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Yeti - Pale Galleries - Amon Duul 2

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Topic: Yeti - Pale Galleries - Amon Duul 2
Posted By: beresford
Subject: Yeti - Pale Galleries - Amon Duul 2
Date Posted: May 02 2006 at 13:56
Some time ago I bought a copy of "Yeti" on CD and found that the track 'Pale Galleries' was truncated wrt the vinyl version (and they'd cut out the best bit)Cry. I learned on the net that the only full version was from Captain Trip, who were out of print and have obstinately refused ever since to print any more. They did however stop advertising how wonderful their version was after I e-mailed them complaining about hyping goods they weren't prepared to produce.
I now notice that there are new versions of the CD with so-called 'bonus tracks'. Does anybody know if any of the newer versions have the untruncated 'Pale Galleries', which should be about 5 minutes long?

Posted By: Frasse
Date Posted: May 02 2006 at 14:06
My copy (CD reissue, Repetoire Records 2001) has a 2 minute long version of it in the ordinary track list.Unhappy

Posted By: beresford
Date Posted: May 02 2006 at 17:50
The interesting thing is that the vinyl version says 2.11 on the cover but it lies. This is presumably why it got truncated at 2.11 when it was put onto CD.

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