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ProgPower UK 2006

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
Printed Date: March 04 2025 at 02:11
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Topic: ProgPower UK 2006
Posted By: Space Dimentia
Subject: ProgPower UK 2006
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 16:26

 Did anyone go to Progpower UK 2006? (sat 25th) What a day! I was in my musical element!

It was well organised, the bands were great everything was enjoyable, the staff were great, very friendly, the signings didn't clash with bands playing, most of them were walking around so you could go chat with them, all teh bands were really nice to talk to, friendly an apreciative. My find before the festival was Pagan's Mind whilst my find of the festival was this awsome prog-metal abnd from Israel called Orphaned Land, these guys MUST be included in teh archive, they are so different from your useual prog-metal bands beacuse they use Trad. instruments as wellas guitars etc and speak in Hebrew, Arabic, English, Like a middle-eastern Opeth!

Orphaned Land, Threshhold and Pagan's Mind slayed!

My ratings are thus:

Firewind- 10/10

Secret Sphere- 7/10 their fit backing singing 10/10

Orphaned Land- 10/10

Freedom Call- 5/10

Pagan's Mind- 10/10

Threshold 10/10

Therion- 8/10

I want Orphaned Land to come abck to the UK and do a tour, they were amazing!


Did anyone else go? If so what did you think? how did you rate the bands? etc etc.

I am TOTALLY going next year! Reserve me a ticket!

Prog is music for the mind
Hear your Orphaned child!
Check out my bands myspace site:

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: March 28 2006 at 17:39

You lucky b*****d you, I couldnt make it but it sounds like it was cool.

One question, did Threshold perform Narcissus and was it in its entirety?

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: Space Dimentia
Date Posted: March 30 2006 at 06:44

No they didn't they did do


Mission Profile
Falling Away
Long Way Home
The Latent Gene
Light And Space

Everyone check out Orphaned Land, if you like Opeth you will love them, if you like a interesting/differnt form of porg-metal you will love them, if you like eastern metal you will love them, if you like epic prog you will love them, hell there is something in there for everyone!

Prog is music for the mind
Hear your Orphaned child!
Check out my bands myspace site:

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: March 30 2006 at 14:43
I take it Orphand Land are a good band then

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: Space Dimentia
Date Posted: March 31 2006 at 13:15
man they were awsome! They are soo differnent from your usual bog-standard prog-metal bands. I wne tout and brought their new album right after they left the stage, I have never doe that before that is how much I got into their music!

Prog is music for the mind
Hear your Orphaned child!
Check out my bands myspace site:

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