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Top 5 Renaissance Songs

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Topic: Top 5 Renaissance Songs
Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Subject: Top 5 Renaissance Songs
Date Posted: February 27 2020 at 11:16
The PROLOGUE to this tale begins with a TRIP TO THE FAIR, held annually by THE SISTERS of Mercy charity. The trip led to THE DISCOVERY of the book "One Thousand and One Nights". I REMEMBER the GOLDEN THREAD of the story concerns THE CAPTIVE HEART of SCHEHERAZADE, THE ENTERTAINER of the RAJAH KHAN, a MIDAS MAN of immense riches with a BLACK FLAME burning in his heart. The AIR OF DRAMA in the OPENING OUT of the story tells how SCHEHERAZADE finds the GOLDEN KEY to saving her life is to relate the tale of the 1001 nights. She wins over the JEKYLL AND HYDE nature of the King with her exotic tales, and he shows her KINDNESS AT THE END by managing to SPARE SOME LOVE in his black heart by marrying his PRECIOUS LOVE. She becomes his queen in this dramatic tale of KINGS AND QUEENS and lost INNOCENCE. One of the PEARLS OF WISDOM I learned from the book is that LOVE GOES ON to conquer all in the end when  LOVE IS ALL you need.

I'm a WANDERER at heart and the book inspired me to travel on a SECRET MISSION to the DISTANT HORIZONS of Istanbul ON THE FRONTIER of Asia aboard the ORIENT EXPRESS. It sometimes feels like time is RUNNING AWAY FROM YOU and I was RUNNING HARD like a BULLET  out of a gun in THE RACE to arrive on time AT THE HARBOUR. I arrived just in time to set sail across the English Channel on the OCEAN GYPSY ferry and leave behind the ISLAND of Great Britain. I love the SOUNDS OF THE SEA and it was a beautiful day IN THE SUNSHINE, underneath the CARPET OF THE SUN which glimmered like sparkling PORCELAIN.

Upon arrival in France, I felt like I was BOUND FOR INFINITY, with the most dramatic adventure IN MY LIFE just beginning. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND how good it felt to realise a dream when I'd LET IT GROW in my heart for so long? I still had a long way to go though but at least I was CLOSER THAN YESTERDAY to realising my dream. The FACE OF YESTERDAY was behind me now because this was the DAY OF THE DREAMER. I dreamed of  travelling to exotic places like the ISLAND of KALYNDA, A MAGICAL ISLE with a WATERFALL which sparkles BLOOD SILVER LIKE MOONLIGHT and where THE VULTURES FLY HIGH in their FLIGHT over distant shores. That was about as likely as seeing FAERIES LIVING AT THE BOTTOM OF THE GARDEN though and my dreams vanished as quickly as the flames on a funeral pyre when only the ASHES ARE BURNING.

My real ambition was to eventually travel north from Istanbul to KIEV to experience exotic THINGS I DON'T UNDERSTAND, including those mysterious UKRAINE WAYS. I'd have to be careful to avoid TOUCHING ONCE on the delicate subject of the recent war with Russia though. I was planning  to head to the  northwest of MOTHER RUSSIA where I'd heard the extreme COLD IS BEING like the inside of a freezer. I'd love to see the NORTHERN LIGHTS for the first time with their MAJIK shimmering SYMPHONY OF LIGHT. It'd be like one of those awesome moments when you could sing A SONG FOR ALL SEASONS and CRY TO THE WORLD with joy and shout "CAN YOU HEAR ME now"?

I had a long journey ahead but I was looking forward to being  BACK HOME ONCE AGAIN with my FRIENDS, when I'd be sure to remind them that I THINK OF YOU when I'm away.

That was just a short Novella I wrote some time ago telling the story of Scheherazade, which serves as a handy Prologue to this latest Top 5 poll. I could take a wild guess and say that Ashes Are Burning will probably go on to win this Renaissance poll, although I'm under no Illusion that I'll probably be wrong again. I doubt if any songs from the Camera Camera album will make the final Top 5 cut, but who knows what the Turn of the Cards will reveal in the long Time-Line of Renaissance songs, where they quite literally have A Song for All Seasons. In the meantime, I'm going to dream of Tuscany, where the hills are often bathed in a Grandine il Vento (Symphony of Light) under an Azure d'Or sky. Smile
Anyway, back to the poll. Simply list your Top 5 Renaissance songs in order of preference below and then I'll assign points to your listings as follows:-
1st song - 6 points 
2nd song - 4 points
3rd song - 3 points
4th song - 2 points
5th song - 1 point
Here are my Top 5 Renaissance songs to kick-off with:-
1. At the Harbour (6 points)
2. Ashes Are Burning (4 points)
3. Face of Yesterday (3 points)
4. Northern Lights (2 points)
4. Carpet of the Sun (1 points)

Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: February 27 2020 at 11:30
 I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I'll go with these...

1. Mother Russia
2. Ocean Gypsy
3. Scheherazade
4. The Vultures Fly High
5. Black Frame

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: February 27 2020 at 11:33
Originally posted by Argo2112 Argo2112 wrote:

 I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I'll go with these...

1. Mother Russia
2. Ocean Gypsy
3. Scheherazade
4. The Vultures Fly High
5. Black Frame
Looks good to me. Thumbs Up

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: February 27 2020 at 11:54
1) Can You Understand?
2) Trip To The Fair
3) Mother Russia
4) Northern Lights
5) Scherezade (all 20 minutes.)

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Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: February 27 2020 at 12:26
Golden Thread
Rajah Khan

NB; I would'vze included Wanderer and Bullet in there as well.

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: February 27 2020 at 12:37
^ That we know. You don't have a thing for Jane Relf, do you? Just curious.

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: February 28 2020 at 17:52
Off the top of my head, I'd say:

1. Trip to the Fair
2. The Sisters
3. Can You Hear Me?
4. Things I Don't Understand
5. Mother Russia
5. At the Harbor

Drew Fisher

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 28 2020 at 22:16
I am not really familiar with all Renaissance albums, but here at the moment:
1. At the Harbour
2. Cold Is Being
3. Spare Some Love
4. Kings and Queens
5. Past Orbits Of Dust

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: March 02 2020 at 10:17
It looks like there aren't as many Renaissance fans here as I thought. Smile

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: March 02 2020 at 10:20
^ this is a new thread, don't be quick to judge, have some patience

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: March 02 2020 at 11:04
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

^ this is a new thread, don't be quick to judge, have some patience
Okay. Here's how the Top 5 Renaissance songs poll is shaping up so far:-
1. At the Harbour (13 points)
2. Mother Russia (10 points)
2. Trip to the Fair (10 points)
4. Kings & Queens (8 points)
5. Can You Understand (6 points)

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: March 02 2020 at 11:23
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

^ this is a new thread, don't be quick to judge, have some patience
Okay. Here's how the Top 5 Renaissance songs poll is shaping up so far:-
1. At the Harbour (13 points)
2. Mother Russia (10 points)
2. Trip to the Fair (10 points)
4. Kings & Queens (8 points)
5. Can You Understand (6 points)
I am not sure do I understand that point counting, but how Kings & Queens has 8 points when I am only one who put it in the list (and itīs fourth in my list)?

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: March 02 2020 at 11:27
Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

^ this is a new thread, don't be quick to judge, have some patience
Okay. Here's how the Top 5 Renaissance songs poll is shaping up so far:-
1. At the Harbour (13 points)
2. Mother Russia (10 points)
2. Trip to the Fair (10 points)
4. Kings & Queens (8 points)
5. Can You Understand (6 points)
I am not sure do I understand that point counting, but how Kings & Queens has 8 points when I am only one who put it in the list (and itīs fourth in my list)?
Sean Trane voted for Kings & Queens (K & Q) as his #1 song, so that's 6 points from Sean and 2 points from you. Smile

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: March 03 2020 at 04:56
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

^ this is a new thread, don't be quick to judge, have some patience
Okay. Here's how the Top 5 Renaissance songs poll is shaping up so far:-
1. At the Harbour (13 points)
2. Mother Russia (10 points)
2. Trip to the Fair (10 points)
4. Kings & Queens (8 points)
5. Can You Understand (6 points)
I am not sure do I understand that point counting, but how Kings & Queens has 8 points when I am only one who put it in the list (and itīs fourth in my list)?
Sean Trane voted for Kings & Queens (K & Q) as his #1 song, so that's 6 points from Sean and 2 points from you. Smile
Oh God abbreviation again! Pig

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: March 03 2020 at 05:54
Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

^ this is a new thread, don't be quick to judge, have some patience
Okay. Here's how the Top 5 Renaissance songs poll is shaping up so far:-
1. At the Harbour (13 points)
2. Mother Russia (10 points)
2. Trip to the Fair (10 points)
4. Kings & Queens (8 points)
5. Can You Understand (6 points)
I am not sure do I understand that point counting, but how Kings & Queens has 8 points when I am only one who put it in the list (and itīs fourth in my list)?
Sean Trane voted for Kings & Queens (K & Q) as his #1 song, so that's 6 points from Sean and 2 points from you. Smile
Oh God abbreviation again! Pig
I know what you mean. I get confused by all of the abbreviations used here too, but that's probably just a sign of my age, and also never having owned a mobile phone. TTFN Smile

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: March 03 2020 at 05:58
Yeah, I  guess you can't use abbreviations with an abacus. Wink

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: March 03 2020 at 11:24
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

^ this is a new thread, don't be quick to judge, have some patience
Okay. Here's how the Top 5 Renaissance songs poll is shaping up so far:-
1. At the Harbour (13 points)
2. Mother Russia (10 points)
2. Trip to the Fair (10 points)
4. Kings & Queens (8 points)
5. Can You Understand (6 points)
I am not sure do I understand that point counting, but how Kings & Queens has 8 points when I am only one who put it in the list (and itīs fourth in my list)?
Sean Trane voted for Kings & Queens (K & Q) as his #1 song, so that's 6 points from Sean and 2 points from you. Smile
Oh God abbreviation again! Pig
I know what you mean. I get confused by all of the abbreviations used here too, but that's probably just a sign of my age, and also never having owned a mobile phone. TTFN Smile
I have mobile phone, but no internet in it. I use it only as calling to somebody or send textmessage. Not using abbreviations in textmessages.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: May 10 2020 at 05:23
It doesn't appear as if we have many Renaissance fans here, with "At the Harbour" currently leading the poll with a meagre 13 points. Smile

Posted By: dougmcauliffe
Date Posted: May 10 2020 at 05:41
All my favs are pretty much on Ashes are Burning

The sun has left the sky...
...Now you can close your eyes

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: May 10 2020 at 05:47
Originally posted by dougmcauliffe dougmcauliffe wrote:

All my favs are pretty much on Ashes are Burning
That's my favourite Renaissance album too. Thumbs Up

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: June 22 2020 at 11:23
The videos for the current Top 5 songs in the Renaissance poll, although I was rather hoping there may be a few more votes to come in yet. Wink
1. At the Harbour (13 points)
2. Mother Russia (10 points)
2. Trip to the Fair (10 points)
4. Kings & Queens (8 points)
5. Can You Understand (6 points)

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: June 22 2020 at 12:27
hmm not sure how I missed this one.  Doing my usual trick of no 2 songs from the same album, I'm going to cheat a bit as you may notice.

1.  Ashes are Burning (Live at Carnegie Hall)
2.  Mother Russia
3.  Song for all Seasons
4.  On the Frontier
5.  Trip to the Fair

Posted By: SquonkHunter
Date Posted: June 22 2020 at 12:31
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

^ That we know. You don't have a thing for Jane Relf, do you? Just curious.

I do! What a voice. Mmmm . . .

"You never had the things you thought you should have had and you'll not get them now..."

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: June 22 2020 at 13:02
Top 5 update, with Keneth Levine's votes added:-
1. Mother Russia (14 points))
2. At the Harbour (13 points)
3. Trip to the Fair (11 points)
4. Ashes Are Burning (10 points)
5. Kings & Queens (8 points)
I'm surprised it's taken this long for Ashes Are Burning to finally make an entry into the Top 5.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: June 22 2020 at 13:07
The song that almost got away - the most recent addition to the Top 5....
4. Ashes Are Burning (10 points)

Posted By: Frets N Worries
Date Posted: August 20 2024 at 17:05
Big Bump

1) Song of Scheherazade
2) Ashes are Burning
3) Ocean Gypsy
4) Black Flame
5) Kalynda (A Magical Isle)

The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time...

Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: August 26 2024 at 19:37
Let's see. I'm not sure about the order, but I'll do my best.
1. Mother Russia.
2. Ashes are Burning.
3. Scheherazade.
4. Ocean Gipsy.
5. The Sisters.

Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: August 26 2024 at 21:27
Five is too few. Even seven is...

Can You Understand?
Mother Russia
Rajan Khan
Midas Man
The Vultures Fly High
Black Flame

Few other Progressive Rock bands has grown on me like Renaissance has over the past two decades. While I wouldn't really count them among my all time favorites, I think they have the strongest catalogues of all the classic Symphonic Prog bands. There was a time when I didn't have the time or patience for Prog this "nice"*. My first reaction to say Carpet of the Sun was "What is this? Julie Andrews could have sung this in some movie musical Goddammit!" - now it's "How lovely! Julie Andrews could have sung this in some movie musical". 

*of course there's melancholy and dark undertones in most of their songs, but I didn't really take notice.

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: August 27 2024 at 03:10
I love Renaissance.
A Song For All Seasons
Can You Understand
Ashes Are Burning

Wanderer and Kings & Queens of the first incarnation are also great but narrowly fail to make the top 5 (as many others).

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: August 27 2024 at 10:29
Top 5 update after four more rounds of voting:-

1. Mother Russia (24 points)
2. Ashes Are Burning (21 points)
3. Can You Understand (16 points)
4. At the Harbour (13 points)
4, Song of Scheherazade (13 points)

6. Trip to the Fair (11 points)
7. Ocean Gypsy (9 points)
7. A Song for All Seasons (9 points)
9. Kings & Queens (8 points)

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: August 27 2024 at 10:33
I love Renaissance, but I'm not going to vote... just too hard.

Music has always been a matter of energy to me. On some nights I believe that a car with the needle on empty can run 50 more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio. Hunter S Thompson

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: August 27 2024 at 10:45
Originally posted by Jared Jared wrote:

I love Renaissance, but I'm not going to vote... just too hard.

If I was doing this poll now, I would've made it a Top 7 instead. As David mentioned earlier, it's too hard to narrow it down to just five favourite Renaissance songs. Confused

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: August 27 2024 at 10:54
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Jared Jared wrote:

I love Renaissance, but I'm not going to vote... just too hard.

If I was doing this poll now, I would've made it a Top 7 instead. As David mentioned earlier, it's too hard to narrow it down to just five favourite Renaissance songs. Confused

they are one of those bands where my favourites change around too regularly... although Mother Russia is probably going to be No.1  Smile

Music has always been a matter of energy to me. On some nights I believe that a car with the needle on empty can run 50 more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio. Hunter S Thompson

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: December 07 2024 at 08:51
Top 5 update with just one more song needed to make it a Top 10. Smile

1. Mother Russia (24 points)
2. Ashes Are Burning (21 points)
3. Can You Understand (16 points)
4. At the Harbour (13 points)
4, Song of Scheherazade (13 points)

6. Trip to the Fair (11 points)
7. Ocean Gypsy (9 points)
7. A Song for All Seasons (9 points)
9. Kings & Queens (8 points)

Posted By: Floydoid
Date Posted: December 07 2024 at 13:22
1. Trip to the Fair
2. Song of Scheherazade
3. Ashes Are Burning
4. Mother Russia
5. Northern Lights*

*Even tho that is atypical Renaissance I love its innocent charm and catchy tune.

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?

Posted By: GuruCan
Date Posted: December 07 2024 at 15:11
In no order

Face of Yesterday
Black Flame
The Sisters
Forever Changing
Lady from Tuscany

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: December 07 2024 at 15:26
Originally posted by GuruCan GuruCan wrote:

In no order

Face of Yesterday
Black Flame
The Sisters
Forever Changing
Lady from Tuscany

If your favourite songs were listed in order, I could add your points on to the total. The same applies for the other Top 5 & Top 7 lists too.  Smile

Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: December 07 2024 at 15:52
Face of Yesterday
Mother Russia
Ashes Are Burning
Midas Man


Posted By: mellotronwave
Date Posted: December 07 2024 at 15:59
Not a fan of the band but I like Ashes are burning from Their Double live LP at the Carnegie Hall.

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