Worst Rush album of the 2nd era?
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Topic: Worst Rush album of the 2nd era?
Posted By: Wutu Banale
Subject: Worst Rush album of the 2nd era?
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 13:30
Most of use knows how the Rush albums could/should be categorized (Four studios, one live being an era). Second era is clearly the most "Proggiest" and many people concider this the best era of Rush. So that's why i am asking which of those four albums is the Worst, or if you do not want to use so agressive word you can tell us which you "Least Prefer". My Pick is Permanent Waves, greatcover but it seems to be a bit dull... Like a pale shadow of Moving Pictures. Only 2nd era album i don't listen to regulary. (If some of you who are "Not so much into Rush" ask this, Caress of steel and 2112 are not second era albums even though they are very progish)
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Posted By: eugene
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 13:44
All four albums here are great. My favourite is Permanent waves. I think Moving Pictures is slightly weaker than the rest, but still very good, hence no vote.
------------- carefulwiththataxe
Posted By: KeleCableII
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 14:03
Oh, man, this is hard. I would have to go with Hemispheres... although I love it.
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 14:21
Ah, so the worst of most of the best (or most highly regarded by many Proggers) All are great, but Permanent Waves is my least favourite.
I would rank them thusly from my favourite to least favourite:
1. Hemispheres (always been my favourite) 2. A Farewell to Kings (always been my second favourite) 3. Moving Waves (my third favourite) 4. Permanent Waves (I do prefer 2112 however).
Posted By: Legoman
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 14:31
I can't believe what a difficult poll this is! I voted for A Farewell to Kings solely because that's the one I've listened to the least! :( Though, I do have to admit that Permanent Waves to probably the least technical.
Posted By: ANDREW
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 14:38
NONE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are all GREAT!!!!!!
Posted By: MajesterX
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 14:40
Moving Pictures. It is the least proggy and most overrated in my opinion. It's good but is nothing compared to the other 70's albums in this poll.
Geddy's vocals are annoying on Moving Pictures and the whole band sounds much more restrained on that album.
At least permanent waves has great epics like Natural Science and Jacob's ladder. I think after Permanent Waves Neil's lyrics started to go downhill.
Posted By: stewe
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 14:48
None of them.. But if I'd have to say it or die, I'd choose AFtK.
Posted By: billbuckner
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 15:32
I can't seem to get into Moving Pictures like I get into the others.
Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 15:42
ANDREW wrote:
NONE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are all GREAT!!!!!! |
Yeah, I can't quite get behind this poll. Maybe Permanent Waves is the 'least phenomenal', but I can't say that any of these gems are the worst. That word simply can't be used in regards to these fine albums.
Posted By: The Rock
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 16:00
There are no ''worst'' album among those listed above.
The term does not apply,so I did not vote.
------------- What's gonna come out of my mouth is gonna come out of my soul."Skip Prokop"
Posted By: Sasquamo
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 16:23
If I put this list in order from favorite to least favorite, it would be identical to my top four favorite Rush albums of all time.
1. A Farewell to Kings 2. Hemispheres 3. Permanent Waves 4. Moving Pictures.
So I voted for Moving Pictures.
Posted By: Melomaniac
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 16:26
No vote for me, they are all great albums.
------------- "One likes to believe in the freedom of Music" - Neil Peart, The Spirit of Radio
Posted By: Equality 7-2521
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 16:40
^ Yes they are all great albums, but unless you like them all equally there is a worst of the 4.
Moving Pictures for me, I consider it a 4 1/2 star album among 5 stars.
------------- "One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 16:54
Hemispheres is the weakest of a truly exceptional quartet, just.
Posted By: Wutu Banale
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 17:03
The Rock wrote:
There are no ''worst'' album among those listed above.
The term does not apply,so I did not vote.
As i said in the first post, you can also use the term "Prefer the least".
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Posted By: rushaholic
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 17:07
The use of the word worst has a very negative sound to it. The 4 listed albums are 4 of my favorites with no "worst" among them. Truly masterpieces.
A better poll would be which of the 4 albums are the best: Moving Pictures.
Posted By: Ben2112
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 17:27
Tony R wrote:
Hemispheres is the weakest of a truly exceptional quartet, just.
Agreed. Hemispheres is the one that I find myself listening to the least. But note that I give all of these albums five stars.
Posted By: THE_POLE
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 17:35
Hemispheres is the only album out of those four that i enjoy. I find the rest ever so slightly boring.
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Posted By: Wutu Banale
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 17:36
rushaholic wrote:
The use of the word worst has a very negative sound to it. The 4 listed albums are 4 of my favorites with no "worst" among them. Truly masterpieces.
A better poll would be which of the 4 albums are the best: Moving Pictures.
I just wanna try bit different polls from the "Best of these" type polls.
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Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 17:50
Posted By: MadcapLaughs84
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 18:27
I haven't heard it a lot but Permanent Waves is the one I like less.
Posted By: progismylife
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 18:33
Considering I just listened to those albums in a row, I pick Permanent Waves. It's good, just not the best of the choices up there.
Posted By: chessman
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 19:19
To me, the first era ended with Hemispheres, and the second era started with Permanent Waves (and ended with Hold Your Fire).
Hemispheres and A Farewell To Kings are my two favourite Rush albums. Permanent Waves is one of my four least favourite, so guess which I voted for!
Posted By: video vertigo
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 21:29
Permanent Waves is the most flawless, then Hemispheres. Moving Pictures will always mean something special to me.
By process of elimination I must vote for A Farewell to Kings.
------------- "The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa
Posted By: Arrrghus
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 23:04
So tough!!!! All of them are gems! As a big Rush fan, I can't really knock these albums at all, but I'd have to say Hemispheres is the "worst" of these albums.
Posted By: Soul Dreamer
Date Posted: December 02 2006 at 23:11
^^^Hemispheres is the best (imo ofcourse). The "worst" (if you can speak of anything like that in this context, which I'd rather not do) imo is Permanent Waves, but that's still a VERY good album!
------------- To be the one who seeks so I may find .. (Metallica)
Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: December 03 2006 at 06:28
Permanent Waves. The only Rush album I could never get into.
Posted By: Wutu Banale
Date Posted: December 03 2006 at 06:38
A Farewell to Kings is doing A LOT better than i thought in this poll.
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Posted By: progismylife
Date Posted: December 03 2006 at 06:41
Wutu Banale wrote:
A Farewell to Kings is doing A LOT better than i thought in this poll. |
Who can deny Cygnus X-1?
Posted By: Wutu Banale
Date Posted: December 03 2006 at 06:55
progismylife wrote:
Wutu Banale wrote:
A Farewell to Kings is doing A LOT better than i thought in this poll. | Who can deny Cygnus X-1? |
No one!  But i was expecting AFTK ja PW to have the most votes.
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Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: December 03 2006 at 17:46
none of thses is the worst..
this poll is worst!!!
Posted By: progadicto
Date Posted: December 03 2006 at 17:59
Wutu Banale wrote:
Most of use knows how the Rush albums could/should be categorized (Four studios, one live being an era). Second era is clearly the most "Proggiest" and many people concider this the best era of Rush. So that's why i am asking which of those four albums is the Worst, or if you do not want to use so agressive word you can tell us which you "Least Prefer". My Pick is Permanent Waves, greatcover but it seems to be a bit dull... Like a pale shadow of Moving Pictures. Only 2nd era album i don't listen to regulary. (If some of you who are "Not so much into Rush" ask this, Caress of steel and 2112 are not second era albums even though they are very progish) |
I have to insist with my LEAST FAVOURITE (sorry )... and that one is Permanent Waves...
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Posted By: MattiR
Date Posted: December 05 2006 at 10:17
Posted By: blazno
Date Posted: December 05 2006 at 13:05
Permanent Waves becuse of Spirit of the radio. It's just too "pop-ish" for my taste. But PW is still an excellent record.
Posted By: Angeldust
Date Posted: December 06 2006 at 06:31
Permanent waves is actually one of my favourite records,ever ..!
Posted By: Howe Protege
Date Posted: December 06 2006 at 15:07
Posted By: A B Negative
Date Posted: December 12 2006 at 06:29
Couldn't decide, love them all!
------------- "The disgusting stink of a too-loud electric guitar.... Now, that's my idea of a good time."
Posted By: Tenken
Date Posted: December 17 2006 at 15:56
Why "Moving Pictures" has so many votes? is it a bad album for you??

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