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David Gilmour tour

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
Printed Date: March 06 2025 at 02:26
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Topic: David Gilmour tour
Posted By: Harold Dupont
Subject: David Gilmour tour
Date Posted: January 14 2006 at 13:54
Hey all of you prog fans!  Probably you heard about the David Gilmour North America tour in april.  I live at Cowansville, a city close to Montreal, and the closest location where Gilmour goes is Toronto, 7 hours from me...  But I got tickets!!  Me, one of my friends who likes prog and another who likes good rock, like he said, like Guns and the Beatles and Pink Floyd, without seeing any difference between those rock groups, will go there in april!  I never thought I could see Pink Floyd in my life, or at leats Roger or Dave, and that's gonna happen, I'm very happy.  Will anybody go to the show??  Any comments?

Posted By: acheron
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 13:47

my girlfriend got me tickets to the rosemont theatre show in the chicago land area, i'm so excited

Posted By: T-BONE
Date Posted: January 17 2006 at 13:54
IM GOING ON   4/4/06 AT RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL IN NYC, IM SO F@#kin going to get the bigest head on.....

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