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25 "E" List Acts

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Topic: 25 "E" List Acts
Posted By: Logan
Subject: 25 "E" List Acts
Date Posted: August 20 2024 at 19:39
This poll has 25 E acts with albums that I like, and obviously I am missing various of the biggest names in Prog. To mention some I left off that I have listened to full albums by: Eulenspygel, Eloy, Estradasphere, Esperanto, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Echolyn, Ex-Girl, and for one I have checked out due to its popularity, Edison's Children....

But I opted to go with my 25 above. Feel free to mention and discuss any not in my poll, but I would ask that people try comment on any in my list if they know any of them.

One can vote for three acts, or more or less. Feel free to vote with limited familiarity and don't feel shy about saying what you like that is not on the list and what on the list does not appeal to you. While it does not hurt my feelings if you think my choices suck, it is still appreciated that one is considerate of artists (both living and dead) in how one expresses things.

For the past polls:" rel="nofollow - 26 "D" List Acts &" rel="nofollow - 25 "C" List Acts &" rel="nofollow - 25 "B" List Acts &" rel="nofollow - 25 "A" List Acts

Note that most of these acts are in PA, but Eartheater, Eels, Electrelane, Matt Elliot, Esquivel, and Extradition are not.

In a way it doesn't much matter much to me what I put up for E, I am interested in hearing about what others like for E. It's nice if some of those we share in common, but not necessary.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: August 20 2024 at 20:18
I'll go with Eskaton, Embryo and East of Eden as three choices.

Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: August 20 2024 at 20:28
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

I'll go with Eskaton, Embryo and East of Eden as three choices.

Eskaton, Embryo and Egg are my picks.

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 02:49
1. East of Eden
2. Earth & Fire
3. Electric Light Orchestra

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 02:58
Explosions In The Sky
Earth & Fire

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 03:13
Eloy, ELP, (early) ELO, Enchant, Everon, Epysode and some Evergrey...

Music has always been a matter of energy to me. On some nights I believe that a car with the needle on empty can run 50 more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio. Hunter S Thompson

Posted By: Mormegil
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 05:22
ELO for this list.

Welcome to the middle of the film.

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 05:56
Egg, Elds Mark, and ELO. What a curious selection this is. Farms, rhinoceroses, and Lense-Thirring precessions are in the forecast today. Beep Beep!

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 05:56
No Eloy?! Confused

Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 06:01
My vote goes to Egg.

Posted By: Floydoid
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 07:34
My favourite 'E' artists: ELP, ELO, Earth & Fire (Prog); Enya, Enigma, Eurielle (New Age).

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 11:10
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Enchant (pre-Break)

-------------" rel="nofollow - eBay

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 11:44
Thanks all. While I still find that polls tend to gain more responses of the kind I like from more varied people than, say, top ten lists, I do prefer these where people are encouraged to vote for and mention what they like on the list, if they do like anything, but also list their applicable favourites. I am interested in people personal lists and then I am less likely to feel guilty/bad about what I leave off the list. :)

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 11:50
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

No Eloy?! Confused

Eloy is not a particular favourite band of mine despite having enjoyed some of its albums. I mentioned Eloy in the first post, which I guess you remember I like for Inside and Floating especially (I almost did add it). I wanted to cover 25 others more at the time and I figured that Eloy would get mentions whether I added it or not, so I might as well mention various lesser-known ones. I encourage people to mention what they like regardless of what's in the list. I don't do these as contests and am more interested in the posts than just the poll.

EDIT: Of course others use "other" in the poll but I don't like to and would prefer to fill up the options and anyone can mention any of their favourites off the list. I think I've always encouraged that even if I have asked people to comment on what they know and like from my list, if any are applicable. I like it when people think out of just the "poll" box, flexibly and creatively.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 13:55
Top 25 Favourite "E List" Artists on ProgArchives

Earth & Fire
Earth Opera
East of Eden
Edison's Children
Eela Craig
Egdon Heath
Electric Light Orchestra
Elegant Simplicity
Elias Hulk
The Emerald Dawn
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Energy Orchard
The Enid
Ezra Winston

Posted By: Octopus II
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 15:27

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: August 21 2024 at 22:34
Electric Light Orchestra & Embryo + Eskaton gets the third vote  
But I also considered:
East of Eden, Egg, Elephant9 and Extradition
-for that last spot.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: August 22 2024 at 03:22
I had a bit of an ELO binge recently with all albums up to and inc Disco-Very. I like them all. They are one of those 'nostalgia' bands , you remember them being played on the radio all the time. Classic songs. Even Last Train To London is so much fun!
I also like Elephant 9 a lot and can thank PA for bringing them to my attention. For me the Psychedelic Backfire albums are their absolute peak but the recent Mythical River and Arrival Of The New Elders albums are also well worth checking out. Always a reliable band.

Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: August 22 2024 at 09:10
I voted for Egg but was hoping to see Evership on the list.

The Prog Corner

Posted By: Olape
Date Posted: August 22 2024 at 16:23
East of Eden


Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: August 25 2024 at 10:22
East of Eden, Eskaton, Electric Orange

Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: August 30 2024 at 20:23
Eels, Egg, and Elephant9. Offlist would be Echolyn.

Posted By: VianaProghead
Date Posted: September 17 2024 at 02:53
Eskaton and Embryo.

Jem Godfrey (Frost*)

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: September 26 2024 at 06:59
Electric Masada
Etron Fou Leloublan


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