a) Sapiens - Crossover Prog
b) Sapiens is an experimental rock band from Guatemala that fuses different musical genres and experiments with different meters, groupings of notes, artificial groupings, polyrhythms and polymetry, which is also known as super-imposed metric modulation, resulting in the unique sound of Sapiens.
Formed in September 1996, initially made up of Fernando Martín (drums), José Manuel Briz (bass), Manuel García (guitar) and Fernando Scheel (keyboards and vocals) who have had a great friendship since they were very young.
From Sapiens' first rehearsal, the ideas flowed naturally and after three or four months the songs that make up their first album were ready to be produced. Between the months of May and July 1997 the album was recorded and at the beginning of 1998 Aureola Gris was released on the market. The years 97 and 98 were perhaps the years in which Sapiens made the greatest number of presentations. In '99 they began composing songs for their second album, of which only three were finally released on the EP 7-82 in 2000. The other songs remain unreleased, as do those composed in 2001. At the end of 2000, the bassist left the group, returning to the group in 2002, the year in which the third stage of the group began, where the voice disappeared as such to become an instrumental group. The maturity of the group is reflected in their new compositions full of strength and creativity. After several years of hiatus, they reunited in 2007 with two new members: Renee Celada on lead vocals and Carlos Meza on bass. In 2010 they released the Ep It came to the hour, which includes 6 songs. Until 2010 the band was made up of Fernando Martín (drums), Manuel García (guitar), Fernando Scheel (keyboards and vocals), Renne Celada (Vocals), Carlos Meza (bass).
c) https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVVDSmV6Q2hlaUFobFRWb3ZOYTBVa2xmM3NWUXxBQ3Jtc0tuOF9GWURmOHFzYVpuNFRTbHA4OUx0TEtPdE5FR3c3ZHJlLUNfNnpsWGMyNmNQSGN6Rk5DNFAxYklna19nUlhEc**teTFNclFpdi1ZbHEtdjN5MlEzTG5wZEx5ZENsX2ZMSzFQTGhqUmk1cUlHS0d1OA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fopen.spotify.com%2Fplaylist%2F1tCWhs54AMYVV8RS4yBcyA%3Fsi%3DL0AVYTdlR1q8KDWS1I7Cug" rel="nofollow - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1tCWhs54AMYVV8RS4yBcyA?si=L0AVYTdlR1q8KDWS1I7Cug
d) http://drive.google.com/file/d/12aTy1-r7NSUIjyC3rGUAcW3cRtN0pt8J/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow - https://drive.google.com/file/d/12aTy1-r7NSUIjyC3rGUAcW3cRtN0pt8J/view?usp=sharing
e) http://www.facebook.com/sapiensmusic" rel="nofollow - https://www.facebook.com/sapiensmusic