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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Recommendations/Featured albums
Forum Description: Make or seek recommendations and discuss specific prog albums
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Topic: camel
Posted By: R o V e R
Subject: camel
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 01:22

i've got camel's these albums




fantastic music

what album should i purchase other than these 3;?



Posted By: Stiefel
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 03:39

the debut album i my opinion   

it's just a bit of lesser quality than the ones you mentioned, but still very interesting

Posted By: proger
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 08:22
buy rain dance, or "Rajaz" wonderfulles album

------------- for tomorrow...

Posted By: Suki
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 09:04
Ehh. You should try 'Camel' (they called the album this way).

Personally, I didn't like any future albums they had after Moonmadness. I like even less their most recent pieces, I might be mistaken, but after I finished hearing Rajaz, I thought 'That's camel? they sound differently now!". And a change of sound in Camel is not what I'm looking for right now :/
They also included more solos, a 'modern' sh*t.

Posted By: proger
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 16:36

Originally posted by Suki Suki wrote:

Ehh. You should try 'Camel' (they called the album this way).

Personally, I didn't like any future albums they had after Moonmadness. I like even less their most recent pieces, I might be mistaken, but after I finished hearing Rajaz, I thought 'That's camel? they sound differently now!". And a change of sound in Camel is not what I'm looking for right now :/
They also included more solos, a 'modern' sh*t.

i know man, i thought that way too, but after couple of times that I heared that album, I'd understand that maybe its not the old camel, but its still very good and uniq album, and the solos are just great for my opinion


and u from israel too, good for u and me

------------- for tomorrow...

Posted By: DeadGhost
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 16:42

you should get "a live record", it's an amazing show and one of my favorites!!!

it's a double cd and on the second disc they do the whole snow-goose which sound even better than the studio version, imo

Posted By: Tony Fisher
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 16:55

A Live Record (which was very high up in the ratings until several people recently in the space of a few days gave it 1* without a review; strange and under investigation by me at the moment!)




None of their albums are bad, but these are these are the next best after the 3 you have.

Posted By: lovecraft
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 16:57
You have the best three, leave it at that.

The debut album is terribly dull and lacking in a decent tune and post Moonmadness they move swiftly away from prog into something pretty unmemorable which I can't think of an ideal name for just now.

Posted By: Suki
Date Posted: October 08 2005 at 17:59
Originally posted by lovecraft lovecraft wrote:

You have the best three, leave it at that.

The debut album is terribly dull and lacking in a decent tune and post
Moonmadness they move swiftly away from prog into something pretty
unmemorable which I can't think of an ideal name for just now.

Indeed, post Moonmadness (which I believe is their most proggy album ever).
Though, you cannot blame anyone. The band-players that actually made camel what it was in that period are now gone. They aren't there to influence.

proger, I don't think Rajaz is a bad album (unlike some of their previous albums) it's "cute", but I just prefer the old PROGRESSIVE camel and not some band who tries to fake nowaday's modern music. It's as if they're now a completely different genre, with only few prog motives in the background.

ze hakol vetov ladaat she anahnu meota medina, proger ;)

Posted By: proger
Date Posted: October 10 2005 at 08:08
suki u right in every word!

------------- for tomorrow...

Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: October 10 2005 at 08:37
Their debut album is still MY favorite.

Posted By: vogre
Date Posted: October 10 2005 at 08:45
Their last album 'A Nod and a Wink' is actually pretty good and interesting.

But you should get Rain Dances too.

Posted By: gr8dane
Date Posted: October 10 2005 at 12:44

Originally posted by proger proger wrote:

buy rain dance, or "Rajaz" wonderfulles album


These would be my suggestions also.

Posted By: fender101
Date Posted: October 10 2005 at 23:46
Originally posted by R o V e R R o V e R wrote:

i've got camel's these albums




fantastic music

what album should i purchase other than these 3;?


Ive been thinking about getting one for a while now but I'll have to order it so I want to make sure i get the best. So which one above is your favourite??+

Well McGarnical Billy is dead! They slit his throat from ear to ear!

Posted By: Andrea Cortese
Date Posted: October 11 2005 at 00:33

Hello Rover,

IMO Rain Dances is good, but lacks in some mordant...

I think it's better Breathless. There are more commercial sounds, but you'll find the song of the best tracks by Camel, one of the best songs ever!!

The price should be very low (I bought it for only 5 Euro!!!)

See you soon!

Posted By: DACE
Date Posted: October 11 2005 at 01:35
"Camel", "Rain Dances", "Breathless" and "Nude", the rest are pretty boring IMHO.

Posted By: dima_olkov
Date Posted: October 11 2005 at 02:17
Definately a debut album

PF, Genesis, KC, Yes, VdGG, GG, Camel, Jethro Tull

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: October 11 2005 at 04:07

Camel On The Road 1972 contains a 14-minute or so live track called "God of Light Revisited" among other gems, such as the only live version available of "Six Ate".

Also worth getting is "A Live Record", which features the entire Snow Goose album performed live - among the other goodies.

I'm also very keen on "Harbour of Tears", but I don't mind their new sound.


Lord of Light Revisited  parts 1, 2, and 3, a 20-minute jam, appears on one of the Greasy Truckers albums (c.1972) - you should be able to track these down (on vinyl) for £10 each - and there's great stuff from Man, Hawkwind and Henry Cow on there are well.

Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: October 11 2005 at 04:22
The 2002 remastered version of "Camel" includes "God of Light Revisited" live.

Posted By: Suki
Date Posted: October 11 2005 at 14:21
Originally posted by fender101 fender101 wrote:

Originally posted by R o V e R R o V e R wrote:

i've got camel's these albums




fantastic music

what album should i purchase other than these 3;?


Ive been thinking about getting one for a while now but I'll have to order it so I want to make sure i get the best. So which one above is your favourite??+

Asking for a favourite is quite stupid, with all due respect.
Some will say Snow Goose, some will say Mirage and some Moomadness, these are their best albums, so, you still won't be able to decide.

Though, the best start is with the Snow Goose, no questions there mate.

Posted By: sono
Date Posted: October 11 2005 at 14:37
A Nod and a Wink is OUTSTANDING..not just good. So is Coming of Age.

I have a different question. If one purchased A Live Record, is Moonmadness or Mirage still necessary as the best tracks are on that? (I ordered Mirage anyway but haven't received yet).

Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: October 11 2005 at 15:09
Originally posted by sono sono wrote:

I have a different question. If one purchased A Live Record, is Moonmadness or Mirage still necessary as the best tracks are on that? (I ordered Mirage anyway but haven't received yet).

You got to be kidding...

Posted By: sono
Date Posted: October 11 2005 at 15:11
Not kidding. The remastered version of A Live has most of Moonmadness. Are the studio versions different enough?

Posted By: anotherbrick
Date Posted: October 11 2005 at 23:55
I like all of them

Posted By: Nipsey88
Date Posted: October 12 2005 at 00:21
Originally posted by DeadGhost DeadGhost wrote:

you should get "a live record", it's an amazing show and one of my favorites!!!

it's a double cd and on the second disc they do the whole snow-goose which sound even better than the studio version, imo

Yup, and once you have these, then you have their best. Don't get me wrong, many other albums by them are very good (like the debut), but you've started with the classic apex for them so don't expect them all to be that essential.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: rushfann2112
Date Posted: October 12 2005 at 09:46
never heard these guys.....any one wanna hook me up

Posted By: Tony Fisher
Date Posted: October 12 2005 at 11:57

We had Lady Fantasy on the Sixth Form hi fi at lunchtime today. Watching 17/18 year olds playing air guitar to a song recorded 14 years before any of them were born is testament to how good this band were.

They were the best, IMO.

Posted By: eriksalkeld
Date Posted: October 12 2005 at 21:06


Autenticidad, actitud, pluralidad, espiritu e inteligencia, si es prog bien, si no, tambien.

Posted By: beat
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 03:29

I have debut, Mirage, Snow Goose, Moonmadness,Breathless and Harbour of Tears. I think all of them are cool.

Maybe, Breathless is the weakest link amongst them..I don't know other albums,listened only few songs,so ý can't say anything about them..

Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 17:02

Originally posted by Kotro Kotro wrote:

The 2002 remastered version of "Camel" includes "God of Light Revisited" live.

In case you didn't know, the version that only appears on the Greasy Trucker's LP is called "Lord of Light Revisited", and is in 3 parts, allegedly. It's also 6 minutes longer.

Posted By: Rayzl
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 18:07

In My Opinion.

SNOW GOOSE is the best...



and last but not least


LIVE RECORD is brilliant, Lunar sea-s version is incredible, as so is Lady Fantasy, and the Entire SNOW GOOSE with orchestra... although is not a studio album so it doesn-t count...


Open your mind....

Posted By: margaret
Date Posted: October 13 2005 at 23:20
nice thread, have the 3 essential Camel albums, have been wondering where to head from there.


Space is dark it is so endless
When you're lost it's so relentless
It is so big, it is small

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