Best prog year
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Topic: Best prog year
Posted By: video vertigo
Subject: Best prog year
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 02:03
The 80s are the least popular prog years. Which year was the best for prog?
------------- "The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa
Posted By: progismylife
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 02:11
Either 1980 or 1981, imo. 1980, Permanent Waves (rush) and Drama (yes) were released. 1981, Moving Pictures (rush) and Discipline (king crimson) were released.
Posted By: The Whistler
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 02:16
'82? Broadsword 'n thu Hood? -ed Crow? Damn I Stand Up for that album a lot...
------------- "There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson
Posted By: DarioIndjic
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 02:23
1980 ,which i consider the last year of classic prog era.
------------- Ars longa , vita brevis
Posted By: progadicto
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 02:57
1985... I really don't know if this was the best prog year from the 80's but it eas the year when MISPLACED CHILDOOD were released and I think that's enough...
------------- ... E N E L B U N K E R...
Posted By: KeleCableII
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 03:00
80/81. Permanent Waves or Moving Pictures. Can't decide which I like more, but I went with PW.
Posted By: Asphalt
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 03:46
Moving Pictures & Discipline; can it get any better?
Posted By: archivep
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 04:05
decided for ´85 "Power Windows" and "Misplaced Childhood" but very close to ´87 "Hold Your Fire" and ´88 "Operation Mindcrime"...
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 07:14
Absolute shocker of a decade - I perused my collection and would be hard pressed to find more than two good releases for any year during this period. On that basis no vote possible I'm afraid.
On a less negative note prog rock has come on leaps and bounds since then, so I tend to look at the 80's as "The Lost Decade" - so no loss to me. I did tend to buy only classical and opera at the time, in part because, for me, rock music had hit an all-time low.
Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 07:35
I chose 81 because of "Discipline" and "Moving pictures".Although 86 was great for metal with "Rage for Order" and "Awaken the Guardian".
------------- "The wind is slowly tearing her apart"
Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 11:06
I'm torn between 1980 and 1981. Art Zoyd's Génération Sans Futur was
released in 1980, but Univers Zéro's Ceux du Dehors was released in
1981... Extremely hard choice!
I ended up voting for 1981, since it had fewer votes.
Posted By: Chris S
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 11:45
1988- spirit of eden, talk talk
------------- <font color=Brown>Music - The Sound Librarian
...As I venture through the slipstream, between the viaducts in your dreams...[/COLOR]
Posted By: Firepuck
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 11:50
^ hmmm, still have to vote for '81 and the rebirth of King Crimson
------------- Kryten : "'Pub'? Ah yes, A meeting place where humans attempt to achieve advanced states of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of fermented vegetable drinks."
Posted By: Revan
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 14:45
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 14:46
1981!!! Rush´s best : Moving Pictures King Crimson´s best output of the ´80: Discipline and Dün´s only album and masterpiece: Eros
------------- "You want me to play what, Robert?"
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 14:48
Asphalt wrote:
Moving Pictures & Discipline; can it get any better?
Can it get any better? How about any year from the ´70??? jajaja    
------------- "You want me to play what, Robert?"
Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 14:49
^^Where can I get hold of Eros? After hearing the sample on PA I'm very anxious to lay my hands on a copy of it!
Posted By: Freak
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 16:34
Clutching At Straws in '87. There's not much else from the 80s that I listen to besides Marillion prog-wise.
Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 16:38
85. Misplaced Childhood and I was born
------------- Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005
Posted By: Walker
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 18:23
EEK! the eighties! <runs screaming from the room>
Posted By: Walker
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 18:26
OK I'll be serious now..
I voted '83 vecause of Script for A Jester's Tear. Marillion was the only prog for me during those lost years. (I had never heard of IQ or the other neo-progs at the time, only Marillion)
Posted By: The T
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 21:31
The best year was the year Myung and Petrucci met Portnoy at Berklee. I'm going to check it out on the DVD but I think it was 1986, anyway, that was the best year, closely followed by the year Dominici was finally kicked out in favor of master LaBrie....
No, I think, for one, that the 80's was a healthy decade. I don't pick a year, one, because of lazyness, two, because all were good in some way or the other, three, becasue who cares what i pick?
Posted By: Sublimación
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 21:37
moving pictures,
but i´m agree whit everyone in that the 70´s are the soul of prog
Posted By: Dragon Phoenix
Date Posted: January 09 2007 at 08:57
1983 on the strength of Bacamarte and Marillion.
------------- Blog this:
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: January 09 2007 at 09:41
Philéas wrote:
^^Where can I get hold of Eros? After hearing the sample on PA I'm very anxious to lay my hands on a copy of it!
I got it from my friend and fellow progarchive member martinn, who got it from a blog If you are interested I will PM the link
------------- "You want me to play what, Robert?"
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: January 09 2007 at 09:42
The T wrote:
The best year was the year Myung and Petrucci met Portnoy at Berklee. I'm going to check it out on the DVD but I think it was 1986, anyway, that was the best year, closely followed by the year Dominici was finally kicked out in favor of master LaBrie....
No, I think, for one, that the 80's was a healthy decade. I don't pick a year, one, because of lazyness, two, because all were good in some way or the other, three, becasue who cares what i pick?
I care
------------- "You want me to play what, Robert?"
Posted By: MattiR
Date Posted: January 09 2007 at 11:01
Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: January 09 2007 at 12:16
el böthy wrote:
If you are interested I will PM the link
Please do! 
Posted By: Flip_Stone
Date Posted: January 09 2007 at 18:10
This must be a joke. Prog. was sinking fast in the 1980s, so we'd have to look to the 1970s for "Best prog. year".
Posted By: eugene
Date Posted: January 09 2007 at 18:47
Thanks for attending, Flip_Stone.
------------- carefulwiththataxe