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Steve Howe & Martin Taylor live Canada

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Topic: Steve Howe & Martin Taylor live Canada
Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Subject: Steve Howe & Martin Taylor live Canada
Date Posted: September 28 2006 at 09:30

This saturday, on the 30 th of september, Steve Howe from Yes and his guitarist friend Martin Taylor will be playing near my home. The show: playing different pieces on many guitars as possible.

Those two musicians will play in the North of Mtl, in the College Theater Lionel Groulx in Ste-Thérèse. This place is about 5 minutes from my home by car. It's really rare to have a legend in my backyard like Steve Howe. I saw Steve played in Boston with Asia three weeks ago.
I will make you a report on sunday.   

C'est la vie

Posted By: Bern
Date Posted: September 28 2006 at 10:56
I'm seeing these 2 guys tomorrow night in L'assomption. They are coming in my backyard too. I can't wait. Smile


RIP in bossa nova heaven.

Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: September 28 2006 at 11:50
I hope you will enjoy this show Bern.
So,  on saturday, just come here and tell us your appreciation. Thanks in advance.

C'est la vie

Posted By: Bern
Date Posted: September 28 2006 at 11:53
I will for sure Smile


RIP in bossa nova heaven.

Posted By: Dick Heath
Date Posted: September 28 2006 at 12:01
Martin Taylor is one of the best jazz guitarists in Europe and undoubtedly push Howe (but remember Steve's son Dylan is now a jazz drummer with some reputation). I've seen Taylor do a delightful 2 hour solo concert, he has toured as part of the Four Martins (four guitarists with a common name including Martin Carthy, Juan Martin). BTW his in-between tunes patter is excellent, for instance he revealed at his solo concert he had been part of Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings' US tour 3 months before and playing rock'n'roll with an all star cast at volumes he had never used before.

Posted By: Phil
Date Posted: September 29 2006 at 07:12
I have the album "Masterpeices" by Howe and Taylor - though unfortunately there's not many duets on it, in fact its more Martin Taylor than Steve Howe. As Dick says, Martin Taylor (MBE or somesuch I believe, for services to music!) is one of the best jazz guitarists in Europe - a Brit, self taught I believe. An effortless style - I'd love to see him play live. I envy you guys - just hope Steve H keeps up with him!Wink

Posted By: laztraz
Date Posted: October 01 2006 at 11:24
I've seen both playing on their own.  Both are worth seeing esp if you love acoustic guitar.

Posted By: Prog.Sylvie
Date Posted: October 01 2006 at 11:46
We saw Martin and Steve played last night. While Martin Taylor's playing is effortless, Steve seems to rush a bit when he is playing ( at least for the first two pieces).
Martin Taylor is from Scotland. He is currently living in France. He can speak french while Steve does not understand a word in french.
Their concert is refreshing, very nice, and relaxing too. Some blues, some folk, some scottish folk, some pop , some jazz, and some country too. The Jazz way of playing with Martin, combined to a more pop and progressive way of playing with Steve. This mixture is fun when they are playing together. Great complicity, great musicianship, and also a great sens of humor.
Martin Taylor is very funny. He is very talented as a guitarist and  with his natural way of playing. He is also talented for telling jokes. He said that maybe he should become a stand up comick for a second carreer. He is right about it, because many times during this concert, we were smiling and laughing. Even the serious Steve was smiling to his friend jokes and to his way of playing the guitar.  
I think that playing with his friend Martin make Steve Howe surpass himself, and improve his way of playing. He does not have any other choice, because he knows that his friend Martin is somekind of a good guitarist. Even after a good pieces of Martin, Steve said : What should I play after that ? ( meaning, I know that I can not surpassed it, or it will be difficult to play better...). Steve play a song on the Fragile album. 
Anyway, the audience was happy after the show.   Steve and Martin came after to sign autograph on items. We did not stay, because we had to go home ( baby sitter...). It's pretty rare that international star comes in our suburban cities, so it was a concert not to miss.Clap
Nice evening   

C'est la vie

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