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Yugoslavia in the Country List

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Forum Name: Report errors & omissions here
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Topic: Yugoslavia in the Country List
Posted By: Seyo
Subject: Yugoslavia in the Country List
Date Posted: April 08 2006 at 03:03

This is not strictly a bug, but is a serious error and it should be corrected.

There are 2 country lists in PA: one is the list of countries when submitting a new band so to choose their country of origin. Another country list is present in the form for Forum members profiles and bio data. In one list there is mentioned "Bosnia", in the other "Bosnia Hercegovina". The proper name in both lists should be : BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (I don't mind "c" but I think English standard is "z"). OK.

More important mistake is regarding the political geography:

In both lists there are these countries listed: Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia and Yugoslavia. The former Yugoslavia effectively ceased to exist in 1991 and several independent countries appeared, those mentioned above. However, Serbia and Montenegro continued for several years to be regarded "Yugoslavia" (under Milosevic regime) and finally few years ago decided to change the name of the country into "SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO". So this should be added to the list. But, I suggest you leave the country "YUGOSLAVIA" on the list as well, because the majority of prog music was done in that (now "former") country when it existed.

So far, all the artists mentioned under "Yugoslavia" should remain like that, except the band ALOGIA which is recent band from Serbia and Montenegro and has nothing to do with any "Yugoslavia". There fore, all recent post-1991 artists from this region, who did not existed before, if they appear here should be put under their respective "new" independent country: BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, CROATIA, MACEDONIA, SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO, SLOVENIA.

Old pre-1991 artists, even if they continued to be active after that year, should be left under YUGOSLAVIA, because it is historically and politically correct, IMO.

Please, I hope I was clear in explaining this. Ask me if you need more clarification!

Thanks for coop.

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: April 08 2006 at 09:39

I thought about this before Seyo and fully agree with you. I would tend to think the problem should be the same for the CZech Republic and Slovakia and the former unoique country of Czekoslovakia.

One tiny thinh , though the official name of the country you call Macedonia is FYROM (Former Yougoslavian Republic Of Mecedonia) until the dispute with Greece about the greek province name is settled

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Seyo
Date Posted: April 08 2006 at 14:18

Yes I think the similar could be done with former Czechoslovakia, but I will leave this to our Czech and Slovak friends to suggest.

You are right about Macedonia, then I would like to add "FYRO Macedonia" because if you put only acronym FYROM few people would recognize it.

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: April 10 2006 at 03:01
You could send this link to mailto:M@X - M@X by PM so he can make the changes

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Seyo
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 14:58
Thanks, I'll do that.

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 17:42
It should be in Errors And Omissions...but I forgive you as we aren't all perfect.

Posted By: Seyo
Date Posted: April 18 2006 at 04:58

Thank you, you are too kind

But i think "Errors and omissions" is only for album and artist mistakes? No?

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: April 20 2006 at 12:15

Ok,I've done all the changes relating to the former Yugoslavia and the band Alogia too.

Posted By: Seyo
Date Posted: April 21 2006 at 09:13
Thanks Tony, great!

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