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Tales from topographic oceans

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Topic: Tales from topographic oceans
Posted By: Winter Wine
Subject: Tales from topographic oceans
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:29

So which do you think is the best??

A couple of years ago when I got big into yes my dad decided to go over to his mams house to get his "Tales from topographic oceans" vinyl for me, as I already had "Close to the edge" and "Going for the one". I couldn't wait to get it! When he brought it home and I seen the cover, I thought this is gonna be good! My dad gave me a bit of advice he said, there's only four really long songs on there so just listen to one until you get used to it!, odd advice but I listened anyway. After a good few listens of the second track and sort of liked it, the interest slowly left me! After a while I got sort of bored really, so I never really got into side 3 or 4. Only recently i've decided I'd give it another go. Why not?

My vote without a doubt goes to "The revealing science of God", Although still not "Close to the edge" I enjoy this piece a lot, wonderful melodic guitar, that odd spoken word into, and Rick wakemans excellent synth freak out at the end! (he actually does sound pissed off)

My computer's broke

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:33
This poll has been done before, to be sure.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:35

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

This poll has been done before, to be sure.

I thought you were Welsh,err...Paddy....

Posted By: Norbert
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:36

What is infamous about TFTO?

There are a lot of trolls who call it the worst album ever, but it's actually one of the greatest albums ever.

There was a similar poll some time ago, then I picked Ritual, and I hasn't really changed my opinion.

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:37
Originally posted by Tony R Tony R wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

This poll has been done before, to be sure.

I thought you were Welsh,err...Paddy....

Yes but Winter Wine isn't, Mr Strap on..I mean Bolt on.


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hcnoer 46 763 November 09 2005 at 01:49
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ummagumma08 44 839 October 16 2005 at 21:52
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Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:40
Originally posted by Norbert Norbert wrote:

What is infamous about TFTO?

There are a lot of trolls who call it the worst album ever, but it's actually one of the greatest albums ever.

There was a similar poll some time ago, then I picked Ritual, and I hasn't really changed my opinion.

You don't seem to have voted for it this time though!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:42
Originally posted by Tony R Tony R wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

This poll has been done before, to be sure.

I thought you were Welsh,err...Paddy....

A sure feck it lads we'll do it again!

My computer's broke

Posted By: Norbert
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:42

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:46
< name="voteChoice" value="15984" id="P15984" =""> 2 [50.00%]




Posted By: ANDREW
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:53

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:53

'The Revealing Science of God' is superb!

After 'Close to the Edge' it's probably my top Yes track. The rest of the album fails to live up to that first song IMO.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:55
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

'The Revealing Science of God' is superb!

After 'Close to the Edge' it's probably my top Yes track. The rest of the album fails to live up to that first song IMO.

What about "Gates of Delirium" ??

My computer's broke

Posted By: Nixoleon
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 07:59
'The Revealing Science of God'  has been stuck in my head for the last week since first listening to the whole album straight through, so I have to go with it. 

From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step.--Napoleon Bonaparte

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 08:02

Originally posted by Nixoleon Nixoleon wrote:

'The Revealing Science of God'  has been stuck in my head for the last week since first listening to the whole album straight through, so I have to go with it. 

Today's been the first day I listened to the whole of the album, I don't think much of the ancient, but Ritual I think pretty great, nice piano at the end! and the throwbacks in the guitar to the first couple of songs is interesting

My computer's broke

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 08:16

Just to be different I've gone for The Remembering. It does meander a bit to start with, but once it gets into the "Relayer" bit in the middle, it really takes off and the ending is so powerful.

Never really got into The Ancient, but the other two are also great.

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 08:18
Originally posted by Winter Wine Winter Wine wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

'The Revealing Science of God' is superb!

After 'Close to the Edge' it's probably my top Yes track. The rest of the album fails to live up to that first song IMO.

What about "Gates of Delirium" ??

Just call me a freak, but I'm not actually that keen on 'Relayer' as a whole. The Gates of Delirium has failed to touch me in the same way that 'Revealing Science of God' has. I love the vocal parts of 'RSOG' and the way the track is structured appeals to me more than 'GOD'

I'll give Relayer another go. It's deemed a masterpiece by many, but to be frank I'd rather listen to 'Going for the One' anyday. Maybe I have a subconcious dislike for Patrick Moraz, but I cant think why, he's a great musician..

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 08:35
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Originally posted by Winter Wine Winter Wine wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

'The Revealing Science of God' is superb!

After 'Close to the Edge' it's probably my top Yes track. The rest of the album fails to live up to that first song IMO.

What about "Gates of Delirium" ??

Just call me a freak, but I'm not actually that keen on 'Relayer' as a whole. The Gates of Delirium has failed to touch me in the same way that 'Revealing Science of God' has. I love the vocal parts of 'RSOG' and the way the track is structured appeals to me more than 'GOD'

I'll give Relayer another go. It's deemed a masterpiece by many, but to be frank I'd rather listen to 'Going for the One' anyday. Maybe I have a subconcious dislike for Patrick Moraz, but I cant think why, he's a great musician..

Took me a while to get into that album, but it was because I took a break from it, and when I went back to it I thought it was the greatest thing ever

My computer's broke

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 08:52
3 for train wreck? Wakeman must be on the site, with an accomplice...

My computer's broke

Posted By: Phil
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 10:22
I'd pick side 1 as was, The Revealing Science of God.

^ just looking at Blackswords comments about peoples views on TFTO & Relayer. I have come to really like Relayer but in many ways it doesn't fit the "classic" Yes mould; there's a lot of discordant music on "Gates", it doesn't flow from one melody to the next like say Close to the Edge does. What does impress me about Gates is the power of Squire and White, and Howe's almost manic playing; and then after all the noise of the battle, the beauty of "Soon".

Posted By: FragileDT
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 10:26
Originally posted by Tony R Tony R wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

This poll has been done before,
to be sure

I thought you were Welsh,err...Paddy....

Hey Tony I like the avatar.

One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless Compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity

Posted By: FragileDT
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 10:27
Originally posted by Winter Wine Winter Wine wrote:

Originally posted by Nixoleon Nixoleon wrote:

'The Revealing Science of God' 
has been stuck in my head for the last week since first listening to the whole
album straight through, so I have to go with it. 

Today's been the first day I listened to the whole of the album, I don't
think much of the ancient, but Ritual I think pretty great, nice piano at the
end! and the throwbacks in the guitar to the first couple of songs is

It's gonna take a lot more than one listen to understand this album. I've
listened to it many, many times and I still don't get it.

One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless Compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity

Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 10:28
As always: The Ritual. It has become some sort of a ritual to vote for that one

Posted By: ablamux
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 10:38
i go with Remembering, but admire whole album very much.

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 10:40
Originally posted by FragileDT FragileDT wrote:

Originally posted by Winter Wine Winter Wine wrote:

Originally posted by Nixoleon Nixoleon wrote:

'The Revealing Science of God' 
has been stuck in my head for the last week since first listening to the whole
album straight through, so I have to go with it. 

Today's been the first day I listened to the whole of the album, I don't
think much of the ancient, but Ritual I think pretty great, nice piano at the
end! and the throwbacks in the guitar to the first couple of songs is

It's gonna take a lot more than one listen to understand this album. I've
listened to it many, many times and I still don't get it.

I've already listened to the first two tracks a thousand times, but I know what ya mean

My computer's broke

Posted By: FragileDT
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 11:24
Originally posted by Winter Wine Winter Wine wrote:

Originally posted by FragileDT FragileDT wrote:

Originally posted by Winter Wine Winter Wine wrote:

[QUOTE=Nixoleon]'The Revealing Science of God'  has been stuck in my
head for the last week since first listening to the whole album straight
through, so I have to go with it. 

Today's been the first day I listened to the whole of the album, I don't
think much of the ancient, but Ritual I think pretty great, nice piano at the
end! and the throwbacks in the guitar to the first couple of songs is

It's gonna take a lot more than one listen to understand this
album. I've listened to it many, many times and I still don't get it.[/

I've already listened to the first two tracks a thousand times, but I know
what ya mean

Yeah it's a hard listen to get through the whole thing. At least that's what
I've found over the times I've given it a try.

One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless Compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity

Posted By: Ty1020
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 12:27
Ritual, although I love TRSOG almost as much.


Posted By: horza
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 13:25
Burning train arriving at platforms 3,4,5,6,7,8........

Originally posted by darkshade:

Calling Mike Portnoy a bad drummer is like calling Stephen Hawking an idiot.

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 13:27

Originally posted by horza horza wrote:

Burning train arriving at platforms 3,4,5,6,7,8........

My computer's broke

Posted By: HeirToRuin
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 13:56
Revealing Science is the only track that never gets boring.  It's the best one at moving along where the others tend to get stuck in one place for too long.

The odd thing about Ritual is that percussion section near the just seems wholly out of place.  Otherwise, it's another brilliant track.  I'm not really into the lengthy odd scales in The Ancients, but that acoustic section has given me some huge inspiration.

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Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 14:01

Originally posted by HeirToRuin HeirToRuin wrote:

Revealing Science is the only track that never gets boring.  It's the best one at moving along where the others tend to get stuck in one place for too long.

The odd thing about Ritual is that percussion section near the just seems wholly out of place.  Otherwise, it's another brilliant track.  I'm not really into the lengthy odd scales in The Ancients, but that acoustic section has given me some huge inspiration.

Really? I thought the drumming on Ritual was pretty great, I mean it was White's first album with the band. But I agree with what you say about The Revealing science of God and The Ancients (great acoustic guitar). I however also like The Remembering, nothing special, or new but just nice to listen to if your in that sort of humour

My computer's broke

Posted By: transend
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 19:42
has always been 'Ritual' for me, but 'The remembering' is a close 2nd..

Posted By: HeirToRuin
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 20:08
Originally posted by Winter Wine Winter Wine wrote:

Really? I thought the drumming on Ritual was pretty great, I mean it was White's first album with the band. But I agree with what you say about The Revealing science of God and The Ancients (great acoustic guitar). I however also like The Remembering, nothing special, or new but just nice to listen to if your in that sort of humour

not the drumming in the song itself...but near the end when there's this funky tribal percussion thing.  It just doesn't make a lot sense in that song.

ARTEMIA -" rel="nofollow -
L.i.E. - http://www.reverbnati

Posted By: Gentle Tull
Date Posted: January 05 2006 at 21:05
Revealing Science of God.


Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 06:22
tie between The Ancient and Ritual

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 06:33
Originally posted by HeirToRuin HeirToRuin wrote:

Originally posted by Winter Wine Winter Wine wrote:

Really? I thought the drumming on Ritual was pretty great, I mean it was White's first album with the band. But I agree with what you say about The Revealing science of God and The Ancients (great acoustic guitar). I however also like The Remembering, nothing special, or new but just nice to listen to if your in that sort of humour

not the drumming in the song itself...but near the end when there's this funky tribal percussion thing.  It just doesn't make a lot sense in that song.

I get ya now  But I always thought the cover had these wierd tribal signs..

My computer's broke

Posted By: Losendos
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 07:00


   It's basically a train wreck . I like the first nine minutes so side one would be my favorite. The second side is a real drag The third side is a little more alive but the 4th side puts me to sleep again.

I'm one of many who just doesn't get this album and yes I did listen to it right through 20 times.

 A few years back I saw it mentioned in a list of the fifteen worst albums ever so it is quite notorius.

How wonderful to be so profound

Posted By: Winter Wine
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 07:10
Originally posted by Losendos Losendos wrote:


   It's basically a train wreck . I like the first nine minutes so side one would be my favorite. The second side is a real drag The third side is a little more alive but the 4th side puts me to sleep again.

I'm one of many who just doesn't get this album and yes I did listen to it right through 20 times.

 A few years back I saw it mentioned in a list of the fifteen worst albums ever so it is quite notorius.

Well I could probably name (off the top of my head) 15 000 000 albums worse than Talees from topographic oceans. But I think a lot of peoples problem with it is they look at it more like a maths problem than a piece of music, looking at it as if there's something to solve! listening to this album 20 or 200 times in this state of mind would be a complete waste, maybe if people just wanted to sit down and enjoy it!!!

Saying that, Topographic oceans is far from my favourite Yes album, but I do resent all of that critical abuse it gets.

My computer's broke

Posted By: salmacis
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 17:04
Originally posted by Norbert Norbert wrote:

What is infamous about TFTO?

There are a lot of trolls who call it the worst album ever, but it's actually one of the greatest albums ever.

There was a similar poll some time ago, then I picked Ritual, and I hasn't really changed my opinion.

I agree totally; I can't understand what the bad rep is about this album. I admit it is pretty hard going on first listen, particularly 'The Ancient', but I grow to love it more with every listen. It's now impossible for me to call which Yes album is the best from CTTE through GFTO, as each one of those is a true masterpiece.

'The Revealing Science Of God' is probably my favourite Yes song of all alongside 'Awaken', though.

However, footage I've seen of 'Ritual' played live reveals that to be the ultimate live prog staple, with an awe inspiring light show accompanied by the stunning tribal music inspired maelstrom of battering drums and loud mellotrons. The weirdo synth sounds and brilliant mellotrons on the studio version never fail to thrill this prog fan...

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: January 06 2006 at 22:27
The Ancient for me..... the transition from Howe's frenetic 'shredding'  to the sweetness of The Leaves of Green is just one of those magical prog moments for me.  Honestly the song I liked least as the album grew on me.... now in my top 5 alltime Yessongs.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: January 07 2006 at 00:19

Been done before, so I'll quote myself from the other poll:

Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Originally posted by Six Eight Six Eight wrote:

Once again, I'm the only one (so far) that prefers "The Ancient".

Now we are two.


Believe we agree again Micky



Posted By: daz2112
Date Posted: January 27 2006 at 12:24

In the constellation of cygnus,There lurks a mysterious force...The black hole

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