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The Flaming Lips on PA

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Topic: The Flaming Lips on PA
Posted By: Peace Frog
Subject: The Flaming Lips on PA
Date Posted: December 16 2005 at 16:28

I don't particularly care too much if they're on here or not. I just want to see what everyone else thinks.

If Radiohead is on PA, why couldn't the Flaming Lips be?


Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 01:19
The Flaming Lips are cool, but i'm not sure if they should be included in the archives; they're not really progressive.

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 01:27
Originally posted by Peace Frog Peace Frog wrote:

If Radiohead is on PA, why couldn't the Flaming Lips be?

Plese stop with this kind of arguments, if a mistake is done it's not a valid excuse to commit other even worst.

Give reasons, don't say, "Well "A" is not prog "B" neither, but if "A" is here, let's include "B".

Flaming Lips is just Alternative Pop.



Posted By: Emiaj
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 02:56
Flaming Lips????..for prog's sake..

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 10:24
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Originally posted by Peace Frog Peace Frog wrote:

If Radiohead is on PA, why couldn't the Flaming Lips be?

Plese stop with this kind of arguments, if a mistake is done it's not a valid excuse to commit other even worst.

Give reasons, don't say, "Well "A" is not prog "B" neither, but if "A" is here, let's include "B".

Flaming Lips is just Alternative Pop.


I certainly agree with the first bit, although I'm a bit less sure on the last sentence. I think by any regular definition it wouldn't be a stretch to call them art rock - nothing to do with prog, but since this site also has a subgenre of prog called art rock it gets a bit confusing.

Posted By: Peace Frog
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 11:06
I agree that they aren't prog. There are sub-genres on this site though, that would make sense to add them. There are also many reasons not to add them. I think they're more experimental than Radiohead, and I could see them in the Experimental/Post rock section. But the Flaming Lips would be the least associated with prog on PA.


Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 11:19
I have no idea who the Flaming Lips are...samples?


Posted By: Manunkind
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 11:23

Plenty of Flaming Lips on PA already... or should I say Flaming Fingertips















That sucked, I know, I know

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Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: December 17 2005 at 11:34

Granting that Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots is a very progressive album, if not quite prog, The Flaming Lips don't really belong here. Too much of their catelogue is alternative/psychedelic pop. Their next album, At War with the Mystics, is described as jazz/electronica. I have high hopes for that album.

As of now, no, they don't belong in the Archives.

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Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 01:37
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Granting that Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots is a very progressive album, if not quite prog, The Flaming Lips don't really belong here. Too much of their catelogue is alternative/psychedelic pop. Their next album, At War with the Mystics, is described as jazz/electronica. I have high hopes for that album.

As of now, no, they don't belong in the Archives.

There is an mp3 up on their website off the new album. I gave it a listen. I don't hear jazz in this particular song. It sounds like a song that would be off of one of their recent albums. It's still pretty good. Do you know when the album is due out?

Secondly, I agree with your statement. Their early material, which I do not like, is nowhere near prog. Yoshimi is great, as is The Soft Bulletin, definitely creative work, but it isn't prog.

I haven't heard Zaireeka; is it any good?

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 01:48
Originally posted by Moatilliatta Moatilliatta wrote:

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Granting that Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots is a very progressive album, if not quite prog, The Flaming Lips don't really belong here. Too much of their catelogue is alternative/psychedelic pop. Their next album, At War with the Mystics, is described as jazz/electronica. I have high hopes for that album.

As of now, no, they don't belong in the Archives.

There is an mp3 up on their website off the new album. I gave it a listen. I don't hear jazz in this particular song. It sounds like a song that would be off of one of their recent albums. It's still pretty good. Do you know when the album is due out?

Secondly, I agree with your statement. Their early material, which I do not like, is nowhere near prog. Yoshimi is great, as is The Soft Bulletin, definitely creative work, but it isn't prog.

I haven't heard Zaireeka; is it any good?

"Mr. Ambulance Driver?" Yeah, I was surpried by that. I had read somewhere, probably on the Lips' site, that At War with the Mysics would be a jazz/electronic fusion album."Mr. Ambulance Driver" is just a good, sad pop song. I hope the rest of the album is jazz/electronic. The latest I've heard about its release date is February, though that was quite awhile ago. It should be out by summertime.

Yoshimi and The Soft Bulletin are vastly different, yet similar. Yoshimi uses much more keyboards and electronica, yet both retain the lush sound of latter-day Lips. One can see how the Lips can easily bloom into a prog band. This is why I have such high hopes for At War with the Mysics.

Zaireeka is great, even closer to prog (though sill a far cry away) than Yoshimi. It's very inaccessible, but beautiful and interesting to listen to/expeiriment with. I don't listen to it often, because it's a pain in the arse to get 4 different sound sources together at one time.

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Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 01:49

Originally posted by goose goose wrote:

I certainly agree with the first bit, although I'm a bit less sure on the last sentence. I think by any regular definition it wouldn't be a stretch to call them art rock - nothing to do with prog, but since this site also has a subgenre of prog called art rock it gets a bit confusing.

Art Rock is not an invention of this forum, Art Rock is clearly described by most sites and it's the borderline between Prog and mainstream, more precisely the borderline of Prog and AOR.

Fklaming Lips was never, is not and will never be a Progressive Rock band, they are Alternative and nothing more.

I don't agree with Radiohead either, but If I had to choose I'd stay with Radiohead, they are better and much closer to dark Prog at least in their last albums.

And to be honest, Peace Frog's argument is not very convicing either

Quote I don't particularly care too much if they're on here or not. I just want to see what everyone else thinks

Please if not even you care about them how in hell can yopu ask for their inclusion?



Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 01:51
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Originally posted by goose goose wrote:

I certainly agree with the first bit, although I'm a bit less sure on the last sentence. I think by any regular definition it wouldn't be a stretch to call them art rock - nothing to do with prog, but since this site also has a subgenre of prog called art rock it gets a bit confusing.

Art Rock is not an invention of this forum, Art Rock is clearly described by most sites and it's the borderline between Prog and mainstream, more precisely the borderline of Prog and AOR.

Fklaming Lips was never, is not and will never be a Progressive Rock band, they are Alternative and nothing more.

I don't agree with Radiohead either, but If I had to choose I'd stay with Radiohead, they are better and much closer to dark Prog at least in their last albums.


Will never be Prog? I hope they can. They're certainly heading in that direction.

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Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 01:55

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Originally posted by Moatilliatta Moatilliatta wrote:

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Granting that Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots is a very progressive album, if not quite prog, The Flaming Lips don't really belong here. Too much of their catelogue is alternative/psychedelic pop. Their next album, At War with the Mystics, is described as jazz/electronica. I have high hopes for that album.

As of now, no, they don't belong in the Archives.

There is an mp3 up on their website off the new album. I gave it a listen. I don't hear jazz in this particular song. It sounds like a song that would be off of one of their recent albums. It's still pretty good. Do you know when the album is due out?

Secondly, I agree with your statement. Their early material, which I do not like, is nowhere near prog. Yoshimi is great, as is The Soft Bulletin, definitely creative work, but it isn't prog.

I haven't heard Zaireeka; is it any good?

"Mr. Ambulance Driver?" Yeah, I was surpried by that. I had read somewhere, probably on the Lips' site, that At War with the Mysics would be a jazz/electronic fusion album."Mr. Ambulance Driver" is just a good, sad pop song. I hope the rest of the album is jazz/electronic. The latest I've heard about its release date is February, though that was quite awhile ago. It should be out by summertime.

Yoshimi and The Soft Bulletin are vastly different, yet similar. Yoshimi uses much more keyboards and electronica, yet both retain the lush sound of latter-day Lips. One can see how the Lips can easily bloom into a prog band. This is why I have such high hopes for At War with the Mysics.

Zaireeka is great, even closer to prog (though sill a far cry away) than Yoshimi. It's very inaccessible, but beautiful and interesting to listen to/expeiriment with. I don't listen to it often, because it's a pain in the arse to get 4 different sound sources together at one time.

Yea, it's long. I'll have to check it out one of these days. And I'm sure the new album will be lush and enjoyable, even if it's not jazzy.


Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Art Rock is clearly described by most sites and it's the borderline between Prog and mainstream, more precisely the borderline of Prog and AOR.

What does AOR stand for?

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 02:07

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Will never be Prog? I hope they can. They're certainly heading in that direction.

For God's sake Stonebeard, they have 22 years in the market!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't that enough time to define their genre, most bands don't last so much. Most of them are way passed their 40's, ifthey were not Prog' until now, most surely they will never be, and even if they release a proggy or two albums, they would never be a Prog band because already released 11 non Prog albums.

BTW: AOR = Album Oriented Rock (Booston, Journey, Asia, Toto, etc)



Posted By: Moatilliatta
Date Posted: December 18 2005 at 02:21

Posted By: kebjourman
Date Posted: February 03 2006 at 17:44

god i love the flaming lips!!!!!!!!!!!!


dunno if theyre prog though

Posted By: Hemispheres
Date Posted: February 08 2006 at 20:05
i got Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots and i didnt really enjoy the keys they annoyed me same with a supper furry animals album i got for christmas


Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: February 08 2006 at 22:52
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Will never be Prog? I hope they can. They're certainly heading in that direction.

For God's sake Stonebeard, they have 22 years in the market!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't that enough time to define their genre, most bands don't last so much. Most of them are way passed their 40's, ifthey were not Prog' until now, most surely they will never be, and even if they release a proggy or two albums, they would never be a Prog band because already released 11 non Prog albums.

BTW: AOR = Album Oriented Rock (Booston, Journey, Asia, Toto, etc)


Any band can become prog regardless of their past albums, I believe. But even in the span of 4 or so years from The Soft Bulletin to Yoshimi, they showed remarkable progression. And wouldn't you say Yoshimi is heading in that direction? Now, we'll see truly if it wasn't just a one-off when At War With the Mystics comes out in 2 months... What I think you're thinking of is whether or not they should be admitted to the archives if they managed to make a very prog album, in which I would say no as well.

Now, Wayne Coyne has cited that some of his infuences were Eno, Pink Floyd and Roxy Music...all bands that are now, in one shape or form, on Prog Archives. I do not mean to imply that just because one's influences are prog, that the person's music will be as well. But it shows that, possibly, as the band is maturing, these influences reveal themselves more and more.

By the way: Zaireeka is incredible proggy, not only in concept.

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Posted By: Runaway
Date Posted: February 08 2006 at 23:00

Flaming Lips are one of my all time fav bands, but they are not prog! Except for one song (The Spark That Bleed, that is a mini epic).

And the new album is released at my birthday!!! (3 of abril)

Posted By: ANDREW
Date Posted: February 09 2006 at 08:30
FLAMING LIPS doesn't play prog rock, i don't agree for their inclusion here.

Posted By: oracus
Date Posted: February 09 2006 at 08:49
Ofcourse not.


Posted By: Phil
Date Posted: February 09 2006 at 09:21
Originally posted by kebjourman kebjourman wrote:

god i love the flaming lips!!!!!!!!!!!!


dunno if theyre prog though

said! And stonebeard you're clearly knowledgeable about the F'Lips (and therefore a fan I assume..) "Yoshimi" is a great album with some proggish moments, as (IMHO) is "The Soft Bullettin". I look forward to the new release, whatever it may bring!

Ivan I know you have a point when you say (I paraphrase) that you shouldn't compare bands and say "because A is on so should B be.." but to my ears there are so many more bizzare choices for "prog" bands that have appeared on PA, than the Flaming Lips - I won't list them here!! It does make for some pretty bizzare choices of what is - and is not - included on PA.

So I suppose I'm saying I agree that the Flaming Lips aren't really "prog" (though they're a damn fine band), but then again if I was to compare them to some of the bands listed on this site, then hey, yes they flaming well should be too!!!

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: February 09 2006 at 22:02
Originally posted by Phil Phil wrote:

Originally posted by kebjourman kebjourman wrote:

god i love the flaming lips!!!!!!!!!!!!


dunno if theyre prog though

said! And stonebeard you're clearly knowledgeable about the F'Lips (and therefore a fan I assume..) "Yoshimi" is a great album with some proggish moments, as (IMHO) is "The Soft Bullettin". I look forward to the new release, whatever it may bring!

Ivan I know you have a point when you say (I paraphrase) that you shouldn't compare bands and say "because A is on so should B be.." but to my ears there are so many more bizzare choices for "prog" bands that have appeared on PA, than the Flaming Lips - I won't list them here!! It does make for some pretty bizzare choices of what is - and is not - included on PA.

So I suppose I'm saying I agree that the Flaming Lips aren't really "prog" (though they're a damn fine band), but then again if I was to compare them to some of the bands listed on this site, then hey, yes they flaming well should be too!!!


Listening to The Soft Bulletin as I type.

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Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: February 09 2006 at 22:11

Zaireeka is probably one of the most creative and innovative albums to ever be released... prog in my book.


Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: February 09 2006 at 22:27
Originally posted by Cygnus X-2 Cygnus X-2 wrote:

Zaireeka is probably one of the most creative and innovative albums to ever be released... prog in my book.

I can hardly remember the music. I've only played it once, when I actually had 4 seperate sources that played cds.

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Posted By: Cygnus X-2
Date Posted: February 09 2006 at 22:41
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Originally posted by Cygnus X-2 Cygnus X-2 wrote:

Zaireeka is probably one of the most creative and innovative albums to ever be released... prog in my book.

I can hardly remember the music. I've only played it once, when I actually had 4 seperate sources that played cds.

I've only listened to it twice. My friend and I have only had the patience to find 4 sources to play cds twice.


Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: February 10 2006 at 00:38
I love them, but I dont think they are prog rock.  Just because they aren't on this site doesnt mean they aren't amazing music!

for cheese's sakes people, it's ok to like music that isnt prog!

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"Oceans Down You'll Lie"
coming soon

Posted By: bhikkhu
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 23:20
Originally posted by Peace Frog Peace Frog wrote:

If Radiohead is on PA, why couldn't the Flaming Lips be?

    Now, I understand that a comparison with Radiohead might be too broad, but Mercury Rev is listed. They are very similar, and even share a band member.
     I found this thread because I had looked for them here. I can understand why they wouldn't be, but I can also see a case for inclusion. When I first heard "The Soft Bulletin," my thought was that the Flaming Lips had gone prog.

a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Meddler
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 00:47
Prog-related? I'm too lazy to see if it's been mentioned already.


Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 01:59
"Vox Populi Vox Dei"  isn't 26 votes for  NO against only 8 yes enough to simply forget about them?


Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 15:28
Actually you can download Zaireeka as one disc with all four mixed together. But I didn't tell you that! LOL
 -- Ivan


Posted By: Goldenavatar
Date Posted: May 27 2006 at 21:22
Oh my word, I couldn't click the "no" option fast enough! I had to steady myself for fear that I might inadvertantly click "yes". Let me emphatically say, NO!!!!!
By the way, this "prog-related" talk has yet to make sense to me. Are we playing 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon or something? If the band recorded with someone who recorded with someone who recorded with someone who recorded with someone who recorded with Fripp does that make the prog related?
Also by the way, kudos to those of you who are able to say the like the Flaming Lips and still agree they are not prog.
My humble opinion as usual.

Posted By: bamba
Date Posted: May 27 2006 at 21:37
I think they are more an alternative rock band than a prog rock band but some of their stuff its just good not amazing.

Learning Flute [Amigo de Manticore y Memowakeman] (primo)[IMG]

Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: May 27 2006 at 21:47

No. As much as I love the Flaming Lips there just not prog rock. They have proggy moments, but not enough to deserve it here. They're probably my favorite modern band, don't get me wrong, but there more psychedelic pop than anything else.


Posted By: GPFR
Date Posted: May 27 2006 at 21:51
I love the Lips latest album, At war with the mystics, and it is prog. But anything before that is clearly not. (Though I love it too.)

As for the whole Radiohead issue, I think they are very progressive (with the exception of there first two albums) I agree with Ivans arguements.


Posted By: The Wizard
Date Posted: May 27 2006 at 21:55
Originally posted by GPFR GPFR wrote:

I love the Lips latest album, At war with the mystics, and it is prog. But anything before that is clearly not. (Though I love it too.)

Mystics is very Pink Floydish and there most psychedelic, but still not really prog to my ears.


Posted By: Rashikal
Date Posted: May 28 2006 at 16:33
theyre also influenced by Os Mutantes, who are listed here


listen to Hella

Posted By: CVoss
Date Posted: June 05 2006 at 12:55

The Flaming Lips do seem borderline, just like Radiohead, but what keeps them from being worthy from being on the site is not really the sense of marking time; it's more about pop sensibility compared to most bands on here.  Again, it is a very tough call, since fusion and other genres are included within this site.  However, the Flaming Lips fit more into standard indie rock and psychedelic (not of the Floyd realm, either) than they do prog, in my opinion.  However, I can definitely see both sides of the deal.

And yes, I really like the Flaming Lips myself...they only get better every album, it seems!

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You missed the starting gun"

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