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Swans - The Beggar (released June 23, 2023)

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Topic: Swans - The Beggar (released June 23, 2023)
Posted By: Logan
Subject: Swans - The Beggar (released June 23, 2023)
Date Posted: June 23 2023 at 09:41
Swans's The Beggar album was officially released today (June 23, 2023). It is the 16th studio album release from Michael Gira's Swans project -- the debut, Filth, came out in 1983. While this sounds like a continuation of the Swans' revival after 14 years (during those years Gira was active with Angels of Light) that started in 2010 with My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky, then came The Seer (2012), then To Be Kind (2014), then The Glowing Man (2016), and then leaving meaning. in 2019, this also reminds me of music from albums like Love of Life (1992), The Great Annihilator (1995) and Soundtracks for the Blind (1996) and also it feels similar to Angels of Light music, especially with the later tracks.

This has been my most anticipated album of the year. This does have a self-referential quality as it draws on some earlier Swans themes/ qualities. For instance, in the roughly 44 minute "The Beggar Lover (Three)" we get a "Leaving Meaning section". We also get Soundtracks of the Blind (and earlier) qualities with that epic suite. How it draws in these spoken word moments that feel like interviews with ambient qualities -- I love that. The long piece is my favourite of the album, even if I could maybe do without the "Leaving Meaning" bit (I love the "Leaving Meaning" track on the leaving meaning. album. "The Ebb" is beautiful and my other favourite. I would like "No More of This", which I also really like, as the last track. Another standout track is "Michael Is Done." I won't bother with a track by track unless I review it.

I do have rather mixed emotions about this album, but it may grow a lot more on me. For one, it can get rather samey and monotonous to me -- I have no issue with repetition. Some of it has a fantastic groove and some of it I am not connecting to. I wish Gira sung less on it, and there's more of a balance with a female singer -- how wonderful it might have been to have Jarboe back. Gira's vocals are flat commonly here, and the lyrics, well, they can be rather cringe to me. I mean, he has come up with some amazing lyrics overt the years, I think. The way there are background chorus qualities, which go back for me with Swans to late 80s are rather overused I feel across tracks despite me loving vocals used that way generally. So I do wish there was more variation, it was more eclectic, multiple lead singers, more contrast. It does have an air of finality to the album like it is drawing things together from the past, but it also feels kind of safe, maybe a bit conservative.

I like it and there is plenty of music that I love on it even if a fair amount of it has not clicked.

Here is the bandcamp page for the album:" rel="nofollow -

And the official youtube playlist for the album:" rel="nofollow -

Please pay for and support, that 44 minute track is quite a steal already at the bandcamp minimum price.

I hope to hear other's thoughts on the album. I hardly expect this to get as much commentary from a variety of people as that thread on Yes' last album.

EDIT: Changed the topic title from "officially released today" to the release date, which as of this edit today, which is on the 24th, was yesterday.

Posted By: bardberic
Date Posted: June 23 2023 at 10:36
I've been wanting to get into Swans for a while, now. Skimming through some of this, it totally seems like my kind of post-rock/drone/neofolk. I really like it. Is this a good introductory album to Swans, or should I listen to a different album first?

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 23 2023 at 13:21
I love most Swans from Children of God (1987) up. Of the modern Swans era ones, The Seer, To Be Kind, and The Glowing Man are I think all amazing.

I love Swans, and am tempted to say just try to explore lots of the discography. I fell for Soundtracks for the Blind first. And of the modern era ones, it was The Glowing Man for me that first did it (because I am into Krautrock and it has some of that vibe).

Posted By: IncogNeato
Date Posted: June 23 2023 at 14:50
Amazing, if not difficult, band. 

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 23 2023 at 21:22
Can by difficult. When I was pretty new to it, and I heard tracks like "Helpless Child" off Soundtracks for the Blind, and, more blind, "Blind" off White Light from the Mouth of Infinity (a bonus, was originally on a Gira "solo" album) and then tracks like "The Glowing Man", "A Piece of the Sky", "Bring the Sun / Toussaint L'Ouverture", "Mind Body Light Sound" "Just a Little Boy (For Chester Burnett)" etc. the tracks just hooked me easily. Often whole albums were more of challenge, especially with how long some of them are. For some reason Soundtracks for the Blind was always easier for me to listen to from end to end, and other classic ones are which are shorter, than something like The Seer. The Glowing Man was pretty easy for me and so was To Be Kind, but the Seer although I loved music in it immediately was a challenge. That might be a great one for Bardberic to try already.

I do think lots of people could find something to easily like in the discography, especially if they are okay not going with full albums at first. Generally it's the longest tracks from Swans that seem to really appeal to me. With this new album "The Beggar Lover (Three)" was a bigger love for me than other tracks. In fact, the songs they originally released from the album didn't do much for me. Some might think the long ones can be too repetitive and meandering, but hey, that's how I post and that's how I think so it resonates with my psyche.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 23 2023 at 22:14
And I see that the two most recent reviews are for The Beggar, by Rrattlesnake" rel="nofollow - SEE HERE CLICK and by Captain Midnight" rel="nofollow - SEE HERE CLICK . Really glad to see it getting recognition at this site and such positivity. I know this album still has room to grow with me despite already loving so much of it -- and The Beggar Lover (Three) and "The Ebb" in particular just transported me so wonderfully on first listen.

Posted By: Gordy
Date Posted: June 23 2023 at 22:19
Just finished my first listen straight through. Still recovering.

Surely you recognise my avatar, Logan?

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 23 2023 at 22:38
I think I do, but am embarrassed to say that I can't recall what it is.

Posted By: Gordy
Date Posted: June 24 2023 at 00:19
No worries, it's sourced from the booklet artwork from We Rose from Your Bed With the Sun in Our Head.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 24 2023 at 13:07
^ Ah, thanks Gordy. Not a live album that I have heard let alone own. It's not easy to get (as in own) a lot of Swans' live albums and those fund-raiser type albums if you don't get in on it in a timely fashion That said, I can listen to it on Swans' bandcamp and will do so ere too long.

The only live Swans albums I have heard (at least in full) are Omniscience from 1992 (my personal fave), Swans are Dead (1998) and Deliquescence (2017). All excellent.

Posted By: rushaholic
Date Posted: June 24 2023 at 15:01
on my 4th listen through. loving it.  all of it.  the 44 min track is pretty damn awesome.

Posted By: Octopus II
Date Posted: June 25 2023 at 01:38
I haven't heard a Swans album since 'Greed' and 'Holy Money'. I lost track with them after those albums. (1986 I think). 

Time to catch up with them!

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 25 2023 at 11:33
^ It is 1987 and up starting with Children of God where my interest in Swans has mostly been (that said, I do like listening to the harsher and less melodic earlier albums too when in the mood). So many great albums. I only really got into Swans in a big way in the last few years -- it partially came about because I was trying to convince someone that they very likely would find enjoyable Swans if they went beyond the early stuff, and not to dismiss Swans so quickly. That "crusade" turned me into a huge Swans convert (I ended up proselytising myself in that quest, although I already liked various Swans music).

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: June 25 2023 at 11:54
I bought it (digitally) and still haven't listened to it. I need that two hours at home alone. Been too social and stuff. But tomorrow I'm gonna give it the full listen in my studio. Especially looking forward to The Beggar Lover (Three)

Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: June 26 2023 at 21:49
Have it through my Amazon subscription and a number of attempts over the weekend but for me, it's an album best appreciated as a full listen and when it clocks in at 2 hours that was hard to do but did have the time tonight. To me, it's a good in the dark, headphone listen. I had thundershowers tonight and that actually add to the experience. The backgroun sound of the rain against the windows. The occasional flash of lightning and power flicker worked with the music. Definitely the epic 44 minute track was my favorite. Would want to take a few more listens

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: June 26 2023 at 23:43
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

This has been my most anticipated album of the year. This does have a self-referential quality as it draws on some earlier Swans themes/ qualities. For instance, in the roughly 44 minute "The Beggar Lover (Three)" we get a "Leaving Meaning section". We also get Soundtracks of the Blind (and earlier) qualities with that epic suite. How it draws in these spoken word moments that feel like interviews with ambient qualities -- I love that. The long piece is my favourite of the album, even if I could maybe do without the "Leaving Meaning" bit (I love the "Leaving Meaning" track on the leaving meaning. album.

I cheated and went straight for The Beggar Lover (Three). Glad I did. It has the feel of a complete, standalone work of art. Easily the most affecting 44 minute album I've heard so far this year. If it was an album and not "just a CD bonus track" of a 77 minute 2xLP that is. The Leaving Meaning part and the other, less obvious revisitations/borrowings all made me grin. It was in fact a complete listening pleasure more than anything. After finishing I felt "satisfied".

Latter day Swans is always lot to digest. Whenever I'm not in the mood for Gira's worldwiev (I'm sure you know what I mean) their exact same transcending, cathartic music do very little for me. I'm in a strange place these days. Most of the time I reach for my sixties jazz "safe haven"-records (or similar "comfort-albums")... so I saved the LP-version till this morning. 

-And on this first listen I loved everything about it. No mixed emotions for me:). I don't really notice such things as cringe lyrics. At least not today I didn't. I enjoyed (the 69 year old version of) Michael Gira's samey and monotonous voice. I like his timbre no matter what. I've always done. When I'm in the right mood. I can imagine some will miss those "signature Post-Rock cresendos" of The Seer and To Be Kind. I don't. They are there and I think that's where they belong. Safe, conservative... I don't know. Perhaps, but fine by me. Maybe it's because I'm sentimental and nostalgic by nature. But think it's beautiful that Gira at the autumn of his life allows himself and the listener to revisit and look back. It's not up to me to want anything but now that the album is here - I wouldn't want it any other way. It makes sense in a similar way that a retrospective exhibition does. By drawing things together from the past, on this album that does have a general feel of finality, The Beggar makes for the perfect Swansong:)

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: June 27 2023 at 00:41
Started listening to it yesterday, will continue today. If anything, Swans releases are a great inspiration for expanding the section of dark mood tags at TYM Wink

-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls

Listened to:

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 27 2023 at 04:26
^^ I did come across as more critical than I feel because when I seek to review something (even if a post like that) I start looking for potential criticisms -- partially as a bulwark for potentially facing those from others. I love the 44 minute track, which I went straight for too (I had heard the earlier "singles" releases quite long before) and do like how it draws aspects from past releases. And the fact that the album does feel self-referential does give it a satisfying sense of finality. Whether it is the last, well, I hope not.

Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: June 27 2023 at 08:18
Listened to the whole album, now, in two sessions. I should say that I'm not necessarily a big fan of Swans; I do like some of their later albums, but find them sometimes a bit long to go through. My preferred one is (was) probably Leaving Meaning, but this listen to The Beggar was quite a good experience. Wonderful album - the best of what I've heard of them, to my ears!


The razamataz is a pain in the bum

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: June 27 2023 at 09:49
First impression: It's a good one. It's more relaxed and flowing and less aggressive than many earlier ones including the 2010s trilogy that got me into Swans. In fact I like a lot that they remain unmistakably Swans/Gira but still develop.

Posted By: Prog-jester
Date Posted: June 27 2023 at 13:49
one of my most favourite bands ever and" rel="nofollow - a huge influence , To Be Kind is one of the albums of all time. Got to interview" rel="nofollow - the man back in 2017 before their Kyiv show, such a wholesome person.

That said, The Beggar didn't do it for me, it's like a bunch of leaving meaning. B-sides with even less energy/ideas. The 44-min long one is especially pointless, Michael doing potpourri now??

Posted By: zwordser
Date Posted: June 27 2023 at 15:10
I'll be listening soon.  The Glowing Man really caught my attention, as well as some other tracks I've heard.


Posted By: Octopus II
Date Posted: June 29 2023 at 04:31
I have bitten the bullet and ordered this album. I haven't bought a Swans album for years.

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: July 04 2023 at 07:18
Originally posted by Saperlipopette! Saperlipopette! wrote:

The Beggar makes for the perfect Swansong:)
Still growing on me. To me, a a true masterpiece.

Posted By: Octopus II
Date Posted: July 04 2023 at 08:57
Thoroughly enjoying this album. Smile

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: July 04 2023 at 09:35
Will be playing it on the show next week


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: July 04 2023 at 15:04
The album starts out very low/rudimentary with those horrible first three songs but then climbs out of the doldrums after that. The second disc is worth the purchase all by itself with the 44-minute "The Beggar Lover (Three)" being one of the best epics I've heard in a long time.

Drew Fisher

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