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top 100

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Polls
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Topic: top 100
Posted By: video vertigo
Subject: top 100
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 01:58
So again there have been changes in our top 100 specifically in the top 10 do you care?

"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa

Posted By: Fassbinder
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 02:13
No. I don't care at all.
I don't see much point in rating, but it's my own problem. For example, the man featuring on the signature of the poll starter doesn't figure in top 100; he's my favourite artist, but I feel comfortably without him in top 100 since I have my own opinion.
The top 100 (10, 50, 777 etc.) reflects the average of the other people opinions with which I have no problem at all.

Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 02:23
I dont care

what is it?

Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 02:23
Originally posted by video vertigo video vertigo wrote:

So again there have been changes in our top 100 specifically in the top 10 do you care?


Clever poll

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 02:32
I think I do care but there is certainly a lot of political voting that invalidates it.Someone just gave SEBTP 2 stars.Probably a Pink Floyd fan??!

Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 02:39
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

I think I do care but there is certainly a lot of political voting that invalidates it.Someone just gave SEBTP 2 stars.Probably a Pink Floyd fan??!

    ha ha

Posted By: The Whistler
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 02:42
What if I don't check the polls every waking momnet of my life, but I do want something in the numero uno spotto?

"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson

Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 02:46
I normally don't pay any attention to it unless it's brought up in one of the forums. Then I may check over for a peek.



Posted By: bruin69
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 15:19
It's all subjective - not to mention political - so I really don't care... though I really like all of the top ten, my order would be slightly different. It's quite fun watching for instance Yes - CttE plummet down the charts as some Genesis and Pink Floyd fans vote tactically - it's just like a progressive Pop Idol! Wink

A dog is for lunch and not just for breakfast

Posted By: Melomaniac
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 15:33
I'm happy that Moving Pictures moved up one spot !!!

"One likes to believe in the freedom of Music" - Neil Peart, The Spirit of Radio

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 16:14
I think NOW many say they dont care, cause its the cool thing to say..."Naa...I dont read thouse things..."Wink yeah right!

I do care, and find it extremly bad that Close to the edge is no longer number 1 and the Dark side of the moon is that high

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: NecroManiac
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 16:18
Originally posted by el böthy el böthy wrote:

I think NOW many say they dont care, cause its the cool thing to say..."Naa...I dont read thouse things..."Wink yeah right!

I do care, and find it extremly bad that Close to the edge is no longer number 1 and the Dark side of the moon is that high

Funny, I'm on the oposide opinion LOL
I don't realy care that much, but I'm happy that CTTE is not nr 1 and that the dark side is that high.
I use the list more as a guidline than the unquestianable truth, but it's always nice to see that your favorite albums are being apriciated.
Now, to get Foxtrot and Snow Goose higher....


What's yer faovrite album? =^_^=

Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 17:18
I don't really care. However, it would be fun if the admins messed with it a bit for April Fool's Day, so that some Genesis album of the '80s or something similairily loathed appeared as no. 1.

Posted By: MattiR
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 11:03
Don't Care

Posted By: Melomaniac
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 11:06
Originally posted by NecroManiac NecroManiac wrote:

[QUOTE=el böthy]
Now, to get Foxtrot and Snow Goose higher....
Clap Snow Goose is such an amazing album, should be next to Thick as a Brick, IMHO.

"One likes to believe in the freedom of Music" - Neil Peart, The Spirit of Radio

Posted By: NecroManiac
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 15:34
Originally posted by Melomaniac Melomaniac wrote:

Originally posted by NecroManiac NecroManiac wrote:

[QUOTE=el böthy]
Now, to get Foxtrot and Snow Goose higher....
Clap Snow Goose is such an amazing album, should be next to Thick as a Brick, IMHO.
Aye! Clap And Thick as a Brick should be higer Wink
And sorry for the bad grammar, I was tired -_-


What's yer faovrite album? =^_^=

Posted By: Asyte2c00
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 15:40

Posted By: Rocktopus
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 16:57
I'm happy everytime I notice that VdGG and Gentle Giant climbs, and Dream Theater/Riverside/Areon drops. So I guess I do care a bit.

Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
But don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Don't believe in me

Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 17:05

I don't care about the ranking of the albums, but I like the fact that most albums present really deserve to be in it, so it's a good quick scan for what the good albums are.


of course the lesser known albums are not present, but that's the challenge, to find those gems and make them your discovery instead of just goinng with the popular choices.

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 18:22
I take a passing interest in the top 100, but on the hole I dont eally care as many of my top albums are nowhere near the top 10.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: RaúlGuate
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 18:32
Originally posted by sleeper sleeper wrote:

I take a passing interest in the top 100, but on the hole I dont eally care as many of my top albums are nowhere near the top 10.

I'm interested on the top 100 as a whole, because it gives a certain artist/album exposure, but I don't care that much about which album makes the top 10, or which position it gets.

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 18:44
I personally don't care a bit about the top 100. I only know if I were to decide what the top 100 albums are, the list would be VERY different.
but since the top 100 exist, I suggest an amendment: it is quite boring that the same artists appear in the top 100 again and again; nothing but fanboys (and perhaps girls) at work here voting the albums of their favorite artists up. so my suggestion is: allow only one album per artist to be in the top 100. then that list would at least make some sense, and the fanboys and -girls would be controlled a bit


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: eugene
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 19:46
I do not care at all. My own top ten or hundred are completely different from this list, and, moreover, it is changing constantly. As to top 100 as presented here, I believe that more than a half of the albums listed are not even essential.


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