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Your Favorite Japanese Prog Albums

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Topic: Your Favorite Japanese Prog Albums
Posted By: BrufordFreak
Subject: Your Favorite Japanese Prog Albums
Date Posted: May 09 2021 at 18:17
How 'bout listing your all-time favorite Prog Rock albums from Japan/Japanese artists?

I'm thinking:
1. Ryuichi Sakamoto Illustrated Music Encyclopedia (Crossover)
2. Mr. Sirius Barren Dream (Eclectic)
3. Hiromi's Sonicbloom Time Control (Jazz-Rock Fusion)
4. KBB Lost and Found (Jazz-Rock Fusion)
5. Bondage Fruit V - Skin (Zeuhl)
6. Pazzo Fanfano di Musica Pazzo Fanfano di Musica (Symphonic)
7. (tie) Bondage Fruit I (Zeuhl)
          Bondage Fruit II (Zeuhl)
9. OOIOO Taiga (RIO/Avant Garde)
10. Koenji Hyakkei Nivraym (Zeuhl)
11. Mono Nowhere, Now Here (Post Rock)
12. Toe For Long Tomorrow (Post Rock)
13. Koenji Hyakkei Angherr Shisspa (Zeuhl)
14. Ryuichi Sakamoto Chasm (Electronic)

Honorable Mentions:
Mr. Sirius Dirge (Crossover)
Mono The Last Dawn (Post Rock)
Kenso II (Jazz-Rock Fusion)
Electric Asturius Trinity (New Age/Symphonic)
Ain Soph Hat and Field (Neo Prog)
Midas Beyond the Clear Air (Symphonic/Neo Prog)
Toe Hear Now (Post Rock)
Mono You Are There (Post Rock)
Mono Hymn to the Immortal Wind (Post Rock)

Drew Fisher

Posted By: Progmind
Date Posted: May 09 2021 at 19:05
1 - Shingetsu - "Shingetsu" (1979) Symphonic Rcok influenced by genesis, really beautiful
2 - Asturias - "Birds Eye View" (2004) Prog folk, chamber music, another gem!!
3 - Mono - "Hymn To The Immortal Wind" (2009) post rock, my favo of this great band!
4 - Kenso - "Kenso II" (1982) symphinic rock, they sound like a mix between Rousseau, Asia Menor and Camel
5 - Ryuchi Sakamoto - "1996" (1996), chamber music and minimalism, my favo album,, piano, cello and violin, really love this work, ill recommend
6 - Vermillion Sands - "Water Blue" (1987) If you like Renaissance check it out!!
7 - TEE - "The Earth Explorer" (2009) symphonic and fussion, really great album
8 - Akira Ishikawa a& Count Buffalos  - "Electrum" (1970) Avant gard jazz, complex and amazing arregements
9 - Kimio Mizutani - "A Path Through Haze" (1971) jazz meets progresive rock meets psych, great album!
10 - Toe - "For Long Tommorrow" (2009) Math/Post Rock, one of my favorites of the genre.

Posted By: Rick1
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 04:02
I love Koenji Hyakkei but what about Ruins?

Posted By: nick_h_nz
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 04:19
These are the Japanese bands and artists in my collection. Not sure if I can say my favourite albums off the top of my head, for all of them.

Bondage Fruit
Mark de Clive-Lowe
Early Cross
Ryuchi Sakamoto
Yama Warashi
Yuka & Chronoship

-------------" rel="nofollow - Reviewer for The Progressive Aspect

Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 04:23
Anything Casiopea.


"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021

Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 05:27
Sigh- "Imaginary Sonicscape"
Koenji Hyakkei- "Angherr Shisspa"
Koenji Hyakkei- "Dhorimviskha"
Acid Mothers Temple- "Pataphisical Freak Out Mu!!"
Hiromi's Uehara- "Time Control"

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 07:18
I only have one Japanese psych album in my CD collection:-

Flied Egg - Dr. Siegel's Flied Egg Shooting Machine (1972)

My all-time favourite is:-

Far Out - Nihonjin (1973)

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 11:42
Hi Drew, nice idea for a thread
I’m so bad at rankings, so I’m just going to mention some faves of mine.

Date Course Pentagon Royal Garden - Structure et Force (Absolute monster of an album mixing contemporary fusion with avant, funk, jazz, electronica and a hip way about it all)
Flower Travelling Band - Satori (Japanese answer to a psychedelic Black Sabbath on shrooms)
Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Osorezan (Big, enormous, mad, folky, scary, out-of-this-world, imaginative, unreal and somehow akin to a Japanese take on a shamanistic album)
OOIOO - Gold & Green (One of the finest modern day Krautrock albums with bells and whistles and all out beautiful wacky feminine touch. This music is made for hipsters, gymnasts, fans of psych and yuhuu)
Haruomi Hosono - Cochin Moon (Electronic classic in my book. Like boarding an elevator entirely made out of sapphires that takes you out into the world and ‘away’)
De Lorians - s/t (Imagine if The Soft Machine started out in Japan...but somehow managed to combine both the psychedelic vibes of the early records together with the all out tumultuous jazz rock of their mid period...and you’re close...and then again not really. These guys took me by storm. I want more!)
The Taj Mahal Travellers - July 15 1972 (Yeah...err..tough nut to crack right there! Go read my incomprehensible review of it )
Loads more where they came from but right now I need food!

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 11:49
I would say currently my favorite japanese band is Kenso with a bunch of stellar albums like Sparta, Yume No Oka and Fabulis...such an amazing mix of prog and fusion!

Next are:
Il Berlione - sadly one of the most obscure bands around here, they were active in the 90's crossing all kinds of genres like avant, symphonic, fusion and more. Highly recommended!
Favorite albums of other bands:
Le Silo - 8.8
Happy Family - Toscco
Bi Kyo Ran - Parallax
Bondage Fruit - II
Cosmos Factory - Black Hole
Far Out - Nihonjin
Yonin Bayashi - Isshoku Sokuhatsu

Honorable mentions:
Mr. Sirius
Ain Soph

Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 11:56
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Date Course Pentagon Royal Garden - Structure et Force (Absolute monster of an album mixing contemporary fusion with avant, funk, jazz, electronica and a hip way about it all)

De Lorians - s/t (Imagine if The Soft Machine started out in Japan...but somehow managed to combine both the psychedelic vibes of the early records together with the all out tumultuous jazz rock of their mid period...and you’re close...and then again not really. These guys took me by storm. I want more!)
Damn! Forgot about the excellent DCPRG and of course the amazing De Lorians Clap

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 12:47

- Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Osorezan / Dou no Kenbai. I ADORE this album and consider it to be one of my best finds over the last twenty years. I also like the live version of this. It's quite funky and strange, and reminds me of Barbarella's line that "a good many dramatic situations begin with screaming". One of my personal faves in PA for side one especially.

- J. A. Seazer/ J.A. Caesar - I love Kokkyo Junreika and Jashumon. It's a sort of experimental psychedelic rock with avant-folk qualities. Love it.

- Haruomi Hosono - Cochin Moon. I love the Bollywood and electronic qualities.

- Phew - Signals. I don't think this is in PA; suggested it once, but it's a Krautrock related post-punk and experimental rock album with a Can relation.

- Haco + Sakamoto Hiromichi - Ash in the Rainbow. This is not in PA, although Haco performed with After Dinner which will feature next and is in Avant Prog. I would describe it as an Avant Prog related art/ progressive pop and electroacoustic album

- After Dinner - Paradise of Replica. Not a much loved album by many but I love it and it is in the Avant Prog category here and is on the Art Pop and Vanat Pop side of things.

- Boredoms - Vision Creation Newsun. I think it's in Krautrock here, and is a Krautrockish experimental psych rock band that hails from Osaka (where I once resided). I think it's a brillant album and rather eminds me in part of Xui Xiu.

- Ghost - Hypnotic Underworld. A sort of quite modern psychedelic folk-rock album.

- Toshiyuki Miyama & His New Herd / Masahiko Satoh - Yamataifu (a quite out there and experimetnal jazz-rock with big band qualities).

- Masahikoh Satoh and the Soundbreakers - Amalgamation (Kokotsu No Showa Genroku). I may be a bit busy, but I liked this Avant Proggish album a lot and discovered it at the same time as the earlier mentioned Yamataifu album.

-Kitaro - Oasis. Electronic. This is something of sentimental fave of mine that I first heard while living near Cairns, Australia. I was stayng in a beautiful beach front house and often liked to drift off to sleep while listening to this. The earlier debut is excellent. Kitaro did some, I think, horrible reworkings of this and other music.

- - Stomu Yamash'ta - Come To The Edge: Floating Music. A jazz-rock album.

Also love Bondage Fruit and many others listed.

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 14:00
Koenji would have 4 in the top 10 & Happy Family 3 so I'll spread it around a bit.

Koenji Hyakkei - Viva Koenji!
Bondage Fruit - s/t
OOIOO - Taiga
Happy Family - Tosco
Amygdala - Complex Combat
Plastic Dogs - Growl
Ruins - Burning Stone
Sax Ruins - Blimmguass
Asturias - Fractals
Korekyojinn - Tundra


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 14:04
I've only dipped my toes into the Japanese prog scene and still have several important bands that I haven't listened to yet (like Ruins and some of the other avant acts)

No ranking, just sorted alphabetically...

Ars Nova - The Goddess of Darkness
Asturias - Fractals
Baraka - Inner Resonance
Bellaphon - Firefly
Bi Kyo Ran - Kyobo Na Ongaku (A Violent Music)
The Black Mages - The Black Mages
Cosmos Factory - An Old Castle of Transylvania
Earthbound Papas - Dancing Dad
Far East Family Band - Parallel World
Gerard - Sighs of the Water
Kadath - Noises Out of Space
KBB - Lost and Found
Koenjihyakkei - Viva Koenji 
Outer Limits - The Scene of Pale Blue
Providence - There Once Was a Night of "Choko-Muro" the Paradise
Social Tension - MacBethia
Teru's Symphonia - Clockworked Earth
Vermilion Sands - Water Blue

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: nick_h_nz
Date Posted: May 10 2021 at 14:12
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Koenji would have 4 in the top 10 & Happy Family 3 so I'll spread it around a bit.

Koenji Hyakkei - Viva Koenji!
Bondage Fruit - s/t
OOIOO - Taiga
Happy Family - Tosco
Amygdala - Complex Combat
Plastic Dogs - Growl
Ruins - Burning Stone
Sax Ruins - Blimmguass
Asturias - Fractals
Korekyojinn - Tundra

As you and I often have quite a lot of shared musical interests, I wonder if you could look up at my list, and based on that suggest what you might think I would like from your list. Or should I just check them all out? I’ll definitely check out Happy Family if three of their albums would make you pr top ten!

-------------" rel="nofollow - Reviewer for The Progressive Aspect

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: May 11 2021 at 10:57
My Nippon Top 10:-

COSMOS FACTORY - An Old Castle of Transylvania (1973)
FAR EAST FAMILY BAND - The Cave Down to the Earth (1975)
FAR EAST FAMILY BAND - Nipponjin (1975)
FAR OUT - Nihonjin (1975)
FLIED EGG - Dr. Siegel's Flied Egg Shooting Machine (1972)
FLOWER TRAVELLIN' BAND - Anywhere (1970)
OSAMU KITAJIMA - Dragon King (1981)
OSAMU KITAJIMA - Passages II (1987)
STOMU YAMASHTA'S GO PROJECT - Go (featuring Steve Winwood) (1976)

Posted By: Mirakaze
Date Posted: May 12 2021 at 01:39
Some of my favourites in a very rough/approximate order:

Hiromi - Alive
Wha-Ha-Ha - Shinutokiwa Betsu
Salle Gaveau - Alloy
Hiromi's Sonicbloom - Beyond Standard
Nuito - Unutella
Tipographica - God Says I Can't Dance
De Lorians - De Lorians
Harpy - Speech On The Radio
Koenjihyakkei - Nivraym
Mr. Sirius - Barren Dream
Katra Turana - Katra Turana
Ruins - Ruins III
Koenjihyakkei - Angherr Shisspa
Tricot - A N D
Il Berlione - Il Berlione
Dragon Blue - Hades Park

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Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: May 12 2021 at 05:20
^ Mr. Sirius is on my latest Prog Line playlist, so I'm looking forward to giving it a listen sometime soon. Smile

Posted By: nick_h_nz
Date Posted: May 12 2021 at 08:48
There’s a heck of a lot of bands and artists mentioned so far. Here they are ranked by number of people mentioning them (rather than how often they are mentioned, since some people listed more than one album from the same band/artist). I figure I’ll use this list to explore the most mentioned names that I’m not already familiar with.

7 Times Mentioned:


5 Times Mentioned:


Bondage Fruit 


4 Times Mentioned:


3 Times Mentioned:

Cosmos Factory 

De Lorians 

Hiromi Uehara / Sonicbloom 



Mr Sirius 

Ryuichi Sakamoto 


2 Times Mentioned:

Ain Soph 

Bi Kyo Yan 

Date Course Pengagon Royal Garden 

Far East Family Band 

Far Out 

Flower Travelling Band 

Geinoh Yamashirogumi 

Happy Family 

Haruomi Hosono 

Il Berlione 




Stomo Yamash’ta 



Vermillion Sands 

1 Times Mentioned:

Acid Mothers Temple

After Dinner

Akira Ishikawa


Ars Nova




Black Mages




Mark de Clive-Lowe


Dragon Blue

Early Cross

Earthbound Papas

Flied Egg




Hako + Sakamoto Hiromichi


J.A. Seazer / J.A. Caesar


Katra Turana 

Kimio Mizutani


Le Silo


Masahikoh Satoh




Osama Kitajima

Outer Limits

Pazzo Fanfano di Musica


Plastic Dogs


Ronin Arkestra

Salle Gaveau

Sax Ruins

Social Tension

The Taj Mahal Travellers


Teru’s Symphonia


Toshiyuki Miyama


Yama Warashi

Yonin Bayashi

Yuka & The Chronoship

-------------" rel="nofollow - Reviewer for The Progressive Aspect

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: May 12 2021 at 09:16
^ Strangely, I haven't heard of the artists that were mentioned seven and five times, until now that is. Smile

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: May 12 2021 at 09:28
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

^ Strangely, I haven't heard of the artists that were mentioned seven and five times, until now that is. Smile

You'd probably like Asturias but Koenjihyakkei, Ruins & Bondage Fruit are heavily in the noise, avant, zeuhl, brutal arena. I doubt they'll be your cup of tea.

Ruins are considered genre defining in Brutal Prog. Koenjihyakkei similarly in Japanese Zeuhl.


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: May 12 2021 at 09:38
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

^ Strangely, I haven't heard of the artists that were mentioned seven and five times, until now that is. Smile

You'd probably like Asturias but Koenjihyakkei, Ruins & Bondage Fruit are heavily in the noise, avant, zeuhl, brutal arena. I doubt they'll be your cup of tea.

Ruins are considered genre defining in Brutal Prog. Koenjihyakkei similarly in Japanese Zeuhl.
You're right. Brutal Prog doesn't sound like my cup of tea at all, but I like the sound of Asturias, having just had a brief listen to their Cryptogam Illusion album. Thumbs Up

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: May 12 2021 at 14:05
Paul, here's some Koenjihyakkei to dip your toes in...

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: May 12 2021 at 14:06
The only ones I know are...
Ain Soph
Bi Kyo Ran
Flower Traveling band

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: May 12 2021 at 14:51
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

The only ones I know are...
Ain Soph
Bi Kyo Ran
Flower Traveling band

If you like Flower Travellin' Band, then I'm pretty sure you'll like Far East Family Band too. They're Far Out! Wink

The less said about Koenjihyakkei the better. Tongue

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: May 13 2021 at 02:25
Don't own enough to any sort of list but I did see Ars Nova play live about 20 years ago and they impressed me. Android Domina is my favourite by them. 
I also enjoy Gerard - Live in Marseille . Total 'chaos' but tons of fun!

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 13 2021 at 03:37
Uhh I thought of another humdinger of a band, Omoide Hatoba
Perhaps one of the most interesting heirtakers to what Faust tried to do in the 70s...though sounding completely unique.
To paint a better picture, here’s a snippet of my review of Vuoy where I (try to) describe the first couple of tracks:

‘Que 90s dance music with beeping electric signals, scratching old school dj manoeuvres and that early Liam Howlett infatuated industrial palette. Laser beams interfere and a pair of mice start jumping on the old piano. Stops - and the funky earthy percussion takes over and somehow dives into the dance beats once again. Something or someone's signalling in Morse code now, and everything seems to be ready for an ending.

Russian punk music enters the room with jolly freaky violin joining the festivities. The beats grow sluggish and we get froggy bits of interweaving noises and back into the breach again we go with the surging punk energy that oddly enough now sports an altogether more ethereal touch. Ending with the wind the song fades away.

Acoustical fun, bouncy blues bass with a jumpy and slightly kling klangy feel to it. Recorded inside a skip probably. The mumbling Japanese laid back gibberish ornamenting the semi blues electronic music have a strange crooner facet to them that I really dig. Then the see saw guitars start, and we get twirled around with yet another chill out vocal spree.

The space toddlers arrive in plastic chains armed with tiny Casio synths and a metal banjo. They are about to go work in the mines, and they play this marching electronic ditty every morning.

Avantguarde drumming pounding away sounding like logs hitting a wash bucket - starts things up nicely - juicing up with some Crimsonesque angular guitar patterns, and then there's the guy in the back sounding like a deeply moving fog horn. There's a small silence before the storm, and we hear the rattlesnake jitter. Pounding again, we get the marching almost Zeuhlish beats blasting their way through a rocking storm of what could've been the soundtrack music to a fisherman's trance party.‘

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 13 2021 at 07:11
Originally posted by Sagichim Sagichim wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Date Course Pentagon Royal Garden - Structure et Force (Absolute monster of an album mixing contemporary fusion with avant, funk, jazz, electronica and a hip way about it all)

De Lorians - s/t (Imagine if The Soft Machine started out in Japan...but somehow managed to combine both the psychedelic vibes of the early records together with the all out tumultuous jazz rock of their mid period...and you’re close...and then again not really. These guys took me by storm. I want more!)

Damn! Forgot about the excellent DCPRG and of course the amazing De Lorians Clap

Hi again Sagi - I must’ve missed your post the last time
Anyhoo I was thinking of De Lorians and wondering whether or not I had more ‘Canterbury-like’ albums in my collection stemming from Japan...and then it hit me just now. Hiro Yanagida’s Hirocosmos has always made me think of Caravan, Softs and Matching Mole. Not sure if you know this one?

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: May 13 2021 at 07:45
Originally posted by Rick1 Rick1 wrote:

I love Koenji Hyakkei but what about Ruins?

I've tried many, many times, but I just can't seem to enjoy anything by Ruins. I've had some trouble "cracking the code" of Koenji Hyakkei, too--until Navraym. I appreciate the talent and genius, just not always my cup of tea.

Drew Fisher

Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: May 13 2021 at 12:57
Big fan of Yuka & Chronoship, Asturias and Kenso.

Koenji Hyakkei, Ruins, etc. are WAAAAAAAY over my head. Try as I might it's all too much for my pea-sized brain to deal with.

The Prog Corner

Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: May 15 2021 at 00:34
Most of my favourites have been mentioned. Japan is high on that Avant and or Zeuhl style for me. Not sure if Pochakaito Malko was mentioned but their debut has a Zeuhl flavour. 
Miyama & His New Herd- "Yamataifu" is like experimental Big band or something like that. 
Stubbs- "The Prime Moving Lumps" is one of my favourite Canterbury records, checkout those keyboards.
Interpose's self titled debut is Symphonic and a beauty.
Naikaku's "Shell" has this great sounding rhythm section and the guitarist can play.

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: May 15 2021 at 01:56
Many great titles here, but I still keep in mind the Neo Geo album by Ryuichi Sakamoto, first japanese record I've ever heard.

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: May 15 2021 at 17:23
Originally posted by hellogoodbye hellogoodbye wrote:

Many great titles here, but I still keep in mind the Neo Geo album by Ryuichi Sakamoto, first japanese record I've ever heard.

I LOVE Neo Geo! Emmett Chapman! Iggy Pop on "Risky"! Bootsy Collins. Great variety of musical styles.

Drew Fisher

Posted By: Intruder
Date Posted: May 15 2021 at 19:56
Acid Temple Mothers!

I like to feel the suspense when you're certain you know I am there.....

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 16 2021 at 02:33
Originally posted by Mellotron Storm Mellotron Storm wrote:

Most of my favourites have been mentioned. Japan is high on that Avant and or Zeuhl style for me. Not sure if Pochakaito Malko was mentioned but their debut has a Zeuhl flavour. 
Miyama & His New Herd- "Yamataifu" is like experimental Big band or something like that. 
Stubbs- "The Prime Moving Lumps" is one of my favourite Canterbury records, checkout those keyboards.
Interpose's self titled debut is Symphonic and a beauty.
Naikaku's "Shell" has this great sounding rhythm section and the guitarist can play.

Hi John, nice picks there my friend
I have still to get my hands on that Stubbs album but had honestly completely forgotten about it’s existence. That’s why these type of threads are nice. Like a friendly pat on the shoulder.
I thought of a couple more actually:
Ghost - Tune In, Turn On, Free Tibet (like a freely mumbling letter of protest, ending with a long and deep pulsating rock trance)
Takehisa Kosugi - Catch Wave (progressive electronic performed on violin)
Stomu Yamash’ta - Red Buddha (progressive electronic performed entirely on percussion)

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: May 16 2021 at 07:24
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by Mellotron Storm Mellotron Storm wrote:

Most of my favourites have been mentioned. Japan is high on that Avant and or Zeuhl style for me. Not sure if Pochakaito Malko was mentioned but their debut has a Zeuhl flavour. 
Miyama & His New Herd- "Yamataifu" is like experimental Big band or something like that. 
Stubbs- "The Prime Moving Lumps" is one of my favourite Canterbury records, checkout those keyboards.
Interpose's self titled debut is Symphonic and a beauty.
Naikaku's "Shell" has this great sounding rhythm section and the guitarist can play.

Hi John, nice picks there my friend
I have still to get my hands on that Stubbs album but had honestly completely forgotten about it’s existence. That’s why these type of threads are nice. Like a friendly pat on the shoulder.
I thought of a couple more actually:
Ghost - Tune In, Turn On, Free Tibet (like a freely mumbling letter of protest, ending with a long and deep pulsating rock trance)
Takehisa Kosugi - Catch Wave (progressive electronic performed on violin)
Stomu Yamash’ta - Red Buddha (progressive electronic performed entirely on percussion)

Lots of albums in here that I've never heard of! Thanks guys!

Drew Fisher

Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: May 16 2021 at 08:41

1. Bondage Fruit II
2. Happy Family - Minimal Gods
3. Koenji Hyakkei - Viva Kenji
4. Bondage Fruit VI
5. Pochakaite Malko - Laya
6. Korekyojinn - Tundra
7. Bondage Fruit - Bondage Fruit
8. Kiyo*Sen - Duology
9. Happy Family - Tosčco
10. Fantasmagoria - Day and Night
11. Pochakaite Malko - Pochakaite Malko
12. Salle Gaveau - Alloy
13. Opabinia - Opabinia
14. Kitaro - Oasis
15. Era - Tono
16. Koenji Hyakkei- Angher Shisspa
17. P-Model - In a Model Room
18. Kiyo*Sen - Chocolate Booster
19. OOIOO - Taiga
20. Doom - Complicated Mind
21. Hiromi - Time Control
22. Hikashu - Tententen
23. Flower Travelin Band - Satori
24. Dhidalah - Threshold
25. P-Model - Potpourri
26. Jun Fukamachi - Spiral Steps
27. Ruins - Vrresto
28. Osamu Kitajima - The Source
29. Doom - Illegal Soul
30. Kitaro - Astral Voyage

Yes, there is some non-prog on my list.

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Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: May 16 2021 at 10:29
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by Sagichim Sagichim wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Date Course Pentagon Royal Garden - Structure et Force (Absolute monster of an album mixing contemporary fusion with avant, funk, jazz, electronica and a hip way about it all)

De Lorians - s/t (Imagine if The Soft Machine started out in Japan...but somehow managed to combine both the psychedelic vibes of the early records together with the all out tumultuous jazz rock of their mid period...and you’re close...and then again not really. These guys took me by storm. I want more!)

Damn! Forgot about the excellent DCPRG and of course the amazing De Lorians Clap

Hi again Sagi - I must’ve missed your post the last time
Anyhoo I was thinking of De Lorians and wondering whether or not I had more ‘Canterbury-like’ albums in my collection stemming from Japan...and then it hit me just now. Hiro Yanagida’s Hirocosmos has always made me think of Caravan, Softs and Matching Mole. Not sure if you know this one?

No never heard of it but will definitely check it out according to your description.

Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: May 16 2021 at 10:33
Originally posted by Mellotron Storm Mellotron Storm wrote:

Most of my favourites have been mentioned. Japan is high on that Avant and or Zeuhl style for me. Not sure if Pochakaito Malko was mentioned but their debut has a Zeuhl flavour. 
Miyama & His New Herd- "Yamataifu" is like experimental Big band or something like that. 
Stubbs- "The Prime Moving Lumps" is one of my favourite Canterbury records, checkout those keyboards.
Interpose's self titled debut is Symphonic and a beauty.
Naikaku's "Shell" has this great sounding rhythm section and the guitarist can play.

Oh yeah that Stubbs album is a real gem, an excellent mix between National Health/Hatfield and Crimson. I wish this would get a remaster sometime because it’s far from perfect.
Btw John did you ever manage of locating their debut album?

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 16 2021 at 10:36
If you like Hirocosmos I’d say that there’s a very good chance you’ll also dig the more well-known Milk Time (the one with the Gorilla in front of a pinkish background ).

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: May 16 2021 at 11:41
Yonin-Bayashi - Ishoku Sokuhatsu


Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: May 17 2021 at 17:46
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by Mellotron Storm Mellotron Storm wrote:

Most of my favourites have been mentioned. Japan is high on that Avant and or Zeuhl style for me. Not sure if Pochakaito Malko was mentioned but their debut has a Zeuhl flavour. 
Miyama & His New Herd- "Yamataifu" is like experimental Big band or something like that. 
Stubbs- "The Prime Moving Lumps" is one of my favourite Canterbury records, checkout those keyboards.
Interpose's self titled debut is Symphonic and a beauty.
Naikaku's "Shell" has this great sounding rhythm section and the guitarist can play.

Hi John, nice picks there my friend
I have still to get my hands on that Stubbs album but had honestly completely forgotten about it’s existence. That’s why these type of threads are nice. Like a friendly pat on the shoulder.
I thought of a couple more actually:
Ghost - Tune In, Turn On, Free Tibet (like a freely mumbling letter of protest, ending with a long and deep pulsating rock trance)
Takehisa Kosugi - Catch Wave (progressive electronic performed on violin)
Stomu Yamash’ta - Red Buddha (progressive electronic performed entirely on percussion)

Thanks Bamsen! Nice pick with that Ghost album although I don't own it.LOL Still I have 3 or 4 of their records and really dig their sound. Man I think I have that "Catch Wave" but I plan on going through all my Electronic stuff next year probably. 

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: May 17 2021 at 17:50
Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by Mellotron Storm Mellotron Storm wrote:

Most of my favourites have been mentioned. Japan is high on that Avant and or Zeuhl style for me. Not sure if Pochakaito Malko was mentioned but their debut has a Zeuhl flavour. 
Miyama & His New Herd- "Yamataifu" is like experimental Big band or something like that. 
Stubbs- "The Prime Moving Lumps" is one of my favourite Canterbury records, checkout those keyboards.
Interpose's self titled debut is Symphonic and a beauty.
Naikaku's "Shell" has this great sounding rhythm section and the guitarist can play.

Hi John, nice picks there my friend
I have still to get my hands on that Stubbs album but had honestly completely forgotten about it’s existence. That’s why these type of threads are nice. Like a friendly pat on the shoulder.
I thought of a couple more actually:
Ghost - Tune In, Turn On, Free Tibet (like a freely mumbling letter of protest, ending with a long and deep pulsating rock trance)
Takehisa Kosugi - Catch Wave (progressive electronic performed on violin)
Stomu Yamash’ta - Red Buddha (progressive electronic performed entirely on percussion)

Lots of albums in here that I've never heard of! Thanks guys!

Thanks for starting this thread Drew, got me going a little bit.

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: May 17 2021 at 17:54
Originally posted by Sagichim Sagichim wrote:

Originally posted by Mellotron Storm Mellotron Storm wrote:

Most of my favourites have been mentioned. Japan is high on that Avant and or Zeuhl style for me. Not sure if Pochakaito Malko was mentioned but their debut has a Zeuhl flavour. 
Miyama & His New Herd- "Yamataifu" is like experimental Big band or something like that. 
Stubbs- "The Prime Moving Lumps" is one of my favourite Canterbury records, checkout those keyboards.
Interpose's self titled debut is Symphonic and a beauty.
Naikaku's "Shell" has this great sounding rhythm section and the guitarist can play.

Oh yeah that Stubbs album is a real gem, an excellent mix between National Health/Hatfield and Crimson. I wish this would get a remaster sometime because it’s far from perfect.
Btw John did you ever manage of locating their debut album?

No and it was impossible to find Prime Moving Lumps as it was released only on cassette. A guy I used to work with got me a cdr of it about 5 years ago. I'm so into the keyboard sounds of that album. Can we have some distortion please! Thankyou! Take care Sagi

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: David_D
Date Posted: December 01 2021 at 03:51


               Flower Travellin’ Band  - Satori  (1971)

               Flower Travellin’ Band - Made In Japan (1972)

  Stomu Yamash'ta Come To The Edge - Floating Music  (1972)

  Stomu Yamashta  -  Raindog  (1975)

               Far East Family Band  -  Nipponjin  (1975)

               Osamu Kitajima  -  Benzaiten  (1976)

               Bi Kyo Ran  -  Bi Kyo Ran  (1982)

               Bondage Fruit  -  II  (1996)

                      quality over quantity, and all kind of PopcoRn almost beyond

Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: December 01 2021 at 04:38
Acoustic Asturias - Bird Eyes View
Shingetsu - Shingetsu
Bi Kyo Ran - Bi Kyo Ran
Mr. Sirius - Barren Dream
Vermilion Sands - Water Blue
Deja-Vu - Baroque in the Future 
Gerard - The Ruins of a Glass Fortress
Kenso - Yume No Oka
Outer Limits - Stromatolite
After Dinner - Paradise of Replica
Ain Soph - A Story of Mysterious Forest 
Teru's Symphonia - Fable on the Seven Pillows

Deja-Vu is Motoi Sakuraba's band. He also wrote solo prog music and some great soundtracks, my favorite being his soundtrack to the game Baten Kaitos, which is very proggy.

Posted By: enigmatic
Date Posted: December 01 2021 at 06:30
I have to admit, I don't listen to Japanese prog too often. Too intense in most cases...

Here are few titles that I like...
Ain Soph - A Story of Mysterious Forest 1980  
Berlione, Il - Il Berlione 1992  
Bi Kyo Ran - Bi Kyo Ran 1982  
Bi Kyo Ran - Kyobo na Ongaku (aka A Violent Music) 1998  
Bondage Fruit - Bondage Fruit 1995  
Bondage Fruit - II 1996  
Kennedy - Twinkling NASA 1986  
Kenso - II 1982  
Kenso - Kenso (aka III) 1985  
Koenji Hyakkei - Angherr Shisspa 2005  
Koenji Hyakkei - II (aka Viva Koenji) 1996  
Mizutani, Kimio - A Path Through Haze 1971  
Mr. Sirius - Barren Dream 1986  
Providence - And I'll Recite an Old Myth 1990  
Stubbs - The Prime Moving Lumps 1985  
Tipographica - Tipographica 1994  
Yanagida, Hiro - Milk Time 1970  

Posted By: David_D
Date Posted: December 01 2021 at 06:49
Originally posted by enigmatic enigmatic wrote:

Here are few titles that I like...

"few titles" - okay, if you say so. Smile

                      quality over quantity, and all kind of PopcoRn almost beyond

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: December 01 2021 at 07:49
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

^ Strangely, I haven't heard of the artists that were mentioned seven and five times, until now that is. Smile


Bondage Fruit has been around for some time, and they were on the Progressive Music Festival in SF in 1999 to give you an idea. At the time, I did not know them, and did not exactly pay too much attention to the music, but hearing it later, made quite a difference and impression.

The one odd thing ... the mentions of Ryuichi Sakamoto, and not the original band ... YMO ... who might not be considered progressive, but was at the front of electronics with its material. Even stranger is that two of the folks named in this list were 2/3's of YMO ...

Ryuichi. Too long a history of solo stuff to be enjoyed correctly. Some soundtrack albums that are absolutely fabulous and well done. An Oscar in his closet. And the two albums I like the most for fun and craziness? BEAUTY and HEARTBEAT. Both albums are an incredible mix of many things, and you can also add some oddities like sumo rock, I suppose ... a style that will never make it on PA, I don't think! Confused

Some of the bands are far out, and some of them, I tend to think they sound too much like someone else. A band doing their thing, and a minute later does just metal, is not quite my style. They can touch metal, if used within a strong context, but at times, it feels like just metal for metal's sakes and I gave up listening to that a while back. 

The list is crazy. I have to email Acid Mothers Temple. Not sure they will be happy for not being listed or heard much, but their versatility with many musicians is worth the mention. Not everyone can do that. 

Missing. Chronicle ... what's his name's band that toured some, and I saw them in LA in a small time show that also had Daevid Allen by himself and his tapes if I remember it right.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: December 01 2021 at 08:29

Mmmhhh!!!!... I seems I missed this thread dating from May

12           Mizutani, Kimio    A Path Through Haze          Jpn          1971      

12           Tomita    Snowflakes Are Dancing     Jpn          1974      

12           Tomita    Pictures at an Exhibition     Jpn          1975      

11           Cosmos Factory    An Old Castle of Translyvania            Jpn          1973      

11           Cosmos Factory    Black Hole             Jpn          1976      

11           Flower Travellin' Band        Satori      Jpn          1971      

11           Happy Family        Toscco    Jpn          1997      

11           KBB         Live 2004               Jpn          2005      

11           Kikagaku Moyo     Mammatus Clouds              Jpn          2014      

11           Moleslope             Slope      Jpn          2019      

11           People   Ceremony - Buddha Meet Rock        Jpn          1971      

11           Rock Joint Biwa (Fulukotofumi) (Hiromasa Suzuki)       Kumikyoku: Furukotofumi Jpn          1972      

11           Rock Joint Cither (Sitar) (Hiromasa Suzuki)    Kumikyoku Silk Road           Jpn          1973      

11           Suzuki, Hiromasa  High-Flying            Jpn          1976      

11           Tomita    Firebird Suite        Jpn          1975      

11           Yamashta, Stomu & Come to the Edge           Floating Music      Jpn          1972      

11           Yamashta, Stomu, S. Winwood & M. Shrieve Go           Jpn          1976      

11           Yonin Bayashi       Isshoku Sokuhatsu (Dangerous Situation)       Jpn          1974      


Bubbling under

10           Bondage Fruit       Bondage Fruit       Jpn          1995      

10           Bondage Fruit       II              Jpn          1996      

10           Chen, Shinki          Shinki Chen and his Friends               Jpn          1971      

10           Far East Family Band           The Cave Down to the Earth              Jpn          1974      

10           Far East Family Band           Nipponjin               Jpn          1976      

10           Far East Family Band           Parallel World      Jpn          1976      

10           Far Out   Nihojin (aka Far Out)           Jpn          1972      

10           Flower Travellin' Band        Made in Japan      Jpn          1972      

10           Flower Travellin' Band        Make Up                Jpn          1973      

10           Ghost      Hypnotic Underworld         Jpn          2004      

10           Happy Family        Minimal Gods       Jpn          2014      

10           Kikagaku Moyo     Kikagaku Moyo     Jpn          2013      

10           Kikagaku Moyo     Forest of Lost Children       Jpn          2014      

10           Kikagaku Moyo     House in the Tall Grass       Jpn          2016      

10           Maki, Carmen       Goodbye My Memories     Jpn          1970      

10           Maki, Carmen       Night Stalker         Jpn          1979      

10           Maki, Carmen & Oz             Tozasareta Mati   Jpn          1976      

10           Speed, Glue & Shinki           Eve          Jpn          1970      

10           Speed, Glue & Shinki           Speed, Glue & Shinki           Jpn          1972      

10           Yamashta's East Wind, Stomu           Freedom is Frightening       Jpn          1973      

10           Yamashta's East Wind, Stomu           Music From the Film One by One     Jpn          1974      

10           Yamashta, Stomu & Go      Go Live From Paris               Jpn          1976      

10           Yonin Bayashi       Yonin Bayashi Live '73        Jpn          1973      

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

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