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Do You Think Yes Should Retire?

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Topic: Do You Think Yes Should Retire?
Posted By: Zitro
Subject: Do You Think Yes Should Retire?
Date Posted: June 09 2006 at 21:27
What do you think?

Posted By: E-Dub
Date Posted: June 09 2006 at 21:29
I don't think they should break up; however, I think that producing a masterpiece has long since passed them by.



Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: June 09 2006 at 21:34
No one should ever retire for any reason except death (and death is pushing it).


Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: June 09 2006 at 22:01
No.  Not from touring, at any rate.  Saw them a few years ago and it was the best, played all the old awesome epics like CTTE and Gates, and they killed.  Igor Khoroshev on keys, not too shabby! Tongue

Posted By: Arsillus
Date Posted: June 09 2006 at 22:33
Well, yeah if they're not going to do anything anymore. Angry Just because you're old doesn't mean you can slack off. Tongue

Posted By: Intruder
Date Posted: June 09 2006 at 22:52

Me thinks Squire and Anderson should call Peter Banks, Tony Kaye and Bruford and do an album of late 60s covers.   

I like to feel the suspense when you're certain you know I am there.....

Posted By: Sacred 22
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 00:26
I have a feeling they have another in them. The day YES retires is the day I shed a tear.

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 00:30
Yes haven't released anything new for 5 years now. Stern Smile


Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 01:48
Yes should definitely not retire...."retire" is not really something musicians think about, many blues and jazz musicians played well into their 80's. I remember people laughing imagining the Beatles and Stones still playing in their thirties (?????????!!!!!!!!). Old prog bands never die....they just fade away!

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: Masque
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 05:36
what Yes needs is to stop making so many CD`s  because they are coming out at a rate that I can hardly keep up  Wink

Posted By: fuxi
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 06:05
Originally posted by Intruder Intruder wrote:

Me thinks Squire and Anderson should call Peter Banks, Tony Kaye and Bruford and do an album of late 60s covers.   

Intruder's idea sounds wonderful.

Anderson-Howe-Wakeman-Squire-Bruford would also be a great combination.

If only Yes could return to the experimental mindset that characterised their work in the early seventies!
But I'm afraid it's far too late. They were hungry then, and they definitely aren't any longer.

Look at Steve Howe. On YES ALBUM and RELAYER he showed himself to be one of the greatest rock guitarists ever, but none of his recent solo-albums even come close!

And whenever I hear something new from Yes, I'm completely turned off by Jon Anderson's parish-priest-preaching.

An instrumental Yes album (by one of the above-mentioned line-ups) might be the answer. With lots of AMERICA-style jamming. And lots of (non - New Age!) input from Wakeman.

By the way, have you heard Tomas Bodin's PINUP GURU? Great attempt to create a 'SIX WIVES' for the new century.

Posted By: Kleynan
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 06:35
They should not retire until I've seen them live. PERIOD!


You've just had a heavy session of electroshock therapy, and you're more relaxed than you've been in weeks.

Posted By: eddietrooper
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 08:21
I would like them to release perhaps one album more, but I wouldn't like to see them on stage with 70 years old.

Posted By: tdreamer
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 08:58
Originally posted by eddietrooper eddietrooper wrote:

I would like them to release perhaps one album more, but I wouldn't like to see them on stage with 70 years old.

Me too one last good album a massive tour then horlicks and a smoke of the pipe.

Posted By: Tasartir
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 09:58
Yes, please shape up!

...Histoires Sans Paroles...

Posted By: Mikerinos
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 10:10
Not if they're still doing what they like.


Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 10:17
I don't know...
They are good but they are getting old

Posted By: laztraz
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 11:20
   what are they doing these days?  when did they last tour? waht IS their lineup these days?

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 11:22
Having seen them live 4 times in recent years, the answer has to be a resounding no!
Long may they continue.

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 11:59
They should most deffinitly write new stuff... but if they dont, still they have to stay together...cause their live performances in this last years are awsome

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 12:00
Originally posted by laztraz laztraz wrote:

   what are they doing these days?  when did they last tour? waht IS their lineup these days?

The classic:
Anderson, Squire, Howe, Wakeman and White Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smile

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Figglesnout
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 12:01
no. they should nto retire until they're good and ready. the least they can do is "plaugue" us with wonderful songs like "Dreamtime" ...

I'm a reasonable man, get off my case

Posted By: chessman
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 18:29
Yes, yes, yes!!! They are well past their sell-by date now! I was a big fan in the '70s, and love all their work from the debut through to, and including, Going For The One (with the exception of the  highly overrated 'The Yes Album') But they have produced absolutely nothing that can remotely compare to that golden period since. Ok, Keystudio is a decent cd, I do have it and quite like it, but as for their other releases... they are now simply big egos who rest on their laurels. A shame really as I really did like them, especially Squire and Wakeman. Time to pack up now and retire.

Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 20:32
Originally posted by Kleynan Kleynan wrote:

They should not retire until I've seen them live. PERIOD!

I saw them live nearly thirty years ago. It was so awesome it was almost a religious experience.

That said, I have a DVD player now to re-live those moments captured on disc. None of those old 70s prog bands can do on stage now what they could do then - if that's the measure of their viability, then they should retire. I doubt if another mega-hit prog classic is still inside of them at this point.

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

Albert Camus

Posted By: dagrush
Date Posted: June 10 2006 at 23:52
Should've stayed finished in '81...


Posted By: Sacred 22
Date Posted: June 11 2006 at 02:48
Originally posted by ClemofNazareth ClemofNazareth wrote:

Originally posted by Kleynan Kleynan wrote:

They should not retire until I've seen them live. PERIOD!

I saw them live nearly thirty years ago. It was so awesome it was almost a religious experience.

That said, I have a DVD player now to re-live those moments captured on disc. None of those old 70s prog bands can do on stage now what they could do then - if that's the measure of their viability, then they should retire. I doubt if another mega-hit prog classic is still inside of them at this point.
They still are great live today and as long as they can play as good as they do, then they have no reason to retire. As far as another album, well most of you might not like Magnification, but it's not that bad of an album. Compare it to other acts today and it's pretty damn good writing and playing with the symphony. One never knows what to really expect, but I am hoping they have another one in the gas tank.

Date Posted: June 11 2006 at 06:05
One more great record, please!

Stand up to the blow that fate has struck upon you.   Make the most of all you still have coming to you...

Posted By: Froth
Date Posted: June 11 2006 at 08:39

They havnt made a half decent album since Drama. I dont think they have it in them. Unlike KIng Crimson, Yes havent constantly being reinventing themselves so i cant imagen they have anything of relevance to give to the world anymore.



On another note, i heard from som website that Steve Howe wanted Yes to make a new record and tour again soon but, as he said "at least one member has commitments that are stopping this". He said if it carries on then they'll go on without whoever this is. Line up changes are allways interesting!

Posted By: Sacred 22
Date Posted: June 11 2006 at 13:42
Originally posted by Froth Froth wrote:

On another note, i heard from som website that Steve Howe wanted Yes to make a new record and tour again soon but, as he said "at least one member has commitments that are stopping this". He said if it carries on then they'll go on without whoever this is. Line up changes are allways interesting!

I wonder who it is, hmmmmmm Ermm

Posted By: Froth
Date Posted: June 11 2006 at 19:47

Please be Alan White!

Posted By: Norbert
Date Posted: June 12 2006 at 05:16
They are still great on stage, and who knows maybe their next album will be a real masterpiece.Smile

Posted By: Phil
Date Posted: June 12 2006 at 05:25
They are still great on stage (saw them twice on 2004) but they're not writing anything - maybe with the passing of years there isn't the same impetous any more.

Posted By: sm sm
Date Posted: June 12 2006 at 11:55
They got their writing and production together after the first two albums.
Even with the pop stuff in 90125 and big generator, Yes has always released quality material.
When they become like Molly Hatchet or Foghat with none or only one minor member at their peak years, or like Genesis in the Abaccab /Phil Collins period then retire

Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: June 12 2006 at 13:20
In certain moment all those BIG bands should retire, now i think Yes could continue for some years more, they play very well,  im convinced that they can make another good album with great quality


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: Jeff Schu
Date Posted: June 12 2006 at 14:33
Nah, I still think they have some gas in the tank yet. I've seen them live 4 times since 98' and they can still perform well and Jon Anderson has taken great care of his voice so I think they could pull off another worthy album. I just don't want to see any more blues shuffle versions of Roundabout.


Posted By: dralan
Date Posted: June 12 2006 at 15:31
 I will always check out Yes as long as they are putting out music. Yeah they are way past their prime but they one of the few big-name bands still carrying the prog torch.  As long as they still enjoy making music together I say go for it.

Posted By: bruin69
Date Posted: June 12 2006 at 15:48

I've seen Yes about 40 times - since their "Fragile" tour in 1972... they have almost always been superb, with two exceptions - on the "Drama" tour when I felt sorry for Trevor Horn when he couldn't reach the high notes, and the tour with Ivor Wotsisnameov, who was complete pants...

Maybe they'll never be as creative again on studio albums, but they may surprise us with some pretty good stuff - and let's face it they haven't got that much competition from new bands - and live they can still not only cut the mustard but spread the horseradish and spoon the mint sauce...

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: June 12 2006 at 23:17
You don't get any better by not doing anything. They should write more. I would buy a new studio album.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: June 12 2006 at 23:19

I personally don't care. Approve


Posted By: Viajero Astral
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 02:32
One more album, just one, with Wakeman, and thats all.

Oh, and a last tour.

Then, they can die if they want Clown


Posted By: fuxi
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 03:32
Originally posted by TOD KREMER TOD KREMER wrote:

One more great record, please!

How the hell do you expect them to produce one more great record, if they've recorded nothing but dross for more than 25 years? (Their last half-enjoyable album was DRAMA. Also, AWBH had three or four good tunes on it, with highly spirited contributions from A&W especially. But all actual 'Yes' albums have been nothing but GLOOM.)

Earlier on in this discussion, I expressed the wish that they get back together with Bruford and try to let their creative juices flow... (If you consider the career Bruford's had in the past twenty years, it's been nothing short of amazing!) But the more I think about it, the less likely such a scenario seems.

I understand some people are happy that Yes are still a workable touring band, but I simply find it depressing that the best they can do is play decent versions of their own classics on stage, without adding anything new or truly exciting.

What a shame, 'cause when I first got to know Yes (in the mid-seventies), they definitely seemed one of the most creative bands around. (But even then, after RELAYER, you could argue their time was up.)

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 13 2006 at 13:45
Third option for me. I think they've still got it, but they should consider the idea of producing something new. Otherwise, it would be better for them to call it a day.

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