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Statistical survey of my ProgRock collect

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Statistical survey of my ProgRock collect
Posted By: BestFreak
Subject: Statistical survey of my ProgRock collect
Date Posted: June 01 2006 at 23:02

Lately I did a statistical survey on my ProgRock collection. Thought it might be interesting to share it with you.

My ProgRock collection includes 616 albums. Following are some statistics :


1 - Albums from the 1970s make up 36.2%.

2 - Albums from the 1980s make up 12.3%.

3 - Albums from the 1990s make up 24.5%.

4 - Albums from the 2000s make up 24.3% (so far).

5 - The year 1974 ranks first with 35 albums, followed by 1975 with 29 albums.

6 - The year 1986 ranks last with 2 albums, followed by 1983, 1988, and 1989, each with 6 albums.


1 - The U.K. ranks first with 249 albums from 59 artists (average 4.2 albums/artist).

2 - U.S.A. ranks second with 60 albums from 32 artists (average 1.9 albums/artist).

3 - Sweden ranks third with 60 albums from 16 artists (average 3.8 albums/artist).

4 - Italy ranks fourth with 47 albums from 29 artists (average 1.6 albums/artist).

5 - Germany ranks fifth with 46 albums from 13 artists (average 3.5 albums/artist).

6 - Together the Top 5 countries make up for 75% of my collection, while the Top 10 (Top 5 + France, Canada, Poland, Japan, and Spain) make up for 89.6%.
7 - Other than the Top 11 (Top 10 + the Netherlands), no country has more than 3 artists in my collection.
8 - Countries with one artist but more than one album include Mexico (Cast with 9 albums), Iceland (Sigur Ros with 4 albums), Greece (La Tulipe Noire with 4 albums), and Portugal (Tantra with 3 albums).
9 - Countries with one artist and one album include Peru (Cabezas De Cera, self-titeled), New Zealand (Lamp of the Universe, "The cosmic union"), Denmark (Beyond Twilight, "For the love of art and the making"), and Chile (Subterra, "Sombras del invierno").
10 - Australia is not represented in my collection at all. Same applies to Africa as a whole, and Asia (except Japan).

I would appreciate some comments on whether this is a balanced collection.

All the best freaks are here!

Posted By: Tholomyes
Date Posted: June 01 2006 at 23:44
Originally posted by BestFreak BestFreak wrote:

9 - Countries with one artist and one album include Peru (Cabezas De Cera, self-titeled),  

Cabezas de Cera, if is not a mistake, is from Mexico, not from Perú.
BTW, good collection!

Posted By: video vertigo
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 03:54
interesting.  While my prog selection is much smaller sometimes I like to do things like this, but not in as much detail as you have.

"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa

Posted By: honganji
Date Posted: June 03 2006 at 04:15

Interesteing survey
I tried to make mine. But I can't count exact number of collection, so I wrote almost of parts by percentage. They are approximate number.

- From All Stuff -
#Country Analysis
 No.1 - Powerful Countries -
1.Japan 15.7%
2.UK 15.6%
3.USA 11.9%
4.Italy 10.1%
5.France 8.2%
6.Germany 5.0%
7.Sweden 4.5%
8.Brazil 2.7%
9.Spain 2.0%
10.Poland 1.9%
11.Canada 1.7%
12.Netherlands 1.5%
13.Argentina 1.5%
14.Belgium 1.3%
15.Russian Federation 1.1%
16.Norway 1.1%
17.Hungary 1.1%
18.Greece 1.1%
19. Mexico 0.9%
20.Finland 0.9%

No.2 - Only 1 Stuff Countries -
1.White Russia
5.El Salvador
7.New Zealand
8.South Korea

#Year Analysis
-Smallest 3-
1.1966 0.03%
2.1965 0.06%
3.1967 0.09%

-Biggest 3-
1.1975 5.56%
2.1977 5.02%
3.1976 4.80%

-From Recent One Year-
No.1 Powerful 10 Countries

Top 5 countries make up 54% and top 10 countries make up 72%

No.2 Only 1 Stuff Countries

No.3 Lyrics are sung in ...
1.English 27%
2.Non-English 43%
3.Instrumental 30%

No.4 Lead vocalist is
1.Male 63%
2.Female 37%

No.5 Solo or Band ?
1.Solo 19%
2.Band 81%

No.6 When was it recorded ?
1.1960s 0%
2.1970s 19%
3.1980s 8%
4.1990s 4%
5.2000s 69%

No.7 Long time stuff top 5
1.Electric Masada / At The Mountain Of Madness disc 1 79'51''
2.Renaissance / British Tour '76 79'27''
3.Jerome Langlois / Molignak 79'09''
4.The Tangent / A Place In The Queue disc 1 78'57''
5.Little Tragedies / Return 78'10''

No.8 Short time stuff top 5
1.Kirche / Schwartz Nacht 11'15''
2.Fantasmagoria / Energetic Live Demo CD 19'26''
3.Acoustic Asturias / Bird Eyes View 24'54''
4.Daniel Vega / La Noche Que Precede A La Batalla 25'41''
5.Wha-ha-ha / Live DUB 28'41''

No.9 PA listed or unlisted ?
1.listed 35%
2.unlisted 65%

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