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Islands - your favourite track (Revised)

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Topic: Islands - your favourite track (Revised)
Posted By: Winter Wine
Subject: Islands - your favourite track (Revised)
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 12:45

I'm only startin to relax and enjoy the album, before all I heard was a live version of "A Sailors Tale" and the intro to "Formentera lady", now however I have the whole album and am enjoying givin it a spin.

Em... well it IS odd so I can understand why not everyone likes it. But it has a sort of misty quality I like, and, even though he sounds very young, I like Boz's vocals. His bass playing's good too considering he's not a bass player.

Your thoughts..

Ps - Sorry about the first time

My computer's broke

Posted By: Tholomyes
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 12:55

Difficult to decide.

Between Islands, Ladies of the Road, Sailor's Tale and The Letters  . But i think i'd going with Islands.

I also like Boz's vocals and i'd prefer this album than Lizard.

Thats my ranking on the first era:

In The Court Of The Crimson King 4.7/5

Islands 4.5/5

Lizard 4/5

In The Wake of Poseidon 3.8/5

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 13:00

Mine would be more like -

  • Lizard ****1/2
  • In the Wake of Poseidon ****
  • In the Court of the Crimson King ****

I haven't listened to Islands enough to give it a fair rating

The reason I give their debut **** is because (Apart from the intro) I don't like Moonchild, you don't have to be King Crimson to noodle in a very vague way.

I also like "In the Wake of Poseidon" a little more for a few reasons, maybe I like to stand up for the little guy

My computer's broke

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 15:07
I'm gonna vote for "Formentera lady", but tomorrow it could change

My computer's broke

Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 15:15

the letters

i love that track

Posted By: Zac M
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 15:17
The title track, but Prelude is close behind.

"Art is not imitation, nor is it something manufactured according to the wishes of instinct or good taste. It is a process of expression."


Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 15:25

I voted for you. WW.

I like all 'cept "The Letters" and "Ladies of the Road" which are absolutely terrible IMO!

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: NetsNJFan
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 15:29
I voted Sailors tale, though it is a very strong album through and through, and Islands, Formentera, and Song of Gulls are all brilliant


Posted By: RoyalJelly
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 16:41
     A jewel in the Crimson catalogue, absolutely unique in every
way. Perhaps difficult for young listeners to understand all the
hippie culture references, and some of the humour. "Ladies of
the Road" for example, it's sort of a modernist, Zappa-like satire
on heavy rock bands and groupies, from a psychedelic British
perspective. "Formentera Lady" is a kind of Castaneda
influenced poetic on the experiences on this island of freaks,
etc. Especially remarkable on this album, as on Lizard are
Keith Tippets piano improvs and Mel Collins wildly expressive
blowing, IMHO one of the best reed men rock ever had.

Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 19:02

Sailor's Tale.


RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: ANDREW
Date Posted: January 30 2006 at 08:20
Sailor's Tale

Posted By: zbida
Date Posted: January 30 2006 at 08:41
KC is a great band, with no doubt. Islands is not bad, but I can't convince myself to it at all. I've listened it many times and seems to me that this LP suffers the lack of something... I don't know exactly what, but you can find this on former and next KC albums...

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: January 30 2006 at 08:43
Originally posted by RoyalJelly RoyalJelly wrote:

      A jewel in the Crimson catalogue, absolutely unique in every
way. Perhaps difficult for young listeners to understand all the
hippie culture references, and some of the humour. "Ladies of
the Road" for example, it's sort of a modernist, Zappa-like satire
on heavy rock bands and groupies, from a psychedelic British
perspective. "Formentera Lady" is a kind of Castaneda
influenced poetic on the experiences on this island of freaks,
etc. Especially remarkable on this album, as on Lizard are
Keith Tippets piano improvs and Mel Collins wildly expressive
blowing, IMHO one of the best reed men rock ever had.

Thanks for these interesting comments, i'll have a closer look at the lyrics.

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 30 2006 at 11:34
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

I voted for you. WW.

I like all 'cept "The Letters" and "Ladies of the Road" which are absolutely terrible IMO!

That's it Stonebeard your dead!!  


My computer's broke

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 30 2006 at 11:51
Does anyone else think that the title track on "Islands" sounds like something by Sigur Ros, or along that sound?

My computer's broke

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