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Help Me make a list of the best Long Prog

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Recommendations/Featured albums
Forum Description: Make or seek recommendations and discuss specific prog albums
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Topic: Help Me make a list of the best Long Prog
Posted By: MegaMoog
Subject: Help Me make a list of the best Long Prog
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 16:15
I do not want to say which are better, I do not care I only want to make a list of all of the Best Long Prog rock songs so that I can make sure that i hear them all. please list them in time groups, with the name of the band, song, and album.  I would really like to know about rare song that maybe i have not heard although I have heard a lot

Songs over 10 mins
songs over 15 mins
songs over 20 mins

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 16:24
Over 20 minutes: Green Carnation's Light of Day, Day of Darkness at 60:59 or thereabouts

Posted By: Hemispheres
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 16:28
heres a really obscure one Close To The Edge By Yes


Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 17:01

Edge of long song,40+ minutes long

Meshuggah-I....20+ minutes long


Posted By: CaptainWafflos
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 17:11 tes_in_length

That's a pretty good list of long songs. Obviously not all of them are good, but you can get a good idea of which to listen to.

Posted By: anael
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 17:13

. close to the edge (yes)
. gates of delirium (yes)
. cassandra gemini (the mars volta)
. thick as a brick (jethro tull)
. time (ash ra tempel)
. jenseits (ash ra tempel)
. krautrock (faust)
. the fasut tapes (faust)
. frutti per kagua (capitolo 6)
. song of scheherazade (renaissance)
. mother russia (renaissance)* 9 minutes!!
. kohntarkosz anteria (live version) (magma)
. across the waters (triumvirat)
. depuis l'automne (harmonium)
. out of dimension (kyrie eleison)
. moon in june (the soft machine)
. concerto delle menti (pholas dactylus)
. zarathustra (museo rosenbach)
. aria (alan sorrenti)
. fede speranza caritŕ (jet)
. scorched earth (van der graaf generator)
. fool overture (supertramp)
. in c (acid mothers temple)*isnt prog but u must hear it!
. seadrum (the boredoms)*isnt prog but u gotta hear it
. house of sun (the boredoms)*isnt prog but u gotta hear it
. dark star (the grateful dead)*prog: no way! still awesome
. you enjoy myself (phish)*same as above
. sobreviviente (matráz)
. aumgn (can)
. animal waves (can)
. a meditation mass (yatha sidhra)
. atom heart mother (pink floyd)
. introspect (cathedral)


Posted By: Pseud0
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 17:40
meshuggah - catch 33


Posted By: Fantômas
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 17:43
De Futura. 18 minutes of a F*CKING GREAT song. The best Magma ever done.
Oh, there are many, but I'm not going to make a list now...

And above all, is punk

Posted By: Tony Fisher
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 17:43

Best 10 - 15 mins Lady Fantasy (Camel)

Best 15 - 20 mins Close to the Edge (Yes)

Best over 20 mins Supper's Ready (Genesis)

NOT a hard choice.


Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 17:48

To name a few less known bands:

Los Jaivas-La poderosa muerte (11.13)

Outer Limits-The scene of pale blue (20.30)

Novela-Lettica (11.09), La songerie (13.49) and Reminiscence (16.57)

Social Tension-MacBethia (19.36) and Go on my way (12.55)

Novalis- Wunderschatze (10.37) and Sommerabend (18.17)

Solaris-Los Angeles 2026 (23.21)

Nemo-Le monde a l'envers (13.34)

Standarte-Mooning 'round the mill hill (13.56)

Finch-A passion condensed (20.00)

Enjoy listening!!

Posted By: Don Quito
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 17:49
Try Cygnus X-I (Book II) from Hemispheres and the title track 2112 by Rush... They're both long enough


Posted By: lunaticviolist
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 17:51

One of my favorites is Tull's Baker St. Muse, just over 16 minutes.  Here are some others worth checking out:

VDGG: Plague of Lighthouse Keepers (over 20 min)

Genesis: Supper's Ready (duh!) (20+), Musical Box (10+), Firth of Fifth (almost 10!)

Yes: Heart of the Sunrise (10+), And You and I (10+), Anything off TFTO (20+, The Ancients -- just under 20), Gates of Delirium (20+)

Soft Machine: Anything off Third (Slightly All the Time) (15+)

ELP: Take a Pebble (10+), Tarkus (20+), Karn Evil 9 (30+), Memoirs of an Officer and a Gentleman (Hey, I like it!) (20+)

Oldfield: Tubular Bells (40+), Ommadawn (40+)

Spock's Beard: The Light (15+), Go the Way You Go (10+)

PF: Shine on You Crazy Diamond (20+), Echoes (20+), Atom Heart Mother (20+, one of my favorites!), Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast (10+), Animals (Dogs (15+), Pigs, Sheep are both 10+)

Mars Volta: Cygnus...Vismund Cygnus (10+), L'Via L'Viaquez (10+)

Camel: Lady Fantasy (10+)

King Crimson: (the infamous) Moonchild (10+), Devil's Triangle (10+), Lizard (20+), Larks' Tongues in Aspic (20+), Starless (10+) 

Traffic: Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys (10+)

Return to Forever: Duel of the Jester and the Tyr (10+)

Zappa: It's only 7 min, but it's great: Brown Shoes Don't Make It





My recent purchases:

Posted By: Persona
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 18:03

10-15: Terje Rypdal - Silver bird is heading for the sun

15-20: Il balletto di bronzo - Introduzione / Primo incontro

+20: ProjeKct Four - Ghost, part one

Le pregunte,
y su sonrisa se desprendio
desgarrando al aire.

Posted By: ColonelClaypool
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 18:24

Porcupine Tree:

  • Russia On Ice, 13 minutes
  • The Sky Moves Sideways, 35'ish minutes
  • Even Less, extended version - 14 minutes
  • Burning Sky, 12'ish minutes

IQ: Harvest Of Souls, 25 minutes

Flower Kings:

  • I Am The Sun part I, 15 minutes
  • Stardust We Are, 25 minutes
  • Devil's Playground, 25 minutes

Transatlantic: All Of The Above, 31 minutes

Spock's Beard: The Great Nothing, 27 minutes

With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince.
With science, you can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with.

Posted By: zabriskiepoint
Date Posted: October 24 2005 at 18:31
Echoes and SOYCD are probably de best songs ever heard by mankind.

Posted By: anael
Date Posted: October 27 2005 at 20:18
Originally posted by zabriskiepoint zabriskiepoint wrote:

Echoes and SOYCD are probably de best songs ever heard by mankind.



Posted By: A Guy
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 17:09

Henry Cow - Living in the Heart of the Beast [15+ min]

The Mars Volta - Cicatriz ESP [10+ min]

King Crimson - Larks' Tongues in Aspic Part One [10+ min], Starless [10+ min], Formentera Lady [10+ min]

Rush - Hemispheres [15+ min]

Ozric Tentacles - Ayurvedic (Live version from Live Underslunky) [10+ min], Waterfall City [10+ min]

Pink Floyd - Dogs [15+ min], Pigs (Three Different Ones) [10+ min], Sheep [10+ min]

Magma - Kohntarkosz [15+ min], Kobaia [10+ min]

Jethro Tull - Excerpts from the Ian Anderson Interview [10+ min] 

Van Der Graaf Generator - Childlike Faith in Childhood's End [10+ min], Man-Erg [10+ min]

Genesis - The Battle of Epping Forest [10+ min]

Threshold - Narcissus [10+ min]




Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 17:31
Originally posted by Hemispheres Hemispheres wrote:

heres a really obscure one Close To The Edge By Yes


Who? Yes? Close to the edge? Whats that...never heard of it

































"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Simkim
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 17:33

Two songs that are already classic:

Univers Zero - La Faulx (from the Heresie album) [25 minutes]

After Crying - A gadarai megszállott (from the album Megalázottak és megszomorított) [22 minutes]


Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 17:48
  • Supertramp - Brother Where You Bound (16 min)
  • Supertramp - Try Again (12 min)
  • Supertramp - Fool's Overture (11 min)
  • Symphony X - Divine Wings of Tragedy (20 min)
  • Symphony X - Through The Looking Glass (13 min)
  • Symphony X - Rediscovery (12 min)
  • Symphony X - The Odyssey (24 min)
  • Van Der Graaf Generator - Lost (12 min)
  • Van Der Graaf Generator - Pioneers Over C. (12 min)
  • Van Der Graaf Generator - After The Flood (11 min)
  • Van Der Graaf Generator - Meurglys III (20 min)
  • Mike Oldfield - Platinum (20 min)
  • Mike Oldfield - Taurus 1 & 2 (10 & 25 min)
  • Mike Oldfield - Crises (21 min)
  • Brand X - Deadly Nightshade (11 min)



RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: dima_olkov
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 17:58

All of the songs are longer than 10 minutes:

1) Supper's Ready - Genesis

2) Dogs - Pink Floyd

3) Close To The Edge - Yes

4) Relealing The Sciene Of God - Yes

5) Battle Of Epping Forest - Genesis

6) Cinema Show - Genesis

7) Sheep - Pink Floyd

8) Musical Box - Genesis

9) Shine On You Crazy Diamong - Pink Floyd

10) Scorched Earth - VdGG

11) Pigs - Pink Floyd

12) Song Of Scheharazade - Renaissance

13) Shadow Of Heirophant - Steve Hackett

14) Illusions On The Double Dimple - Triumvirat

15) Mister Ten Percent - Triumvirat

16) Pioneers Over c. - VdGG

17) A Plague Of Lighthouse Keepers - VdGG

18) Yours In No Disgrace - Yes

19) Starless - King Crimson

20) Trick As A Brick (whole album) - Jethro Tull

What do you think of this selection?

PF, Genesis, KC, Yes, VdGG, GG, Camel, Jethro Tull

Posted By: Olympus
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 18:04

Lets's See

10min songs (Aprox) (Song,Artist,Album)

The Musical Box, Genesis, Nersery Crime.

Homeworld, Yes, The Ladder

Starless, King Crimson, Red

Lady Fantasy, Camel, Mirage

And You and I, Yes, Close to The Edge

Moon Ra, Jon Anderson, Olias of Sunhillow

15min songs (Aprox) (Song,Artist,Album)

Close to the Edge, Yes, Close to the Edge

Take a Pebble, ELP, ELP

Endless Dream, Yes, Talk

20min songs (Aprox) (Song,Artist,Album)

Suppers Ready, Genesis, Foxtrot

Amarok, Mike Oldfield, Amarok

The Gates of Delerium, Yes, Relayer

There you go these are some of my favorite epics.



"Let's get the hell away from this Eerie-ass piece of work so we can get on with the rest of our eerie-ass day"

Posted By: Olympus
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 18:05

+ THick as a Brick


"Let's get the hell away from this Eerie-ass piece of work so we can get on with the rest of our eerie-ass day"

Posted By: rockandrail
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 18:16

The ones I like:

VDGG - After the Flood - 11:28

Earth & Fire - Song of the Marching Children - 18:33

Focus - Eruption - 23:03

Barclay James Harvest - Summer Soldier - 10:24

Soft Machine - Moon in June - 19:08

VDGG - A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers - 23:08

Pink Floyd - Echoes - 23:32

Genesis - Supper's Ready - 22:53

Jethro Tull - Baker Street Muse - 16:42

Yes - Awaken - 15:23

Yes - Close to the Edge -

VDGG - Lost - 11:17

Frumpy - Duty - 12:14

Yes - Heart of the Sunrise - 10:34

Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick - 43:44

Curved Air - Metamorphosis - 10:41

Camel - Lady Fantasy -12:43

King Crimson - Starless - 12:18

Pink Floyd - Shine on you Crazy Diamond - 13:30

Earth & Fire - To the World of the Future - 11:32

Steve Hackett - Shadow of the Hierophant - 11:45

Taď Phong - Out of the Night - 11:37

Hawkwind - Assault & Battery - 10:07

Pink Floyd - Dogs -17:06

Shylock - Ile de Fičvre - 13:01

Alan Parsons Project - The Turn of a Freindly Card - 16:22

Anekdoten - Hole - 11:09

Liquid Tension experiment - When the Water Breaks - 16:58

Uriah Heep - Salisbury - 16:11

Electric Light Orchestra - Kuiama - 11:22

Sandrose - Underground Session - 11:07

Capability Brown - Circumstances - 20:49

Colosseum Live - Lost angeles - 15:47

Marsupilami - Spring - 12:56

Stackridge - Slark - 14:08

Grobschnitt - Symphony - 13:47

Man - C'mon - 10:59

Novalis - Banished Bridge - 17:08

Refugee - Grand Canyon - 16:54

Banzaď - three Magicians - 12:10

Renaissance - Song  of Sheherazade - 24:22

Starcastle - Lady of the Lake - 10:22

Sebastian Hardie - Openings - 13:00

Pulsar: The Strands of the Future - 22:04

Tangerine Dream - Bent Cold Sidewalk - 13:01

Genesis - The Musical Box - 10:26

ELP - Karn Evil Nine - 29:30

Yes - All 4 sides of Tales from Topographic Ocean

Grobschnitt - Rockpommel's Land - 20:55

Anglagard - Jordrock - 11:10

When you finish to listen to these ones, I will give you more

Pierre R, the man who lost his signature

Posted By: ulver982
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 18:30
Are we forgetting Opeth?!

Improvement makes straight roads, but the crooked roads without improvement, are roads of genius.

Silence is the music of the future.

Posted By: Crafter
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 18:45
60+ : Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness
30+ : Akacia - The Brass Serpent
Marillion - This Strange Engine
Transatlantic - Stranger In Your Soul
ELP : Karn Evil 9
20+ : ELP - Tarkus
Spock's Beard - The Great Nothing // The Water
Transatlantic - Duel With The Devil
Kaipa - Mindrevolutions
Glass Hammer - The Knight of the North
Genesis - Supper's Ready
Symphony X - The Odyssey // The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
Pink Floyd - Echoes // Atom Heart Mother Suite
Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons // Octavarium
K˛ - Infinite Voyage
King Crimson - Lizzard
Yes - The Gates of Delirium

10+ ? Too many

Uh ? Oh, I see :D

Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 18:50
Wayyyy too many... I'll just quit

Posted By: Tony Fisher
Date Posted: October 28 2005 at 19:11

How strange - noone's mentioned Caravan's epic side 2 to "In the Land of Grey and Pink", Nine Feet Underground. That would be in my top very 5 long tracks (over 20 mins) along with Supper's Ready, Eruption, Hamburger Concerto and Scheherazade.

Also, Midnight Mushrumps, all 4 parts of Red Queen to Gryphon Three (OK, 3 are just short of 10 minutes actually) and (Ein Klein) Heldenleben by Gryphon are all excellent.

Posted By: UncleMeat
Date Posted: October 29 2005 at 15:23
Supersister -  Pudding and Gisteren  21.01
Supersister - WOW 12.57
Supersister - Energy out of future 15:01
Supersister - A girl named you 10:10

Steve Hackett - Shadow Of The Hierophant 11:44

Todd Rundgrenn - Utopie (live) 10:52

Frank Zappa - Yo' Mama 12:37
Frank Zappa - Montana (Whipping Floss) on YCDTOSA 2  10:15

Robert Fripp & Brian Eno - Swastika Girls (No Pussyfooting) 18:42

Music Is The Best

Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: October 29 2005 at 15:28

Dreamscape- The End of Light 20:49

but no one talks about that band for some reason..........

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