Magic Cat Radio comes to us from Kev Ellis of Buddbledubble, Dr Brown and Magic Cat, and features special live performances from a variety of Psychedelic and Space Rock bands, and anything else that Kev cares to share. Email your thoughts and comments to Kev at mailto:[email protected] - [email protected] . You can also visit Kev's personal home page at - . NOW BROADCASTING IN HI & LO BANDWIDTH MP3 AND REALAUDIO Magic Cat Radio show #17 (February 18, 2007) Listen Mp3 (Lo bandwidth) Listen Mp3 (Hi bandwidth) Download Mp3 (Lo bandwidth) (12 megs) Download Mp3 (Hi bandwidth) (60 megs)
This show is presented by Robo-DJ "Mary In Space" Playlist [Track 1] Dream Machine - "Machina Dread" (from site) [Track 2] Malarchy - "Dancing Horse" (from web site) [Track 3] Carl Cape - "Gold" (from Cape Reborn) [Track 4] Acousticat - "Pitchfork Rebellion" (from forthcoming Acousticat album( [Track 5] Flipron - "Curtains" (from Biscuits for Cerberus) [Track 6] Nukli - "Sometimes" (unreleased) [Track 7] Spaceseed with Harvey Bainbridge - "Wasted Skies" (from The Empire of Night) [Track 8] Cyndee Lee Rule - "Telekinetigram" (from UFOsmosis) [Track 9] Akahum - "D'Orror" (unreleased) [Track 10] O-head - "Red Skies" (from Step Across the Vortex) [Track 11] Trancient Dreams - "Dread Central" (from Into the Ether) [Track 12] Canartic - "One Drop" (from Headphone Test) [Track 13] Sonic Arcana - "Spice Island Sunset" (unreleased)