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Chinese Post-Rocker Summer Fades Away new album

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Topic: Chinese Post-Rocker Summer Fades Away new album
Posted By: 1724records
Subject: Chinese Post-Rocker Summer Fades Away new album
Date Posted: February 09 2025 at 02:58
Chinese Post-Rock band Summer Fades Away will release their third album.Endless,album's title,未完 in Chinese.The new album will collecting 7 tracks that created since 2013 to 2025.Endless mean,it's not time to say goodbye yet,the past can't change.
More information  coming soon.
Four tracks been uploaded already,taste it

About Summer Fades Away

Known to the public since 2008, starting in Changsha.Good mix of traditional Chinese instruments with modern post rock elements. Atmospheric, epic, and well, if you like post rock, you know what you’re getting into. This is Summer Fades Away.They have always been a name that post-rock enthusiasts both domestically and internationally would not overlook. Their music blends sorrow and beauty, gradually unfolding in grand narratives. Between the transitions of gentleness and explosive bursts, sincerity and sentimentality run throughout, pure and resolute.
Summer Fades Away located at Changsha,southwest China.Have two albums released by 1724 Records.Band members include Liu Hong Lin(G);Deng Yong Peng(K);Li JIng Xin(D);Tang Shi Yuan(B);Jiang Qing(G).Their new album named Endless,will release soon.
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An indie label focus on Post-rock/Math-rock/Ambient,based on Beijing,China,since 2006

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