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Prog rock defined!!!

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
Printed Date: March 05 2025 at 11:50
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Topic: Prog rock defined!!!
Posted By: ulver982
Subject: Prog rock defined!!!
Date Posted: November 22 2005 at 23:08

I came across google's new book search, and entered in "prog rock."  I came across a book called "Punk Productions:  Unfinished Business."  I clicked on it, and got to read a page from the book that contained my search of "prog rock."  This is what I found:

"In terms of English bands, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd typify prog rock, while in the United States the Grateful Dead, the Allman Brothers, and Yes exemplify the sub-genre, as do Can and Hawkind in Germany.  Prog rock bands tend to incorporate more musicians and instruments than previous rock bands did, including keyboards and a variety of wind and precussion instruments, while songs include lenghty solos, often for several of the band's musicians, and last for significantly longer than rock or pop songs.  In 2004, prog rock continues but has been renamed "jam rock" and includes Phish, Blues Traveler, and bands that emerged from the Grateful Dead after Jerry Garcia died."

Well damn, this site needs to be renamed Jam Rock Archives!

Improvement makes straight roads, but the crooked roads without improvement, are roads of genius.

Silence is the music of the future.

Posted By: ThisWas
Date Posted: November 22 2005 at 23:25
I like how Yes are now an American prog band, and somehow led zeppelin and their heavy blues are now prog, man some people are idiots. I VOTE YES FOR JAM ROCK ARCHIVES!!! VIVA REVOLUTION!!

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: November 23 2005 at 01:40
  • Hawkwind Germany??????
  • Led Zeppelin tipifies Prog????????
  • Yes from USA???????
  • Jam Rock = Prog ??????

For God's sake, can somebody tell this ignorant to do at least some research before publishing a book?



Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: November 23 2005 at 08:00

That's the biggest load of rubbish I've ever read. There are so many mistakes in that!

And who ever decided that prog rock was now called "jam rock"?

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