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Category: Other music related lounges
Forum Name: Proto-Prog and Prog-Related Lounge
Forum Description: Discuss bands and albums classified as Proto-Prog and Prog-Related
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Topic: Muse
Posted By: Baggiesfaninuk
Subject: Muse
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 12:45
I've just listened to Black Holes and Revelations for the first time and I can see this becoming a strong contender for my album of the year. Muse remain totally unique and untouched when it comes to producing 'prog for the charts' - for want of a better expression. The opening track - Take a Bow - had my heart bursting from my chest - the build up is awesome and needs to be played as loud as you can stand with a decent set of headphones. Those who know Muse will know what I mean; those who don't, I urge you to give them a try. Amazing!
------------- My father was a beekeeper before me; his father was a beekeeper. I want to follow in their footsteps. And their footsteps were like this. (Runs screaming) "AAAAAAAH! I'm covered in beeeeees!" - Izzard
Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 12:46
Tell me more about how they sound and such-I'm quite intrested.
Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 12:49
"Modern Progressive Art Pop (Technical, Experimental, Emotional, Classical-Influenced, Multigenre)"
(According to my review which I just submitted on my website)
-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls
Listened to:
Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 12:51
Sounds cool!
Posted By: Baggiesfaninuk
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 13:03
Think virtuoso keys, heavy-metal guitars and riffs, falsetto vocals, perfect (almost Queen-like) harmonies; bombastic, pomp, melodic - kick-ass music. I could laugh and cry at the same time!
------------- My father was a beekeeper before me; his father was a beekeeper. I want to follow in their footsteps. And their footsteps were like this. (Runs screaming) "AAAAAAAH! I'm covered in beeeeees!" - Izzard
Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 18:19
One word: BOMBASTIC.
Every dictionary ever written needs to be updated so that MUSE is the new definition.
------------- The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Posted By: bhikkhu
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 19:22
I'm not usually not into the heavier stuff, but I like these guys. They are also not just heavy, they seem to understand nuance. Something that I don't see too much in metal. So, how is the new album?
------------- a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: July 09 2006 at 19:50
I'm not overkeen...they seem to be repeating themselves.
Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: July 10 2006 at 06:39
Tony R wrote:
I'm not overkeen...they seem to be repeating themselves.
In places, yes - but in others they've done a re-invention of sorts.
I think it's a really good album - and there is some proggy stuff on there - just not quite enough for me to recommend it outright to a Prog head.
Worth several listens though, as you probably won't get the subtleties on the first few listens (yes, there are plenty!).
------------- The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 15:43
I've played it well over 12 times already.Its a superb album.Love the way they have used synths.The songs are great.Dominic Howard has matured incredibly well on the drums.Muse are now the best 3 peice band in existence.
Posted By: goose
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 19:17
The drums have definitely got more of a presence on this album, and so have synthy sounds. Unfortunately, that leaves less space for the guitar and bass!
Posted By: Teaflax
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 20:48
Certif1ed wrote:
Worth several listens though, as you probably
won't get the subtleties on the first few listens (yes, there are
plenty!). | Thanks - I'll heed that and give it a few more shots.
I'd almost written it off.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: July 13 2006 at 20:52
nice comments from everyone.... should check them out I guess...
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Rocktopus
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 04:34 More synths, better drumming, details, sound good. I never
really warmed up to them totally, but always sympathised. I know they
can be great fun. Some of my friends will buy it, so I'll hear it there
------------- Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
But don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Posted By: tdreamer
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 14:29
BH &R is a great album. I can't see how it is in anyway prog though.
Posted By: dabaynton
Date Posted: July 15 2006 at 14:17
I can't quite believe that Black Holes has been out a week now, and I still haven't bought it!!!!!
------------- Shines On Brightly, Quite Insane.......
Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: July 16 2006 at 22:40
I just hope their album is on the store shelves so I can buy it. Absolution and Origin of simetry were very good albums.
Posted By: Rosescar
Date Posted: July 17 2006 at 10:22
I heard the title track and didn't like it at all. The piano part there sounded terribly cheesy.
------------- - My music!
"THE AUDIENCE WERE generally drugged. (In Holland, always)." - Robert Fripp
Posted By: 2112
Date Posted: July 18 2006 at 05:38
muse's new album is awsome, definatly album of the year.
I can't wait to share this new wonder...The people will all see its light!
Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: July 19 2006 at 01:03
2112 wrote:
muse's new album is awsome, definatly album of the year. |
But, have you heard the other albums released this year?
Posted By: WickerRocker
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 14:02
Muse is one of my favourite bands ever, and most favourite modernage band. BH&R is a good album, but I think, tha it`s one of their worse albums. The best album is Origin Of Symetry. Best song of BH&R is probably Knights of Cydonia.
Posted By: moreitsythanyou
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 14:29
Muse is my 2nd favorite band of all time actually...and Black Holes... is my favorite album by them. I think their music sounds like a whole large group making it rather than just 3 people. They're without question awesomely bombastic
<font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]
Posted By: Kleynan
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 23:03
They seem to be repeating themselves a little bit, but BH&R is a great album nonetheless.
You've just had a heavy session of electroshock therapy, and you're more relaxed than you've been in weeks.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: September 07 2006 at 02:18
WickerRocker wrote:
Muse is one of my favourite bands ever, and most favourite modernage band. BH&R is a good album, but I think, tha it`s one of their worse albums. The best album is Origin Of Symetry. Best song of BH&R is probably Knights of Cydonia. |
I think the drumming is a little 'stiff' on OOS compared to Absolution or BH&R.The latest is a lot more varied to my ears as well.I think all their earlier albums suffered abit from having too much conformity of sound,style and production despite the quality of songs.I like the range of sounds and styles of Black Holes.Some is pure pop,some of it prog, some ballads, some metal.
Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: September 07 2006 at 04:37
I'm beginning to dislike "Black Holes..." - it's waaaaaaay too catchy.
I cannot get Starlight out of my head - and I've really grown to love that synth line that goes down really low and cycles up and down behind everything else.
The video is pretty cool too - based around the line "This ship is taking me far away", of course. I think this was the best track they performed as part of the Reading set after "Butterflies..." - although I could have been swayed by several tonnes of pyrotechnica raining down off the stage at me...
------------- The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Posted By: krusty
Date Posted: September 07 2006 at 06:19
Yeah, they rocked from what I saw of Leeds/Reading shows on TV recently. Hopefully they will be in similar form when I see them in November. 
I also agree about Starlight, very very catchy.
-------------" rel="nofollow - Humanism
Posted By: Falling Flower
Date Posted: September 07 2006 at 06:47
Saw their show in Belgium. I think the singer tried way too much to sound like Thom Yorke.
Tool makes the butterflies in my tumybox go woooooooosh
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: September 07 2006 at 15:59
Falling Flower wrote:
Saw their show in Belgium. I think the singer tried way too much to sound like Thom Yorke. |
oh shut up 
Posted By: profskett
Date Posted: September 08 2006 at 07:41
They seem to be repeating themselves a little bit | True, but the style on BH&R is sufficiently different that whatever music similarities there are between some arts of the songs and those on previous albums aren't really too noticeable. It's certainly not their best album (I don't think it lives up to Origin of Symmetry by anyone's standards), but it's a good listen.
Posted By: chamberry
Date Posted: September 08 2006 at 20:39
So, is it a buy?
Posted By: Kleynan
Date Posted: September 08 2006 at 23:15
chamberry wrote:
So, is it a buy?
If you like Absoloution.
You've just had a heavy session of electroshock therapy, and you're more relaxed than you've been in weeks.
Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: September 10 2006 at 14:08
BH&R is a good album but I profered Absolution by some way.
------------- Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005
Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: September 10 2006 at 16:41
Kleynan wrote:
chamberry wrote:
So, is it a buy? |
If you like Absoloution. |
I don't think the two albums are very comparable - but if you like Muse enough to own the first 3, then it's a definite buy.
No Muse fan would be disappointed with it...
For long
------------- The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Posted By: 2112
Date Posted: September 12 2006 at 07:04
Just heard the new mars volta album Amputecture, looks like muse moves into number 2 spot with amputecture taking number one! Tool rounds out the top 3 in 3rd followed by Mogwai mr beast in 4th
I can't wait to share this new wonder...The people will all see its light!
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 16 2006 at 09:17
Last Muse album is great indeed.
Posted By: Asyte2c00
Date Posted: September 20 2006 at 21:47
Origin of Symmetry is their best
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: October 02 2006 at 21:17
Ok, first I buy Achumpuncture...then, first Blackholes... You have bought me
------------- "You want me to play what, Robert?"
Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: October 03 2006 at 11:43
I think I will have to give it a few more listens. I like some parts of
it very much, but over-all it's only OK, so far. I still prefer
Absolution and Origin of Symmetry, but that might change.
Posted By: Melomaniac
Date Posted: October 03 2006 at 11:46
Black Holes and Revelations is growing on me the more I listen to it. Love Absolution and The Origin of Symetry, and Showbiz a bit less, though it's still good.
------------- "One likes to believe in the freedom of Music" - Neil Peart, The Spirit of Radio
Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: October 11 2006 at 03:55
Sounds like a Queen cover band. 
Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: October 11 2006 at 04:03
Zargus wrote:
Sounds like a Queen cover band. [IMG]height=17 alt=Wink src="" width=17 align=absMiddle> |
Anyone that can successfully sound like Queen must be doing something right - Queen's sound was so PROGRESSIVE!!!
------------- The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: October 21 2006 at 09:26
They do have a lot of Queen similairities, not least on the new album
(which has grown on me since my last post in this thread). But not in a
clone-y, coverband way.