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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Polls
Forum Description: Create polls on topics related to progressive music
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Posted By: YtseJammer
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 03:23
I THINK THEY DEFINETELY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 04:35

i like dreamthetre

but they are not in top 10

i m o

these are top 10 prog groups


  1. Rush
  2. Yes
  3. E l p
  4. Pink Floyd
  5. Genesis
  6. King crimson
  7. Gentle giant
  8. Camel
  9. Van der graff generator
  10. Jethro tull


Posted By: Citanul
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 04:52
Oh dear...

The prog-metal haters will be along some time soon

Be or be not. There is no question. - Yoda, Prince of Denmark

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 04:53
  • Van der Graaf Generator
  • Gentle Giant
  • King Crimson
  • Yes
  • Pain of Salvation
  • The Flower Kings
  • Spock's Beard
  • Mr. Bungle
  • Porcupine Tree
  • Opeth

While I like DT very much and would even prefer it to some of those bands, in terms of "progressiveness" and originality IMO these are better than DT.

Edit: The above list are just bands that came to my mind ... they're in no particular order and not my definite favorite bands.

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Posted By: magog
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 05:52
Maybe in the top 10 metal bands

Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 07:48

In the top-10 prog metal bands: Yes

In top-10 regular prog bands: NO!

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: fairyliar
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 07:56

Here is my top ten:

1. Yes

2. ELP

3. King Crimson

4. Genesis

5. Dream Theater

6. Pink Floyd

7. Marillion

8. Saga

9. Andromeda

10. Spock's Beard

Posted By: salmacis
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 09:27
Personally speaking, they wouldn't be- the sheer originality of the 70s prog bands would mean they would outweigh any bands for me that came in the 1980s. That's not to say I don't like bands like DT- I do- but pretty much all of the more modern or 'neo' prog bands I've heard so far can be tied down to at least one other band's style.

Posted By: Pr@gmatic
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 10:23
Originally posted by Bj-1 Bj-1 wrote:

In the top-10 prog metal bands: Yes

In top-10 regular prog bands: NO!


Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 11:04


My top 10..

The Enid
Pink Floyd

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: BleedingGum
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 11:10
Originally posted by Bj-1 Bj-1 wrote:

In the top-10 prog metal bands: Yes

In top-10 regular prog bands: NO!

...this is called....BleedingGum ... !

Posted By: krusty
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 11:14
Ok, everyone will post there top tens, mine will be slightly different some, very different to others but the bottom line is Dream Theater wouldn't be in it.
They are one of the top ROCK bands  around at the moment.

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Posted By: muffley_mirkin
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 11:23
Yes, at least by my definition of 'prog'.
And anyone who disagrees deserves a no make that two

Posted By: acuajon
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 11:36
dream theater rules im sorry guys its true

jonathan acuna

Posted By: ShaunoNoNo
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 13:27


If you had've said top 10 prog metal bands, then yeah.


Posted By: ThrawnTheater
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 13:58

Dream Theater is my favorite band, with Yes not far behind, and without a doubt the best progressive metal band.  I feel they are in the top 10 prog groups of all time, but although I prefer them somewhat to Yes, Rush, Genesis and etc. those three are the Gods of prog rock, so I could never justify putting DT higher than them in a all time Top 10 prog group poll.

Posted By: Ed_The_Dead
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 14:08
Yes they are in my top 10


Posted By: Kubla Khan
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 14:20

the most of the people in this page like 70`s progressive stuff , the pioneer bands.

thats because dreamtheater will always figure out of the 10 or the 20  top prog bands.


maybe in five or six more albums dreamtheater reach the top 10 , bu if they make new contributions to the progressive music escene.  

Posted By: AtLossForWords
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 16:10

I'll really have to think about this one.

1. Dream Theater
2. Pain Of Salvation
3. Shadow Gallery
4. Emerson Lake and Palmer
5. Rush
6. Ayreon
7. Vanden Plas
8. Threshold
9. King Crimson
10. Yes

Posted By: Mahonster
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 16:11
Top ten metal bands? Yes.
Top ten prog bands? Yes.

I voted yes.

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 16:20
A big NAY from me...


Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 16:29

Though I'm not particularly fond of them, I say yes.

Like Marillion progressed progrock into the eighties DT did the same in the nineties, so yes.

top 10 according to me. (In order of importance)

1. Yes
2. Genesis
3. King Crimson
4. Gentle Giant
5. Van der Graaf Generator
6. Pink Floyd
7. Camel
8. Marillion
9. Dream Theater
10. Magma


eit: sorry left out ELP, but they belong on there too i suppose

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: Flip_Stone
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 16:55

Uh, no.  I wouldn't even put them in the Top 30.




Posted By: Violenza
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 16:55

Certainly not.

Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 17:09

Certainly YES- for this album alone they are.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 17:10
^ I prefer Awake.

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Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 17:14
For me.  of DT.

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Posted By: nimrodel
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 17:16
of course they are.

We want... a shrubbery!

Posted By: Violenza
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 17:17

I enjoy them, I just don't think they put out enough good material to make it to a top 10 prog band list.

Posted By: OldFatherThames
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 17:47

Definitivly not !!!

  1. Genesis
  2. Jethro Tull
  3. Van der Graaf generator/Peter Hammill
  4. Gentle giant
  5. Mike Oldfield
  6. Camel
  7. Yes
  8. King Crimson
  9. ELP
  10. Nektar or Craravan

Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 17:59
People here extremely dillusional, GO BACK TO THE 70S AND LISTEN TO YOUR VINYL TOO!

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 18:12


they're in my top 4

  • Genesis
  • Yes
  • DT
  • ELP

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Posted By: DeadGhost
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 18:23

They are a good band after all, but only half of their albums are good the other half is quite bad!

I mean : I&W, awake, scenes and 6 degrees are great albums                   

and FII, WDADU, TOT and Octavarium are really boring and not good. (although wdadu has it's moment. charlie dominici ruins everything)

They should try harder and not go to record an album for 3 weeks and then release it !!! and they should stop imitate U2 , muse and linkin park

Posted By: Valarius
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 18:41

Definately!!! My favourite band of all time!!!

Soon as everyone else is doing it, here's my top ten:

1. Dream Theater
2. Symphony X
3. Savatage
4. Trans-Siberian Orchestra
5. Mike Oldfield
6. Yes
7. Marillion
8. Queensryche
9. Liquid Tension Experiment
10. Genesis

Posted By: BePinkTheater
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 22:24


not only are the the finest musicians out today( tohuhg not the best writers), they defined a generation of prog, and that alone puts them in the same boat as Yes

I can strangle a canary in a tin can and it would be really original, but that wouldn't save it from sounding like utter sh*t.
-Stone Beard

Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 01:21

Originally posted by acuajon acuajon wrote:

dream theater rules im sorry guys its true

dont feel sorry;

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 01:50
Originally posted by Valarius Valarius wrote:

Definately!!! My favourite band of all time!!!

Soon as everyone else is doing it, here's my top ten:

1. Dream Theater
2. Symphony X
3. Savatage
4. Trans-Siberian Orchestra
5. Mike Oldfield
6. Yes
7. Marillion
8. Queensryche
9. Liquid Tension Experiment
10. Genesis

Why no Avant-Prog? And Gentle Giant, for that matter.

Just asking ...

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Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 02:34
Originally posted by Valarius Valarius wrote:

Definately!!! My favourite band of all time!!!

Soon as everyone else is doing it, here's my top ten:

1. Dream Theater
2. Symphony X
3. Savatage
4. Trans-Siberian Orchestra
5. Mike Oldfield
6. Yes
7. Marillion
8. Queensryche
9. Liquid Tension Experiment
10. Genesis

those are  not top ten prog bands

those are your ten favourite bands



Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 02:54
















Posted By: R o V e R
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 03:03
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:
















your top ten and my top ten matches

except there is 'gentle giant' in my list instead of  u k


Posted By: Cygnus
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 11:07

All the top 10s are subjective so no one can say if they are or not.

For me they are but I admit that I have never heard VDGG, Gong, Anglarad and Caravan so my list may change in time.

By the way DT are not my fav prog metal band. Fates Warning are... 

Posted By: eduardossc
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 11:13

I think you have to list true progressive rock bands first. I can think of at least 20 before DT´s metal prog.

 May I suggest to add Mariachi-Prog ?. It would be great for those Tequila saturday afternoons

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 14:54

Dream Theater are an amazing bunch of talanted musicions and only 6 Degrees.. and Octavarium have been bad albums (dont know much about WDADU). For those that are interested heres my top 10 (in no particular order and subject to change whenever i feel like it)

Dream Theater

Pink Floyd



Symphony X

Spocks Beard



Vandan Plas


Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: transend
Date Posted: October 14 2005 at 21:19



Posted By: Dream Theater
Date Posted: October 15 2005 at 09:44
Absolutely yes!

[IMG]"> [IMG]">

Posted By: Rockin' Chair
Date Posted: October 15 2005 at 16:29


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