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Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation - Write Your Own Album Titles Tribute
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Write Your Own Album Titles Tribute

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
Printed Date: March 01 2025 at 23:54
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: Write Your Own Album Titles Tribute
Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Subject: Write Your Own Album Titles Tribute
Date Posted: November 07 2019 at 16:37
Here's your chance to DANCE INTO THE LIGHT by writing a tribute to your favourite Prog-Rock artist or band, using all of their available album titles. Anyone can enter and there's NO JACKET REQUIRED. BUT SERIOUSLY though, I can TESTIFY it won't be easy. Smile
At FACE VALUE, I can see BOTH SIDES of Phil Collins appeal as a drummer and a singer, but I prefer him as a drummer. Smile
Gosh! Is that the time? HELLO, I MUST BE GOING. I'm GOING BACK now to listen to the rest of my Peter Gabriel era Genesis albums.  Smile
All album titles in HIGHLIGHTS by Phil Collins

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: November 17 2019 at 00:32
If you have THE POWER TO BELIEVE, imagine sailing through treacherous seas IN THE WAKE OF POSEIDON to a land far far away on one of the world's remote ISLANDS, where the RED-haired man reigns IN THE COURT OF THE CRIMSON KING. Out on deck on THE NIGHT WATCH under a STARLESS AND BIBLE BLACK sky, you marvel at THE CONSTRUCTION OF LIGHT in a thunder storm as you hear the THRAK of a lightning bolt in the distance. You play cards to pass the time on the long voyage, but lose again when you realise you can't BEAT a hand containing THREE OF A PERFECT PAIR. You don't have the DISCIPLINE to concentrate at cards against an opponent with eyes darting like a LIZARD who sees everything, so you decide to BEAT a retreat down to the galley where the ship's cook serves up an exotic dish of LARKS TONGUES IN ASPIC, washed down with a glass of RED wine. You retire to your cabin and quickly drift off to sleep as the ship continues its EARTHBOUND voyage.
All album titles in HIGHLIGHTS by King Crimson

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: November 17 2019 at 11:38
Undoubtedly, THE YES ALBUM that's been the BIG GENERATOR of the most controversy over the years is TALES FROM TOPOGRAPHIC OCEANS. YES, it's a long double album with four long YESSONGS which was treated like a rotten TORMATO by the music press, but if you OPEN YOUR EYES, you'll gain THE KEYS TO ASCENSION and realise what a classic album this is. The album came CLOSE TO THE EDGE of splitting the band up, when there was a MAGNIFICATION of tensions within the group with so many FRAGILE egos at stake. In the ensuing DRAMA, TIME AND A WORD has it that Rick Wakeman threatened to walk out during the recording of the album. The album climbed THE LADDER of success though, topping the UK album charts for two weeks. Rick Wakeman left the band and didn't appear on the following RELAYER album. There was TALK of a re-UNION, but HEAVEN & EARTH had to be moved to persuade Rick to return for the GOING FOR THE ONE album in 1977. The best-selling YES album of all, released in 1983, was famously named after its catalogue number, 90125.

Well, that's another blog written, so it's time for me to FLY FROM HERE now. Smile

All album titles in HIGHLIGHTS by YES

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