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I need krautrock recommendations (please)

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Topic: I need krautrock recommendations (please)
Posted By: ummagumma08
Subject: I need krautrock recommendations (please)
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 07:10

I Already own:
AMON DÜÜL II – Tanz der Lemminge
AMON DÜÜL II – Phallus Dei
CAN – Ege Bamyasi
CAN – Tago Mago
CAN – Monster Movie
ERLKOENIG – Erlkoenig
FAUST – Faust IV
KRAFTWERK – Autobahn
KRAFTWERK – Ruckzuck
NEU! – NEU! ’75
POPOL VUH – Letzte Tage – Letzte Nächte

And love all of them, I need some more krautrock! 

Already on wish list:
AMON DÜÜl II - Wolf City
KRAFTWERK - Ralf & Florian
GROBSCHNITT - Grobschnitt
GROBSCHNITT - Rockpommel's Land
GROBSCHNITT - Solar-Music Live
POPOL VUH - In Den Gärten Pharaos
POPOL VUH - Hosianna Mantra
POPOL VUH - Affenstunde
POPOL VUH - Seligpreisung
FAUST - Faust
CAN - Future Days
GURU GURU - Guru Guru

Any other suggestions(preferably from the 70's)? Any must-have krautrock albums I've missed?

Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 07:23

A pretty good selection there. You could add

Tangerine Dream - Electronic Meditation, Alpha Centaurai, Atem, Zeit

Ash Ra Tempel - Ash Ra tempel, Schwingungen, Join Inn, Seven Up

I'm sure that the Bald Angels and Phillippe will be able to add a few more recommendations.

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: ummagumma08
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 07:28

I have the TD albums, just don't consider them krautrock, same with Schulze...

Ash Ra Temple sounds interesting, don't think I've ever heard of them...   

Posted By: lovecraft
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 07:32
Agitation Free are essential in my opinion.(looks left)


At The Cliffs of the River Rhine

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 07:37
The Tangerine Dream and Schulze albums have just a hint of Klautrock...

go for Ash Ra!


Posted By: M. B. Zapelini
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 07:40
A good selection. "Solar Music - Live" is fantastic, you must buy this album now. You'll maybe like Jane - their first album, "Here We Are" and "Jane III" are all good albums.

"He's a man of the past and one of the present"

Posted By: ummagumma08
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 07:46

Originally posted by lovecraft lovecraft wrote:

Agitation Free are essential in my opinion.(looks left)



Sonds interesting, but also very - expensive  

I go exclusively for vinyl, generally kraut is very expensive, sadly  

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 08:15

Amber Soundroom and Arkana have released a load of really good Krautrock on good quality vinyl - and it's  cheap, compared to the originals. These include Agitation Free, Tetragon, Kaputter Hamster and Guru Guru. There's a seller on eBay called face-the-dawn who charges high postage, but is very reliable - I've bought from him many times.

I'd recommend Kraftwerk's 1st album - it's nowhere near as electronic as its successors, and it really madly inventive minimalist Krautrock - I think it's brilliant!

I don't know Ash Ra Temple's music, but I've been given the heads up on them so many times, they're on my "hit list".

If you can handle the rawness of it, and can track down a copy, I'd recommend Necronomicon's "Tips Zum Selbstmord" (don't even think about getting an original - they change hands for £1,000 or more). The guitarist is distributing a limited run repress, courtesy of Amber Soundroom (limited to 500, like the original). Be careful not to end up with a cheap 1970's Mexican repress though - apparently the sound quality is even worse than the original (it was all done onto a TEAC 4 track). The music is great - and original, though.



Posted By: philippe
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 08:30
just send PM if you want recommendations & extracts from me: my knowledge covers a large part of krautrock from the most notorious bands to real obscurities...


Posted By: Fantômas
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 09:49
I'll make a little list of thigs you can't go without:

Älgarnas Trädgård - Framtiden Ar Ett Svavande Skepp
Achim Reichel - Echo
Bröselmaschine - Bröselmaschine
Cluster - Cluster
Cluster - Cluster II
Cluster - Zuckerzeit
Conrad Schnitzler - Rot
Conrad Schnitzler - Blau
The Cosmic Jokers - The Cosmic Jokers
The Cosmic Jokers - Galactic Supermarket
The Cosmic Jokers - Planeten Sit-in
The Cosmic Jokers - Sci-Fi Party
Deuter - D
Michael Rother - Flammende Herzen
Xhol Caravan - Electrip

This, and all the others that were already reminded in this topic. I'm not a big specialist in this genre, btw. Oh, my favorite Prog band, in any genre, it's Tangerine Dream. So get their full discography, and all the related stuff (like Klaus Schulze, Edgar Froese wonderful solo career, etc...).

And above all, is punk

Posted By: Seyo
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 10:20
Originally posted by ummagumma08 ummagumma08 wrote:

I Already own: AMON DÜÜL II – Tanz der Lemminge AMON DÜÜL II – Phallus Dei CAN – Ege Bamyasi CAN – Tago Mago CAN – Monster Movie ERLKOENIG – Erlkoenig FAUST – Faust IV KRAFTWERK – Autobahn KRAFTWERK – Ruckzuck KRAFTWERK – II KRAFTWERK – INEU! – NEU! ’75 NEU! – NEU! POPOL VUH – Letzte Tage – Letzte Nächte

And love all of them, I need some more krautrock! 

Already on wish list:AMON DÜÜl II - YetiAMON DÜÜl II - Wolf CityKRAFTWERK - Ralf & FlorianGROBSCHNITT - GrobschnittGROBSCHNITT - Rockpommel's LandGROBSCHNITT - Solar-Music LivePOPOL VUH - In Den Gärten PharaosPOPOL VUH - Hosianna MantraPOPOL VUH - Affenstunde POPOL VUH - SeligpreisungFAUST - FaustCAN - Future Days GURU GURU - Guru GuruGURU GURU - UFO.

Any other suggestions(preferably from the 70's)? Any must-have krautrock albums I've missed?

Pretty good selection for start .

I would add:
- CAN Soundtracks (with essential 15 minute freak-out jam "Mother Sky")
- GURU GURU Kan Guru
- FAUST So Far and if you dare Faust Tapes (< see my avatar )
- AMON DUUL II offshoot UTOPIA, their only eponymous album

and depending on whether you consider them krautrock (heavy rock with psyche organ and guitar):
- JANE At Home Live
- BIRTH CONTROL Operation and Hoodoo Man
- BRAINTICKET Cottonwoodhill
- FRUMPY Frumpy II


Posted By: progron
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 10:24


no music, no life
no prog, no good life

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 10:47
Cosmic Jokers

Posted By: samhob
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 12:06

Solar music live a must-have for sure

You Should try agitation free too as said ..

I would also recommend:

Novalis - Sommerabend
Guru Guru - Live
Eroc - Eroc
Tangerine Dream - Electronic Meditation ( crazy thing)

And Eloy ( Ocean , Floating, etc..) even if it isn't really "kraut"..

Posted By: samhob
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 12:14

Originally posted by philippe philippe wrote:

just send PM if you want recommendations & extracts from me: my knowledge covers a large part of krautrock from the most notorious bands to real obscurities...

Why won't you share them with us ? Ca serait sympa..

Posted By: lovecraft
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 12:15
Originally posted by ummagumma08 ummagumma08 wrote:

Originally posted by lovecraft lovecraft wrote:

Agitation Free are essential in my opinion.(looks left)



Sonds interesting, but also very - expensive  

I go exclusively for vinyl, generally kraut is very expensive, sadly  

I used to be exclusively vinyl myself at one point. Then I realised that my time on this planet was finite and that I needed to hear everything I wanted to hear..

Posted By: UncleMeat
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 14:45
Solo-work of Dieter Moebius (one half of Cluster) and Hans-Joachim Roedelius (the other half I think)

Tangerine Dream - Encore, Rubycon, Ricochet, Stratosfear, Zeit,
Novalis - Wer schmetterlinge lachen hort

Some other names I know but don't have any records from (only some incidental music)

Music Is The Best

Posted By: UncleMeat
Date Posted: October 30 2005 at 14:47
Or just check out

Music Is The Best

Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: October 31 2005 at 02:48
My favourite bands: - GÄA and - RUFUS ZUPHALL !

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: October 31 2005 at 07:32

Some obvious artists and albums have been mentioned already; I won't repeat them. Other suggestions:

Amon Düül 2 - Yeti
Amon Düül 2 - Carnival in Babylon
Amon Düül 2 - Wolf City
Amon Düül 2 - Vive la Trance!
Kraan - Kraan
Kraan - Wintrup
Kraan - Lvie 75 (one of the best live albums ever)
Embryo - Rocksession
Embryo - Opal
Embryo - Steig Aus
Embryo - Embryo's Reise
Dzyan - Time Machine
Dzyan - Electric Silence
Between - Einstieg
Between - Dharana
Between - Hesse Between Music
Guru Guru - Guru Guru (contains their most famos track, "Der Elektrolurch")
Guru Guru - Live (another excellent live album)
Faust - Faust
Grobschnitt - Ballermann
Neu - Neu!
Neu - Neu 2
Brainstorm - Smile a While
Brainstorm - Second Smile
Aera - Humanum Est
Aera - Hand und Fuß
Aera - Live
Bunka, Roman - Dein Kopf Ist ein Schlafendes Auto
Highdelberg - Super Session
Liliental - Liliental
Froese, Edgar - Epsilon in Malaysian Pale
Baumann, Peter - Romance '76
Yatha Sidhra - A Meditation Mass
Birth Control - Hoodoo Man
Sahara - Sunrise
Hoelderlin - Hoelderlin's Traum
Hoelderlin - Clowns and Clouds

I could go on endlessly ; if you have any questions just PM me .

Nektar are NOT a German band, by the way (they are British), and neither is Brainticket (Switzerland); both sound a lot like Krautrock though.

Oh, and not to forget the album that started Krautrock:
Amon Düül - Psychedelic Underground


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: anael
Date Posted: November 03 2005 at 00:54



     -Space Ship : The Best Of
     -Essen 1970



     -The Best of Popol Vuh

     -Die Grüne Reise

     -Alpha Centauri
     -Electronic Meditation

     -Phallus Dei


     -Hölderlins Traum

     -The Cosmic Jokers
     -Galactic Supermarket
     -Planeten Sit-In
     -Gilles Zeitschiff
     -Sci Fi Party

     -On The Way to The Peak of Normal
     -Rome Remains Rome

     -Faust Tapes
     -Outside The Dream Syndicate

     -Ash Ra Tempel
     -Starring Rosi
     -Join Inn
     -Seven Up


     -Tago Mago
     -Ege Bamyasi
     -Future Days
     -Soon Over Babaluma
     -Saw Delight


     -Tips Zum Selbstmord

     -Auf Der Bahn Zum Uranus

     - A Meditation Mass


     -Tone Float (1970)

     -Frühling Der Krüppel
     -Grüss Gott Mit Hellem Kläng

     -La Leyla



     -Der Jesuspliz
     -Trips & Träume

     -The Fountain Beyond The Sunrise

     -Solar Music LIVE
     -Rockpommel’s Land


        -Lord Krishna Von Goloka


Posted By: M. B. Zapelini
Date Posted: November 03 2005 at 05:38
Wow, it seems that Deutschland ROCKS über alles!

"He's a man of the past and one of the present"

Posted By: Dick Heath
Date Posted: November 03 2005 at 06:39
Just been introduced to Exmagma - nothing to do with Magma. Seem to be  influenced by Soft Machine  (Third and before), however, liner notes suggest (to complicate things) a lot of ingestion of hallucinogens, with the album being the result of trying play Soft Machine tunes some fair way out of their skulls!

Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: November 03 2005 at 10:39

 'Krautrock' is an outdated term and was mainly used in the beginning of the 70's for the first wave of german rock bands. Most of these bands have only one common point that they were based in Germany.The first groups are closely linked to the labels Pilz,Ohr and Kosmische Kuriere the second wave mainly to the Brain label. The majority of the bands does not sing in german.Stylistically spoken there are several orientations:

Jazz Rock: Agiation Free, Embryo, Kraan, SFF, Guru-Guru, Missus Beastly, Curt Cress, Snowball, Passport

Symphonic: Triumvirat, Grobschnitt, Wallenstein, Novalis, Eloy, Satin Whale, Ramses, Streetmark 

Heavy: Jane, Eloy(beginning)

Folk Rock: Hölderlin, Ogenweide, Jerry Berkers, Witthüser& Westrupp, Bröselmaschine

Psychedelic : Amon Düul,Mythos,Walpurgis

Düsseldorf: Neu, Kraftwerk, La Düsseldorf

Electronic : Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Popol Vuh, Eroc

Politic Rock : Floh de Cologne, Ton, Stein &Scherben, Checkpoint Charlie

+some bands and musicians hard to classify: Can, Holger Czukay, Irmin Schmidt, Cluster,Faust, Harmonia,Sergius Golowin


Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: progadicto
Date Posted: November 03 2005 at 11:06
I agree with Alucard, but I have no labels for bands like Faust, Ash Ra Tempel or Guru... anyway, here is my list:

Cosmic Jokers, Ash Ra Tempel, Grobschnitt (Solar Music Live is superb!!) Manuel Gottschling, Eroc, Sergius Golowin and Holger Czukay... and of course SPEKTAKEL!!

... E N E L B U N K E R...

Posted By: cucacola54
Date Posted: November 03 2005 at 15:26


     Kraan - Andy Nogger

Most listened albums last week

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: November 03 2005 at 16:21
Originally posted by Alucard Alucard wrote:

 'Krautrock' is an outdated term and was mainly used in the beginning of the 70's for the first wave of german rock bands. Most of these bands have only one common point that they were based in Germany.The first groups are closely linked to the labels Pilz,Ohr and Kosmische Kuriere the second wave mainly to the Brain label. The majority of the bands does not sing in german.Stylistically spoken there are several orientations:

Jazz Rock: Agiation Free, Embryo, Kraan, SFF, Guru-Guru, Missus Beastly, Curt Cress, Snowball, Passport

Symphonic: Triumvirat, Grobschnitt, Wallenstein, Novalis, Eloy, Satin Whale, Ramses, Streetmark 

Heavy: Jane, Eloy(beginning)

Folk Rock: Hölderlin, Ogenweide, Jerry Berkers, Witthüser& Westrupp, Bröselmaschine

Psychedelic : Amon Düul,Mythos,Walpurgis

Düsseldorf: Neu, Kraftwerk, La Düsseldorf

Electronic : Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Popol Vuh, Eroc

Politic Rock : Floh de Cologne, Ton, Stein &Scherben, Checkpoint Charlie

+some bands and musicians hard to classify: Can, Holger Czukay, Irmin Schmidt, Cluster,Faust, Harmonia,Sergius Golowin


Of Hölderlin only the first album "Hölderlin's Traum" is Folk Rock, the rest is Symphonic Prog. And it is Ougenweide and not Ogenweide. Not really sure I'd put Agitation Free or SFF under Fusion either. And Guru Guru changed style with almost every album. Embryo are certainly fusion influenced, but later a lot of "World Music" entered their albums. In the section "Polit Rock" the name of the band is "Ton, Steine, Scherben" (a wordplay with the name of one of the German worker unions, "Bau, Steine, Erden").

The bands Frumpy and Atlantis with singer Inga Rumpf deserve a mentioning too. They play a more traditional, blues-oriented rock, with some funk elements in the case of Atlantis. I highly recommend their live albums.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: November 04 2005 at 08:57

Friede, thanx for correcting my spelling faults; another group that has roots in Blues Rock and Soul: Birth Control

Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: M. B. Zapelini
Date Posted: November 05 2005 at 06:31
Yes, Frumpy is amazing (don't know much about Atlantis) - better than Birth Control, which is good too - their "Hoodoo Man" album is very interesting.

"He's a man of the past and one of the present"

Posted By: wooty
Date Posted: November 08 2005 at 19:52
Gila - st(subtitled 'free electric sound) is and overwhelming guitar psych similar to amon duul II or ash ra tempel

"We turn and turn in the animal belly, the mineral belly, the belly of time. To find the way out: the poem."

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