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Line breaks in forum posts

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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Report bugs here
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Printed Date: March 13 2025 at 21:06
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: Line breaks in forum posts
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Line breaks in forum posts
Date Posted: January 27 2005 at 03:12
I've had this problem where the posts I make will have line breaks where
the text is wrapped. Ordinarily is isn't a problem really, other than it will
make posts twice as long lengthwise, problems exist when using BBCode
tags, images and links will not be parsed correctly if the URI spans the
text area wrap. I've also noticed this with other users, although theirs are
a bit longer.

The problem even occurs if text is pasted into the textarea then copied,
there will be line breaks where the text is wrapped. It seems like the
script is somehow changing the behaviour of the textarea, I tried copying
the <form> HTML code and put it into a PHP script and it worked fine. It
looks like a compatibilty issue with the Microsoft scripting language, just
like the the posting review error. To post images I had to use Virtual PC to
use Internet Explorer.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March 12 2005 at 04:50
I'm not sure why it didn't when I copied the HTML. Posts by quite a few
memebers including myself have <br/> tags in the post, regular posts do
not have any <br/> tags in the "<!-- Message body -->".

I'm not sure if you want to mess with the Web Wiz Forum code, but I think
it's the "PHYSICAL" value in the textarea tag that is causing problems, I'm
not sure why it doesn't affect Windows users users though. If you
changed it to "virtual" it would appear the same but would submitted via
post as one line unless line breaks have been entered.

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