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Greetings from the Pacific NW U.S.!

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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Welcome newbies!
Forum Description: Introduce yourself and tell us what prog music you listen to
Printed Date: March 03 2025 at 05:18
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Topic: Greetings from the Pacific NW U.S.!
Posted By: tubercularballs
Subject: Greetings from the Pacific NW U.S.!
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 03:12

Hi there!  I'm still feeling my way around the whole progressive thing.  I didn't consider myself a fan of prog until I started recognizing some of the albums included in the Prog Archives, and digging on the examples of others I wasn't familiar with.  So I guess I am!

One of my earliest introductions to music as a kid was Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells", which came out the year after I was born.  This album made a huge impact on me growing up, and I think contributed to my appreciation of lengthy instrumental passages wherever I came across them.  The other stand-out was "Dark Side of the Moon", which I think is a masterpiece.  I was surprised to see some less-than-glowing reviews of "Dark Side..." here, but that just makes me intrigued to find out what those folks find to be better.  Hopefully their comments aren't coming from being sick of Pink Floyd.  I know I tend to get down on bands when too many people go crazy for them, but I chalk that up to my own music snobbishness.
I'm a musician myself (drummer mainly, frustrated guitarist secondarily), and I find myself lately drawn more and more to what I think of as "exploratory" music, but which one might call progressive-ish.  I'm reluctant to consider my own stuff progressive though since it seems one of the prerequisites is virtuosity, which I certainly don't claim to have.  One thing that may kick me into the prog camp at some point in the future is the big ol' modular synth I'm putting together.  Smile  My latest material has seen some Minimoog for the first time as well, and I have enjoyed expanding my palette.  You can check out excerpts of my projects gradenko and square_wave via the links in my sig below.
What brought me to Prog Archives, actually, was a search for some bands recommended to me by my friend T from an excellent Japanese band called Green Milk from the Planet Orange.  Neither Green Milk nor half the bands he mentioned are to be found within the Prog Archives!  So I guess I have something to contribute around here!  Green Milk's slogan is PROGRESSIVE ROCK IS NOT DEAD!  How's that for an endorsement?  Wink  I'll save my own further recommendations of GMFTPO for the "Band Suggestions" forum.
Anyway, I'll keep reading up on all the great material to be found here, and will try to post some recommendations at some point.
Oh -- I should mention that thanks to Prog Archives' audio streams, I'm PFM's newest fan!  The opening guitar in the title track on "L'isola di niente" slays me.  I couldn't believe that was recorded in 1974!  Great stuff.
Prog and -related stuff I'm listening to: The Beatles Wink, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Legendary Pink Dots, Mogwai, Muse, Mike Oldfield, PFM, Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream
Debatable? bands not listed in the Archives: Acid Mothers Temple, Einstürzende Neubauten, Flaming Lips, Green Milk from the Planet Orange, Kinski, Martiijn De Kleer, Orbit Service
Music I've bought in the last week (or plan to buy soon) because of Prog Archives! Can, Genesis, Gong, King Crimson, Magma, The Mars Volta, Nektar, Tortoise, Yes

ty - -

Posted By: imoeng
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 05:08
Great introduction 'Balls!! welcome to the forum and have fun!!
ohh, and try Dream Theater
don't spam


Posted By: Root_Pepper
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 06:20
Acid Mothers Temple, Einstürzende Neubauten, PFM, Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream, The Beatles, Can, Genesis, Gong, King Crimson, Magma.

Thumbs Up


Posted By: tubercularballs
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 14:04
I spy Laibach in your sig, Root_Pepper!  That's rad.

ty - -

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 14:08

Enjoy the forum.


Posted By: AtLossForWords
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 16:11
Originally posted by imoeng imoeng wrote:

don't spam
I'm sure you'll provide an excellent counter example. LOL


"Mastodon sucks giant monkey balls."

Posted By: imoeng
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 16:24
^ , 100+ posts in a day?? Its just on the weekends, well, some weekend


Posted By: Root_Pepper
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 17:43
Originally posted by tubercularballs tubercularballs wrote:

I spy Laibach in your sig, Root_Pepper!  That's rad.

Thumbs Up


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