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Cannot print album pics

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Topic: Cannot print album pics
Posted By: Hibou
Subject: Cannot print album pics
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 15:40

Has anyone ever tried printing album pictures from ProgArchives lately? I do lots of biographies and like to print the pages containing album details before I start (album title, picture, track listing and line-up).


I have no problem printing any of this provided I don’t include the picture. When I do (or when I try to print the picture alone), I get an error message (An error has occurred in your program… Close…Ignore) and then pooof ! I'm unceremoniously kicked out of Internet Explorer .


This problem only started recently. I thought it had something to do with the various changes on the site but even mailto:super-M@x - super-M@x  is at a loss to explain.


Any ideas or suggestions, anyone?


Thanks in advance.



Gene Police: You!! Out of the pool!

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 19:21

I just tried it without any problems!

It printed the album picture and an acknowledgement footer too!

Big smile


Posted By: Hibou
Date Posted: February 12 2005 at 19:43

Well, thanks anyway, Reed. I guess there must be something wrong with my own set up (computer or printer configuration).


Gene Police: You!! Out of the pool!

Posted By: ProgRex
Date Posted: April 18 2005 at 03:41

It can be a browser configuration. I had a similar problem and I found it was an Internet Explorer Setting.


Hope this helps!!



Posted By: Hibou
Date Posted: April 18 2005 at 19:31

Good idea, PR. I'll check my settings.


Gene Police: You!! Out of the pool!

Posted By: ProgRex
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 02:16

...and let me know if you solved the problem.



Originally posted by Hibou Hibou wrote:

Good idea, PR. I'll check my settings.


Posted By: Hibou
Date Posted: April 23 2005 at 11:42

I’ve tried changing a few settings, such as enabling “Print background colors & images” in the “Advanced” Internet Options window, but to no avail. Something tells me some of my Internet Explorer settings were probably changed when I installed new programmes but I’ll be d… if I ever know which ones. Of course, I could try restoring everything to “Default” but then I’d be losing everything else I’ve set up so far.


Mind you, I’ve managed to circumvent the problem by simply cutting and pasting the selected pictures into a Word document. They print perfectly. So I’ll leave it at that for now, as the problem only occurs with ProgArchives album pics.


As for your search problem with the word “MODIFY”, I’ve never heard of this one. The only time the search device is disabled is if the cursor is highlighting a word (or a set of words) while you’re doing the search. Since you’ve done many tests, I’m sure this wasn’t the problem. Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice…

Gene Police: You!! Out of the pool!

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