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The Ranting Room

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Topic: The Ranting Room
Posted By: Jim Garten
Subject: The Ranting Room
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 07:39
For those of you outside the UK (poor souls), we have a TV programme here called "Grumpy Old Men"; in this, a selection of celebrities 'of a certain age' are allowed free rein to rant to their hearts' content on those parts of living in the modern world which really get their blood boiling (one of the more entertaining of these is our own Rick Wakeman). The first time I saw this programme, I thought it was a party political broadcast, and actually got excited at the prospect of, at last, a political party whose policies I could 100% support.

With the above in mind, I thought it may be beneficial to this site to have a room where we could let off steam without fear of contradiction at those things in modern life which annoy, irritate and generally bug us.

That said - any indication of racism, xenophobia, religious intolerance etc will be pounced on immediately, and I'll ask for the thread to be removed - THIS IS A FUN THREAD, let's keep it that way.

OK - I'll start...

+++deep breath+++

Where should I start?

The general populace's lack of even the most common of courtesies?

TV News reporting being dumbed down to the level of the lowest common denominator (thank the gods for John Humphries & Radio 4)?

The cult of celebrity - Jade Goody releases an autobiography?

Ah! I know!

Football shirts...

These items of apparell are perfectly acceptable - on the football field; those who are not playing soccer, or do not play soccer at all should be forbidden by law to wear them - under threat of capital punishment, if necessary!

Car Indicators!

All modern cars have these fitted as standard; they are NOT a luxury item or optional extra...


Ooh, Ooh, Yes...


Finished what you're doing?


Well Done!


+++nurse's voice+++

"Mr Garten has begun to foam at the mouth; I've given him a small injection, but he'll be unable to continue for a little while"




Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 07:56
room 101, that makes me angry...they should put that in room 101!
people driving round suburbia in a giant 4X4, almost as big as a truck, miles away from the terrain  they're designed for - POSERS!!
i've nothing against rap music as such, everyone's entitled to their music, but does it have to be blaring out of alloy-wheeled hatchbacks at 50 decibels? ROOMP! ROOMP! ROOMP!

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:09
Well on my ranting radar of late is 'HR Speak' Let me clarify: 'Human Resources speak'

Now, every company has a HR (or personel) dept, but where I work they have so much clout it's unbelievable. Business trends come and go, and at present the trend is for touchy feely training courses, spin and double speak. The latest course was called 'Frameworks - For Leaders' I attended this two day session in a country hotel and was subjected to having to bare my soul to people I hardly knew, draw pictures that represented me as a child, a teenager and an adult, and partake in what we call intuition walks. These entail walking around the grounds of the hotel - in silence - with a note pad recording your feelings. After the walks we assemble in a circle, and have a 'Check In' This is where we each, in turn sum up our feelings in no more than three words at a time. When the session ends, one of the 'facilitators' sticks on an Enya CD to chill us out. These 'facilitators' are of course external consultants and earn more money than most of us will see in a lifetime.

While some young graduates are reasonably open to all this bogsh!te, us oldies have seen it all before in one form or another, and are living testimony to the fact that nothing ever really changes for the better. After years in the same company all you will ever witness is downsizing, streamlining and rationalising of processes; all euphamisms for repeated waves of sackings!

In fact we are no longer allowed to use the word 'redundancy' as it has a negative conatation, so when,last year we SACKED 130 people from our site, the site manager justified the depressing event thus (and I paraphrase):

'There is no true consolidation of past success without sacrifice. My heart, though heavy, is hopeful. As 130 of our valued colleagues leave the fold, I challenge you to think of this not as an end, but as a new beginning both for the company and for the individuals concerned. It's not the case that they are undervalued, or surplus to requirement, but I liken this sad excercise to me pruning the vines in my garden. There's is nothing wrong with what I prune; it's perfectly healthy, but the plant as a whole requires their sacrifice in order to flourish'

I sh!t you not!

So now of course when we go to the toilet to have an 'Armitage Shanks interface defacation scenario' we think of that rich t**ser and his house in Tuscany, as we pull the chain.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:20
Wow,what a ham-shanker!
When I talk to staff I always try to do a "David Brent" check on myself.It's amazing what bollocks it prevents me from uttering but somehow I still cant quite get away from coming over as a smart-arse.....

To be honest I have always tried to move myself away from having to tell staff directly that they have no job,I have made more sideways movements than a crab.Ultimately in this world of the greedy b*****d culture there is no escape from job losses.I have sat in meetings where a £1 million shortfall on planned profit has been announced as if it was a net loss!
I was once urged to tell workers expecting a decent pay-rise after record profits that these weren't record profits,they, in fact,were merely replacing profits we hadnt made in previous years....

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:22
I dedicate my last paragraph to Prof Rideout so he can now rant about poor sentence construction in modern culture...

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:29
Originally posted by Tony R Tony R wrote:

Wow,what a ham-shanker!
When I talk to staff I always try to do a "David Brent" check on myself.It's amazing what bollocks it prevents me from uttering but somehow I still cant quite get away from coming over as a smart-arse.....

To be honest I have always tried to move myself away from having to tell staff directly that they have no job,I have made more sideways movements than a crab.Ultimately in this world of the greedy b*****d culture there is no escape from job losses.I have sat in meetings where a £1 million shortfall on planned profit has been announced as if it was a net loss!
I was once urged to tell workers expecting a decent pay-rise after record profits that these weren't record profits,they, in fact,were merely replacing profits we hadnt made in previous years....

Sounds like yout 'turd polishing' dept is as efficient as ours.

My boss knows I'm allergic to corporate speak, so in order to make me confront my fear, he has put me on the LAT (Local Action Team) whose job it is to 'Embrace and catalyse change' 'Be proactive in building a dynamic crop protection community' 'To liberate the focus and potential of individuals while encouraging direct reports to overcome organisational inertia'

I'm coming out in a rash as I type..

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:33
How's this for NHS-speak?

"Probable Negative Care Outcome Scenario"

In other words - "he's probably going to die"


+++sound of head banging on desk repeatedly+++


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:36
And another thing -

Unsolicited sales calls on my mobile phone!

If I want to buy something / change tariff / change company / do or buy anything, in fact...

I'll ++++ing well call you!





Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:37
My biggest beef at work is the sudden appearance of so-called "Action Team" employees (usually female and under 30) who's brief appears to invite you to loads of briefing meetings for about a week,completely change tried and trusted procedures (best practices ---ach!Manager Speak) that work,so that nobody knows what they are doing anymore and then promptly disappear following a meeting with the Operations Director. When will these silly little floosies ever learn?

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:39
Cold calls on the telephone-worse than Jehova's Witnesses!
This always gets them:
Cold-Caller:"Are you the Homeowner?"
Me: "What? Are you calling me a Homosexual?"


Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:53

My tactic for cold calls:

When they ask to speak to whoever (the homeowner/Mr some approximation of my surname) I say
"Is this about the heron?"
Whatever the reply, I continue with something along the lines of
"I've been having a problem with a heron on my allotment, and you said you'd call back and give me some advice."
As they stick rigidly to their script, I continue with
"No, that's not the problem. This heron keeps on digging up the carrots on my allotment. There's a goldfish pond nearby, and I think it's confused because they're the same colour."
Some persistent individuals carry on, so I keep returning to my theme
"Well that's very interesting, but I don't see what it's got to do with wading birds"
"We're getting nowhere here. Are you sure you're a qualified ornithologist?"
"I just need to know how good a heron's colour perception is. Can you answer my question please?"
And so on. Most cold callers hang up after a minute or so, but some continue long after any sane individual would have given up and moved on.

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 09:39
My big beef is with sales calls, usually in the midle of a film, motor race, program that I'm watching only to find that they barely speak English as they calling from India, and those that do speak English have learnt it from Eastenders (if you call that English!)Angry.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 09:55
Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

My tactic for cold calls:

When they ask to speak to whoever (the homeowner/Mr some approximation of my surname) I say
"Is this about the heron?"
Whatever the reply, I continue with something along the lines of
"I've been having a problem with a heron on my allotment, and you said you'd call back and give me some advice."
As they stick rigidly to their script, I continue with
"No, that's not the problem. This heron keeps on digging up the carrots on my allotment. There's a goldfish pond nearby, and I think it's confused because they're the same colour."
Some persistent individuals carry on, so I keep returning to my theme
"Well that's very interesting, but I don't see what it's got to do with wading birds"
"We're getting nowhere here. Are you sure you're a qualified ornithologist?"
"I just need to know how good a heron's colour perception is. Can you answer my question please?"
And so on. Most cold callers hang up after a minute or so, but some continue long after any sane individual would have given up and moved on.
Brilliant Chris, I'm going to try that next time.
OK, while I'm here I'd like to rant about -
1) Car alarms that go off all the time. Did a car alarm going off ever stop a car being stolen?
2) Women who queue up at a till, wait till the cashier says "that's three pounds 60p please", then they look surprised that they have to pay, so they take their bag out off their shoulder, unzip it, scramble around for their purse, find it, unzip it, take out a fifty pound note and pay. Only women do this (normally in front of me in the staff canteen). Get your money out before you get to the till, how hard can it be?

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 09:57
By the way, those British people who are fed up with cold calls, register with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) via their web site. It's free and will stop 99% of the calls.

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 10:05
Originally posted by sleeper sleeper wrote:

My big beef is with sales calls, usually in the midle of a film, motor race, program that I'm watching only to find that they barely speak English as they calling from India, and those that do speak English have learnt it from Eastenders (if you call that English!).

They always get me just when I get in from work, around 5.30 (I guess it's a logical time to call) I was starting to average about 3 a night, before I set up some nuisance call deal with BT. They stopped then, but you have to renew it every year or so. When the deal was up for renewal the calls came again. This Indian guy would always be ringing me on a really bad line shouting something about saving money. I got so fed up with him I said 'Mr Robinson doesn't live here. In fact he died six months ago. I was his lover and I dont want to talk about it, now kindly update your database accordingly and f**k off!'

'Oh dear' he replied and hung up.

He never called again.    

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 10:45
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

By the way, those British people who are fed up with cold calls, register with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) via their web site. It's free and will stop 99% of the calls.

That's great for home lines, but is there a similar service for mobiles?


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 11:50
You can also register mobiles on TPS but you should check the warnings on their web page. -

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 12:42
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

My tactic for cold calls:

When they ask to speak to whoever (the homeowner/Mr some approximation of my surname) I say

"Is this about the heron?"

Whatever the reply, I continue with something along the lines of

"I've been having a problem with a heron on my allotment, and you said you'd call back and give me some advice."

As they stick rigidly to their script, I continue with

"No, that's not the problem. This heron keeps on digging up the carrots on my allotment. There's a goldfish pond nearby, and I think it's confused because they're the same colour."

Some persistent individuals carry on, so I keep returning to my theme

"Well that's very interesting, but I don't see what it's got to do with wading birds"

"We're getting nowhere here. Are you sure you're a qualified ornithologist?"

"I just need to know how good a heron's colour perception is. Can you answer my question please?"


And so on. Most cold callers hang up after a minute or so, but some continue long after any sane individual would have given up and moved on.

Brilliant Chris, I'm going to try that next time.

OK, while I'm here I'd like to rant about -

1) Car alarms that go off all the time. Did a car alarm going off ever stop a car being stolen?

2) Women who queue up at a till, wait till the cashier says "that's three pounds 60p please", then they look surprised that they have to pay, so they take their bag out off their shoulder, unzip it, scramble around for their purse, find it, unzip it, take out a fifty pound note and pay. Only women do this (normally in front of me in the staff canteen). Get your money out before you get to the till, how hard can it be?

Oh Lord, dont talk to me about car alarms, Alan. Someone in my street has an alarm on their white van which goes off with alarming (excuse the pun) frequency.

God knows what sets it off so much, it's so sensitive to vibration that a butterfly farting in Peking seems to be all it takes!

It takes an age for the owner to reset it. Occasionally the fat bar steward comes out of his house and stares gaumlessly into space, as though he's really enjoying it.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 13:29
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Originally posted by sleeper sleeper wrote:

My big beef is with sales calls, usually in the midle of a film, motor race, program that I'm watching only to find that they barely speak English as they calling from India, and those that do speak English have learnt it from Eastenders (if you call that English!).

They always get me just when I get in from work, around 5.30 (I guess it's a logical time to call) I was starting to average about 3 a night, before I set up some nuisance call deal with BT. They stopped then, but you have to renew it every year or so. When the deal was up for renewal the calls came again. This Indian guy would always be ringing me on a really bad line shouting something about saving money. I got so fed up with him I said 'Mr Robinson doesn't live here. In fact he died six months ago. I was his lover and I dont want to talk about it, now kindly update your database accordingly and f**k off!'

'Oh dear' he replied and hung up.

He never called again.    

That reminds me, they also tend to call at just gone 6 o'clock when we've just sat down to have our dinner, the b*****dsAngry

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 15:29
I hate how some people are bent on keeing their hearts cold to the joyous music that only a band such as Pallas can provide. Tongue

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 15:42
This reminds me of some guy (again from India), 'phoning our ex-directory 'phone and asking me whether I want a new spangly mobile 'phone.  Not just any spangly mobile 'phone, but one that allows you to see the person you're calling: shock horror!

I didn't want this.  I have a mobile 'phone I barely use, which happens to have a camera in and 250Mbs of MP3 space... which I really do not need...

Anyhow, I had trouble getting rid of him and I didn't want to hang up, because that's a defeatists attitude.

This guy could not understand why I didn't want a spangly 'phone.  I told him I didn't have a 'phone (thought this may help - it seems not) and this just made it worse.

Then he starts to talk about stuff like: well, if you were lost, or stuck somewhere without a 'phone, what would you do?

Me: Live with the fact that I don't have a 'phone.

I forget what exactly happened, but I was getting more and more annoyed, but I remained calm, he was getting more and more annoyed and wasn't staying calm.

I won, he got so annoyed with me, he hung up.

The day after - or maybe two - the 'phone rang again, but my mother was in and she said: I wonder who is calling at this time (I know, answer it and you'll find out... another gripe!) and replied: Oh, it's probably some guy from India trying to sell us a mobile 'phone.  And it was.

It's getting very annoying!

I have a plan:

If they 'phone again and do a similar spiel, then I'm going to say I'm Amish and that our religions means we cannot use 'phones.  The only reason I am on the 'phone now, is because I am the spokeman for this particular Amish community and I deal with all external affairs... but no, I do not need a mobile 'phone.

Hopefully that'll work.

Other gripes:

1. As mentioned 4x4s used by mothers on the school-run to pick up their "kids".
2. The term "kids" - They even use it on Newsround, it really gets up my nose!  The language they use on that Childrens News Program disturbs me
3. Childrens television - Yes I know, I don't need to watch it at my age, but if I ever have children, I'm selling the television!
4. The term "Art Rock"!

I'll think of more soon.


Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 15:52
Security lights outside houses that turn on when you pass about 2 miles away from the house!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 15:53
Chavs - need I say more?


Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 15:55
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Security lights outside houses that turn on when you pass about 2 miles away from the house!

What were you doing so close to my house?

Pure Brilliance:

Posted By: KoS
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 15:58
I hate all these rich, ungreatfull kids who get everything fed to them in a f**king golden platter, when I have to work my ass of for the cheapest things
Damn kids are driving $30,000 cars

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 15:59
Originally posted by Empathy Empathy wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Security lights outside houses that turn on when you pass about 2 miles away from the house!

What were you doing so close to my house?

Waiting for a bus.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 16:02
Why is it that when I find one thing to solve a problem the solution just gives me another one instead.
For instance, Internet Explorer keeps freezing on me, so I got Firefox. Now Firefox doesnt seem to relize that I have loged on to PA.Angry
Cant anyone get these web browsers right!Angry

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 16:16
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Waiting for a bus.

Then you're clearly a terrorist. Wink

Pure Brilliance:

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 16:29
Seems like all you Brits have to put up with all the same crap we do in America (telemarketers, soccer mom's in oversized SUVs, corporate BS, etc.).  Just be glad you're not NINE FREAKING TRILLION DOLLARS in debt!! Wink

Gah, don't get me started on all the broken systems (political and otherwise)...

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 16:34
Everything sucks!!

Pure Brilliance:

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 16:35
Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

Seems like all you Brits have to put up with all the same crap we do in America (telemarketers, soccer mom's in oversized SUVs, corporate BS, etc.).  Just be glad you're not NINE FREAKING TRILLION DOLLARS in debt!! Wink

Gah, don't get me started on all the broken systems (political and otherwise)...

No man, start on those broken systems, its good to get it out of your system!

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 16:37
Yeah, go on NaturalScience let rip!!

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 16:41
Originally posted by Empathy Empathy wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Waiting for a bus.

Then you're clearly a terrorist. Wink

There's American justice for you!Ermm

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 16:53
Just kidding, we've been listening to your calls and we know you're not really a terrorist.

We are curious, however, about what you need all that Jell-O for...

Pure Brilliance:

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 16:58
Originally posted by Empathy Empathy wrote:

Just kidding, we've been listening to your calls and we know you're not really a terrorist.

We are curious, however, about what you need all that Jell-O for...

We? The band?

Get on wth your next album!Angry


-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 17:02
Ha! The real ranters are on the TV right now. Grumpy Old Men has just started on BBC2 wit good ole Rick Wakemen!

Signing off!..

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: DrGoon
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 17:55
Who would have thought, thirty years ago, we'd all be sitting here drinking Chateau de Chaselet, eh?

Them days we were glad to have the price of cup of tea.

Aye! A cup of cold tea!

Without milk or sugar.

Or tea.

In a cracked cup and all.

We never used to have cup! We used to have to drink out of a rolled-up newspaper!

The best we could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.

But you know, we were happy in those days, although we were poor.

Because we were poor!


Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 18:02
Any excuse to post that Python classic sketch:

Aye, very passable, that, very passable bit of risotto.
Nothing like a good glass of Château de Chasselas, eh, Josiah?
You're right there, Obadiah.
Who'd have thought thirty year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Château de Chasselas, eh?
In them days we was glad to have the price of a cup o' tea.
A cup o' cold tea.
Without milk or sugar.
Or tea.
In a cracked cup, an' all.
Oh, we never had a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled up newspaper.
The best we could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.
But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were poor.
Because we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, "Money doesn't buy you happiness, son".
Aye, 'e was right.
Aye, 'e was.
I was happier then and I had nothin'. We used to live in this tiny old house with great big holes in the roof.
House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling.
Eh, you were lucky to have a room! We used to have to live in t' corridor!
Oh, we used to dream of livin' in a corridor! Would ha' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House? Huh.
Well, when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us.
We were evicted from our 'ole in the ground; we 'ad to go and live in a lake.
You were lucky to have a lake! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in t' shoebox in t' middle o' road.
Cardboard box?
You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.
Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!
Well, of course, we had it tough. We used to 'ave to get up out of shoebox at twelve o'clock at night and lick road clean wit' tongue. We had two bits of cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at mill for sixpence every four years, and when we got home our Dad would slice us in two wit' bread knife.
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.
And you try and tell the young people of today that ..... they won't believe you.
They won't!


Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 18:55
Now thats funny!

Posted By: spacecraft
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 19:11
Mobile phones...why?
They use them in the toilet, at the checkouts in supermarkets, phone home to ask their beloved what they like!!!!!! in the aisles of supermarkets, when they are driving (ban them all). When they text non stop, what the   f""k have they got to say that can't wait 'till they meet??????? And those bloody annoying ring tones, we've banned smoking in public places in Scotland, let's ban mobile phones too, anyone caught breaking this law shall be shot dead (enforced euthanasia)....hooray.

To Him as the Supreme King and Judge we commit our cause, casting our cares upon Him and firmly trusting that He will inspire us with courage and bring our enemies to nought.

Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: May 13 2006 at 03:47
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Well on my ranting radar of late is 'HR Speak' Let me clarify: 'Human Resources speak'

Now, every company has a HR (or personel) dept, but where I work they have so much clout it's unbelievable. Business trends come and go, and at present the trend is for touchy feely training courses, spin and double speak. The latest course was called 'Frameworks - For Leaders' I attended this two day session in a country hotel and was subjected to having to bare my soul to people I hardly knew, draw pictures that represented me as a child, a teenager and an adult, and partake in what we call intuition walks. These entail walking around the grounds of the hotel - in silence - with a note pad recording your feelings. After the walks we assemble in a circle, and have a 'Check In' This is where we each, in turn sum up our feelings in no more than three words at a time. When the session ends, one of the 'facilitators' sticks on an Enya CD to chill us out. These 'facilitators' are of course external consultants and earn more money than most of us will see in a lifetime.

if you think that's bad you should go on one of those health and safety or introduction to counselling courses!!
sometimes "politiofficespeak" or "HR speak" can work for you - i am on the security team where i work and also i am health & safety officer for the union. it's amazing sometimes! if there is a fire alarm i find myself in total control of the whole site, if i want anybody to do what i ask them to do (always in the interests of their safety) a multitude of sins can be covered by "well it's health and safety..."  - no argument with that !  try it!

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 13 2006 at 04:25
Originally posted by mystic fred mystic fred wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Well on my ranting radar of late is 'HR Speak' Let me clarify: 'Human Resources speak' Now, every company has a HR (or personel) dept, but where I work they have so much clout it's unbelievable. Business trends come and go, and at present the trend is for touchy feely training courses, spin and double speak. The latest course was called 'Frameworks - For Leaders' I attended this two day session in a country hotel and was subjected to having to bare my soul to people I hardly knew, draw pictures that represented me as a child, a teenager and an adult, and partake in what we call intuition walks. These entail walking around the grounds of the hotel - in silence - with a note pad recording your feelings. After the walks we assemble in a circle, and have a 'Check In' This is where we each, in turn sum up our feelings in no more than three words at a time. When the session ends, one of the 'facilitators' sticks on an Enya CD to chill us out. These 'facilitators' are of course external consultants and earn more money than most of us will see in a lifetime. .


if you think that's bad you should go on one of those health and safety or introduction to counselling courses!!

sometimes "politiofficespeak" or "HR speak" can work for you - i am on the security team where i work and also i am health & safety officer for the union. it's amazing sometimes! if there is a fire alarm i find myself in total control of the whole site, if i want anybody to do what i ask them to do (always in the interests of their safety) a multitude of sins can be covered by "well it's health and safety..."  - no argument with that !  try it!

I work in a formulation unit for a crop protection company, so there's plenty of health and safety protocal to follow, and I'm happy to accept that. We handle some pretty dangerous stuff, albeit in very small quantities.

The kind of HR speak I object to is purely business focussed. You there i go already!    In a scientific community, folk have very little time for ambiguous bullsh!t. The purpose of the courses was to install a new way of thinking among managers and leaders like myself, to promote positive thinking against a backdrop of some very negative changes. Turd pollishing basically. It's depressing...

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 13 2006 at 04:29
I presume you dislike "team building" exercises as well then?

Do they still do the lifting boxes by bending your knees training, or is that an urban myth?


Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 13 2006 at 05:03
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

I presume you dislike "team building" exercises as well then?Do they still do the lifting boxes by bending your knees training, or is that an urban myth?

Yeah, we still train people in 'ergonomics' and that has some value. It's the philisophical, touchy feely rubbish I object to, designed to 'streamline''enhance integration' and improve 'synergy'


Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 13 2006 at 11:01
^Also known as "what a load of bollocks!"

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 13 2006 at 13:30
Originally posted by Stonebeard Stonebeard wrote:

I hate how some people are bent on keeing their hearts cold to the joyous music that only a band such as Pallas can provide

That bloody well reminds me:

"The Sentinel"...

How did a bunch of Scottish 4th division Yes wannabees ever persuade Eddie Offord to produce such a rancid collection of (for the want of a better word) songs whose only benefit to the oevre of progressive rock is to act as a benchmark for other bands travelling the same road, who can listen to their own efforts and say "well hey, it may be crap, maybe we can't play very well, maybe the lyrics are appalling (can you say "Magenta"?) and maybe our drummer does sound like my granny playing biscuit tins with crochet hooks... whilst asleep... but at least we're not as bad as PALLAS"

+++sound of re-breathing exercises+++

Originally posted by spacecraft spacecraft wrote:

Mobile phones...why?

Mobile phones aren't my bugbear (usually...), but I'll tell you what I do hate about the bloody things:

Bluetooth Headsets!

OK, OK, they are fine and dandy as a handsfree kit whilst driving... but why do their sad b*****d owners insist on wearing/using them whilst walking down the street with normal people like us? Do they think other peoples' perception of their evidently talking to themselves i proves their image? Do they want to be seen as sad little Borg wannabees with their little plastic attachments sticking out of their bloody ears????



Oh, by the way, welcome to the forum, spacecraft - we're not always like this....

....unless someone asks me about Pallas, that is...


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 13 2006 at 16:23
Tourists. I hate them.

The pavements here in Oxford are only wide enough for about 2 (if your lucky 3) people to walk side by side down, so of course a bunch of 20 odd tourist is going to stand in the way and block everyone. Another thing, I really hat it when people walk agonizeingly slow right infront of you, its even worse when they stop without warning!!!Angry

Hmmmmm.... this is quickly becomeing my favourit thread, it just feels so good to get these annoyances of my chest.

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 00:25
Peter Doherty and his bands that create so called music!

It's out of tune, unintelligible muzak that contains far too many yeah yeah yeahs!

I cannot see how Babyshambles and The Libertines, are where they are...

Simply awful!


Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 00:46

Talking about mobile phones, a couple years ago when I was taking the masters degree course and  in the middle of the class acelular phone started to ring, and a very cute girl said something like "Darling, I can't talk to you now, I'm on a class, see you tonight at the disco" Just in the middle of the class.

The teacher without changing his face made a coment: There should only be two kind of persons that use mobile phones, Doctors who need to be communicated because lives are in their hands and snobs, being that all the people here are lawyers, you "darling" must be in the second kind, so please call your boyfriend and tell him you're going early to the disco tonight, good bye"
But we need mobile phones like it or not.
You know what I hate?
Infomercials, specially those that tell us during 5 or 10 minutes (In the middle of our favoruite TV programs) that if we but Jack La Lalanne's juice processor we will live until we're 95 years old (While a stupid woman says "Omygoddd it doesn't makes a sound")

Even worst (if possible) are those that tell us that if we buy a very expensive machine (seen at least 50 different) we will losse 50 Kgms working out 5 minutes a day and even if we breakfast doughnuts with bacon.
I hate those ones.


Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 08:37
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Chavs - need I say more?
are they what we used to call "essex girls"  ???

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 08:48
Old people!
I'm sorry but what exactly are they for? These small,doddery wrinkly-people,they're everywhere! At the wrong times!!!

Now we have to call them Seniors and I know why!

"Senior got all day to go about your business why do you always travel into town during rush hour?"

You've got all freaking day to go into town you selfish old coots!!

Have you ever tried to get a bus anywhere between 8 and 9 am? They inevitably fly past you filled with schoolkids and oldies. That's why I go to work in my car-if you are travelling to work between 8 and 9 there is a better than 50% chance of being able to knock one of the old buggers over!


Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 09:05
...and they smell of wee.


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 09:07
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

...and they smell of wee.
and they all have beards.....

....male and female!

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 03:48
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Peter Doherty and his bands that create so called music!

Jeez Geck0, you know how to push the wrong buttons, for me...

Pete Docherty?

Pete Docherty?


Take two schoolfriends, one of whom plays guitar fairly well, and the other fancies himself as a singer (despite all evidence to the contrary), add an industry A&R man who thinks he can hype them to the heights, so long as they agree to have two session men (who can't stand them, anyway) foisted on them to turn them from a duo into a "band" & voila, The Libertines! Said "singer" now has an even more over-inflated sense of his own importance / talent, but now also has a gullible public throwing money at him, which fuels his new found taste for all things Columbian. Over inflated sense of self importance is now fueled by the paranoia inherent in South American marching powder...

...and the kids love him!


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 03:53
I quite agree!  And having Kate Moss as a missus!  I'm not sure who to feel sorry for...

Apparently (from what I've read), Mr. Doherty has A+ GCSEs and A-Levels and apparently has won poetry competitions... hmmm...

Someone must have been listening out of the wrong orifice that day!  Either that, or they were blinded by their cocker spaniel the day before...


Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 03:53
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Peter Doherty and his bands that create so called music!

Jeez Geck0, you know how to push the wrong buttons, for me...

Pete Docherty?

Pete Docherty?


Take two schoolfriends, one of whom plays guitar fairly well, and the other fancies himself as a singer (despite all evidence to the contrary), add an industry A&R man who thinks he can hype them to the heights, so long as they agree to have two session men (who can't stand them, anyway) foisted on them to turn them from a duo into a "band" & voila, The Libertines! Said "singer" now has an even more over-inflated sense of his own importance / talent, but now also has a gullible public throwing money at him, which fuels his new found taste for all things Columbian. Over inflated sense of self importance is now fueled by the paranoia inherent in South American marching powder...

...and the kids love him!

(edit) a bit of an inside hook on this one, as one of my closest friends is the mother of Carl (Libertines guitarist); this may seem to be a character assassination attempt, but all the above is in the public domain, as opposed to other stuff I know but choose not to write!


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 03:55
Don't worry about it, Jim!  I was once chatting to this woman at a mobile CD stool once at how much I hated Chris de Burgh and apparently she was his cousin and she hated him just as much as well!

I really hope she was his cousin!


Posted By: mystic fred
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 12:02
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

[quote=Stonebeard]That bloody well reminds me:

"The Sentinel"...

How did a bunch of Scottish 4th division Yes wannabees ever persuade Eddie Offord to produce such a rancid collection of (for the want of a better word) songs whose only benefit to the oevre of progressive rock is to act as a benchmark for other bands travelling the same road, who can listen to their own efforts and say "well hey, it may be crap, maybe we can't play very well, maybe the lyrics are appalling (can you say "Magenta"?) and maybe our drummer does sound like my granny playing biscuit tins with crochet hooks... whilst asleep... but at least we're not as bad as PALLAS"

+++sound of re-breathing exercises+++

....unless someone asks me about Pallas, that is... really don't like that album, do you jim?? it's the best album ever made jim .........jim??...
......................jim??  (too late he just imploded!!!)LOL  (..he's dead, jim!!)

Prog Archives Tour Van

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 12:29

I think I need a lie down....


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: darren
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 15:36
I'm sick of people who quote Monty Python and think they're being funny. This is not aimed at any previous people who post. I'm in a local comedy troupe and I guess people recognize me as such and think they'll impress me by how much Python they can recite. Python is very original, cutting edge humour... or at least it was THIRTY FIVE YEARS AGO. Yes, most of it stands the test of time but would you start a band and only copy The Beatles? (insert Oasis joke here) The same people usually suggest sketch ideas and I know that if they quoted Python before telling me the idea, it's 100% certain the idea will end with "then he pulls out a gun and shoots him." Then they get upset when I don't double over in laughter.

Uh, sorry but we make it a point of giving our sketches actual endings. Now f--- off before I turn into one of the knights that will kick you in the nuts.


"they locked up a man who wanted to rule the world.
the fools
they locked up the wrong man."
- Leonard Cohen

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 17:56
Tool fanboys!

The ones who cannot give a bad review to a Tool album and who also cannot admit that 10,000 Days isn't really all that special.  It's a good album, but it's not Lateralus!


Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 18:00
Little Britain catchphrases - don't get me started. Mind you, 'I'm a laydee' was pretty funny ... the first time.

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 18:03
Terrorists Suck.

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 18:09
Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

Little Britain catchphrases - don't get me started. Mind you, 'I'm a laydee' was pretty funny ... the first time.

Chris, it's not just the quotes, it's the whole show!  It's just not in the least bit funny!  The same applies to The League of Gentleman... maybe the humour is beyond me, but it does nothing for me.

I'm more of a Chris Morris Jam kind of person..., I like my comedy to be unique.  I found Peep Show enjoyable as well.


Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 18:12
Girls sitting in the middle seat of a truck next to their man- suck. (When the passenger seat is empty, of course)

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 18:14
There's a reason for that Drew!


Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 18:15
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

Little Britain catchphrases - don't get me started. Mind you, 'I'm a laydee' was pretty funny ... the first time.

Chris, it's not just the quotes, it's the whole show!  It's just not in the least bit funny!  The same applies to The League of Gentleman... maybe the humour is beyond me, but it does nothing for me.

I'm more of a Chris Morris Jam kind of person..., I like my comedy to be unique.  I found Peep Show enjoyable as well.
I thought that the League of Gentlemen had its moments, and I agree that Chris Morris is sick, twisted and utterly hilarious. The best thing about Little Britain was Tom Baker's voice over.
And then there's Jimmy Censored  Carr Angry

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 18:16
Oh surely Peter Kaye is worse?

I never really liked Jack Dee, but he makes sense now and I like him!

Jasper Carrott I also like (is this something I should admit too?)


Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 18:23
Poeple that don't tip- SUCK

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 19:38
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Oh surely Peter Kaye is worse?

I never really liked Jack Dee, but he makes sense now and I like him!

Jasper Carrott I also like (is this something I should admit too?)

Youve named two of the only five comedians I find funny, the others being Billy Connolly,  Bill Baily and Lee Evans (some of the time).

Peter Kaye  couldnt make a Hyena laugh, but then he is from BoltonWink.

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 19:43
Yey!  Jasper Carrott is very clever, he somehow manages to go back to a story or joke he was talking about earlier.

Not sure about Lee Evans... some of his stuff is excellent, some is complete tripe.  That Bohemiam Rhapsody joke got old fast.


Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 19:45
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Oh surely Peter Kaye is worse?

Forum Rule No 4 clearly states that any sniping against Bolton or any of its inhabitants,past or present,or its wonderful celebrities*, will result in instant termination.

You haf bin varned...............

*this excludes Stu Francis for obvious reasons...

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 19:47
Originally posted by Tony R Tony R wrote:

Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Oh surely Peter Kaye is worse?

Forum Rule No 4 clearly states that any sniping against Bolton or any of its inhabitants,past or present,or its wonderful celebrities*, will result in instant termination.

You haf bin varned...............

*this excludes Stu Francis for obvious reasons...

Is it too late to retract my statementLOL

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 19:47
George Formby rocks!

Oh and that image didn't work.


Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 19:49
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Oh and that image didn't work.

This is the first process of termination.

Next the text wil l st ar  t  t        o   fr   a gme d isappear

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 20:46
I hate Bolton.

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 20:55
You are all bad people....Pig

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 21:01
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Tool fanboys!

The ones who cannot give a bad review to a Tool album and who also cannot admit that 10,000 Days isn't really all that special.  It's a good album, but it's not Lateralus!
Ohhhh yeahhhh?Angry
WinkWinkTongueBig smileLOL


Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 21:23
I didn't mean you Jody!


Posted By: Hibou
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 01:29

Won't they ever go away? And exactly what are we supposed to do? Move over to the ditch? Deliberately crash into other people who don't have babies? Ah, humbug...

Oh, but I got my revenge once. A few years back, hubby and I had enherited a cute little hamster no one wanted. So I bought a sign, some paint and then stuck this to the back window of  our car:



Gene Police: You!! Out of the pool!

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 01:41
^^^^ LOL I agree.
Perú is a Catholic country (Near 90% despite the Evangelist and Mormon's efforts) so many preople placed a sign in their cars that said:
"I'm Catholic, in case of accident please call a priest"
I'm a Catholic also, but if you ask me I choose to live so I made a sticker (My brother in law designed this stickers) that said:
"I'm Catholic but in case of accident please call a doctor before you search for a priest"


Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 03:28
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

Little Britain catchphrases - don't get me started. Mind you, 'I'm a laydee' was pretty funny ... the first time.
Chris, it's not just the quotes, it's the whole show!  It's just not in the least bit funny!  The same applies to The League of Gentleman... maybe the humour is beyond me, but it does nothing for me.I'm more of a Chris Morris Jam kind of person..., I like my comedy to be unique.  I found Peep Show enjoyable as well.

Oh God Oh God Oh God - for me, it isn't the shows themselves which raise the already dangerously high blood pressure (and I must at this point admit to being a big fan of the first 2 series of "League Of Gentlemen" - but not series 3, and especially not the appalling film version), what does it for me, is their insistence on taking sketch shows "on the road".

The Python team pioneered the TV series live show spinoff in the 1970s, and you had the same problem then, as now... the audience!

Approximately 10% of the audience just love the material & want to see something different done with it, but the other 90% is invariably made up with sad s who laugh and cheer loudly at the following points:

1 - The appearance of a recognised character... EVERY recognised character, no matter how insignificant.

2 - Hearing the first line of a favorite sketch; no, scratch that... the first line of EVERY sketch, no matter how unfunny the line.

3 - Hearing a "catchphrase"... every time they hear the catchphrase.

In addition to the above, there will always be a proportion of the audience who like to dress up as their favorite character - Why? We know how the characters dress (we certainly know they do it better than you, you sad little sociology student, you), and I don't believe the characters stand around with a self satisfied little grin as if to say "look everyone, aren't I hilarious"; these are usually the kind of people who after 2 pints of cider in the university bar describe themselves as being "completely mad", a phrase which invariably translates as sad, shallow and definitely single.

Sorry - got a bit sidetracked there - what I mean to say is TV show funny?


Keep it on the TV.


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 05:47
Originally posted by Hibou Hibou wrote:

<span style="" lang="EN-US"></span><span style="" lang="EN-US"></span>
<span style="" lang="EN-US">Won't they
ever go away? And exactly what are we supposed to do? Move over to the ditch?
Deliberately crash into other people who don't have babies? Ah, humbug...</span>
<span style="" lang="EN-US">Oh,</span> but I got my revenge once. A few years back, hubby and I had enherited a cute little hamster no one wanted. So I bought a sign, some paint and then stuck this to the back window of  our car:
 <span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US"></span>
<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US"></span>
<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US"></span>
<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US"></span>


I hate seeing any kind of car sticker, but these ones really wind me up. It's not that I advocate crashing into cars with babies in them, but honestly, think about what this sticker is saying..

People who drive like tw&ts endanering their own life, and those in the car with them, are of a particular specific mindset. They have sh!t for brains and not a single iota of respect for their own well being, why on Earth is anyone so naieve to think think that these people will give two flying sh!ts about someone eles baby. These f**kwits will have a crash, kill an entire family and THEN cry about it afterwards. They are not equipped with the mental skills to relate action to consequence before the event... etc etc... aaaarrggghhhh   

Other stickers on cars just get on my t!ts. I hate 'funny' stickers, designed to make people think the driver is some kind of lovable, good humoured, slightly mad character who you'd love to meet a party, when infact he's probably a complete w&nker, with a deeply rooted inferioty complex, due to a complex and loveless relationshiop with his mother. It's the 'need to be noticed' complex; the need to stand out from, all the lemmings in their metal boxes on the M25 - apart from all the other ones with tw&tty stickers on their cars, of course.

While, I'm at it, I'd like to talk about the effect football has on peoples intelligence. I've nothing against the great game, but whenever the world cup or a Euopean tournament looms, the average Englishmen turns into a retarded, knuckle dragging idiot, whose voice suddenly takes on the characteristics of your average thug; not a persona they would normally be proud of. It's the only time in their fat, track suit wearing, chavvy little lives, they ever show any emotion. They celebrate victory by getting drunk and causing a public nuisance, and they commiserate loss by crying into their Lager...and then getting drunk and causing a public nuisance. They cover their houses in England flags, not to show their support for our boys, as they claim..oh no, but to show a) how 'mad' and 'up for it' they are. and b) to draw attention to themselves, hoping that passers by will think 'Wow, look at that house. That guy must really love his footy. I bet he's a real 'salt of the Earth' type who does abit of this and abit of that, but basically loves his old mam!' (See 'Need to be noticed complex' as described earlier in post)

Frankly, I'll be glad when it's all over...


Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Wilcey
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 05:57
Hafta agree there Blacksword..........I was pootling home from the shooops on Saturday, and got cut up on a round-a-bout by one of the above mentioned.....only he had those stupid freakin flags sticking up from his rear windows............flapping away, he got so close, that I swear if i didn't push my visor down quick smart he woulda had my eye out.............and THEN the t*sser cut me up and I nearly had to ride up on the nicely planted roundabout!
oh.........but he's got his flags, and supporting the boys is FAR more important than not attempting to kill me on a roundabout!


Wow! Ilike the ranting room.........I feel SO much better for that!

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 06:13
Originally posted by prog-chick prog-chick wrote:

Hafta agree there Blacksword..........I was pootling home from the shooops on Saturday, and got cut up on a round-a-bout by one of the above mentioned.....only he had those stupid freakin flags sticking up from his rear windows............flapping away, he got so close, that I swear if i didn't push my visor down quick smart he woulda had my eye out.............and THEN the t*sser cut me up and I nearly had to ride up on the nicely planted roundabout!
oh.........but he's got his flags, and supporting the boys is FAR more important than not attempting to kill me on a roundabout!


Wow! Ilike the ranting room.........I feel SO much better for that!

It's a failing on their part that when football is on their radar, they are incapable of thinking of anything else, other than the great time they are going to have getting p!ssed...watching football.    

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 07:33
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

While, I'm at it, I'd like to talk about the effect football has on peoples intelligence. I've nothing against the great game, but whenever the world cup or a Euopean tournament looms, the average Englishmen turns into a retarded, knuckle dragging idiot, whose voice suddenly takes on the characteristics of your average thug; not a persona they would normally be proud of. It's the only time in their fat, track suit wearing, chavvy little lives, they ever show any emotion. They celebrate victory by getting drunk and causing a public nuisance, and they commiserate loss by crying into their Lager...and then getting drunk and causing a public nuisance. They cover their houses in England flags, not to show their support for our boys, as they claim..oh no, but to show a) how 'mad' and 'up for it' they are. and b) to draw attention to themselves, hoping that passers by will think 'Wow, look at that house. That guy must really love his footy. I bet he's a real 'salt of the Earth' type who does abit of this and abit of that, but basically loves his old mam!'


I thought I was the only one.... You've no idea how good your post makes me feel...

I think I need a hug...


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 07:39
Five pages of posts in three & a half days - I think this little thread of mine is serving a useful purpose on PA*

Keep those posts a-comin' people - it's good for you; let it all out, tell us what you think, let them know exactly how you feel... you know you want to

* Before any smartarse points it out, yes, I know most of the rants are mine; I'm no more or less tolerant than anyone else, I am merely leading by example


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 07:45
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

While, I'm at it, I'd like to talk about the effect football has on peoples intelligence. I've nothing against the great game, but whenever the world cup or a Euopean tournament looms, the average Englishmen turns into a retarded, knuckle dragging idiot, whose voice suddenly takes on the characteristics of your average thug; not a persona they would normally be proud of. It's the only time in their fat, track suit wearing, chavvy little lives, they ever show any emotion. They celebrate victory by getting drunk and causing a public nuisance, and they commiserate loss by crying into their Lager...and then getting drunk and causing a public nuisance. They cover their houses in England flags, not to show their support for our boys, as they claim..oh no, but to show a) how 'mad' and 'up for it' they are. and b) to draw attention to themselves, hoping that passers by will think 'Wow, look at that house. That guy must really love his footy. I bet he's a real 'salt of the Earth' type who does abit of this and abit of that, but basically loves his old mam!'


I thought I was the only one.... You've no idea how good your post makes me feel...

I think I need a hug...

I'm delighted to have made your day, Jim..

..and dont you just hate the way you are made to feel bad about having this view? My mates tell me it's just a bit of fun, and I shouldn't be such a snob.

Fun, my arse!

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 07:48
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

Five pages of posts in three & a half days - I think this little thread of mine is serving a useful purpose on PA*

Keep those posts a-comin' people - it's good for you; let it all out, tell us what you think, let them know exactly how you feel... you know you want to

* Before any smartarse points it out, yes, I know most of the rants are mine; I'm no more or less tolerant than anyone else, I am merely leading by example

I'm glad we've got this thread, it probably wont be long before I find something else to rant about myself, probably to do with exams it being the end of May.

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 07:57
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

..and dont you just hate the way you are made to feel bad about having this view? My mates tell me it's just a bit of fun, and I shouldn't be such a snob.

Fun, my arse!

That's if you're allowed to get a word in edgeways the day after a soccer match ; I like the people I work with a great deal but there are times (usually on a Monday or Thursday) where I may as well come into work naked with a llama strapped to my head for all the notice a recognised "non-football-person" is given...

...that is until they've finished talking about the latest exploits of a bunch of overpaid, undereducated, narcissistic, underworked, celebrity-obsessed morons, whose idea of a fashion statement (to be taken seriously by the knuckle dragging hordes, of course) is to change their haircut again, thereby ensuring coverage by those pathetic lowest common denominator feeding magazines who follow their every insignificant step and word as if they were reporting the second coming of Christ!

...sorry, what was the question again?


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 08:32
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

..and dont you just hate the way you are made to feel bad about having this view? My mates tell me it's just a bit of fun, and I shouldn't be such a snob.

Fun, my arse!

That's if you're allowed to get a word in edgeways the day after a soccer match ; I like the people I work with a great deal but there are times (usually on a Monday or Thursday) where I may as well come into work naked with a llama strapped to my head for all the notice a recognised "non-football-person" is given...

...that is until they've finished talking about the latest exploits of a bunch of overpaid, undereducated, narcissistic, underworked, celebrity-obsessed morons, whose idea of a fashion statement (to be taken seriously by the knuckle dragging hordes, of course) is to change their haircut again, thereby ensuring coverage by those pathetic lowest common denominator feeding magazines who follow their every insignificant step and word as if they were reporting the second coming of Christ!

...sorry, what was the question again?

You're on form today, Jim!

I think it's the armchair post match analysis that amuses me the most, or rather the barside post mortems of a match. Now, I've been to many football matches, I'm no fanatic, but I've no problem with football. I just cant stand all the manly bullsh!t that goes with it. I'm reminded of the Fast Show sketch with the group of three men standing in a pub, and there's one who agrees with both of the others opposing views becasue he has nothing of his own to add, and wants to fit in. That could easily have been me! Thankfully it wasn't.

TV coverage of any match irritates me to hell! It's the inane tunnel interviews with the sweaty players, along the lines of:

"Yeah, thats right, what can I say. We had a good first half, but you know, it's like, at the end of the day, when all is said and done it's about scoring goals, it's about putting balls in the back of the net, you know what I mean. If you cant do that you may as well stay at home"

No sh!t Sherlock. That £200,000 you earn a week is well deserved is it not!   

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 10:42
'Well it's a game of two halves, and at the end of 90 minutes whoever's scored the most goals is the winner.'
The really irritating thing is smug, over educated gits like Frank Skinner and David Baddiel pretending to be ordinary football fans despite their PhD's in English Literature just so that they can help to sell football to the middle classes. I don't doubt their sincerity as supporters, it's just the mockney accents and oleaginous attempts to ingratiate themselves which get up my nose.
And while I'm on the subject, how come sad gits who fly the England flag for our national football team, which actually includes black players, are thought of as racist hooligans, while the sad Daily Mail reading little Englanders who wave the flag to support Tim 'quarter final? Time to go home' Henman and other English tennis no-hopers, and our rugby team, both of which are represented exclusively by middle class white people, are somehow seen as bastions of progressive, liberal thinking in comparison?

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 11:20
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

While, I'm at it, I'd like to talk about the effect football has on peoples intelligence. I've nothing against the great game, but whenever the world cup or a Euopean tournament looms, the average Englishmen turns into a retarded, knuckle dragging idiot, whose voice suddenly takes on the characteristics of your average thug; not a persona they would normally be proud of. It's the only time in their fat, track suit wearing, chavvy little lives, they ever show any emotion. They celebrate victory by getting drunk and causing a public nuisance, and they commiserate loss by crying into their Lager...and then getting drunk and causing a public nuisance. They cover their houses in England flags, not to show their support for our boys, as they claim..oh no, but to show a) how 'mad' and 'up for it' they are. and b) to draw attention to themselves, hoping that passers by will think 'Wow, look at that house. That guy must really love his footy. I bet he's a real 'salt of the Earth' type who does abit of this and abit of that, but basically loves his old mam!'
and dont you just hate the way you are made to feel bad about having this view? My mates tell me it's just a bit of fun, and I shouldn't be such a snob.

Fun, my arse!

That's if you're allowed to get a word in edgeways the day after a soccer match ; I like the people I work with a great deal but there are times (usually on a Monday or Thursday) where I may as well come into work naked with a llama strapped to my head for all the notice a recognised "non-football-person" is given...

...that is until they've finished talking about the latest exploits of a bunch of overpaid, undereducated, narcissistic, underworked, celebrity-obsessed morons, whose idea of a fashion statement (to be taken seriously by the knuckle dragging hordes, of course) is to change their haircut again, thereby ensuring coverage by those pathetic lowest common denominator feeding magazines who follow their every insignificant step and word as if they were reporting the second coming of Christ!

...sorry, what was the question again?
Yup!!!!!! Football types are aggravating , but what really starts to get to my nerves is that in the last few years , women have started to talk of football (most of them just to try to butt in the stupid conversation) as if this would make them intelligent or even get treated better or worse yet , the think they become the man's equal. (I really condemn woman boxing also)
I certainly disagree that a woman, on the count of equality, would/should have to stoop so low as to become a football mentalhead (the ones whose only interest is football) in order to think of them as equal
A superb looking Italian demoiselle just starting out at the research institute I work for sent me signals early this year, so we ended up in the restaurant but after some 15 minutes , she had it all wrong: I could've dealt with the heavy smoking, but the constant fidgeting with her cell phone while at the dinner table and worse !!!!!!! >> sending to ex-colleagues SMS about Inter Milan's latest scores etc.......... As soon as dinner was over, I went home alone feeling great, but could not help pity this woman. The next day, she almost asked me if I was gay, to which I gave her two of the three reasons why I left   

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 12:26

I couldn't agree more about girls who try to be football louts. Our local pubs are full of these ghastly creatures, who think the best way to be equal to men is to act like them, in the worst possible way.

It ties in with ever increasing thuggish behavior among women, girl gangs etc. Do I blame parents? Partly, but they are not really responsible for the huge cultural changes. I blame the Spice Girls..oh and Phil Collins..well, why not..?

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 15:14
Fire Alarms.

Or to be specific the fire alarms here in my hall of residence, there stupidly  sensetive. They will be set off by steam, smoke from weed and Lynx (I kid you not). Whats more it seems that some of the students staying here took more than 3 months to get the hang of closeing their shower doors when in use, I dont want to stand around outside in the middle of winter becasue someone cant close their shower door.Angry

Over the last four weeks however the alarms seem to have decided that they are going to go off at 3 in the bloody morning, and its happened once every week so far since I returned from Easter.

Worst of all an alarm interupted my viewing of Top Gear this Sunday gone, that time they went to far.AngryWink

Posted By: crimson thing
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 16:08
Originally posted by sleeper sleeper wrote:

Fire Alarms.

Or to be specific the fire alarms here in my hall of residence, there stupidly  sensetive. They will be set off by steam, smoke from weed and Lynx (I kid you not). Whats more it seems that some of the students staying here took more than 3 months to get the hang of closeing their shower doors when in use, I dont want to stand around outside in the middle of winter becasue someone cant close their shower door.Angry

Over the last four weeks however the alarms seem to have decided that they are going to go off at 3 in the bloody morning, and its happened once every week so far since I returned from Easter.

Worst of all an alarm interupted my viewing of Top Gear this Sunday gone, that time they went to far.AngryWink
Halls of residence seem to have changed a bit. In my day, cold showers never ran the risk of setting off fire alarms. Have students turned soft ? Wink

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 19:16
Bravo guys and girl, very well said!

Football generally annoys me, I used to be a fan, but now, I cannot be bothered with it, it's pointless (well, pointless at professional level anyhow).

Oh, I know what annoys me and maybe this just happens to me...

Two of my mates (but one in particular), both being female, when getting in my car in the passenger seat, immediately have to start playing with my 6-CD player, to try and find something they like.  I've had to put in their own CDs before now, because my prog music is just too much for them!  Having said that, one of them did borrow my Coheed and Cambria CD.  She's welcome to it, because I really do not like it all that much!

They're the same with Sky/Cable.  All they do is endlessly flick channels finding music they like (normally Blink 182 or Green Day - don't get me started on them!) and when they do find something they like (like what I mention above), they get so far in and get bored of it and then... yes, they start flicking through again.  The thing is, myself and my male friend don't want to listen to that kind of music, but we cannot get our say.  It annoys me having to listen to Hip-hop or Rap on occasions.

I think, quite possibly, women have the worst music taste in the world (not all of them of course).

*that feels better*


Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 19:23
Originally posted by crimson thing crimson thing wrote:

Originally posted by sleeper sleeper wrote:

Fire Alarms.

Or to be specific the fire alarms here in my hall of residence, there stupidly  sensetive. They will be set off by steam, smoke from weed and Lynx (I kid you not). Whats more it seems that some of the students staying here took more than 3 months to get the hang of closeing their shower doors when in use, I dont want to stand around outside in the middle of winter becasue someone cant close their shower door.Angry

Over the last four weeks however the alarms seem to have decided that they are going to go off at 3 in the bloody morning, and its happened once every week so far since I returned from Easter.

Worst of all an alarm interupted my viewing of Top Gear this Sunday gone, that time they went to far.AngryWink
Halls of residence seem to have changed a bit. In my day, cold showers never ran the risk of setting off fire alarms. Have students turned soft ? Wink

The showers now are quite tempermental, one morning their stone cold, the next there too hot to stand under without loosing a couple layer's of skin, and then there are some mornings were they do both within secondsAngry.

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 21:17
Another one:
A$$holes who leave their ultra sensitive house alarms on when go out for weekend.
Last month the alarm of the house next door sounded for 15 hours, police couldn't don anything, one person (Don't know who he/she was and even if I knew i wouldn't talk) from some house around shoot the alarm horn around 10 PM (I wasn't because a wall doesn't give me range enough to shoot, but I would probably have done it if I could).
The mailto:w@nker - w@nker came home after three days and made a scandal, not even the police department (who tried to shut the electricity but the f**king alarm had a several hours battery) said a word.
Last thing I knew is that the council made him pay money for sound contamination.


Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: May 16 2006 at 21:34
^ LOLClap

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