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YES/ABWH Elimination Tournament Round 3

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Topic: YES/ABWH Elimination Tournament Round 3
Posted By: yarstruly
Subject: YES/ABWH Elimination Tournament Round 3
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 15:56
OK!...after the run-off, Union has been voted out!
Again vote for the studio album you like LEAST....
History of elimination so far:
Round 1: Big Generator
Round 2: Union (After Run-off)
This poll will end at aproximately 12:30 pm EST on Thursday 2/15.
I apologize for getting behind so often on this poll so much.  I have been extremely busy with both work & home tasks of late, but hopefully things will be settling down shortly....

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Posted By: yarstruly
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 15:57
This time I do say Open Your Eyes...not as bad IMO as some seem to think, but not as good as the others...

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Posted By: video vertigo
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 16:38

"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa

Posted By: Rubidium
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 19:11
Tough choice, but I choose 90125

Posted By: Chris H
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 20:36
9012-crap for me.
Whats with the two automatic anti-fanboy votes for CTTE? Notice how they never explain?

Beauty will save the world.

Posted By: video vertigo
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 20:44
Originally posted by Zappa88 Zappa88 wrote:

9012-crap for me.

Whats with the two automatic anti-fanboy votes for CTTE? Notice how they never explain?

Although I didn't vote for it this time I did in the last round and I did explain. This round I voted for the album that I think is the only one just as bad, Relayer.

Some people just don't like certain albums and this isn't a discussion thread, maybe whoever else voted for it doesn't want to start an argument.

"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa

Posted By: bhikkhu
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 21:03
"Tormato" this time for me. That one just bores me to death.

a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: keith_emerson
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 21:11
i voted Close to the Edge just for fun, cause it will obviously win although my "efforts"

Posted By: Chris H
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 21:26
Originally posted by keith_emerson keith_emerson wrote:

i voted Close to the Edge just for fun, cause it will obviously win although my "efforts"
Well that kind of kills the whole point, now doesnt it?Confused

Beauty will save the world.

Posted By: Rubidium
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 21:50
Originally posted by keith_emerson keith_emerson wrote:

i voted Close to the Edge just for fun, cause it will obviously win although my "efforts"

If I recall correctly this is how a similar elimination tournament failed in the past, because everybody thought it would be fun to vote out the highest rated albums first.  If you don't like the album that's fine, but it just seems to me that if you vote for it just for the heck of it, it takes the fun out of it for everybody else...Confused

Posted By: Flyingsod
Date Posted: February 13 2007 at 00:23
Originally posted by bhikkhu bhikkhu wrote:

"Tormato" this time for me. That one just bores me to death.

Most excellent choice! No one has a kind word for this album I can't imagine why it hangs on. A vote fot Tormato is a vote for tommorow!


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Posted By: yarstruly
Date Posted: February 13 2007 at 10:36
We get out of this tournament what we put into it.......if CTTE gets cut early, that's how it goes.  If we want an accurate picture, we have to give accurate info.  I am only hopeful that those who are voting against CTTE are doing so sincerely.  It is my all time favorite album, but thatdoesn't mean everyone has to agree.
BTW discussion is highly encouraged!

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Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: February 13 2007 at 11:07
Originally posted by Flyingsod Flyingsod wrote:

Originally posted by bhikkhu bhikkhu wrote:

"Tormato" this time for me. That one just bores me to death.

Most excellent choice! No one has a kind word for this album I can't imagine why it hangs on. A vote fot Tormato is a vote for tommorow!
I like it, well some of it anyway. "Release Release" and OTSWOF are pretty good. Just ignore "Circus of Heaven" and it's not too bad.

Posted By: video vertigo
Date Posted: February 13 2007 at 20:59
Originally posted by yarstruly yarstruly wrote:

We get out of this tournament what we put into it.......if CTTE gets cut early, that's how it goes.  If we want an accurate picture, we have to give accurate info.  I am only hopeful that those who are voting against CTTE are doing so sincerely.  It is my all time favorite album, but thatdoesn't mean everyone has to agree.

BTW discussion is highly encouraged!

Don't get me wrong I like CTTE but it is tied with my least favorite Yes album. I'm hoping it makes an early departure at least not in the finals because I prefer so many different Yes albums

"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa

Posted By: yarstruly
Date Posted: February 14 2007 at 10:48
Wow...interesting choices tied for elimination so far...CTTE & 90125....Both strong albums in my book...but I said ......we get out of the tournament what we put into it, and not everyone will agree with me.....(although I am working on that Wink)

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Posted By: yarstruly
Date Posted: February 15 2007 at 13:02
Looks like we have to have another runoff.....'
Surprisingly between Close to the Edge & 90125.....
It will be posted soon.........

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Posted By: Flyingsod
Date Posted: February 15 2007 at 21:30
See what ya gone and did Kieth_Emerson. naughty naughty.


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