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Yezda Urfa Cancer of the Band lyrics

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Topic: Yezda Urfa Cancer of the Band lyrics
Posted By: Jay Klmnop
Subject: Yezda Urfa Cancer of the Band lyrics
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 08:50

I'm fascinated/enthralled by the lyrics on the song Cancer of the Band on Sacred Baboon by Yezda Urfa. I found them online and read them while listening (something I like to do) and I'd like to know if there is more meaning than meets the "ear" here and what they were thinking when they put it together.

Music is the only art in which the beholders are not ashamed to remain fossilized as "beginners."
I like difficult music.

Posted By: Goldenavatar
Date Posted: January 29 2006 at 20:25

I am wondering what lyrics you were reading. I read the lyrics online as well and half of them were literally nonsense syllables. Almost like scat. Much of the rest seemed to be random words thrown together. That doesn't actually bother me, in fact I think it's pretty cool. To me it's as if they are trying to use the voice more as an instrument rather than to convey any real meaning. I don't know if the members were actually thinking this but the result I think is that we can appreciate the voice more as a unique instrument lending its own texture and timbre to the music while not being interrupted with wordiness. I would guess that maybe some of the lyrics were chosen only to affect a particular aural effect the band was interested in. Many of the other songs are similar I find. Many of the lyrics on White Zombie's album "La Sexorcisto" are similar in that regard. 

Posted By: RaphaelT
Date Posted: January 30 2006 at 02:54


Well, if you want to extend this thread it would be advisable to quote the lyrics or put a link to them.

Nevertheless, Cancer Of The Band rules, Gentle Giant with Anderson's voice, delicious!!

yet you still have time!

Posted By: Goldenavatar
Date Posted: January 30 2006 at 18:54

Here is a link to "Cancer of the Band" lyrics. -


Cool, "syncophantic toga viralis poog wheel coracoid." Dig the slowness!

Posted By: Goldenavatar
Date Posted: January 30 2006 at 18:56

Here's a new word I learned from the song.

Hyetology \Hy`e*tol"o*gy\, n. [Gr. ? + rain -logy.] The science which treats of the precipitation of rain, snow, etc.

It's almost as educational as a Schoolhouse Rock tune.

Posted By: RaphaelT
Date Posted: January 31 2006 at 01:37


Tough lyrics, I should read them carefully at home, but I feel the words have been put together to provide great melodies.

yet you still have time!

Posted By: RaphaelT
Date Posted: January 31 2006 at 01:48


Well these lyrics remind me a lot of Polish recent band Gargantua, who were also followers of Gentle Giant. They are written in linguistic poetry, therefore I do not dare to translate them, you need a poet laureatus to do that. I recommend this band for all Yezda Urfa fans.

I guess cracked lyrics are specialite de la maison of this style.

Something similar to word of plays that Peter Gabriel loved, such as "I know the farmer who looks after the farm/with water clear he cares for all his harvest/I know a fireman who looks after the fire". (Supper's Ready, "Foxtrot")

Peter Hammill also loved that, the perfect example is famous "Maybe I should de-louse this place/Maybe I should de-place this louse/Maybe I maybe my life away/In the confines of this silent house" (A Louse Is Not At Home, "Silent Corner And The Empty Stage").

Maybe I exaggerate but this poetry is as good as music sometimes and something of a unique feature of prog, what's your opinion about it.

yet you still have time!

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