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Your Top 10 Favourite Prog Albums of 1990

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Topic: Your Top 10 Favourite Prog Albums of 1990
Posted By: Mirakaze
Subject: Your Top 10 Favourite Prog Albums of 1990
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 06:21
How ironic that the first year that sees us escape from what is supposedly the most accursed decade in the history of progressive rock happens to be the first year for which I am unable to list 10 prog albums I like Cry.

1. Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
2. Mr. Sirius - Dirge
3. Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Ecophony Gaia
4. Naked City - Naked City
5. U Totem - U Totem
6. Third Ear Band - Magic Music
7. Happy The Man - Beginnings
8. Eric Woolfson - Freudiana
9. After Crying - Overground Music

-------------" rel="nofollow - Freelance composer, accepting commissions |" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp page

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 06:38
I don't think I can name 10 prog and prog-related albums for 1990. 

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 07:21
Originally posted by Mirakaze Mirakaze wrote:

How ironic that the first year that sees us escape from what is supposedly the most accursed decade in the history of progressive rock happens to be the first year for which I am unable to list 10 prog albums I like Cry.

1. Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
2. Mr. Sirius - Dirge
3. Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Ecophony Gaia
4. Naked City - Naked City
5. U Totem - U Totem
6. Third Ear Band - Magic Music
7. Happy The Man - Beginnings
8. Eric Woolfson - Freudiana

Your determination to go on with these polls is all the more admirable. Clap

Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 07:31
 Yea, This is a tough year for me too. The only one that comes to mind is the Toy Matinee S/T album.
 Other then that I can't think of much.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 07:52
I just about managed to scrape together ten prog albums and one non-prog album for this underwhelming year. Smile

The Alan Parsons Project - Freudiana 
Barclay James Harvest - Welcome to the Show
Curved Air - Lovechild
Hawkwind - Space Bandits
Iona - Iona 
Janus - Out of Time
Sally Oldfield - Natasha 
Prefab Sprout - Jordan: The Comeback
Utopian Fields - White Pigeon, You Clean
Rick Wakeman - Phantom Power
Roger Waters - The Wall: Live in Berlin

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 07:54
I quite like all of these

Dead Can Dance - Aion
Rabih Abou-Khalil - Roots & Sprouts
A Gethsémani - Ottoman Violine
Igor Len - Здесь
Nimal - Voix de surface

Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 08:05
I don't think I even own 10 prog albums from that year.

Fish - Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirros
Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
Mind Over Four - The Goddess
Dead Can Dance - Aion
Ronald Shannon Jackson - Red Warrior
Last Exit - Köln
Queensryche - Empire
King's X - Faith, Hope, Love

I'll edit in more if I can.

Addedd in King's X because the are listed as prog-related. But held off on Living Colour.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 08:09
Forgot about Fish's debut album, not bad, not bad at all. 

Posted By: essexboyinwales
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 08:15
Amarok - Mike Oldfield
Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors - Fish
Faith Hope Love - King's X

That's it....

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 08:19

Not on any list ... sadly enough ... 

Peter Hammill -- Out of Water with a couple of fabulous pieces in it.

Seems weird to me not seeing PH mentioned in these polls, which makes me think that folks have not heard a lot of that material, which is excellent. "A Way Out" is totally fantastic and deserving of a play ... but sadly some folks want idiot proof lyrics and stories that don't mean anything to be able to catch the far out way that this piece concludes both the album and the piece itself. I wonder if we "get it", or not.

And no, I will never EVER miss a chance to say the words! 

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 08:24
Queensryche - Empire
Fish - Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors 
King's X - Faith Hope Love 
Sieges Even - Steps
Psychotic Waltz - A Social Grace
Living Colour - Time`s Up

I'll fill in as i remember more albums Embarrassed

Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 08:35
Ha, in recent weeks I catalogued my music collection (long live the barcode scanner!, well for those things with a barcode...), so I can now participate much easier in this kind of threads.

So, a couple of my 1990 favourites (I even got to 10!):
- Flairck - Alive
- Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
- Arrakeen - Patchwork
- Fish - Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors
- Dead Can Dance - Aion
- Versailles - La cathédrale du temps*
- Queensryche - Empire
- The Penguin Café Orchestra - "Still Life" at the Penguin Café
- Geoff Mann - Loud Symbols
- Jan Akkerman - The Noise of Art

- Depeche Mode - Violator
- Sinéad O'Connor - I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got

* On PA the release date is 1991, on Discogs (where my database is retrieving data from) it's 1990... This maybe allows me to mention them again next year... Wink


The razamataz is a pain in the bum

Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 08:54
In no order

Ezra Winston - Ancient Afternoons
Psychotic Waltz - A Social Grace
After Crying - Overground Music
Queensrÿche - Empire
King`s X - Faith Hope Love
Collage - Basnie
Fish - Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors
Ride - Nowhere
Bjork - Gling gló
Anthony Phillips - Slow Dance

Honorable mentions:

Mr. Sirius - Dirge
Nocturnus - The Key
Living Colour - Time`s Up
Pale Saints - The comforts Of Madness
Sieges Even - Steps
Prefab Sprout - Jordan: the Comeback

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 08:56
1990 is already a better year in terms of quantity

12           Nimal      Voix De Surface                   

11           Clearlight               Clearlight Symphony II       

11           Dead Can Dance  Aion       

11           Madredeus           Existir                    

10           Devil Doll               Eliogabalus

10           Epidermis              Feel Me                

10           Fish         Vigil In a Wilderness of Mirrors                       

10           Hatfield and The North       Live 1990 (aka Access All Areas)      

10           High Tide               Ancient Gates                      

10           Justine    Suite                      

10           Khan, Steve           Public Access                       

10           Mingus, Charles   Epitaph  

10           Noir Désir              Du Ciment Sous Les Plaines              

10           Outback                 Baka                       

10           Vander, Christian / Offering              Offering part 3 / part 4                      

10           White Noise          IV - Inferno                           

09           Catherine, Philip  Oscar     

09           Corea, Chick / Elektric Band              Inside Out                             

09           Ensemble Raye, L'               Meme en Hiver, Comme un Pinson dans l'Eau                             

09           Forever Einstein   Artificial Horizon                 

09           Galie       III

09           Harper, Roy           Once     

09           Scott Henderson and Tribal Tech    Nomad  

09           Heroes del Silencio              Senderos de Traición                         

09           Litfiba     El Diablo

09           Ozric Tentacles     Erpland                 

09           Schell, Daniel & Karo           The Secret Of Bwich                                           

09           Temiz, Okay          Misket                   

09           Third Ear Band      Live Ghosts                           

09           Henry Threadgill / Very Very Circus Spirit of Nuff...Nuff             

09           Thule      Natt                        

09                Neil Young & Crazy Horse Ragged Glory

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 08:58
Originally posted by Progmind Progmind wrote:

In no order

Ezra Winston - Ancient Afternoons
Psychotic Waltz - A Social Grace
After Crying - Overground Music
Queensrÿche - Empire
King`s X - Faith Hope Love
Collage - Basnie
Fish - Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors
Ride - Nowhere
Bjork - Gling gló
Anthony Phillips - Slow Dance

Honorable mentions:

Mr. Sirius - Dirge
Nocturnus - The Key
Living Colour - Time`s Up
Pale Saints - The comforts Of Madness
Sieges Even - Steps
Prefab Sprout - Jordan: the Comeback

nice to see Living Colour mentioned here, great band, i'm gonna add them to my list as well. EmbarrassedTongue

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 09:07
Originally posted by Progmind Progmind wrote:

Ezra Winston - Ancient Afternoons

Prefab Sprout - Jordan: the Comeback

I'm going to add Prefab Sprout's album to my list too, at the risk of being criticised by Cristi for adding a non-prog band to my list. Wink

I'm sure Ezra Winston's Ancient Afternoons is well-worth a listen too if it's anywhere near as good as Myth of the Chrysavides. Thumbs Up

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 09:09
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Progmind Progmind wrote:

Ezra Winston - Ancient Afternoons

Prefab Sprout - Jordan: the Comeback

I'm going to add Prefab Sprout's album to my list too, at the risk of being criticised by Cristi for adding a non-prog band to my list. Wink

don't play the victim, you make it look like I'm constantly picking on you, which is not true. 

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 09:11
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Progmind Progmind wrote:

Ezra Winston - Ancient Afternoons

Prefab Sprout - Jordan: the Comeback

I'm going to add Prefab Sprout's album to my list too, at the risk of being criticised by Cristi for adding a non-prog band to my list. Wink

don't play the victim, you make it look like I'm constantly picking on you, which is not true. 
Not at all! I enjoy our little tete-a-tetes, even if no one else does. Smile

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 09:48
Fred Frith - Step Across the Border
Dead Can Dance - Aion
Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
Art Zoyd/J. A. Deane/J. Greinke
Legendary Pink Dots - Crushed Velvet Apocalypse
Naked City - Naked City
Clearlight - Symphony II
Peter Hammill - Out of Water (yes mosh I occasionally list Hammill!)
Eno & Cale - Wrong Way Up
Mike Oldfield - Amarok

I forgot David Byrne - Rei Momo in 1989, or rather didn't know he is listed on PA. Quite enjoyable album. In 1989 it was around rank 8-12 so I didn't fill it in there, but surely it would've been top 10 in 1990.

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 09:49
1. Devil Doll - Eliogabalus
2. Už Jsme Doma - Uprostřed Slov (In the Middle of Words)
3. Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
4. Mastermind - Volume One
5. Social Tension - It Remainds Me of Those Days
6. U Totem - U Totem
7. Mr. Sirius - Dirge
8. Minimum Vital - Sarabandes
9. Solaris - 1990
10. Fish - Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors

Honorable mentions:
Tiemko - Océan
Kalaban - Don't Panic
Ruins - Stonehenge
Clearlight - Clearlight Symphony II
Malibran - The Wood of Tales
Fields of the Nephilim - Elizium (my one non-PA entry)

Still haven't had a chance to listen to the Naked City debut. I imagine that would be somewhere in this list.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 12:47
2. AFTER CRYING Overground Music
4. COLLAGE Basnie
5. GEORGE MICHAEL Listen Without Prejudice, Vol. 1
6. OTTMAR LIEBERT Nouveau Flamenco
9. HAPPY MONDAYS Pills, Thrills and Bellyaches
10. MR. SIRIUS Dirge

11. THE SUNDAYS Reading, Writing and Arithmetic
12. LUSH Gala
13. ASTURIAS Brilliant Streams
19. KALABAN Don't Panic
20. SOLARIS Solaris 1990

Drew Fisher

Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 13:24
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Progmind Progmind wrote:

Ezra Winston - Ancient Afternoons

Prefab Sprout - Jordan: the Comeback

I'm going to add Prefab Sprout's album to my list too, at the risk of being criticised by Cristi for adding a non-prog band to my list. Wink

I'm sure Ezra Winston's Ancient Afternoons is well-worth a listen too if it's anywhere near as good as Myth of the Chrysavides. Thumbs Up

Hi Psychedelic Paul!! i strongly recommend you that album of Ezra Winston

Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 13:25
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Originally posted by Progmind Progmind wrote:

In no order

Ezra Winston - Ancient Afternoons
Psychotic Waltz - A Social Grace
After Crying - Overground Music
Queensrÿche - Empire
King`s X - Faith Hope Love
Collage - Basnie
Fish - Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors
Ride - Nowhere
Bjork - Gling gló
Anthony Phillips - Slow Dance

Honorable mentions:

Mr. Sirius - Dirge
Nocturnus - The Key
Living Colour - Time`s Up
Pale Saints - The comforts Of Madness
Sieges Even - Steps
Prefab Sprout - Jordan: the Comeback

nice to see Living Colour mentioned here, great band, i'm gonna add them to my list as well. EmbarrassedTongue

Living colour its great!!, amazing band to see live

Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 13:26
Hi BrufordFreak!!

Saw your list and i forget to add Lush and MBV, LOVE sHOEGAZE

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 13:55
Originally posted by Progmind Progmind wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Progmind Progmind wrote:

Ezra Winston - Ancient Afternoons

Prefab Sprout - Jordan: the Comeback

I'm going to add Prefab Sprout's album to my list too, at the risk of being criticised by Cristi for adding a non-prog band to my list. Wink

I'm sure Ezra Winston's Ancient Afternoons is well-worth a listen too if it's anywhere near as good as Myth of the Chrysavides. Thumbs Up

Hi Psychedelic Paul!! i strongly recommend you that album of Ezra Winston
Thanks! I'll have a listen to Ezra Winston's tunes sometime soon on a contemporary afternoon. Smile

Posted By: Mirakaze
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 14:50
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Originally posted by Mirakaze Mirakaze wrote:

How ironic that the first year that sees us escape from what is supposedly the most accursed decade in the history of progressive rock happens to be the first year for which I am unable to list 10 prog albums I like Cry.

1. Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
2. Mr. Sirius - Dirge
3. Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Ecophony Gaia
4. Naked City - Naked City
5. U Totem - U Totem
6. Third Ear Band - Magic Music
7. Happy The Man - Beginnings
8. Eric Woolfson - Freudiana

Your determination to go on with these polls is all the more admirable. Clap

Really, my biggest motivation for keeping this series of polls going is that I'm curious to know about other people's tastes; I've already discovered a lot of cool new things thanks to it, and hopefully other people's recommendations in this thread will help me avoid embarrassments like this in the future LOL

-------------" rel="nofollow - Freelance composer, accepting commissions |" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp page

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 15:28
U Totem - U Totem
Naked City - Naked City
Mr. Sirius - Dirge
Art Zoyd / J.A. Deane / J. Greinke
Clearlight - Symphony II
Dead Can Dance - Aion
Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Ecophony Gaia
Offering - Offering Part III / Part IV
Devil Doll - Eliogabalus
Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
Albert Marcoeur - Ma vie avec elles

Oops, that's eleven.

Non-Prog bonus: Angelo Badalamenti - Twin Peaks

Posted By: Steve Wyzard
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 17:23
Four masterpieces, four "really good" albums:

1. Anthony Phillips - Slow Dance
2. Mike Oldfield - Amarok
3. Vangelis - The City
4. Andy Summers - Charming Snakes
5. Eric Woolfson - Freudiana
6. Barclay James Harvest - Welcome to the Show
7. Eric Johnson - Ah Via Musicom
8. Asia - Then and Now  

Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 17:32
Tough year for sure. In no particular order some I have written down.
Ozric Tentacles- Erpland
Thule- Natt
U Totem- U Totem
Offering- III/IV
Ur Kaos- A Terrible Beauty is Born
Sun Dial- Other Way Out
The Darkside- All That Noise

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: Boojieboy
Date Posted: September 30 2021 at 21:24
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

I don't think I can name 10 prog and prog-related albums for 1990. 
Yeah, me too. I'm like "1990"?  Uh....umm.....  But now I can cheat at look at other entries above, so:

Fish - Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors
Mike Oldfield - Amarok
Ozric Tentacles - Erpland

And NO to Curved Air - Lovechild! That was recorded in 1973.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 02:33
Mike Oldfield - Amarok

can't find anything else remotely interesting

music was in a bad place but at least Oldfield sticking two fingers up to Richard Branson provided some relief!

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 07:17
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Mike Oldfield - Amarok

can't find anything else remotely interesting

music was in a bad place but at least Oldfield sticking two fingers up to Richard Branson provided some relief!


And strangely enough, of all of his albums, this one is the one that gets heard the most by me! It is a fun listen, and totally far out and interesting, and its "attention span" is much wider than most of his material, that sometimes repeats way too much! Star

In general, I don't like to discuss each and every year in music. Both TD and KS were not dead, and they still produced marvelous material that is being ignored, not to mention PH and then a wee bit later VdGG. But at the time, there were also many great things coming up that few people were listening to, and too many of the material listed fits more into a popular vote than it does into a serious program and idea about progressive music and some folks that continued the shift and never left! 

While I like DCD, in many ways, they were too much of the New Age thing for me, and it had a bit too much plastic in it for my tastes. I much preferred the stuff Lisa did with KS later, which gave you a better idea of what she could add to the band DCD, but was never to be even considered because it was not something within the popular vein to sell their records by almost sounding exactly the same as before!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 07:46
Originally posted by Steve Wyzard Steve Wyzard wrote:

7. Asia - Then and Now  

I thought of this, but it's a compilation that includes only two new songs. 

Posted By: Steve Wyzard
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 09:52
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Originally posted by Steve Wyzard Steve Wyzard wrote:

7. Asia - Then and Now  

I thought of this, but it's a compilation that includes only two new songs. 

Four new songs actually: "Days Like These", "Prayin' 4 a Miracle", "Am I in Love?", and "Summer Can't Last Too Long". There's a different guitarist on all four, none of them Steve Howe!

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 09:57
Originally posted by Steve Wyzard Steve Wyzard wrote:

Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Originally posted by Steve Wyzard Steve Wyzard wrote:

7. Asia - Then and Now  

I thought of this, but it's a compilation that includes only two new songs. 

Four new songs actually: "Days Like These", "Prayin' 4 a Miracle", "Am I in Love?", and "Summer Can't Last Too Long". There's a different guitarist on all four, none of them Steve Howe!

you're right, my bad, 4 new songs. 
Steve Howe left after Alpha, their second album. That's like 83-84. 

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: October 01 2021 at 18:15

Asturias - Brilliant Streams
Dead Can Dance - Aion
Harnakis - Numb Eyes, the Soul Revelation
Morrigan - Rides Out
Quaterna Requiem - Velha Gravura
Tri Yann - Belle et Rebelle

the following are honorable mentions:

Dan Ar Braz - Songs
Collage - Basnie
Osiris - Reflections
Red Jasper - Sting in the Tale

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 02 2021 at 02:39
^ I actually met the guy who was lead singer in Red Jasper about 20 years ago. At the time he was running a flooring company in Swindon!

Posted By: bartymj
Date Posted: October 02 2021 at 04:46
1. Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
End of list...

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: October 02 2021 at 07:33
Can't believe all you all are overlooking AFTER CRYING's amazing Overground Music! Have you never heard it? If you haven't heard After Crying, I strongly recommend that you do so. As proggy as the 1990s ever got!

Drew Fisher

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: October 02 2021 at 07:54
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

^ I actually met the guy who was lead singer in Red Jasper about 20 years ago. At the time he was running a flooring company in Swindon!

the group reformed after close to 20 years of silence but their lead singer Davey Dodds didn't come back...flooring was surely more lucrative!  The two albums after the one I mentioned are their best and will deserve better than honorable mentions in those years

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 02 2021 at 15:31
Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

Can't believe all you all are overlooking AFTER CRYING's amazing Overground Music! Have you never heard it? If you haven't heard After Crying, I strongly recommend that you do so. As proggy as the 1990s ever got!

I need to check this one out; I know some of their later stuff and it's great indeed.

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 02 2021 at 18:17
One side effect of this poll is that I'm listening again to my Ozric Tentacles after quite some time. I didn't really have on my radar how good Erpland and Pungent actually are. Great stuff, I don't think I enjoyed them as much when I got them long time ago.

Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: October 02 2021 at 18:47
Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

Can't believe all you all are overlooking AFTER CRYING's amazing Overground Music! Have you never heard it? If you haven't heard After Crying, I strongly recommend that you do so. As proggy as the 1990s ever got!

Not me Big smile

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 04 2021 at 02:25
Originally posted by kenethlevine kenethlevine wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

^ I actually met the guy who was lead singer in Red Jasper about 20 years ago. At the time he was running a flooring company in Swindon!

the group reformed after close to 20 years of silence but their lead singer Davey Dodds didn't come back...flooring was surely more lucrative!  The two albums after the one I mentioned are their best and will deserve better than honorable mentions in those years

I think I have at least one of those albums lying around somewhere. I haven't paid them enough attention admittedly but will try and dig whatever I have out later (I'm not very organised!).

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: October 04 2021 at 17:28
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Originally posted by kenethlevine kenethlevine wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

^ I actually met the guy who was lead singer in Red Jasper about 20 years ago. At the time he was running a flooring company in Swindon!

the group reformed after close to 20 years of silence but their lead singer Davey Dodds didn't come back...flooring was surely more lucrative!  The two albums after the one I mentioned are their best and will deserve better than honorable mentions in those years

I think I have at least one of those albums lying around somewhere. I haven't paid them enough attention admittedly but will try and dig whatever I have out later (I'm not very organised!).

cool..  Midsummer Night's Dream is excellent, Winter's Tale is almost as good.  Considering the time period, they don't get enough credit for playing even a small part in the prog revival.  But you gotta like your prog folk to get into them

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: October 05 2021 at 03:49
U Totem - s/t
Mike Oldfield - Amarok
Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
Vezhlivy Otkaz - Ethnic Experiments
Cardiacs - All That Glitters Is A Maresnest
Dead Can Dance Aion
Cassiber - A Face We All Know
L'Ensemble Raye - Meme En Hiver ....
Ne Zhdali - Rhinoceros And Other Forms Of Life
Depeche Mode - Violator


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 05 2021 at 06:12
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Cardiacs - All That Glitters Is A Maresnest
Cassiber - A Face We All Know

I have Mares Nest listed as 1992 (the DVD, the album even 1995) and the Cassiber album as 1988. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't know better than what PA says. (Ah, it seems Mares Nest was recorded in 1990.)

Posted By: Jeffro
Date Posted: October 05 2021 at 07:04
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

music was in a bad place but at least Oldfield sticking two fingers up to Richard Branson provided some relief!

Maybe for prog but what was coming out of Seattle around '90 and what would come out in the next few years was anything but bad.

We all dwell in an amber subdomain, amber subdomain, amber subdomain.

My face IS a maserati

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: October 05 2021 at 08:10
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Cardiacs - All That Glitters Is A Maresnest
Cassiber - A Face We All Know

I have Mares Nest listed as 1992 (the DVD, the album even 1995) and the Cassiber album as 1988. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't know better than what PA says. (Ah, it seems Mares Nest was recorded in 1990.)

I go off my list on Gnosis which isn't necessarily all that reliable, discogs has Cassiber as 1990 , all using has it as 1988, RYM as 1991, anyway I like the album. Gnosis does all the live albums as year recorded.


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: November 08 2021 at 01:42
Overground Music - After Crying

Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors - Fish

Erpland - Ozric Tentacles

Sarabandes - Minimum Vital

Charming Snakes - Andy Summers

Freudiana - Freudiana

Toy Matinee - Toy Matinee

Empire - Queensrÿche

Dirge - Mr. Sirius

Passion and Warfare - Steve Vai

Posted By: David_D
Date Posted: November 08 2021 at 03:41
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

I don't think I can name 10 prog and prog-related albums for 1990. 

maybe lesser? Smile

Then, I saw in the thread that you thought about it , as well.

Edit 2:
And then I saw, you could write a lot - you're still suprising me, and I guess you can keep on doing that.

                      quality over quantity, and all kind of PopcoRn almost beyond

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