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favorite beatles album?

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Topic: favorite beatles album?
Posted By: Padraic
Subject: favorite beatles album?
Date Posted: April 06 2006 at 21:00
I was in a Beatles mood, so on the 3 hr. drive back home from a business trip, I had Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road in the car.  While I recognize the importance of Sgt. Pepper in modern music history, to me Abbey Road is the true Beatles masterpiece.  Wanted to see what you all thought, I included some albums as explicit choices, but if for some reasons "Please Please Me" is your favorite, let us know!

Posted By: Ben2112
Date Posted: April 06 2006 at 22:27
My two favorites have always been Abbey Road and Revolver. Revolver because it just contains so many different styles (same as with the Album before--Rubber Soul--which probably should have gone on the poll too) and it contains some brilliant pop gems (Taxman, Eleanor Rigby, I'm Only Sleeping, etc.) and a wonderful introduction to psychedelia in Tomorrow Never Knows; and Abbey Road due to the incredibly cool side two suite, and the gorgeous vocal harmonies, which may never have been equaled to this day. I picked Abbey Road for the poll.

Posted By: stan the man
Date Posted: April 06 2006 at 22:42
Abby Road is wonderful. 

true as a lobster in a pteredaktyl's underpants.

Posted By: marktheshark
Date Posted: April 06 2006 at 23:43
To me Revolver is the one. All the rest are masterpieces too in their own way, but Revolver was the zenith of their experimental phase. The songs are more "black and white" with a more stark contrast between them. We go from George's Indian influenced Love To You right into the novelty of Yellow Submarine. The juxaposition is so jarring on this album you can't keep up with it, especially in 1966! Even the cover is stark, not a single color photo on it.

The Beatles certainly went through some darker periods as trying to stay as a band later on, but this was the first of the their dark periods with touring becoming more and more intolerable. They were being torn between writing pop songs and experimenting in the studio at this point. LSD was introduced to at least John and George at this point. So the result here is some pop songs done experimentally (or some of which). Not a single song from this album was performed on their last tour for good reason (unless you want to count Paperback Writer which was from the same sessions).

To me this album is the crux of the biscuit in terms of their songwriting abilities. The production may be more rough than the latters, but I think that's what makes this album even more interesting.

Posted By: SirPsycho388
Date Posted: April 06 2006 at 23:58

My top three favorites are Rubber Soul, Revolver, and Abbey Road. Though I love most Beatle albums... the next two being The White Album and Sgt. Pepper.

But i gave my vote to Abbey Road... side 2 is amazing!!!

Strangers passing in the street by chance two separate glances meet and I am you and what I see is me. And do I take you by the hand and lead you through the land and help me understand the best I can

Posted By: FragileDT
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 00:14
I'm gonna go with Sgt. Pepper. All of their albums from Rubber Soul to
Abbey Road were masterpieces IMO though. Revolver is my second favorite.

One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless Compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity

Posted By: Trotsky
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 04:02

Magical Mystery Tour ...

it was a little bit of a cobbled together effort because it included Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane (which had been recorded before Sgt Pepper's but left off) ...

but in the end I simply cannot resist an album that contains Fool On The Hill, I Am The Walrus, All You Need Is Love, Strawberry Fields Forever, Penny Lane and some relatively uncelebrated gems like Blue Jay Way, Baby You're A Rich Man, Hello Goodbye and the title track ...

even Flying and Your Mother Should Know have wonderful memories for me ... are to be warm and toasted ...

Sgt. Peppers next and Revolver third ...

"Death to Utopia! Death to faith! Death to love! Death to hope?" thunders the 20th century. "Surrender, you pathetic dreamer.”

"No" replies the unhumbled optimist "You are only the present."

Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 06:50
"Rubber Soul"

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: ANDREW
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 09:15

Posted By: Firepuck
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 09:24
Abbey Road for me.

Kryten : "'Pub'? Ah yes, A meeting place where humans attempt to achieve advanced states of mental incompetence by the repeated consumption of fermented vegetable drinks."

Posted By: man@arms
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 10:11
Sgt. Pepper for me.  Such a wonderful flow of songs, styles and ideas.  And IMHO where prog rock begins.   

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 11:29
1.Sgt Pepper


3.The White Album


Posted By: eddietrooper
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 11:33

1- Abbey Road

2- White album

3- Sgt. Pepper

4- Magical Mystery Tour

5- Revolver

6- Let it be

7- Rubber Soul


Posted By: A'swepe
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 11:49

Gotta be Abbey Road for me.

Then SGT Pepper,

White Album,


Rubber Soul,

Let It Be

David - Never doubt in the dark that which you believe to be true in the light. - Instrumental rock

Posted By: JayDee
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 11:56

1. Magical Mystery Tour

2. Sgt. peppers

3. Abbey Road

4. Revolver

5. White Album/ Rubber Soul


Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 12:20

1. Revolver

2. Abbey Road

3. Sgt. Pepper's

I count the White Album separately and Magical Mystery Tour will always be an EP for me (MMT was released in Brazil in the same format as in the UK).

I don't like Let It Be that much - naked or dressed.



Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 14:22
No love for "Let It Be"?  Interesting.

Originally posted by marktheshark marktheshark wrote:

We go from George's Indian influenced Love To You right into the novelty of Yellow Submarine. The juxaposition is so jarring on this album you can't keep up with it, especially in 1966! Even the cover is stark, not a single color photo on it.

I had the same feeling when listening to the following songs (which occur all in a row) on Sgt. Pepper's:

She's Leaving Home
For the Benefit of Mr. Kite
Within You Without You
When I'm 64

and it occured to me that this was the beauty and the shattering revelation of this album (although I agree with you, the experimentation had already begun on Revolver).  Four songs with drastically different sounds; the sad yet beautiful strings on "She's Leaving Home" to the loopy, carnival atmosphere of "Mr. Kite" to the Indian sounds on "Within You Without You" to the soft-shoe of "When I'm 64" - the Beatles broke down whatever barriers existed on creating music here by saying, "It can be anything you want" - and more importantly, it came out great!  In other words, there didn't need to be any limitations on making good music, it in some sense allowed for the wonderful creativity we have in the music to come.  Other groups and artists had already been making strides in "proto-prog", exploring and breaking musical boundaries, but because of their popularity, when the Beatles did it, it took on a greater magnitude.  This is why I consider this album as the foundation (or to be more equitable, one of the cornerstones) of progressive music.

Thanks all for participating in the poll.

Posted By: dralan
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 15:22
  Check my avatar All these albums are classics, but Id say Revolver followed closely by Sgt. Pepper. The songs on Revolver are so mind-blowingly different from one another, displaying many influences yet being so original and totally new at that time. And at the same time somehow they all flow together perfectly. This album still floors me today when I listen to it.

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 17:16
Abby Road, The White Album, And Sgt Pepper.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: marktheshark
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 17:38
Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

No love for "Let It Be"?  Interesting.

Originally posted by marktheshark marktheshark wrote:

We go from George's Indian influenced Love To You
right into the novelty of Yellow Submarine. The juxaposition is so
jarring on this album you can't keep up with it, especially in 1966!
Even the cover is stark, not a single color photo on it.

I had the same feeling when listening to the following songs (which occur all in a row) on Sgt. Pepper's:

She's Leaving Home
For the Benefit of Mr. Kite
Within You Without You
When I'm 64

and it occured to me that this was the beauty and the shattering
revelation of this album (although I agree with you, the
experimentation had already begun on Revolver).  Four songs with
drastically different sounds; the sad yet beautiful strings on "She's
Leaving Home" to the loopy, carnival atmosphere of "Mr. Kite" to the
Indian sounds on "Within You Without You" to the soft-shoe of "When I'm
64" - the Beatles broke down whatever barriers existed on creating
music here by saying, "It can be anything you want" - and more
importantly, it came out great!  In other words, there didn't need
to be any limitations on making good music, it in some sense <span style="font-style: italic;">allowed</span>
for the wonderful creativity we have in the music to come.  Other
groups and artists had already been making strides in "proto-prog",
exploring and breaking musical boundaries, but because of their
popularity, when the Beatles did it, it took on a greater
magnitude.  This is why I consider this album as the foundation
(or to be more equitable, one of the cornerstones) of progressive music.

Thanks all for participating in the poll.

I can see what you mean by the diversity shown in Pepper, especially in those 4 songs. But by the time they went for Pepper they pretty much had the studio trickery down to where it sounded a bit too slick. Where Revolver had a more darker and sharper edge to it. And Pepper was very seamless as well as more colorful sounding too.

Out of all the other rock albums at the time (Are You Experienced, Surrealistic Pillow, Disraeli Gears etc.) Pepper was no doubt the most innovative and revolutionary. But out of the Beatles catalog up to that point, I always thought it to be just a tad overrated compared to Revolver. But that's just my opinion. No big deal though, Beatlemaniacs like myself don't generally have very big disagreements with each other like a country/western buff going up against a progger!

Posted By: Zoso
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 17:39
Sgt. Pepper's does it for me. Abbey Road is in second I'd say.


Posted By: kebjourman
Date Posted: April 10 2006 at 19:48
i like revolver and white album, but revolver gets my vote

Posted By: BookAboutSalad
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 16:49

1. White Album

2. Magical Mystery Tour

3. Sgt Pepper


 Everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey!

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 16:57
Abbey road by a mile. The only one i own  and the only one that i find consistently good.

Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 18:08
Abbey Road. Such strong compositions, such a wonderful sound, and what a great almost-epic on side 2, almost prog! Abbey Road is a real killer album!

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 18:53
Magical Mystery Tour

but they are all great of course....

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: moodyxadi
Date Posted: April 12 2006 at 19:48

Rubber Soul is my fav, but from the list The greatest is Abbey Road. This album has the terrible Maxwell' silver hammer (the worst Beatle song together with o-bla-di o-bla-da). But this is a minor fault in a classic.

Rubber soul contains the freshness of the discovery of new grounds, as someone said about Revolver. This spirit of adventure in a giant group says everithing about how The Beatles are the most important and influent rock band ever.

Posted By: Guzzman
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 02:26
1. Revolver
2. Abbey Road (side 2) / Sgt Pepper (whole album)
3. White Album

"We've got to get in to get out"

Posted By: MadcapLaughs84
Date Posted: April 13 2006 at 23:46
Sgt Peppers, without a doubt


Posted By: bhikkhu
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 00:24
My favorite albums are from the "transitional" period. They weren't trying to
make a statement yet. But truly great music was created. That doesn't mean
I don't love the others too. (I'm pretty much a Beatles fanatic)
   By the way, why wasn't "Rubber Soul" on the list?

a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: reality
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 00:29
All beatles albums are amazing but for me it is The White Album and out of that my favorete song is Martha my dear or Dear Prudence. I need no reason to pick the white album than it makes me feel so good and when I need to smile I pop it in. The other albums do the same and have different emotions but the white album is what I would take on a deserted island.

Posted By: valravennz
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 05:33

 Abbey Road - still sounds as good today as it did back in 1969.

The other albums are all great but my other favourite Beatles are:

  • Sgt. Pepper
  • Magical Mystery Tour
  • Revolver
  • Rubber Soul
  • White Album








"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp

Posted By: Man Erg
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 06:59

White Album
Abbey Road


Do 'The Stanley' otherwise I'll thrash you with some rhubarb.

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 08:07
Originally posted by bhikkhu bhikkhu wrote:

My favorite albums are from the "transitional" period. They weren't trying to
make a statement yet. But truly great music was created. That doesn't mean
I don't love the others too. (I'm pretty much a Beatles fanatic)
   By the way, why wasn't "Rubber Soul" on the list?

An oversight on my part, to be sure, but that's why I covered my bases with "other".  Actually I did not expect so many to choose Rubber Soul as their favorite - that result has been the most interesting of this poll.

Posted By: Zepology101
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 09:55
That's a hard choie for me. But, I have to say i like Revolver a ton.  


Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 10:47
If it was a free choice, i would choose "Help!" or "Yellow Submarine",
but Sgt pepper is the best one listed

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 14:07
Originally posted by Abstrakt Abstrakt wrote:

If it was a free choice, i would choose "Help!" or "Yellow Submarine",
but Sgt pepper is the best one listed

Well, you were always welcome to choose "other" and let us know what you picked!
"Help!" is really great.  I think "Ticket to Ride" is one of John's best songs.

Posted By: Empathy
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 15:01
Originally posted by Trotsky Trotsky wrote:

Magical Mystery Tour ...

it was a little bit of a cobbled together effort because it included Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane (which had been recorded before Sgt Pepper's but left off) ...

but in the end I simply cannot resist an album that contains Fool On The Hill, I Am The Walrus, All You Need Is Love, Strawberry Fields Forever, Penny Lane and some relatively uncelebrated gems like Blue Jay Way, Baby You're A Rich Man, Hello Goodbye and the title track ...

even Flying and Your Mother Should Know have wonderful memories for me ... are to be warm and toasted ...

Sgt. Peppers next and Revolver third ...

What he said.

Pure Brilliance:

Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: April 14 2006 at 18:40
Well i have to go with Sgt Pepper the classic of the classics.


Posted By: bumheed7
Date Posted: April 17 2006 at 05:26
no rubber soul choice?

poor show!

Good Morning Carpark Fans

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