find reviews with reviewdigger
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Topic: find reviews with reviewdigger
Posted By: bossekaka
Subject: find reviews with reviewdigger
Date Posted: December 08 2006 at 15:17
I have been involved in developing a search engine for music reviews: - .
Eventually, we will cover all genres, but currently our own favourite genres (take a guess ) are the best covered ones.
Try it out, I would really appreciate feedback!
Thanks, Bosse
Posted By: Howe Protege
Date Posted: December 09 2006 at 01:13
Wow! Thats pretty cool as well as extremely usefull. When will it be completly finished?
------------- My favorite pasty faced British pal.
Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: December 09 2006 at 04:38
Nice looking service!
Posted By: progismylife
Date Posted: December 09 2006 at 04:49
Will it have Prog Archive reviews on it?
Posted By: bossekaka
Date Posted: December 09 2006 at 05:54
> When will it be completly finished?
Never . New functions, and more importantly, new reviews will be added on a regular basis.
Will it have Prog Archive reviews on it?
Maybe. Generally speaking, I find reviews at revies-sites more interesting than reviews posted by members in communities (or user reviews like those on amazon). The reason is that people tend to post reviews on bands they love and not on bands they find mediocre. That said, I might still add "community-reviews" from a few selected sites that has a decent average quality on the reviews (like prog archives or progressive ears from the prog-world).
Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: December 09 2006 at 06:56
I run my own website ( ... I was wondering: Wouldn't it make sense for you to offer an interface which other websites could use to import their reviews in your database? Right now your website looks a bit like a news/rss aggregator ... I could easily implement a XML web service which you could use to download reviews.
Something like:
<reviews> <review permalink="..."> <created_ts>...</created_ts> <artist>...</artist> <album>...</album> <rating>...</rating> <teaser>...</teaser> </review> ... </reviews>
You could import them automatically by downloading this from external sites ... or you could offer a service on your website which other websites could use to upload their reviews.
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Posted By: bossekaka
Date Posted: December 09 2006 at 07:10
Yes, it is a good idea to implement some sort of upload-feature. It might turn up eventually...
Of course you would still have to manually approve the uploads somehow, otherwise you would soon be drowned by crap and spam. And you would still have to index a lot of sites the old-fashioned way, because a lot of site-owners wouldn't bother if they had to do something themselves.
Posted By: Angelo
Date Posted: December 09 2006 at 08:14
Another idea: Google offers (free?) possibilities to use their search engines to create your own dedicated ones. Could save you the need to collect everything at your own server, and with some intelligent querying you can still get only the reviews that meet your criteria....
I've been looking into the possibilities a bit at work, for other purposes and it works pretty well if you know the query options and commands.
EDIT: to beat the smart asses among you to it, I am very much aware that this will only work for public reviews, not for those that required user ids and passwords to view.
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