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Yes: Magnification - An Over Looked Gem?

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Topic: Yes: Magnification - An Over Looked Gem?
Posted By: SteveG
Subject: Yes: Magnification - An Over Looked Gem?
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 11:32
In 2001, Yes ditched their keyboard player and utilized orchestral backing for this somewhat of a return to form album. In my mind, it's Yes' last great album, but it seldom gets any ink in these pages. What's your opinion? The players are Anderson, Squire, Howe, and White, who are still the stars of the show with excellent songwriting and great playing.

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Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 11:50
In true Blue Peter fashion, here's one I made earlier. Wink

This time, I'm Going for the One Yes album with no keyboard player: Magnification is the 19th Yes studio album (excluding the ABWH album) and the final album with Jon Anderson. Magnification is also The Yes Album with the sole distinction of having a four-piece line-up with no keyboard player, with orchestral arrangements taking the place of the keyboard parts. This would mark the first time the band had worked with an orchestra since the Time and a Word album in 1970.  Igor Khoroshev was originally intended to play keyboards on the album, but he was involved in a backstage "incident" with two female security guards when he came Close to the Edge of being arrested during the non-stop Relayer race of the  U.S. Masterworks tour. There was Talk of recording another album after the tour, but to avoid any further Drama, Igor Khoroshev was dropped from the Yes line-up. The four-piece line-up for the Magnification album featured a re-Union of regular Yes members:- Jon Anderson; Chris Squire; Steve Howe & Alan White. The recording process went fairly smoothly, apart from Steve Howe's Fragile ego being slightly dented by having his guitar parts swamped by the orchestral arrangements. Magnification was released on September 10th 2001 in the U.K and was originally intended for release in North America on September 11th 2001, but Heaven & Earth was rocked by the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington DC, and the album was rescheduled for a later U.S release on December 4th 2001. The album barely made it onto the bottom rung of The Ladder in the album charts upon its release, only reaching No. 71 in the U.K, and No. 186 in the U.S Billboard 200, and only lasted one week in both charts. Magnification turned out to be one of the worst-selling Yes albums, in complete contrast to the best-selling 90125 and Tales from Topographic Ocean albums. Magnification has been a Big Generator of debate amongst Yes fans over the years, contrasting between those who love the album, and others who regard it as something of a bad Tormato in the Yes canon. I really like the Magnification album though, and if you Open Your Eyes and ears and give the album a listen, then maybe you'll gain the Keys to Ascension too, or maybe you won't, whichever the case may be. Anyway,  it's time for me to Fly from Here and listen to some more YessongsSmile

Posted By: Heart of the Matter
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 11:59
I liked it enough back in the day, the orchestra really added colour and dynamics. Today, however, I hardly remember any of its tunes or solos, and I haven't listened to it again.

Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 12:21
With more than 1200 ratings and a 3.73 score I don't really think this album is over-looked. But it's true that it is not much talked about.
When it came out I was pleasantly surprised. After the mediocre Open Your Eyes, the OK The Ladder and the "let's try to sound like Yes" studio tracks on the Keys to Ascension albums, I didn't expect much, but Magnification indeed proved to be "somewhat" a return to form. They sounded fresh again, inspired and were at the same time moving forward, instead of harking back. Some great tracks, some good tracks and no dud... And it led to the best Yes concert I've attended to (in Amsterdam, where the Symphonic Live was recorded).


The razamataz is a pain in the bum

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 12:30
I agree with you

Under appreciated

A solid 4 star release

Their last great album


Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 14:30
a good album, better than the previous two albums they did and better than anything they did afterwards. 

Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: August 08 2022 at 21:59
It's a great album indeed, and the live album that came out afterwards is great too. Only, I wish they had Wakeman too... at least as a guest for the piano intro of "In the Presence of", it really sounds beautiful the way he played it later live when he was back with them.

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: August 09 2022 at 00:12
A class album and, as has been mentioned, it led to a magnificent tour.

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Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: August 09 2022 at 00:29
I've been listening to it and have been pleasantly surprised.

Posted By: Rednight
Date Posted: August 09 2022 at 08:33
A polished production with about three strong tracks. Some of it wanders, but it's still head and shoulders above subsequent releases that didn't bode well for the group. The remaster is quite crisp, by the way.

"It just has none of the qualities of your work that I find interesting. Abandon [?] it." - Eno

Posted By: Mirakaze
Date Posted: August 09 2022 at 12:47
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

a good album, better than the previous two albums they did and better than anything they did afterwards. 

Pretty much my thoughts, too. I wouldn't call it a gem though, just... good.

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Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: August 10 2022 at 08:45
I do play it occasionally but it's a long way from being classic Yes. However, as already pointed out by several people, it lead to a great tour. I was lucky enough to see them in London and it's quite probably the best gig I've ever been to. Nearly 3 hours and no break. Those were the days eh Wink

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: August 10 2022 at 08:57
I enjoyed this album. They took a chance by recording it with an orchestra, and I think it pays off. Barring the studio material from Keys to Ascension, it was the best stuff they had released since Drama. Surprisingly, and against the predominant opinions I've heard, I think Fly From Here is about on par with Magnification. However, following that, their later stuff comes off as a bit mediocre to me, not necessarily bad per se, just underwhelming. They've had a lot of ups and downs for a band and consistency isn't one of their best traits. Probably some of this has to do with their various personality conflicts and pressures from record companies. But when they're at their best, their stuff shines.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: August 10 2022 at 10:07
For PA not an over looked album at all, the ratings and # of reviews say otherwise.....but for the rest of the rock/prog world, it's a forgotten album by Yes.


Posted By: CosmicVibration
Date Posted: August 10 2022 at 12:39
Yes, Magnification is...  Magnificent

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: August 10 2022 at 15:56
I’d say it’s pretty solid. I hope someone somewhere uses “Give Love Each Day” as their wedding song. It’s a wonderful piece. I didn’t have the nerve to suggest it myself. I mean, it’s 7 minutes long. Even the most captive audience (e.g. a wedding party) would start to fidget around minute #4.

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It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: August 11 2022 at 07:47
I actually listened to it the other day, and I like it. It´s not classic era Yes quality, but it´s definitely one of their better post 70s albums.

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Posted By: Prog-jester
Date Posted: August 11 2022 at 12:43
my favourite YES album

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: August 16 2022 at 15:05
Deserves another listen.............been a while.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: August 25 2022 at 07:46
Their last great album.

The Prog Corner

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: August 25 2022 at 07:48
Originally posted by Prog-jester Prog-jester wrote:

my favourite YES album

That's a unique point of view. 

Posted By: Prog-jester
Date Posted: August 29 2022 at 15:47
It was the first I heard from them (it was their latest back then, so I gave it a spin). I enjoyed it because I've always liked dark/mellow prog, but then I learned that Yes had always been quite the opposite thing. Later I started appreciating other works from them too, but this is still the only Yes album I actually love

Posted By: foregonillusions
Date Posted: October 04 2022 at 00:45
This album is what helped me get into prog. And while it holds a special place because of that, I don't think it's an overlooked gem, especially given its rating on PA. The heavily orchestral moments can still give goosebumps, however.

Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: October 05 2022 at 09:37
A really, really good album. Sadly, often overlooked, even by the band members themselves.

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: October 05 2022 at 09:40
Originally posted by Manuel Manuel wrote:

A really, really good album. Sadly, often overlooked, even by the band members themselves.

If you want really good but completely overlooked Yes material, then frankly there's more than enough on Keystudio. Smile

Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: October 05 2022 at 23:22
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

In true Blue Peter fashion, here's one I made earlier. Wink

<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;">This time, I'm </span>Going for the One Yes<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> album with no keyboard player: </span>Magnification<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> is the 19th </span>Yes<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> studio album (excluding the </span>ABWH<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> album) and the final album with Jon Anderson. </span>Magnification<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> is also </span>The Yes Album<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> with the sole distinction of having a four-piece line-up with no keyboard player, with orchestral arrangements taking the place of the keyboard parts. This would mark the first time the band had worked with an orchestra since the </span>Time and a Word<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> album in 1970.  Igor Khoroshev was originally intended to play keyboards on the album, but he was involved in a backstage "incident" with two female security guards when he came </span>Close to the Edge<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> of being arrested during the non-stop </span>Relayer<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> race of the  U.S. Masterworks tour. There was </span>Talk<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> of recording another album after the tour, but to avoid any further </span>Drama<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;">, Igor Khoroshev was dropped from the </span>Yes<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> line-up. The four-piece line-up for the </span>Magnification<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> album featured a re-</span>Union<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> of regular </span>Yes<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> members:- Jon Anderson; Chris Squire; Steve Howe & Alan White. The recording process went fairly smoothly, apart from Steve Howe's </span>Fragile<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> ego being slightly dented by having his guitar parts swamped by the orchestral arrangements. </span>Magnification<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> was released on September 10th 2001 in the U.K and was originally intended for release in North America on September 11th 2001, but </span>Heaven & Earth<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> was rocked by the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington DC, and the album was rescheduled for a later U.S release on December 4th 2001. The album barely made it onto the bottom rung of </span>The Ladder<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> in the album charts upon its release, only reaching No. 71 in the U.K, and No. 186 in the U.S Billboard 200, and only lasted one week in both charts. </span>Magnification<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> turned out to be one of the worst-selling </span>Yes<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> albums, in complete contrast to the best-selling </span>90125<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> and </span>Tales from Topographic Ocean<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> albums. </span>Magnification<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> has been a </span>Big Generator<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> of debate amongst </span>Yes<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> fans over the years, contrasting between those who love the album, and others who regard it as something of a bad </span>Tormato<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> in the </span>Yes<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> canon. I really like the </span>Magnification<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> album though, and if you </span>Open Your Eyes<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> and ears and give the album a listen, then maybe you'll gain the </span>Keys to Ascension<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> too, or maybe you won't, whichever the case may be. Anyway,  it's time for me to </span>Fly from Here<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;"> and listen to some more </span>Yessongs<span style=": rgb248, 248, 252;">. </span>Smile

I’m in agreement with all of you and overlooked album within the Yes catalogue

Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."

Music Is Live

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

Keep Calm And Listen To The Music…

Posted By: Intruder
Date Posted: October 25 2022 at 15:33
Overlooked?  No.  Overhyped?  Yes.  Still, a pretty solid 21st century Yes album - in fact, this and the two Keys albums are the only post-Drama Yes albums left on my shelves.  

I like to feel the suspense when you're certain you know I am there.....

Posted By: Big Sky
Date Posted: October 27 2022 at 14:22
It's not classic Yes, but Magnification is the last good studio album Yes released. Better than the previous two albums, the just fair Ladder (Homeworld, though, is an outstanding track and better than anything on Magnification) and the not good at all Open Your Eyes.

Dreamtime, In the Presence of and the title track are particularly strong songs. Unfortunately, it did not sell particularly well. Good tour though.

Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: October 27 2022 at 14:44
The tour was fantastic, saw it in Brussels.

Posted By: zwordser
Date Posted: November 12 2022 at 19:02
My favorite post 80's Yes Album.


Posted By: Dunesong
Date Posted: November 24 2022 at 15:05
Yes is how I discovered Prog - Fragile (yes - I am old...  :)  ).  By far my favorite band.  Magnification was the last time I got somewhat excited by a Yes album.  I enjoyed it.  The vibe built in Give Love Each Day (second verse is a good example) stand out - other spots as well that others have pointed out (though - the bits in Give Love Each Day are the ones that stuck with me till now).  Could not connect with the studio stuff after Jon left.  When talking with other (more casual) Yes fans I know, it is definitely overlooked (and often those casual fans I know are not even aware of it...).    Oh - and - first post for me - Hello progarchives!

Posted By: Jacob Schoolcraft
Date Posted: November 28 2022 at 16:55
I just happened to catch a live performance of Yes with an orchestra while channel surfing one night 2001 I believe? I had not seen Yes in years and suddenly I see them on stage with an orchestra. I was really impressed with some of the new songs they had written. I bought Magnification on cd the next day in Tower Records.

I played it in the car and really enjoyed it..There were a few songs that didn't do anything for me..but regardless of that I always listened to Magnification in its entirety. I find it to be odd or unique when placed alongside CTTE, Fragile, Topographic..and I personally felt that the band sounded off again as they did on Going For The One . The orchestra brought back fond memories of Topographic.

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