion brings back the intro and the other awesome instrumental section and puts them together, which is awesome, and the rest of the song is good too. Heaven in My Heart is a good song, but surely is not as exhilerating as the epics. I will have to pick upon further thought.

Posted By: martinprog77
Date Posted: April 18 2007 at 00:44

i go with the door but is hard to choose , the whole albun is fantastic imo

Nothing can last
there are no second chances.
Never give a day away.
Always live for today.

Posted By: enteredwinter
Date Posted: April 18 2007 at 00:52
It seems pretty clear that The Conflict is the best track on the album, at least to me.

Then again, the album as a whole is so strong, that it's not a very obvious choice.

But yeah, as Moatill...ata..ta [errrrr, I'm having trouble spelling his user name Confused] said, the middle of The Conflict is really the best part of the album.


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