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Gong and Mother Gong

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Topic: Gong and Mother Gong
Posted By: progaeopteryx
Subject: Gong and Mother Gong
Date Posted: February 13 2006 at 17:45
Now that Mother Gong has a page of its own, its discography is now duplicated in the Gong discography. Each title in the Gong discography that belongs to Mother Gong is in the form "Mother Gong: [title]" They should probably be removed from the Gong discography.

Gong: - D.asp?band_id=848

Mother Gong: - D.asp?band_id=2397

There are no reviews attached to the Mother Gong titles listed in the Gong discography, but some of them have ratings.

Posted By: PROGMAN
Date Posted: February 13 2006 at 17:53
The reason why they are duplicated is because at the time Mother Gong albums were included in the GONG discography, is because a MOTHER GONG page did not exist at the time so GONG off shoots have been added to the GONG discography!!

Hope that answers your question to why the albums are duplicated.

Hopefully I hope the team will get around to doing these seperate GONG spin off bands with their own pages.


Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: April 28 2006 at 13:47
We still have the duplication of the Mother Gong albums.
Coudl someone confirm that any reviews of Mother Gong albums in the Gong section should be transferred to their equivalent in the Mother Gong section, and the albums deleted from the Gong page.
It would also be helpful to have a list of the albums in the Gong section to be removed.

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