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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Polls
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Topic: ELP
Posted By: YESESIS
Subject: ELP
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 15:18
I've been listening to some ELP again lately. It's just one of those timeless bands that I keep coming back to from time to time. So.. those classic first four studio albums. Which do you prefer?

Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 15:26
Brain Salad Surgery.


Posted By: I prophesy disaster
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 15:37
I find it difficult to choose between Tarkus and Brain Salad Surgery. But I'll give my vote to Tarkus.

No, I know how to behave in the restaurant now, I don't tear at the meat with my hands. If I've become a man of the world somehow, that's not necessarily to say I'm a worldly man.

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 15:50
Yay, I get to cast the first vote for the debut. :)

Posted By: Progfan1958
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 16:11
Definitely BSS for me. The band did things on that record that no-one else has come close to since.

"Peace to you all"
"La paix est avec vous"
"Pax vobiscum"
"Al salaam a'alaykum"
"Vrede zij met u allen"
"Shalom aleichem"

Posted By: Progfan1958
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 16:11
The debut is a fine record indeed !

"Peace to you all"
"La paix est avec vous"
"Pax vobiscum"
"Al salaam a'alaykum"
"Vrede zij met u allen"
"Shalom aleichem"

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 16:43
Definitely the first ELP album for me.

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 16:52
Yeah the debut is actually the one I've been listening to, for whatever reason.. Oh I know, because it's just good. I definitely tend to think of Brain Salad Surgery as their 'Magnum Opus' though. All four are great. Obviously Trilogy is my avi. And Tarkus, well it speaks for itself I think(certainly the monster side long title track does).

Posted By: tboyd1802
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 17:15
Trilogy for me...

He neither drank, smoked, nor rode a bicycle. Living frugally, saving his money, he died early, surrounded by greedy relatives. It was a great lesson to me -- John Barrymore

Posted By: TCat
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 17:36

It's usually a toss up between the debut and Trilogy for me, but I voted for the debut this time.  Love 'The Three Fates'. 

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 17:52
As good as the debut is, it suffers from appeasing the egos of its creators e.g. Carl's tedious drum solo on Tank, Greg's rudimentary guitar 'solo' on Take a Pebble and Keith's largely solo vehicle the Three Fates
(I also think Lucky Man is at best, Lake juvenalia). 7 years later we come full circle to Works Volume One  where these same flaws manifest themselves as each member getting a solo side of a double album.
ELP's best 'team effort' has gotta be Brain Salad Surgery for me


Posted By: The Dark Elf
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 17:54
Brain Salad Surgery.

...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...

Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 18:05
Tarkus, The Debut and Trilogy. Brain Salad Surgery is a little behind.

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 18:58
Originally posted by Progfan1958 Progfan1958 wrote:

Definitely BSS for me. The band did things on that record that no-one else has come close to since.


Posted By: Snicolette
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 19:18
For me, it is the debut, coupled with having seen them perform in support of it on their first US tour.  But I have really vivid memories of many a road trip beginning with "Tarkus," and loved all of these....also Pictures At An Exhibition.

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 19:48
Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

For me, it is the debut, coupled with having seen them perform in support of it on their first US tour.  But I have really vivid memories of many a road trip beginning with "Tarkus," and loved all of these....also Pictures At An Exhibition.

I'm not old enough to remember, but I've heard that when they were touring to support Tarkus they were just about the biggest band around.

Posted By: Snicolette
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 20:44
Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

For me, it is the debut, coupled with having seen them perform in support of it on their first US tour.  But I have really vivid memories of many a road trip beginning with "Tarkus," and loved all of these....also Pictures At An Exhibition.

I'm not old enough to remember, but I've heard that when they were touring to support Tarkus they were just about the biggest band around.

Probably true, I saw every tour up through Brain Salad Surgery.

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 20:56
Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

For me, it is the debut, coupled with having seen them perform in support of it on their first US tour.  But I have really vivid memories of many a road trip beginning with "Tarkus," and loved all of these....also Pictures At An Exhibition.

I'm not old enough to remember, but I've heard that when they were touring to support Tarkus they were just about the biggest band around.

They were a major band but the biggest? Not sure but I doubt it. I can name several bands bigger. Apparently they were ranked third or fourth as far as concert attendances go in the 70's behind the Rolling Sones and Led Zeppelin but even that seems a bit suspect to me. Also, if you look at album sales none of their albums have gone platinum(ever). All up to and including love beach have gone gold though and maybe at one point that was a big deal but I think several 70's bands(including Yes) beat them in the sales category if not concert attendances.

I do want to address their reputation though. It is undeniable that they were at one point one of the biggest prog rock bands and at a time when Genesis were still a cult band barely known in the US except for those digging through import record bins. They were big and were respected. THese days they are almost laughed at and even prog fans will say they are an embarrassment towards the genre which I think is unfair. These days they should be mentioned alongside Yes, King Crimson, Genesis and Pink Floyd but in my opinion they aren't. I won't say they are forgotten but their reputation doesn't seem to be nearly as great as what it used to be(even in prog circles).

Posted By: Snicolette
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 21:10
Always thoughtful posts, Mike.  Things in hindsight are different.  There was a big backlash against all of the prog bands at the time, with disco and then punk/new wave.  I remember an old saying, "How do you spell pretentious?  ELP."  Personally, I loved the band.  All phenomenal players and Keith Emerson was a fantastic showman as well.  I remember all of the other bands and enjoyed them, too (such as GG, Yes, Genesis, JT, Procol Harum)....and also saw most of the other bigger draws, like the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin then, too.  It was a really great time for all kinds of music.

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 21:32
I have Andy Powell's(of Wishbone Ash) book 'Eyes Wide Open' and he talks about a tour they did with Genesis, Focus, Argent, and ELP. And he describes the headliners for that tour ELP as being, quote, "the overall band of the moment." He goes on to say, "They had a dynamic show planned with a giant smoking Tarkus model."

I don't know, again I was super young then so make of that what you will.

Edit: Oh, apparently it wasn't a whole tour but a one off show with those bands listed.

Posted By: Snicolette
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 21:49
There was a time when there were a lot of theatrics.....I remember Gary Brooker discussing Procol Harum, saying that they were not a circus.  I love Procol Harum, too.  I much preferred the individual theatrics as opposed to the large stage puppets and such, personally....that was one of the great things about ELP, really, just Keith Emerson's antics were enough, and truly, the musicianship of so many of these bands was what was important to me.  

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp

Posted By: dougmcauliffe
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 21:59
Gotta be honest here,

Tarkus, the song, is the only elp I really like. That song is really brilliant. But I particularly find brain salad surgery to be pretty unlistenable, horribly dated sounding synths and just boring. The debut is decent but a bit too jammy and slow for me at times, tarkus side two is just throwaway songs. Overall I’d say trilogy is the strongest album from start to finish, besides the last song. Gonna just choose not to vote cause I just don’t really care all that much for elp.

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 22:05
Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

Always thoughtful posts, Mike.  Things in hindsight are different.  There was a big backlash against all of the prog bands at the time, with disco and then punk/new wave.  I remember an old saying, "How do you spell pretentious?  ELP."  Personally, I loved the band.  All phenomenal players and Keith Emerson was a fantastic showman as well.  I remember all of the other bands and enjoyed them, too (such as GG, Yes, Genesis, JT, Procol Harum)....and also saw most of the other bigger draws, like the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin then, too.  It was a really great time for all kinds of music.

Well, I think tastes change and that includes taste in prog. Even younger prog fans don't seem to get ELP. I think because their sound hasn't aged well maybe when you consider the evolution of prog? Not sure. That's just a theory. However, it seems to me that the kind of prog ELP were doing is not the kind of prog that is admired by the younger prog crowd(very long songs with long keyboard solos etc). They are seen now as over the top and yes pretentious. THe band even admitted they were pretentious though and wore it as a badge of honor. For me personally I extend that to prog in general. Yeah, it's pretentious but wasn't that the point? Much of the newer song oriented prog seems to be prog in name only(yes that includes much neo and crossover prog). As for the criticism of stuff sounding like Yes, early Genesis or ELP well at least they are imitating stuff that was great.

Posted By: Snicolette
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 22:12
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Well, I think tastes change and that includes taste in prog. Even younger prog fans don't seem to get ELP. I think because their sound hasn't aged well maybe when you consider the evolution of prog? Not sure. That's just a theory. However, it seems to me that the kind of prog ELP were doing is not the kind of prog that is admired by the younger prog crowd(very long songs with long keyboard solos etc). They are seen now as over the top and yes pretentious. THe band even admitted they were pretentious though and wore it as a badge of honor. For me personally I extend that to prog in general. Yeah, it's pretentious but wasn't that the point? Much of the newer song oriented prog seems to be prog in name only(yes that includes much neo and crossover prog). As for the criticism of stuff sounding like Yes, early Genesis or ELP well at least they are imitating stuff that was great.
I think you are right.  Honestly, nothing sounds like NOTHING else, when you have the knowledge of the past.  It is all a progression, if you will.  

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 12 2019 at 22:47
Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Well, I think tastes change and that includes taste in prog. Even younger prog fans don't seem to get ELP. I think because their sound hasn't aged well maybe when you consider the evolution of prog? Not sure. That's just a theory. However, it seems to me that the kind of prog ELP were doing is not the kind of prog that is admired by the younger prog crowd(very long songs with long keyboard solos etc). They are seen now as over the top and yes pretentious. THe band even admitted they were pretentious though and wore it as a badge of honor. For me personally I extend that to prog in general. Yeah, it's pretentious but wasn't that the point? Much of the newer song oriented prog seems to be prog in name only(yes that includes much neo and crossover prog). As for the criticism of stuff sounding like Yes, early Genesis or ELP well at least they are imitating stuff that was great.
I think you are right.  Honestly, nothing sounds like NOTHING else, when you have the knowledge of the past.  It is all a progression, if you will.  

Yep. I was talking to a guy in a book store last night in front of the music mag sections. It was interesting trying to describe progressive rock to him. I realize each time I mention it my description could be different. Usually I just say "classical, jazz and folk influences" and "long songs" or something to that effect. Most people don't seem to get it but they seem to know who Yes and all the other bands are and this guy's brother apparently is a big Yes fan. I took out a sheet of paper and wrote down a bunch of website links for this guy to give to his brother(including this site). This guy was in his early to mid sixties or so and was big into the old stuff(in fact he didn't like anything past the 80's). FOr me as a music fan the challenge is to never get too comfortable or too "set in my ways." I like exploring new things which to me was what being a prog fan was all about in the fist place. 

Back to your point though even the most out there avant garde stuff is influenced by something. I think the tricky part for musicians though is to take those influences and not sound much like them at all. If I listen to a band and they sound too much like something else to the point where it's obvious who they were influenced by or trying to sound like them then that detracts from my enjoyment for sure.

Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 01:49

How you been, YESESIS?!


"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 02:42
Originally posted by dougmcauliffe dougmcauliffe wrote:

Gotta be honest here,

Tarkus, the song, is the only elp I really like. That song is really brilliant. But I particularly find brain salad surgery to be pretty unlistenable, horribly dated sounding synths and just boring. The debut is decent but a bit too jammy and slow for me at times, tarkus side two is just throwaway songs. Overall I’d say trilogy is the strongest album from start to finish, besides the last song. Gonna just choose not to vote cause I just don’t really care all that much for elp.

I don't think you are alone with this standpoint although I'm interested that you put Trilogy as their most solid album. I agree actually and you are right to question the last song (Abaddon's Bolero) as it was a bit of indulgence from Emerson to say the least!

I voted Brain Salas Surgery because by and large it has been my favourite album since 1979 (I first heard it in 1977 when I acquired all ELP's albums to date) . Toccata is just one of the most marvellous things to my ears and highly unique. Karn Evil 9 is almost the best epic ever (okay maybe 3rd behind Suppers Ready and Gate Of Delirium) while Jerusalem makes a fantastic opening track. It's a pity about the other 2 tracks that do drag the whole thing down a notch . It would have been so much better if they had removed those 2 tracks and included the 'bonus tracks' from later editions that were recorded at the same sessions (When The Apple Blossom Blooms and the track called Brain Salad Surgery. As another poster suggested , they were collectively achieving things  on this album that no other bands were doing. Palmer was on another level to any other prog drummer while Emerson rules over all keyboards (piano , Synths and Organ) on this album. It's not perfect but it's full on ELP.

The first 2 albums could have made a perfect album if you put together what I consider to be the best tracks.

1) The Barbarian
2) Take a Pebble
3) Tarkus
4) A Time and a Place
5) Lucky Man

I prefer the Works One version of Tank (better without the boring drum solo) and never been a great fan of Knife Edge. Three Fates is a an Emerson solo vehicle although technically it's incredible . The there is throw away stuff on Tarkus but A Time and A Place is ELP at their most brutal. The way Emerson cranks up the original Moog Synthesiser on the track is very impressive to me.

Posted By: Treignac
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 03:35
Trilogy was the first prog album I bought, but Brain Salad Surgery is at record highs. It’s my favorite album.

Posted By: Treignac
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 03:37
Trilogy was the first prog album I bought, but Brain Salad Surgery is at record highs. It’s my favorite album.

Posted By: dwill123
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 05:25

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 05:26
Tarkus is Number One, in my books, followed by the debut, and then Trilogy. With painful honesty, I must admit that I don't like Brain Salad Surgery. I acknowledge it's brilliance and importance, but it does not work for me.

Posted By: octopus-4
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 06:05
Love all of them but Trilogy has been my first prog album.

I stand with Roger Waters, I stand with Joan Baez, I stand with Victor Jara, I stand with Woody Guthrie. Music is revolution

Posted By: Fischman
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 07:03
On any given day, I could choose any of those albums. Must abstain.

Posted By: Snicolette
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 08:12
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

I think you are right.  Honestly, nothing sounds like NOTHING else, when you have the knowledge of the past.  It is all a progression, if you will.  

Yep. I was talking to a guy in a book store last night in front of the music mag sections. It was interesting trying to describe progressive rock to him. I realize each time I mention it my description could be different. Usually I just say "classical, jazz and folk influences" and "long songs" or something to that effect. Most people don't seem to get it but they seem to know who Yes and all the other bands are and this guy's brother apparently is a big Yes fan. I took out a sheet of paper and wrote down a bunch of website links for this guy to give to his brother(including this site). This guy was in his early to mid sixties or so and was big into the old stuff(in fact he didn't like anything past the 80's). FOr me as a music fan the challenge is to never get too comfortable or too "set in my ways." I like exploring new things which to me was what being a prog fan was all about in the fist place. 

Back to your point though even the most out there avant garde stuff is influenced by something. I think the tricky part for musicians though is to take those influences and not sound much like them at all. If I listen to a band and they sound too much like something else to the point where it's obvious who they were influenced by or trying to sound like them then that detracts from my enjoyment for sure.

Yep....even the first humanoid to pick up a stick and hit something with it to make a sound probably noticed it sounded like something else that he/she had heard in nature.  I do think that I love hearing a recognizable sound to an artist/band (but not necessarily derivative).  Something you hear, even if you haven't heard that particular thing from, that you just know is that act.  A signature sound, if you will.  

"Into every rain, a little life must fall." ~Tom Rapp

Posted By: Prog Sothoth
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 09:46
Tarkus wins. Side one rules. Best side of any ELP album. As for side two, "Are You Ready Eddy" is a pretty lame throwaway, and I wish "The Only Way/Infinite Space" bunk was supplanted by one of Lake's folk-rock FM-friendly tunes. I never had an issue with "Jeremy Bender" though, and "Bitches Crystal" and "A Time and a Place" are both awesome.

The debut comes in second, as it's fairly consistent, but the highs aren't super high.

I find Trilogy to be a mixed bag, but with some real goodies in there.

Brain Salad Surgery is weird. Some great stuff, but I can't get into Karn Evil's 2nd and 3rd impressions at all.

Posted By: dougmcauliffe
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 09:48
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Originally posted by dougmcauliffe dougmcauliffe wrote:

Gotta be honest here,

Tarkus, the song, is the only elp I really like. That song is really brilliant. But I particularly find brain salad surgery to be pretty unlistenable, horribly dated sounding synths and just boring. The debut is decent but a bit too jammy and slow for me at times, tarkus side two is just throwaway songs. Overall I’d say trilogy is the strongest album from start to finish, besides the last song. Gonna just choose not to vote cause I just don’t really care all that much for elp.

I don't think you are alone with this standpoint although I'm interested that you put Trilogy as their most solid album. I agree actually and you are right to question the last song (Abaddon's Bolero) as it was a bit of indulgence from Emerson to say the least!

I voted Brain Salas Surgery because by and large it has been my favourite album since 1979 (I first heard it in 1977 when I acquired all ELP's albums to date) . Toccata is just one of the most marvellous things to my ears and highly unique. Karn Evil 9 is almost the best epic ever (okay maybe 3rd behind Suppers Ready and Gate Of Delirium) while Jerusalem makes a fantastic opening track. It's a pity about the other 2 tracks that do drag the whole thing down a notch . It would have been so much better if they had removed those 2 tracks and included the 'bonus tracks' from later editions that were recorded at the same sessions (When The Apple Blossom Blooms and the track called Brain Salad Surgery. As another poster suggested , they were collectively achieving things  on this album that no other bands were doing. Palmer was on another level to any other prog drummer while Emerson rules over all keyboards (piano , Synths and Organ) on this album. It's not perfect but it's full on ELP.

The first 2 albums could have made a perfect album if you put together what I consider to be the best tracks.

1) The Barbarian
2) Take a Pebble
3) Tarkus
4) A Time and a Place
5) Lucky Man

I prefer the Works One version of Tank (better without the boring drum solo) and never been a great fan of Knife Edge. Three Fates is a an Emerson solo vehicle although technically it's incredible . The there is throw away stuff on Tarkus but A Time and A Place is ELP at their most brutal. The way Emerson cranks up the original Moog Synthesiser on the track is very impressive to me.

I feel the way you feel about Karn evil, about tarkus. I just can’t really get into BSS, I’ve really tried. That combination of the debut plus tarkus would be a definite 5 star album, I might replace time and a place with knife edge though

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 11:01
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Yeah, it's pretentious but wasn't that the point? 

If you don't like pretension, it won't help if it's the point... it may well be it was, but that doesn't make it very attractive to me. To me mostly showing off stands in the way of musical logic, emotion, flow. The best prog uses skill and complexity to convey a musical message, emotions, perceptions, extasy... using it to show that "we just can do it" is a waste. ELP have occasionally fallen into this trap, as have Yes.
Back to topic, the debut is the only album I enjoy from beginning to end. Their other work has some stellar stuff that would make 1-2 further great albums, but as things stand none of the further ones convinces me as a whole. 

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 11:06
The debut is just really solid in my opinion especially if you don't mind a little self indulgence (like keyboard or drum solos). Plus no goofy cowboy songs. LOL

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 11:09
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Yeah, it's pretentious but wasn't that the point? 

If you don't like pretension, it won't help if it's the point... it may well be it was, but that doesn't make it very attractive to me. To me mostly showing off stands in the way of musical logic, emotion, flow. The best prog uses skill and complexity to convey a musical message, emotions, perceptions, extasy... using it to show that "we just can do it" is a waste. ELP have occasionally fallen into this trap, as have Yes.
Back to topic, the debut is the only album I enjoy from beginning to end. Their other work has some stellar stuff that would make 1-2 further great albums, but as things stand none of the further ones convinces me as a whole. 

Well if ELP and Yes are guilty of that then so is Gentle Giant for sure. Also, some fusion bands are maybe even more guilty(especially MO). However, I don't think these bands had the "hey, look at us. We can do it and you can't" mentality when they created their compositions though. I think they were just trying to make music that was adventurous and exciting to them. I think it's more like that's how the fans(and listeners)interpreted it(and especially the critics). Did they go overboard at times? Maybe but that is a bit subjective and ultimately a matter of opinion in my opinion. Smile

Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 11:12
Mostly equal. Maybe Trilogy is a little less enjoyable than the other 3. I voted for the debut to even things up.

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 11:25
Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

Mostly equal. Maybe Trilogy is a little less enjoyable than the other 3. I voted for the debut to even things up.

Well, none of them are perfect and they all have their flaws. For me personally the debut is the most consistent though. Aside from the cowboy songs on them they all have great moments for sure. Cowboy songs aside I will state my issues here. Other than the title track on Tarkus there's not much that really stands out although I do like Bitches crystal and are you ready Eddie. As for BSS parts of Karn Evil 9 first impression are too redundant. Trilogy has some great tracks but a few meh songs too(especially living sin and bolero).

Posted By: tamijo_II
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 12:05
As far as I know ELP the only relative big 70’s prog. group that I don’t like much, so even though I know them, hard to chose, no vote.

Same person as this profile:" rel="nofollow - Tamijo

Posted By: questionsneverknown
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 15:42
Close to clicking Brain, but ended up with Trilogy.
This whole bloc of albums, though, is simply magnificent.

The damage that we do is just so powerfully strong we call it love

The damage that we do just goes on and on and on but not long enough.

--Robyn Hitchcock

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 16:51
Originally posted by Frenetic Zetetic Frenetic Zetetic wrote:


How you been, YESESIS?!

For those who don't know, my real first name is... Yesesis.

I'm good man thanks, hope you're doing well. I see you've slowed down with the polls a bit lately. For a while you were serving them up fast and furious lol.

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 16:55
Originally posted by questionsneverknown questionsneverknown wrote:

Close to clicking Brain, but ended up with Trilogy.
This whole bloc of albums, though, is simply magnificent.

Yes they are, don't get the credit they deserve on here. Especially Karn Evil.

Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 18:06
BSS I guess.


Posted By: ProgMetaller2112
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 18:36
Trilogy is their best, least pompous and most musical

“War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

"Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear walk Hand in Hand"- Neil Peart

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: October 13 2019 at 23:21
debut over BSS

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: October 14 2019 at 01:21
Trilogy is my favourite album overall. It's certainly the most consistent, although the Tarkus suite is their best 'track'

Edit, the debut album come in a very close second. Possibly one of the best rock debut albums of all time.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: b_olariu
Date Posted: October 14 2019 at 01:33

Posted By: Mormegil
Date Posted: October 14 2019 at 05:34
Trilogy, just ahead of Tarkus.

Welcome to the middle of the film.

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: October 14 2019 at 12:39
The first one will always be my favorite.....

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: October 14 2019 at 12:44
Mon/Thu: EL&P
Tue/Sat: BSS
Fri/Sun: Trilogy
Wed: Tarkus

-------------" rel="nofollow - eBay

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: October 14 2019 at 16:39
See what I did there Wink

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 14 2019 at 19:25
Originally posted by JD JD wrote:

See what I did there Wink

Pretty clever lol.

Btw, Brain Salad Surgery in last place here! Has this place turned upside down or what.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 15 2019 at 00:52
I am genuinely surprised that Trilogy is leading the poll. Logically it should be the debut as that is rated a whole 0.3 points higher than anything else ELP did studio wise. Please to see Trilogy getting a lot of love as always thought it was a tad underrated. BSS is undeniably 'Marmite' to prog fans! 

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 16 2019 at 21:50
I absolutely agree that Trilogy is underrated and am also glad to see it in the lead(I guess). But one thing is bugging me a little.. Not a big deal, times change and you have to chance with it I know. But I believe that 'back in the day' Brain Salad Surgery was considered a top 5 prog album. I have the top 5 in my mind as 1. Close to the Edge 2. In The Court of the Crimson King 3. Fragile 4. Selling England by the Pound 5. Brain Salad Surgery

I didn't make that list up, I saw it somewhere a long time ago.. but oh well things have changed and again in a way I am happy to see Trilogy as top ELP album. It is my avi for a reason.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 17 2019 at 00:03
Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

I absolutely agree that Trilogy is underrated and am also glad to see it in the lead(I guess). But one thing is bugging me a little.. Not a big deal, times change and you have to chance with it I know. But I believe that 'back in the day' Brain Salad Surgery was considered a top 5 prog album. I have the top 5 in my mind as 1. Close to the Edge 2. In The Court of the Crimson King 3. Fragile 4. Selling England by the Pound 5. Brain Salad Surgery

I didn't make that list up, I saw it somewhere a long time ago.. but oh well things have changed and again in a way I am happy to see Trilogy as top ELP album. It is my avi for a reason.

There has always been a certain amount of reappraisal of ELP after the shambles of the Orchestral tour (well from a financial standpoint anyway) so a band that was once highly regarded suddenly became one of the bands to beat up on especially after punk. 

The noted Australian DJ Alan Freeman who worked on British Radio in the seventies and was a massive prog fan regarded Wish You Were as the zenith of prog rock. He also had Brain Salad Surgery very high in his list. We will never agree on this but a top 5 prog album list will always contain either Wish You Were Here or Dark Side Of The Moon (or both!)

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: October 17 2019 at 02:12
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

The noted Australian DJ Alan Freeman who worked on British Radio in the seventies and was a massive prog fan regarded Wish You Were as the zenith of prog rock. He also had Brain Salad Surgery very high in his list. We will never agree on this but a top 5 prog album list will always contain either Wish You Were Here or Dark Side Of The Moon (or both!)
"Alright? Not Half!" - "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!" Wink 


Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 17 2019 at 18:41
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

The noted Australian DJ Alan Freeman who worked on British Radio in the seventies and was a massive prog fan regarded Wish You Were as the zenith of prog rock. He also had Brain Salad Surgery very high in his list. We will never agree on this but a top 5 prog album list will always contain either Wish You Were Here or Dark Side Of The Moon (or both!)
"Alright? Not Half!" - "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!" Wink 


That's LOUD lol. Even on low volume.

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 17 2019 at 18:42
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

There has always been a certain amount of reappraisal of ELP after the shambles of the Orchestral tour (well from a financial standpoint anyway) so a band that was once highly regarded suddenly became one of the bands to beat up on especially after punk. 

The noted Australian DJ Alan Freeman who worked on British Radio in the seventies and was a massive prog fan regarded Wish You Were as the zenith of prog rock. He also had Brain Salad Surgery very high in his list. We will never agree on this but a top 5 prog album list will always contain either Wish You Were Here or Dark Side Of The Moon (or both!)

It's definitely possible that something by Pink Floyd was in there. I don't think so, but this was so long ago that I absolutely can't discount it. I'm certain that Close to the Edge was #1 because I was very excited about that. Keep in mind this was the very first prog list I had ever seen, so I had absolutely no idea what to expect. I obviously knew that Yes was at least a reasonably popular band, and here they were at Number 1! And I remember Fragile being right up there also(I don't remember the exact number). I just reconstructed that list as best I could from what I remembered. And I know this part people on here will argue and say it's my 'fanboyism' trying to rewrite history, but I'm CERTAIN that Brain Salad Surgery was very high as well. I actually want to say it was like #3 or #4. I just put 5 before because I thought it looked more believable. And then I don't actually remember Selling England by the Pound on there(oddly enough)... and actually the more I think about it, I think A Trick of the Tail might have been higher on the list. This list had more than 5 btw lol. I'm just attempting to reconstruct the top 5 from memory(this was well over 20 years ago). It feels like A Trick of the Tail was the top Genesis album on there.. Ahead of both The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway and Selling England. Again I could be wrong about that but for some reason I have that in my mind. And Thick as a Brick was on there somewhere very close to the top 5 as well.

Oh well, the only thing I'm certain about is that Close to the Edge was #1, Fragile was right up there as well.. And so was Brain Salad Surgery!

Edit: btw I put Selling England by the Pound at 4. before just because that would make sense to me. Same with In The Court of the Crimson King at 2, I don't remember it being there but it makes sense to me that it would have been.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: October 17 2019 at 22:35
Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

The noted Australian DJ Alan Freeman who worked on British Radio in the seventies and was a massive prog fan regarded Wish You Were as the zenith of prog rock. He also had Brain Salad Surgery very high in his list. We will never agree on this but a top 5 prog album list will always contain either Wish You Were Here or Dark Side Of The Moon (or both!)
"Alright? Not Half!" - "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!" Wink 

That's LOUD lol. Even on low volume.
The Alan Freeman "Pick of the Pops" Show was always very loud. It definitely wasn't a good time to take a nap. Smile

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 17 2019 at 22:45
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

The noted Australian DJ Alan Freeman who worked on British Radio in the seventies and was a massive prog fan regarded Wish You Were as the zenith of prog rock. He also had Brain Salad Surgery very high in his list. We will never agree on this but a top 5 prog album list will always contain either Wish You Were Here or Dark Side Of The Moon (or both!)
"Alright? Not Half!" - "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!" Wink 

That's LOUD lol. Even on low volume.
The Alan Freeman "Pick of the Pops" Show was always very loud. It definitely wasn't a good time to take a nap. Smile

Haha, yeah I could see that lol. Btw I just noticed your sig.. pretty hilarious at this point huh.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: October 17 2019 at 22:56
Yeah, bearing in mind that Mick Jagger is now 76 years old and he's STILL singing "Satisfaction" today does seem pretty hilarious when he once said in his younger days that he'd rather be dead than still singing "Satisfaction" when he was 45 years old. Tongue 

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 17 2019 at 22:57
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Yeah, bearing in mind that Mick Jagger is now 76 years old and he's STILL singing "Satisfaction" today does seem pretty hilarious when he once said in his younger days that he'd rather be dead than still singing "Satisfaction" when he was 45 years old. Tongue 


Posted By: Modrigue
Date Posted: October 21 2019 at 04:05
Tarkus for me

-------------" rel="nofollow - My compositions

Posted By: Upbeat Tango Monday
Date Posted: October 27 2019 at 11:38
BSS >> Tarkus > ELP > Trilogy

Two random guys agreed to shake hands. Just Because. They felt like it, you know. It was an agreement of sorts...a random agreement.

Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: October 28 2019 at 08:20
Love all four but BSS is the one for me.

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 28 2019 at 20:22
Brain Salad Surgery starting to catch up here, no longer in last place. That's more like it.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 29 2019 at 01:10
Interesting that the poll goes against the PA ratings as the debut is about 0.3 higher than the other 3. Also Trilogy is generally not considered their best from that era. I think though it showed them being a bit more introspective and perhaps Greg Lake took more of a lead on that album and that appeals to those who don't like the 'grand-standing' of the other 2.

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 30 2019 at 20:29
Well if people want to vote Trilogy as their best album, so be it lol. I just didn't want such an all time classic prog album like Brain Salad Surgery to come in last, and it looks like it's not going to so it's all good now.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: October 31 2019 at 00:35
Tarkus these days

Posted By: digdug
Date Posted: October 31 2019 at 06:20
the Debut for me

but they are all great

Prog On!

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: November 01 2019 at 18:25
Originally posted by digdug digdug wrote:

the Debut for me

but they are all great

That they are. All time great albums, without question.

Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: November 02 2019 at 18:56

when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: November 02 2019 at 20:56
What what's.. Brain Salad Surgery(once consider an all time prog masterpiece) in last place?!?

Oh well, the the majority has spoken

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: November 03 2019 at 05:13
^ umm.. all four are considered all time prog masterpieces and the vote sort of points that out I suppose.

anyhow..  though I'd consider Trilogy their best album, BSS their most definitive album, and Tarkus their most important album..  personally I like the debut the best so it gets my vote.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: scruffydragon
Date Posted: November 03 2019 at 12:59
But then Trilogy is pretty good in places.

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: November 03 2019 at 15:13
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

^ umm.. all four are considered all time prog masterpieces and the vote sort of points that out I suppose.

anyhow..  though I'd consider Trilogy their best album, BSS their most definitive album, and Tarkus their most important album..  personally I like the debut the best so it gets my vote.

For all of next season they will be referring to the Nationals  as "The Defending Champs."

Posted By: jamesbaldwin
Date Posted: November 03 2019 at 18:12
I should re-listen to Brain Salad Surgery that is an enjoyable album but at the moment I vote for EL&P, 1970.

Tarkus includes a good suite but the other side is very weak.

Trilogy is the weakest album of these four. 

Anyway, I'm not a fan of the group.

I consider these four albums quite good but very far to be a masterpiece.

Amos Goldberg (professor of Genocide Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem): Yes, it's genocide. It's so difficult and painful to admit it, but we can no longer avoid this conclusion.

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: November 04 2019 at 20:11
Those albums are masterpieces.. or I will never post on here again.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: November 05 2019 at 00:22
^ Please don't do that (not post again)

Personally I think none of them are masterpieces as albums because ELP didn't roll that way. The politics in the group meant that all the giant size egos had to be satisfied. However in my view BSS is the closest. You only need to lose 2 tracks and add the song called Brain Salad Surgery and you have it.

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: November 05 2019 at 20:17
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

^ Please don't do that (not post again)

Personally I think none of them are masterpieces as albums because ELP didn't roll that way. The politics in the group meant that all the giant size egos had to be satisfied. However in my view BSS is the closest. You only need to lose 2 tracks and add the song called Brain Salad Surgery and you have it.

See you should have been their manager. The albums would have been tighter and Love Beach likely never would have happened lol. I know people view songs like Benny the Bouncer and Jeremy Bender as throwaways, but to me they're part of what makes ELP ELP. It all fits in a weird kind of way, to me anyway. No again, Love Beach.. they went too far there. That was a career killer(almost) unfortunately for them.

Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: November 05 2019 at 20:30
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

^ Please don't do that (not post again)

Personally I think none of them are masterpieces as albums because ELP didn't roll that way. The politics in the group meant that all the giant size egos had to be satisfied. However in my view BSS is the closest. You only need to lose 2 tracks and add the song called Brain Salad Surgery and you have it.

Unfortunatley for me, one of those songs is Karn Evil 9 (the whole thing).

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: November 06 2019 at 00:29
Originally posted by Dellinger Dellinger wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

^ Please don't do that (not post again)

Personally I think none of them are masterpieces as albums because ELP didn't roll that way. The politics in the group meant that all the giant size egos had to be satisfied. However in my view BSS is the closest. You only need to lose 2 tracks and add the song called Brain Salad Surgery and you have it.

Unfortunatley for me, one of those songs is Karn Evil 9 (the whole thing).

I can live with that as long as the other track is not Toccata

KE9 is massively over the top and has many weaknesses but I love it because of the total madness of it (and some extraordinary playing). ELP just went for it and yes all the prog hate clichés apply tenfold!

Posted By: gr8dane
Date Posted: November 07 2019 at 05:31
Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

For me, it is the debut, coupled with having seen them perform in support of it on their first US tour.  But I have really vivid memories of many a road trip beginning with "Tarkus," and loved all of these....also Pictures At An Exhibition.

I'm not old enough to remember, but I've heard that when they were touring to support Tarkus they were just about the biggest band around.

Probably true, I saw every tour up through Brain Salad Surgery.

When reading the music mags in those days, they won just about every poll they were in.The only other, I remember winning was Ian Anderson ,for 'other' instrument.

Shake & bake.

Posted By: awaken_yesfan
Date Posted: November 07 2019 at 07:22
nr 1 - Tarkus. title track is a masterpiece. "Are you ready Eddy" also sets good mood in the end.
nr 2 - Brain Salad. "Welcome my friends to the show that never ends"! 
nr 3 - Trilogy. Kind of uneven and disjointed album, although it has great opening and closing numbers 
nr 4 - ELP (debute). I only like two songs from it (Barbarian and Knife-Edge), the rest i usually skip 

if you look through, it looks like some mandatory qualities in every ELP albums:
-every album must have long, epic and complex composition with bombastic keyboards and drums
-every album must have Greg Lake's ballad 
-every album must have one rock-n-roll number
-every album must have one classical music piece interpretation

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: November 08 2019 at 00:08
Originally posted by gr8dane gr8dane wrote:

Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

Originally posted by YESESIS YESESIS wrote:

Originally posted by Snicolette Snicolette wrote:

For me, it is the debut, coupled with having seen them perform in support of it on their first US tour.  But I have really vivid memories of many a road trip beginning with "Tarkus," and loved all of these....also Pictures At An Exhibition.

I'm not old enough to remember, but I've heard that when they were touring to support Tarkus they were just about the biggest band around.

Probably true, I saw every tour up through Brain Salad Surgery.

When reading the music mags in those days, they won just about every poll they were in.The only other, I remember winning was Ian Anderson ,for 'other' instrument.

I remember Jon Anderson winning the lead vocal poll quite regularly and Chris Squire the bass poll also.

If we are talking Melody Maker poll then Carl Palmer won every year from 1971 to 1977 which was pretty remarkable. Keith Emerson won the keyboard poll most of those years except 1975 and 1976 when Rick Wakeman won it. They were always 1 and 2 if I recall correctly!

Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: April 14 2020 at 09:03
Originally posted by Manuel Manuel wrote:

Tarkus, The Debut and Trilogy. Brain Salad Surgery is a little behind.


Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."

Music Is Live

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

Keep Calm And Listen To The Music…

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: April 14 2020 at 09:13
Interesting to see that the albums are just about equal in the voting.....I chose the debut back in Oct 2019....
to me it will always be the best...or most true thing they did. This was before all the egos did get in the way and imo they were just making music after getting together and discovering what they could do as a band.
There are of course some great tracks on the next 3 studio lp's but none of those achieved that atmosphere imho as the first one was fresh and unique.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: April 14 2020 at 12:33
Pictures at an Exhibition.
But from this list, Tarkus.

Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: April 14 2020 at 17:22
The tight voting reflects my own conflict - today it's Tarkus, but tomorrow it could be Trilogy and at the weekend it could be Brain Salad Surgery. On saying that, the debut is superb and what about Pictures? 😂

“Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: April 14 2020 at 18:29
Hmmm....I wasn't aware of this but looking at the PA page...the debut has the highest a small amount.
ELP 4.23
Tarkus 4.06
Trilogy 4.13
Brain Salad 4.13

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: April 14 2020 at 19:09
Originally posted by Squonk19 Squonk19 wrote:

The tight voting reflects my own conflict - today it's Tarkus, but tomorrow it could be Trilogy and at the weekend it could be Brain Salad Surgery. On saying that, the debut is superb and what about Pictures? 😂

I didn't figure it had a chance to win, but certainly you can 'write in vote' for it.

Surprised this poll is still going.. and Brain Salad Surgery is still in last place. Oh well majority rules, but I don't agree with it.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 15 2020 at 00:32
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Interesting to see that the albums are just about equal in the voting.....I chose the debut back in Oct 2019....
to me it will always be the best...or most true thing they did. This was before all the egos did get in the way and imo they were just making music after getting together and discovering what they could do as a band.
There are of course some great tracks on the next 3 studio lp's but none of those achieved that atmosphere imho as the first one was fresh and unique.

ELP were always 'Ego driven' to some extent although the least ego driven album they did for me is easily Black Moon. The debut allowed them to be very self indulgent indeed.The whole of side two was dedicated to their own music and songs. Its well known that Fripp wouldn't allow Lake to record Lucky Man with KC but he had the chance to do it with ELP. Palmer did his Buddy rich homage on Tank and the wild genius of Emerson springs forth on The Three Fates. Its all very eclectic but never quite gelled for me.
Of the early period I reckon that Trilogy is the closest to a proper 'ensemble' album bar the last track maybe. Lake had more room on the song writing side and Palmer is much more supportive with his drumming not really attempting so many technical frills (and fills) as he did on Tarkus and BSS. That's a very nice album and the one I would expect to be highest rated on PA although I suspect that it is Abaddon's Bolero that supresses the rating. Often regarded as Emerson again over indulging on the synths/or just copying Wendy Carlos (which he readily admitted to doing) although I've always loved that track personally.

Posted By: Rick1
Date Posted: April 15 2020 at 05:51
Read Danny Baker's wonderful article on ELP in the latest 'Prog' magazine.  Essential.

Posted By: Rick1
Date Posted: April 15 2020 at 05:52
Heard Abaddon's Bolero on 'Works Live' - then think again!

Posted By: The Dark Elf
Date Posted: April 15 2020 at 08:16
ELP = Egoistic, Longwinded & Pretentious. LOL

...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: April 15 2020 at 08:39
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Interesting to see that the albums are just about equal in the voting.....I chose the debut back in Oct 2019....
to me it will always be the best...or most true thing they did. This was before all the egos did get in the way and imo they were just making music after getting together and discovering what they could do as a band.
There are of course some great tracks on the next 3 studio lp's but none of those achieved that atmosphere imho as the first one was fresh and unique.
While my favourite track is Tarkus I very much agree with you there, it's their best album as a whole.

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