Pirated again !
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Topic: Pirated again !
Posted By: Davesax1965
Subject: Pirated again !
Date Posted: October 30 2018 at 07:07
Just noticed an Eastern European website is pirating my music and offering it as a free download. Irritating but inevitable.
Reported them to Google, anyone else had this problem and did you get it resolved ?
Posted By: stegor
Date Posted: October 30 2018 at 08:14
Oh yeah, apparently we're bigger than The Beatles in and around Russia. Free and pay-for downloads of our (Limpid Green) albums are all over those websites. I haven't done anything about it. We offer our music for free anyway. It does bug me that someone might actually be selling our music, but I'd be surprised if anyone's buying it.
So if we have our music free on Bandcamp, are there areas of the world that can't access it and would access it from one of these junk sites instead?
Posted By: CaP
Date Posted: October 30 2018 at 08:51
Same problem, but there's nothing we can do... and if you found only one web site pirating your music, you did not check out well enough :-)
------------- E per tutti il dolore degli altri è un dolore a metà
Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: October 30 2018 at 08:59
Please share links to the sites so I can get my music on there as well.
Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: October 30 2018 at 09:00
I once got a call from a young man asking me "where the rave scene was at". Apparently some of my electronic music ended up on a electronica mix tape of some sort. At least they were nice enough to credit me and even supplied my phone number.
I would never bother to try and track down something like that or try to stop it, its a hopeless situation really. Likewise, my record reviews and genre definitions written for music sites show up all over the internet, particularly on Russian and Eastern European sites.
Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: October 30 2018 at 09:20
I've seen a recording of the Bandcamp stream of my album, but the quality is so low that I'm not worried and there's nothing I can do about it really.
Posted By: ForestFriend
Date Posted: October 30 2018 at 23:17
When I google my band name, I notice that there are a few websites that seem to be generated by bots pulling our videos off of YouTube and offering them as mp3 downloads. Not a huge concern for me since I doubt anyone's really looking for our music on those websites in the first place, and we have our music available for free on BandCamp anyways. Never really expected to make any significant money off of selling recorded music anyways - right now, the bigger priority is getting people to give our music a chance in the first place, because you can't sell albums or fill a venue if you don't have any fans.
------------- https://borealkinship.bandcamp.com/releases" rel="nofollow - My prog band - Boreal Kinship
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: October 31 2018 at 09:23
Hi fellas, irritating, isn't it ?
Yes, no point playing Copyright Whack A Mole with Eastern European music thieves. If I get Google or Bandcamp or DCMA to ban them, they'll just change the URL and off we go again. As has been said, waste of time.
Anyway, my idea is to produce long preview tracks on Bandcamp - released free - with a voice message in them pointing them back to the Bandcamp website where, if they like the track, they can buy the extended version on CD. That way, the pirate sites do me a favour instead. Pirate away, comrades. ;-)))))
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: October 31 2018 at 10:01
Spasibo, gospodin Kat !
Eto na samom dele pol'skiye prestupniki. Spasibo za vashi kommentarii, da, ya govoryu po-russki, no vse eto bylo davno.
Translated - "Thanks, they're actually Polish". ;-)
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: December 07 2018 at 06:45
Glad to say that reporting the site to Google works - it's disappeared from search records.
Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: December 07 2018 at 15:19
If you don't want people downloading your music for free, you probably shouldn't have it on Bandcamp either. If you can stream it, you can download it.
Posted By: ForestFriend
Date Posted: December 07 2018 at 21:54
That's also great advice if you don't want people to buy your music.
------------- https://borealkinship.bandcamp.com/releases" rel="nofollow - My prog band - Boreal Kinship
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: December 08 2018 at 04:29
Most of my music IS actually free. The stuff which isn't is what I was talking about.
Anyone with half an ounce of intelligence can use a ripper to pull music from YouTube, Bandcamp, Soundcloud et al. By that logic, no one should put any music anywhere on the internet.
I'm talking about scenarios where someone rips your entire musical catalogue - including pay for items - and then puts it on a website as a free download somewhere.
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: December 12 2018 at 06:28
Just got pirated AGAIN by a Russian website, 2olega.ru - I'd suggest folks here look it up as it has a lot of progressive rock on it. They'd given away 30 of my albums for free.
I sorted it out by doing a whois search to find the administrator and then sent them a mail which basically said I am the copyright owner, you have stolen music from me. You will remove all music from your website within 5 working days or I will inform your hosting provider or any search engines which you appear on that you are in breach of copyright. Typically they will remove you from their listings or revoke your site. I will not be entering into further conversation about the subject.
Translated it into Russian, sent a dual language e-mail. Next morning - 404, page not found. Sorted out.
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: December 12 2018 at 06:39
As a PS, I have some evidence that a forum member is behind this. The old graphics and part of a review were copied onto the download page. The page has now gone.
It's not someone from my Bandcamp profile, as the only Russian fans I have (1) merely downloaded a free copy of a song, but I do have an e-mail address for them. I'll inform the admins but suggest you all check the 2olega.ru site in case any of your music is in the progressive rock section. You'll have to translate the page.
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: December 12 2018 at 07:13
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told! www.pedrosena.com
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: December 12 2018 at 10:14
Mosh, Bandcamp haven't streamed anything. Someone's visited the site and used a ripper to get the music off it.
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: December 13 2018 at 06:56
... removed ... old music per Dave
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told! www.pedrosena.com
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: December 14 2018 at 09:32
Pedro, thanks, but you are somewhat behind the conversation and more than a bit off - topic here.....
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 04 2019 at 05:15
Pirated a third time in two months: I've removed all music from the Bandcamp page and the only way I'll do it now is as CD releases. Of course, these will also eventually be pirated, but bu88ered if I'm releasing music just to have it picked up by Eastern European free download sites again.
To be quite honest with you..... 90% of "fans" out there are not fans but vultures.
To be quite honest, that is.
Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: January 04 2019 at 21:01
How are people going to discover your music?
------------- https://gabebuller.bandcamp.com/" rel="nofollow - New album! http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=7385" rel="nofollow - http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=7385
Posted By: Polymorphia
Date Posted: January 05 2019 at 12:09
I don't imagine those websites have a ton of traffic since soulseek became the go-to.
------------- https://dreamwindow.bandcamp.com/releases" rel="nofollow - My Music
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 03:01
irrelevant wrote:
How are people going to discover your music? |
Well, I honestly couldn't care, any more. Given the fact that one site had given away hundreds of downloads for free, the conclusion I've come to is that the only people who listen to my stuff don't pay for it. A few do.
I'm not interested in playing for freeloaders. It's nothing to do with the money, it's about people having a it of respect. I don't need fans who don't actually support anyone, they're not fans, but vultures.
I'll just play with other musicians for my own amusement in future. Ask yourself this question: wouldn't you ?
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 03:03
"I don't imagine those websites have a ton of traffic since soulseek became the go-to. "
Eastern Europe, different audience. One site along had shifted £450 in downloads. These sites pop up like Whack a Mole ones, so if you have five sites on the boil at once, it becomes significant.
Not really bothered about the money - just the principle, to be honest.
Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 03:20
Music is cheap. People are going to find a way to download it for free. If your music is first and foremost on Bandcamp, I'd say most are going to find it that way first.
I just think taking down streaming on your page is a useless move. They lost, you lost.
------------- https://gabebuller.bandcamp.com/" rel="nofollow - New album! http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=7385" rel="nofollow - http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=7385
Posted By: flyingveepixie
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 04:08
Davesax1965 wrote:
irrelevant wrote:
How are people going to discover your music? |
Well, I honestly couldn't care, any more. Given the fact that one site had given away hundreds of downloads for free, the conclusion I've come to is that the only people who listen to my stuff don't pay for it. A few do.
I'm not interested in playing for freeloaders. It's nothing to do with the money, it's about people having a it of respect. I don't need fans who don't actually support anyone, they're not fans, but vultures.
I'll just play with other musicians for my own amusement in future. Ask yourself this question: wouldn't you ? |
Hi Dave,
I did what you did with the threatening of legal action to a Polish pirate site some years ago and my music disappeared from it the very next day. But to be honest, as soon as the music disappears from one pirate site, it pops up on another one and I've no idea how much money I might have lost because of this over the years. If I could be arsed I would go around policing them all and chasing my music off their sites but I think it's a no win situation which you could spend the rest of your days pursuing and still not come to the end of it, and the only way to be sure is not to have your music available to anyone in any format, and what would then be the point of doing it at all...?
I am getting to the point where I'm thoroughly sick of banging my head against a brick wall and have stopped using the online distributor I was using to put music onto the likes of spotify and itunes but that''s also partly because of the stupid amount of ridiculous hoops that particular distributor makes me jump through to release my albums as well as an anti piracy measure.
I've also given up on Soundcloud for two reasons, one being for the piracy threat and the other being that it seems to be so full of badly performed and badly recorded shyte, placed there by wannabe chancers and karaoke specialists who can't play a note and make everyone else look as idiotic as themselves who just want to collect likes for their crap ideas. I still have my page there but have removed it in the past and might well do so again as I really just find it to be a bit of an embarrassment for the reasons given above.
Neither do I use Facebook which, if possible, I detest even more than Soundcloud..!
On my bandcamp album pages I have this message :
"A Note on Piracy : Please Read
Most of us who release albums from time to time find our music to be
very quickly available after release on any number of pirate websites
over which we have no control and from whom we receive no royalty
payments back from.
In my own experience, producing an album from start to finish usually
takes around a full year of hard work and effort. Pirates simply steal
our work and sell it for their own profit.
Therefore I would request that if you like my music enough to actually
want to buy one of my albums, please buy it from me directly on Bandcamp
rather than from a pirate website and at least that way I can receive a
small payment back for my efforts. There is also a customer advantage
in buying directly from me rather than from the pirates as my albums are
continually updated with remixes, extra tracks, artwork and the like
which if initially purchased from here are freely available at no extra
charge and simply require to be downloaded."
I don't know if that message makes any difference or not but it's all I can think of, and I also take comfort from the thought that I continually upgrade my product with remixes and alternative artwork, so if the pirates want to keep up to date they're at least going to have to work a little bit to get my stuff.
It's a shyte situation, no doubt but I don't see a way out of it aside from the earlier idea of not having your music available in any format whatsoever and that, to me at least, is self defeating.
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 07:15
It's quite ridiculous - unknown bands cry they suffer from piracy.If you think all people who downloaded your music illegally would buy it if there were no ways to get it for free, I have to disappoint you. Very few would buy "dark horses".
Look at yourselves first, guys. Are you always buying music of other unknown artists? Or you prefer to check before you buy? Are you not the same "vultures" in relation to other artists?
Want it or not, the time of studio projects is over. The only way to get some money from your music is playing gigs and selling CDs (LPs and merch) at concerts. Am I wrong?
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 07:34
Thanks, FlyingVeePixie, nail on the head, really. There comes a point where you just think, oh, stuff it. And then decide to play with other musicians only.
NotAProgHead - ahhhh, sorry, you're actually not quite right. Up until a few years ago, I was making about £500 an album. I expect quite a few small bands here were as well - so this isn't "dark horse" material. I had several hundred fans. With the coming of Spotify et al, the concept is now that music is free, so piracy has become rife and the result is that what was once something I did merely for the love of it (not the money, £500, so what ? ) has become something I now do to be at best frustrated and at worst appalled by what 90% of the "fans" now do. Everyone just either rips music or goes straight to a torrent site or streaming site.
I take it you've not played many gigs ? Lug a drumkit up five flights of stairs in a snowstorm to play to five men and a dog ? Get ripped off by promoters, small venues etc etc ? Spend most of your time doing "marketing" instead of playing ? Playing specialty music - prog rock - to small audiences only works in big cities and there's the additional expense of transport, PA hire, lighting hire, you name it. For most small, specialised bands, it's an almost guaranteed way of losing a lot more money than you'll lose in, say, illegal downloads.
Almost zero bands will gig and make a profit. That's "commercial bands", by the way. Anyone playing specialist music has even less of a chance, the audience is not there and the entire system is geared up against you. You will have to nearly fill a venue to make a profit. Making a living from music ? Forget it. Won't happen.
And it's simply not about money. If I wanted money from music, I'd do commercial music. It's about the love of it, and the love is pretty much gone out of it where involving the general public are concerned.
So, having pulled all the music off the site, I'll merely play along with other musicians. That's where the real enjoyment is. I don't need an audience to enjoy playing music. If the audience are completely unwilling to pay for it, great !! I don't have to worry about them any more. Less complication. I can just ring up a few muso friends of mine and we can have a jam now and then (found some local people, took ages ) - if the audience don't do their bit and pay, they don't have to turn up, frankly.
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 07:36
Then you get "oh, you're not a proper musician, you should do it for the love of it, even for nothing"
in which case, the counter is
If you don't pay for music and support bands, you're not a proper fan. What are you doing, sending good wishes ? Thanks very little.
Posted By: Dougie McGee
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 07:37
NotAProghead wrote:
It's quite ridiculous - unknown bands cry they suffer from piracy.If you think all people who downloaded your music illegally would buy it if there were no ways to get it for free, I have to disappoint you. Very few would buy "dark horses".
Look at yourselves first, guys. Are you always buying music of other unknown artists? Or you prefer to check before you buy? Are you not the same "vultures" in relation to other artists?
Want it or not, the time of studio projects is over. The only way to get some money from your music is playing gigs and selling CDs (LPs and merch) at concerts. Am I wrong? |
Yeah, you're right the world has changed and not for the better in so many ways... I actually do buy music from unknown artists on occasion from reviews and by recommendation, and I don't indulge in any kind of music piracy - do you..? What's ridiculous about complaining that people are ripping off your product for free when they should be paying for it..? regardless of being a megastar or an unknown..? Theft is still theft even if it does only involve a small amount..
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 07:43
irrelevant wrote:
Music is cheap. People are going to find a way to download it for free. If your music is first and foremost on Bandcamp, I'd say most are going to find it that way first.
I just think taking down streaming on your page is a useless move. They lost, you lost. |
Sorry, Irrelevant. You are equating MUSIC with MONEY. They are two totally separate subjects.
Music is not about money, it's an art form. However, if you put up a painting in a gallery and someone just walked in, hoiked it off the wall and walked out with it, you would be justifiably upset.
If you don't understand someone getting upset about continuous copyright violation, I think you might have to sit down and think about it for a while. If there's no copyright, no ownership of music, no respect and no rules, musicians will just play amongst themselves and the only free music out there will be stuff with zero value, produced by people who don't care about it for people who don't know any better.
Also. Music is NOT cheap. Music has been made cheap and devalued by ..... a few greedy people and a lot of very greedy and shortsighted "fans".
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 07:45
Hi Dougie, no, I don't rip musicians off. Any music I have has been bought. Even with "free downloads" I try and contribute at least something to the artist. You can, occasionally, on some download sites.
It's because I value music as, after 42 years of playing, I know how much work goes into doing something decent.
Posted By: flyingveepixie
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 07:48
Eh...? "unknown bands cry they suffer from piracy"...
of course they bloody cry matey because they can afford it even less than your average Dave Gilmour and the like.
Like Dave says in his post above I probably averaged a few hundred quid from each album I released a good few years in the past but now I average next to nowt and it all seems like just a big waste of time, especially when I read bollocks like that post you just wrote.
The point is mate that if I had a corner shop and some idiot came in and said "I'll have two bottles of coke, a packet of fags and two bags of crisps but I'm not going to pay you for them because I think I should get them for free" what d'you think I would do about that...? Nothing...? Just carry on as normal and wish him all the best. FFS mate.
Posted By: Dougie McGee
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 08:01
[QUOTE=Davesax1965] Hi Dougie, no, I don't rip musicians off. Any music I have has been bought. Even with "free downloads" I try and contribute at least something to the artist. You can, occasionally, on some download sites.
It's because I value music as, after 42 years of playing, I know how much work goes into doing something decent. [/QUOTE
Crossed wires there Dave. I meant to address the proghead bloke who made the daft comment about how unknowns shouldn’t complain about getting ripped off. I find that attitude very infuriating and quite wrong. And as for seeling merch at gigs... lol. As you rightly say the days are long gone when I’m going to go humping 4x12 cabs up 3 flights of stairs to play to 2 drunks and a dog never mind try to sell them any merch...
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 09:09
Davesax1965 wrote:
And it's simply not about money. If I wanted money from music, I'd do commercial music. |
I guess it's genre-independent. There are lots of artists playing pop who are not popular at all.
Davesax1965 wrote:
So, having pulled all the music off the site, I'll merely play along with other musicians. That's where the real enjoyment is. I don't need an audience to enjoy playing music. If the audience are completely unwilling to pay for it, great !! I don't have to worry about them any more. Less complication. I can just ring up a few muso friends of mine and we can have a jam now and then (found some local people, took ages ) - if the audience don't do their bit and pay, they don't have to turn up, frankly. |
It's very untypical for the artist. I've heard from musicians that stage is a strong drug - they need the audience feedback even feel the power over the crowd. I think it's an essential bonus to the joy of playing your music, isn't it? ![Smile Smile](smileys/smiley1.gif)
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 09:31
They're not musicians. They're performers. ;-)
I'm taking it you don't play ? The novelty soon wears off when some drunk wants a go of your priceless 1933 alto sax, or you get absolute idiots dancing around to your stuff, smashed out of their minds, or you get people talking over your set or thinking they can play better than you, or offering you worthless opinions.... the list is endless.
The fact remains that you don't actually need an audience to be a musician - you sometimes need a few other musicians as well - and if the audience doesn't fulfill it's part of the contract (turn up, pay, support) then you actually don't need them at all. Non musicians sometimes get very hung up on how important they are to bands, and how bands should listen to them and produce this and that and play in this location etc etc. Er, in commercial music, yes. In non commercial, "proper" music, no.
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 09:58
^ Anyway I always thought that "it takes two for tango". ![Smile Smile](smileys/smiley1.gif)
"Proper" musicians without listeners, writers without readers, actors without spectators etc. Terrible!
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 10:13
No no no.
Musicians do NOT need an audience. They need other musicians. No one's mentioned readers, writers, actors or spectators.
If you were playing in a string quartet, you need the three other people in the quartet. The enjoyment comes from playing with them. You don't *need* an audience.
Being worshipped or adored or needed is for children or those who need their egos massaging. Non musicians, and I should expect you are one, have this weird idea that they somehow understand music or musicians or how you should play a musical instrument and 101 other things.
They actually have no idea at all. But the internet is a place where someone's misinformed opinion is worth more than someone elses' 40 years of actual knowledge.
There will be some Russian anekdot about this, no doubt. ;-)
Take the Moscow Symphony Orchestra. They all play together. Prokofiev, in concert. At the end of the day, they get paid. I've played in orchestras. If the audience weren't there and I still got paid, I enjoyed it much the same. The pleasure is to play with other musicians. Unlike writers and actors, who you seem to have mysteriously introduced. To prop up an uninformed opinion.
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 10:33
Right, another illegal download site who's removed my music. So far, two in Poland, one in Russia, so the tactic mentioned above works. THEN I had a brief trawl on YouTube and lo behold, someone is actually ripping my music off Bandcamp and then putting it on YouTube, complete with ripped album graphics. Great. Copyright complaint in to YouTube.
Basically, I'm tired of playing Whack A Mole like this, so I'm just going to put preview tracks up on Bandcamp for free. If you want the whole album, you buy a CD. I don't expect to be not pirated, but I might make things just a bit harder for the casual rip off artist out there.
At the end of the day, it'll dent sales, I'd rather have one honest sale, and honest fan, than a hundred dishonest one, who are daily going from being merely freeloaders to being absolute vultures.
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 10:41
^ Absolutely right strategy if musicians don't need the audience.
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 10:41
Davesax1965 wrote:
No no no.
Musicians do NOT need an audience. They need other musicians. No one's mentioned readers, writers, actors or spectators.
If you were playing in a string quartet, you need the three other people in the quartet. The enjoyment comes from playing with them. You don't *need* an audience.
Being worshipped or adored or needed is for children or those who need their egos massaging. Non musicians, and I should expect you are one, have this weird idea that they somehow understand music or musicians or how you should play a musical instrument and 101 other things.
They actually have no idea at all. But the internet is a place where someone's misinformed opinion is worth more than someone elses' 40 years of actual knowledge.
There will be some Russian anekdot about this, no doubt. ;-)
Take the Moscow Symphony Orchestra. They all play together. Prokofiev, in concert. At the end of the day, they get paid. I've played in orchestras. If the audience weren't there and I still got paid, I enjoyed it much the same. The pleasure is to play with other musicians. Unlike writers and actors, who you seem to have mysteriously introduced. To prop up an uninformed opinion. |
Maybe it's the highest form of wisdom, but looks like hermitry. ![Smile Smile](https://www.progarchives.com/forum/smileys/smiley1.gif) In real world it still takes two for tango.
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 10:45
Oh, I'm sorry, did I read that as
"I am not a musician but I have a great big opinion and therefore am right ?" ![Smile Smile](smileys/smiley1.gif)
Posted By: flyingveepixie
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 10:58
I think the message here is clear enough : Mr notaproghead endorses pirate websites and probably uses them himself - maybe even runs one of them... and also thinks that musicians who spend a year at a time creating albums should shut up about being ripped off and just take it with a smile. Am I missing anything out mr notaproghead..?
Posted By: ForestFriend
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 11:51
I feel like if I'm going through the effort of making music for my enjoyment, I might as well share it with the world. Takes about 10 minutes of my day to upload something I've recorded to Bandcamp; not that big of a time investment for a hobby!
But I guess if it's better to have no "vultures" than to have no fans at all, that's your own prerogative. Plenty of other musicians around who have their music available to listen to before I buy it.
And yes I do play music before you make that assumption... just check my signature (actually, I'd be very happy if someone went through the effort of listening to my music and gave some honest feedback for it - best I get is a "like" on Facebook or a "great set, dude" after a show).
------------- https://borealkinship.bandcamp.com/releases" rel="nofollow - My prog band - Boreal Kinship
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 12:52
^ Much more constructive approach than "hunting witches pirates". ![Clap Clap](smileys/smiley32.gif)
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 13:03
flyingveepixie wrote:
I think the message here is clear enough : Mr notaproghead endorses pirate websites and probably uses them himself - maybe even runs one of them... and also thinks that musicians who spend a year at a time creating albums should shut up about being ripped off and just take it with a smile. Am I missing anything out mr notaproghead..? |
Oh yeah, I'm a King of the Pirate World! ![LOL LOL](smileys/smiley36.gif)
Yes, you're missing some points. You may keep on dropping tears "Oh I'm pirated again". Or you may think what's wrong with your music or the way you're presenting and promoting it, think how to increase the number of fans, think what can you do to play for a bigger audience than "2 drunks and a dog". It's up to you to choose.
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: flyingveepixie
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 14:11
Ah of course....
The reason my music is pirated is because there's something wrong with it or there's something wrong with the way I promote it or market it.
Haha, yes indeed mate, sound logic and a truly deductive analysis there from you, and I wish I had an ounce of such sage wisdom as you have, but after 47 years of playing, recording and performing in a multitude of situations I really don't need some clown who thinks piracy is perfectly acceptable in todays music business to give me hints, tips or snide remarks, on how I should improve my music, presentation or marketing. Cheers.
Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: January 06 2019 at 15:07
Davesax1965 wrote:
irrelevant wrote:
Music is cheap. People are going to find a way to download it for free. If your music is first and foremost on Bandcamp, I'd say most are going to find it that way first.
I just think taking down streaming on your page is a useless move. They lost, you lost. |
Sorry, Irrelevant. You are equating MUSIC with MONEY. They are two totally separate subjects.
Music is not about money, it's an art form. However, if you put up a painting in a gallery and someone just walked in, hoiked it off the wall and walked out with it, you would be justifiably upset.
If you don't understand someone getting upset about continuous copyright violation, I think you might have to sit down and think about it for a while. If there's no copyright, no ownership of music, no respect and no rules, musicians will just play amongst themselves and the only free music out there will be stuff with zero value, produced by people who don't care about it for people who don't know any better.
Also. Music is NOT cheap. Music has been made cheap and devalued by ..... a few greedy people and a lot of very greedy and shortsighted "fans".
I actually agree with all of this. I make music. I LIVE music. I'm just facing an unfortunate fact.
Seems you've made up your mind and you're sticking to it though, so go and enjoy your jams, really. I'm going to try and not have your kind of attitude about it all down the line. Wish me luck!
------------- https://gabebuller.bandcamp.com/" rel="nofollow - New album! http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=7385" rel="nofollow - http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=7385
Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 05:36
NotAProghead wrote:
Want it or not, the time of studio projects is over. The only way to get some money from your music is playing gigs and selling CDs (LPs and merch) at concerts. Am I wrong? |
How do you make the CDs without the studio projects? Are you saying you should only sell live CDs?
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 06:26
As for "two to tango", well, by my mathematics, "me plus other musicians" seems to fit the totals there.
Really, there have been some quite ridiculous suggestions here. Let's look at the big picture.
Non musicians tend to make all kinds of assumptions about musicians - with no real knowledge, just opinion. why do musicians make music ? In the vast majority of cases, it's not to be rich and famous and adored- that's for people who do "commercial" music. Even in that case, very few commercial musicians are successful enough to do music full time. If you're doing anything like prog rock, you back yourself into a commercial dead end. You will - almost guaranteed - never make enough money to solely do music, you'll need a day job. I have a day job. I've no problem with not making a guaranteed living from music.
Am I bothered about it ? No. Never have been. If I was bothered about it, the only route I'd be able to go down is a commercial one. This means "live gigs".
Another non-musician assumption is that you can make money off live gigs, with merchandise sales at those gigs. Not any more. Used to be the case. Those days have completely gone as, to promote a gig and get tickets sold, you have to be able to devote massive amounts of time to marketing. See "I have a day job", above.
So you essentially have one major problem, which is that you're playing non commercial music to an audience who aren't there, unless you live in a major city, and because you've got to hold down a day job, there's no time for practicing and rehearsing with other band members, doing publicity etc etc - even before you get to the mathematics of hiring out a venue, PA, engineer and lighting rig.
Another assumption. Musicians love playing live. I hate it. I really don't need an audience to massage my ego, I don't need all the hassle of setting a gig up and I really, really don't like playing live. Oh, some musicians do, good luck to them. I get more pleasure playing with other musicians and an audience isn't really necessary. If I was being brutal, I'd say that they were necessary to pay the bills, but - as we've seen - "day job" above, I don't need the bills paid and one way of reducing them (and the headache) is not to play live gigs. Frankly, if an audience isn't paying or buying your music and actually supporting you, they're not needed.
And no, I keep saying - I'm not in it for the money but the love of it. Love is a two way process and needs to be reciprocated.
Last assumption by non musicians - "musicians need an audience". Not all do. Mentioned that above. What musicians need is a bit of respect and not to run around chasing fans who just refuse to pay but hoover up free downloads when you make something available for £0 on a trial basis to see if that generates sales. It doesn't. They also don't need to spend a depressingly large proportion of their time playing whack a mole with people who just pirate their music.
There is almost zero respect and support coming from most "fans" - water finds it's own level - non musicians, don't bet on good music being around forever, as a lot of prog rock is experimental, people going out on a creative limb for you. If there's no reward for it then don't assume musicians will make the effort forever. It's a two way street.
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 06:29
NotAProghead wrote:
flyingveepixie wrote:
I think the message here is clear enough : Mr notaproghead endorses pirate websites and probably uses them himself - maybe even runs one of them... and also thinks that musicians who spend a year at a time creating albums should shut up about being ripped off and just take it with a smile. Am I missing anything out mr notaproghead..? |
Oh yeah, I'm a King of the Pirate World! ![LOL LOL](smileys/smiley36.gif)
Yes, you're missing some points. You may keep on dropping tears "Oh I'm pirated again". Or you may think what's wrong with your music or the way you're presenting and promoting it, think how to increase the number of fans, think what can you do to play for a bigger audience than "2 drunks and a dog". It's up to you to choose. |
Completely wrong end of the stick - "What's wrong with my music .... ? " - nothing. I don't want to increase the fans, I don't want a bigger audience, that's about MONEY and not MUSIC.
And I have chosen what to do. ;-)
That statement above says "We non musicians can tell musicians what to do and play, otherwise we won't buy your music". But you non musicians *don't* buy the music, anyway. You generally either scoop up the free downloads or pirate it. So you've actually lost any bargaining power there - not that you had any with proper musicians, who'd just ignore you in the first place.
Musicians essentially do not play for an audience. The audience is just there. It pays its' way in. Except that USED to be the case.
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 06:56
^ Dave, your point is clear, but I hope you agree that it's very untypical, most of the artists (even if they make their music for the love of music) want bigger audience, want to be known. I think it's natural to be pleased when you see that what you're doing is interesting to other people too.
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 07:10
Davesax1965 wrote:
That statement above says "We non musicians can tell musicians what to do and play, otherwise we won't buy your music". But you non musicians *don't* buy the music, anyway. You generally either scoop up the free downloads or pirate it. So you've actually lost any bargaining power there - not that you had any with proper musicians, who'd just ignore you in the first place. |
Completely wrong interpretation. No one can tell musicians what to do and play (unless you're Gerry Bron and the band you manage is called Uriah Heep). From the other hand, if you make music for years and very few people know it, isn't it a reason to think what's wrong? Usually artists get furious to hear this: "We have our VISION! Who are you to give us your silly advices?! Getouttaheregoddammotherf**ker! etc".
And please don't forget - actually we, non-musicians, buy music.
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 07:22
chopper wrote:
NotAProghead wrote:
Want it or not, the time of studio projects is over. The only way to get some money from your music is playing gigs and selling CDs (LPs and merch) at concerts. Am I wrong? |
How do you make the CDs without the studio projects? Are you saying you should only sell live CDs? |
I thought it's pretty simple. To make money artists have to tour and concerts are best place to sell your CDs, LPs (no matter are they studio or live).
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 08:15
NotAProghead wrote:
chopper wrote:
NotAProghead wrote:
Want it or not, the time of studio projects is over. The only way to get some money from your music is playing gigs and selling CDs (LPs and merch) at concerts. Am I wrong? |
How do you make the CDs without the studio projects? Are you saying you should only sell live CDs? |
I thought it's pretty simple. To make money artists have to tour and concerts are best place to sell your CDs, LPs (no matter are they studio or live). |
But how do you make the studio CDs without "studio projects"?
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 08:36
^ OK, for example, in 1966 The Beatles stopped playing gigs and only recorded albums, i.e. became what I call a "studio project". And lived quite well with album sales.In the 70s, 80s, even 90s album sales gave big percentage of artists' income.
Now it's hardly possible to make a living on album sales only, artist have to tour. Arjen Lucassen is one of the few exceptions. I say of the artists who can afford to make a living on playing music, without having another day job.
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 09:37
NotAProghead wrote:
^ Dave, your point is clear, but I hope you agree that it's very untypical, most of the artists (even if they make their music for the love of music) want bigger audience, want to be known. I think it's natural to be pleased when you see that what you're doing is interesting to other people too. |
Hi NotAProghead, it is, and I'd do it for nothing (in fact, check the "free music" thread where I contribute a lot).
There is a difference in doing a lot of free music and then having your music ripped off without permission, put on a download site and watching about a hundred copies every two months of the paid stuff being given away by someone else.
It's honestly not the money, I can actually afford to lose it. It's the whole principle. This is just ... disrespect.
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 09:39
NotAProghead wrote:
Davesax1965 wrote:
That statement above says "We non musicians can tell musicians what to do and play, otherwise we won't buy your music". But you non musicians *don't* buy the music, anyway. You generally either scoop up the free downloads or pirate it. So you've actually lost any bargaining power there - not that you had any with proper musicians, who'd just ignore you in the first place. |
And please don't forget - actually we, non-musicians, buy music.
......... this thread is about the (majority) of non-musicians who .... don't. ;-)
My analytic data says that's well over 90%. Probably 95%, in fact........ sorry to have to correct you !!
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 07 2019 at 10:01
^ I guess in this case musicians are not better than non-musicians, some people pay for music some don't. You can't know who, musicians or not, downloaded your music from illegal sites.
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 08 2019 at 03:54
That would be like not knowing how to actually gracefully lose an argument. ;-)
Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: January 08 2019 at 09:14
Davesax1965 wrote:
Musicians essentially do not play for an audience.
Many would disagree, but it takes the firm belief that musicians are like THE prophets and have a precious flame to spread, for the magic thing with an audience to happen
------------- http://www.digger.ch/?lang=en" rel="nofollow - Support mine-clearing ! https://bandcamp.com/machinechance/?lang=en" rel="nofollow - bandcamp collection
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: January 09 2019 at 16:26
I can see both sides in this (probably not surprising being some kind of half musician). It's a nonsense to say that "musicians play for an audience" in general and even more silly to say it in the face of a musician who has just stated the opposite. "Musicians don't need an audience at all" is nonsense as well as there are some who do and say so. Obviously both of these tribes of musicians exist and that's all fine. Musicians are a pretty heterogeneous bunch, also some pay for other musicians' music and some don't.
To me Davesax's attitude is totally legitimate; he should be able to decide what and how widely he wants to make his music available. Then on the other hand he's saying all the time "it's not about the money", but obviously there's also the option to put whatever music you want to publish out there for free for anyone to have, and to not bother about pirates. It's not quite like stealing a picture in the sense that if somebody "steals" your music, you still have it, while the picture is gone. Somebody who listens to your music for free doesn't take anything away from you, not even "potential" money as long as they otherwise wouldn't have paid either.
Still at the end of the day it is helping music if we pay and it is hurting music if we don't; musicians have more money for equipment and maybe more time for music if they make some money and that makes music better. So it's a decent thing to pay, however if somebody has an appropriate budget to pay for music and spends that, I don't mind if they get some more for free that they wouldn't have bought otherwise.
Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: January 10 2019 at 03:13
Lewian wrote:
I can see both sides in this (probably not surprising being some kind of half musician). It's a nonsense to say that "musicians play for an audience" in general and even more silly to say it in the face of a musician who has just stated the opposite. "Musicians don't need an audience at all" is nonsense as well as there are some who do and say so. Obviously both of these tribes of musicians exist and that's all fine. Musicians are a pretty heterogeneous bunch, also some pay for other musicians' music and some don't.
It's s strange one, at a recent gig there was 1 person in the audience by the time we finished playing. You can either get really disheartened or treat it as a paid rehearsal. We went for the latter and took the opportunity to wander into the "audience" to hear what we sounded like.
Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: January 10 2019 at 12:31
chopper wrote:
It's s strange one, at a recent gig there was 1 person in the audience by the time we finished playing. |
How many people were in the audience when you started playing? What do you think what's wrong? The audience or you, or your music?
------------- Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: January 10 2019 at 13:06
It's s strange one, at a recent gig there was 1 person in the audience by the time we finished playing. You can either get really disheartened or treat it as a paid rehearsal. We went for the latter and took the opportunity to wander into the "audience" to hear what we sounded like. [/QUOTE]
I had played a few gigs like that, where the band was larger that the audience .You just have to make the best of it sometimes. Like you said, paid rehearsal.
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 11 2019 at 02:25
Unfortunately, everybody does at some point.
Non musicians tend to think that musicians somehow enjoy playing gigs and that the point of a musician is to go on stage and be adored or famous or rich or whatever.
The point of being a musician is to play music. Well, as far as I'm concerned. Of course, opinions vary and some musicians live for playing gigs, but a fair few don't. Also, there's a difference between "playing a gig" and "playing for an audience". It only takes a few rowdy or disinterested (or non existant) audiences for you to realise that it's not all beer and skittles playing live music.
Anyway, yes, some people love playing gigs, some don't. The role of the audience is an interesting one. An audience tends to think that musicians are playing for them - actually, a lot of musicans are actually having much more fun playing amongst themselves. If you took the audience away but left the money, I think a fair proportion of musicians would have an equally good time.
Because I've been playing music so long - 43 years (probably too long ! ;-) ) I've realised that I've completely forgotten how non musicians think. I was having a chat with a friend at the train station today who's never realised I play saxophone. "Is it difficult ? " she said. "No, it's really easy to learn the basics, but to actually learn how to play takes a lifetime", I replied. We started talking, she'd had three piano lessons, that was it. Knowing "not a lot about music", she thought that Lady Gaga was very talented and creative. Basically, it was like two people from different planets having a chat. I'm trying to nicely say "well, if you want to listen to something interesting and creative..... " then I think I'm going to suggest Thelonious Monk to her and it'll go whoosh over her head.
So part of the problem I find is that non musicians have no real idea of what it takes to become a musician, and therefore don't value anything a musician produces, and they also think that they have an idea about what being a musician is all about as they've listened to lots of music and gone to gigs.
Which is simply not the case. They don't seem to realise that they just have no real understanding. They have an opinion, great. But the internet seems to be showing up the fact that a lot of people value their opinions higher than expert knowledge - what they think they know is more important than the facts themselves and if you stop listening to those facts, you'll be in blissful ignorance.
Anyway. I seem to have drifted into a "non musician versus musician" post, rather than a "piracy bad" post. Musicians will keep being pirated, and devalued, if non musicians fail to realise how much work and dedication goes into becoming a musician. It takes decades of hard, hard work to become good. With bands who are just starting up, yes, they'll keep producing music until they get totally disheartened by being ripped off, but they'll get disheartened before they mature and become good. End result, musicians jump ship. Don't assume that they won't just play amongst themselves, not every one of them needs or necessarily wants to do live music in front of an audience.
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 11 2019 at 02:32
PS Thought just occurred to me. It's all about respect.
When your "audience of fans" stop buying music, hoover up the free stuff, don't contribute anything, rip you off and put your back catalogue on a free download website, they show you complete disrespect. Well, that's what 90% of them do nowadays.
If that's the audience, excuse me if I reply with the same amount of disrespect and stop playing for them.
Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: January 11 2019 at 06:14
I disagree that respecting a band means giving money, because there are lots of bands that obviously worked hard and play so well and deserve a lot of respect, but their vibes just don't fit to ours.
Won't we support our soul brothers and give money etc, even if we don't think they play that well and worked that hard, because their music has power on us, and we want more, so we invest...!?
------------- http://www.digger.ch/?lang=en" rel="nofollow - Support mine-clearing ! https://bandcamp.com/machinechance/?lang=en" rel="nofollow - bandcamp collection
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 11 2019 at 06:17
Well, OK, how about "disrespecting a band means ripping their music off and putting their entire back catalogue on a pirate download site " ?
I don't think I actually mentioned money. ;-)
Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: January 11 2019 at 06:24
Those pirates are definitely not fans, otherwise they'd at least contact the musicians and offer partnership etc. However, if we discover music that touches us on pirated website, won't there will be the same natural drive for us to go and look for a way to show appreciation and support the band, as if we did discover them in the CD store ?
------------- http://www.digger.ch/?lang=en" rel="nofollow - Support mine-clearing ! https://bandcamp.com/machinechance/?lang=en" rel="nofollow - bandcamp collection
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 11 2019 at 07:19
OK, we're agreed they're not fans. ;-)
Now, to expand the argument. You have, say, 500 followers on Bandcamp. 10 percent of them pay for music, 90 percent don't.
When you put up an album for free, there are hundreds of downloads. When you charge anything at all for it, there are no downloads.
Are these fans ? Or just hangers on and freeloaders ? I expect all the musicians here have the same proportions of payers when it comes to music.
So. 90% of your fans are just freeloaders, at best. A proportion will pirate your music onto a download site. Some audience. ;-)
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: January 12 2019 at 05:00
jayem wrote:
However, if we discover music that touches us on pirated website, won't there will be the same natural drive for us to go and look for a way to show appreciation and support the band, as if we did discover them in the CD store ? | You can go elsewhere to discover music in the first place.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: January 12 2019 at 05:17
Maybe the term "fan" is not quite right? I'm not necessarily a "fan" of what I like, I may like to listen to the music, it may give me a lot, still I may not be interested in any further "fan stuff" such as merchandise, being in contact with the musicians, picking up stuff just for completeness etc. The key communication between a musician and me happens when I listen to the music, same if somebody else listens to my music. What goes on on the musicians' website or elsewhere in most cases doesn't interest me much, apart from listening to good music. Music is for the ears! I pay for music but this is in the first place for rational and general ethical reasons as explained above, I just think it's "the right thing" to do, not for paying personal respect or communication. I may leave the odd "this is great" note to musicians because I know it's appreciated and they deserve it. However, the stuff that really matters to me is when listening and not at any other time on any other channel. And as a musician I like if people listen to it and like it but I don't mind much whether they throw money at me or not, neither do I mind much if I don't get any feedback. (Actually I have never even given anyone a chance to pay for my music as a "fan".)
Davesax: In my perception it seems somewhat inconsistent that on one hand you state that you don't make your music for an audience in the first place and you can quite happily be without audience other than musicians with whom you play, but on the other hand you seem to mind quite a lot how the audience that you have actually behaves and it bothers you so much that most of them don't pay and just listen.
Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: January 12 2019 at 08:13
No crime meant there. Piracy platforms happen to provide the simpliest ways to discover music (typically obscure albums on which no sample is available to listen to on amazon / bandcamp etc), and they don't always call themselves by their name... Once again this doesn't prevent us from supporting whatever band would deliver "magic"
------------- http://www.digger.ch/?lang=en" rel="nofollow - Support mine-clearing ! https://bandcamp.com/machinechance/?lang=en" rel="nofollow - bandcamp collection
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 12 2019 at 10:20
Lewian wrote:
Davesax: In my perception it seems somewhat inconsistent that on one hand you state that you don't make your music for an audience in the first place and you can quite happily be without audience other than musicians with whom you play, but on the other hand you seem to mind quite a lot how the audience that you have actually behaves and it bothers you so much that most of them don't pay and just listen.
Hi Lewian, no inconsistency.
I don't play for an audience, that's right, but there's no inconsistency in complaining when an audience appears and completely wipes their posteriors with you, in the vast majority of cases.
It just convinces me more that I don't actually want an audience. ;-)
Also. The point about copyright is this.... it allows an author of some artwork to determine how the artwork is distributed and to what audiences. I'd be upset if some rap artist sampled me. When you absolutely lose control of what you've made, it's a very unpleasant situation.
Posted By: ForestFriend
Date Posted: January 12 2019 at 11:14
Davesax1965 wrote:
So. 90% of your fans are just freeloaders, at best. A proportion will pirate your music onto a download site. Some audience. ;-) |
Well, you can be a pessimist and be upset with how the current state of digital technology has changed the world...
Or you can be an optimist and, assuming your assertion is correct, view the piracy as a sign of success in today's world. Because if 90% of your listeners are pirates, then 9 people pirating your album means one album sale, 90 pirates would mean 10 sales, etc. Perhaps 0 pirates mean your music isn't even worth listening to for free.
Not saying you have to change your views, but this is just how I see it. Piracy is not something that will go away very easily in a world where it's trivial to transfer a couple hundred MB over the internet. You can threaten to stop making music, but that's an empty threat because someone else with a different perspective will keep on releasing their own stuff.
------------- https://borealkinship.bandcamp.com/releases" rel="nofollow - My prog band - Boreal Kinship
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: January 13 2019 at 03:45
Well, that's true enough, but - having done all the analytics (marketing and sales are my day job), $1300 worth of pirating equals no sales. ;-)
Unfortunately, I choose neither to be an optimist or pessimist but a realist.
Again, it's not about the money or sales, but a basic reasonable two way relationship with artists and listeners. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not angry about this, just throwing up my hands in utter frustration with the way some people behave (or rather, how most people behave). It's just the internet and the modern world.
Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: February 05 2019 at 04:11
It took one week to have my new album pirated. I know I wouldn't get any money from the site users but I just don't get why share a low-quality download link when anyone can stream it for free on Bandcamp with the same quality. Particularly when I work on this site that divulge music without infringing copyright, there's no excuse for this.
Posted By: LAM-SGC
Date Posted: February 05 2019 at 04:14
Vompatti wrote:
Please share links to the sites so I can get my music on there as well. |
Posted By: LAM-SGC
Date Posted: February 05 2019 at 04:16
Meltdowner wrote:
It took one week to have my new album pirated. I know I wouldn't get any money from the site users but I just don't get why share a low-quality download link when anyone can stream it for free on Bandcamp with the same quality. Particularly when I work on this site that divulge music without infringing copyright, there's no excuse for this. |
Perhaps because some streaming services and websites are blocked in certain countries. Not everyone lives in a free country.
Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: February 05 2019 at 04:26
^ It can be the case for other sites, but I think Bandcamp isn't blocked anywhere.
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: February 06 2019 at 02:58
What happens with Bandcamp (et al) is that people who can't be bothered to pay for streaming services elsewhere just use Bandcamp as a free radio station. They jump on it, find an artist and just play the music with no intention of buying the music.
If you want to rip music off Bandcamp, it's pretty simple, you just use a ripper.
I've been thinking about "just playing with other musicians" and an interesting alternative came up. My brother's just doing a short music piece (free of charge) for Amnesty International. I've got a friend who does free music for film and theatre projects. Actually, I've done some theatre project work before (and enjoyed it) so !! That seems to be the way to go.
I don't mind giving it away for nothing, I do mind being ripped off. ;-)
Posted By: handwrist
Date Posted: May 28 2019 at 08:11
I noticed when I started putting out albums on bandcamp that a bunch of Russian sites had put up the music for download for a price. To be honest, it doesn't bother me. I give it away for free on bandcamp. If someone wants to pay those guys I'm fine with it. Maybe they're boycotting bandcamp and don't want to interact with it. On the other hand, if those Russians get a sale off my music it's because the person was not smart enough to do a search to find it for free on bandcamp or elsewhere. I understand some people getting pissed off if they spent a lot of money on professional studios, musicians, mixers, etc. But since I do it all myself for the most part, and doing prog I know I will never get a lot of money anyway, for me it's not a big deal. For me it's nice if someone listens at all - in fact, I'm still surprised that my albums made it to this site at all.
In today's world it's essentially impossible to avoid people downloading your music for free unless you don't release it online at all - and even then someone buys a physical record and puts it up. Technology is a double edged sword. Personally I prefer this situation where a couple of Russians might make 2 rubles off a couple of songs than being a slave to a record company.
------------- http://handwrist.bandcamp.com" rel="nofollow - My Music
http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=9405" rel="nofollow - PA Page
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: May 28 2019 at 10:46
Yes but. This is the keyboard section, there are guitars, basses, saxes etc etc etc.
When you spend a little bit of money like this and 40 years playing, you tend to want a bit of professional respect. Some money would be nice. Giving it away is acceptable for some, and not for others.
Four years soldering below, incidentally. And about $30,000.
Posted By: handwrist
Date Posted: May 29 2019 at 01:22
That is a lot of money, dude.
------------- http://handwrist.bandcamp.com" rel="nofollow - My Music
http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=9405" rel="nofollow - PA Page
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: May 29 2019 at 03:30
Forgot to mention seven vintage saxes in the price as well. ;-)
On top of that - if you put "personal circumstances" aside, look at the bigger picture. If you condone piracy of intellectual property, then that's all the Arts stuffed. Any books, music, film, doesn't become the property of the artist, it gets sold or given away by nothing by pirates.
Not only is this morally wrong, but it removes the incentive of artists to produce work. Someone might have a MIDI keyboard and a few VSTs, others may spend months and thousands putting music - or art - or a book together. If they don't get fairly financially compensated, not many will either want to work for nothing or be economically capable of doing so. So they do something else.
So what is being advocated is, essentially, the death of music. As we know, small, specialised musicians with lesser audiences will go first. I see on this site "I always pay for music" and my Bandcamp analytics tell me quite another thing. Frankly, the music scene has become a freeloaders' paradise: the retort is "If you were a proper musician, you'd play for nothing", to which my answer is "In a pig's eye, Sir, and if you were a proper fan, you'd support musicians properly."
With piracy and fans just hoovering up free downloads - look at the free downloads thread, nothing on it any more - music will die. Simple as that.
Posted By: Quinino
Date Posted: May 29 2019 at 07:28
... as Freedom and Democracy are globally also in peril, I'm (very) afraid.
Posted By: handwrist
Date Posted: May 29 2019 at 08:14
So what is the solution? Shut down the internet? Execute people who copy and share files? How do you do this across borders? I honestly don't see any other way.
I don't think copying and sharing is stealing - when people share a copy of one of my tracks I don't lose my copy. I think you can only truly own something if it has a physical existence (CD, vinyl, whatever). Also if you take the idea that you can own non-physical things, like mp3 files or pdfs, to its logical conclusion, it becomes absurd. Imagine I come up with a new recipe of lasagna. If I share the recipe and someone decides to try it out, do they owe me royalties? How am I going to collect them? Should I go to court and give lawyers a bunch of money to force the guy who is using my recipe to pay me every time someone orders that at his restaurant?
It might be morally wrong, but should we legislate morality? I think that would be a nightmare, because not everyone has the same set of moral principles.
Speaking for myself, I make music because I love to do it and every time I was hired to make music I hated it. Somehow bringing that monetary reward to the forefront kills it for me. So I give it away for free, because it's either that or keeping it to myself. I end up selling a few CDs, a few downloads, a few vinyls. I doubt if I wanted to sell only the physical stuff without putting it on the net I would have even got anyone to listen to my music outside of my small circle. For bands who tour, that's how they will have to make their money. And the truth is the time when you made music off of physical records was an anomaly, for the majority of human existence, musicians made their money through patronage (still possible today) or through touring (minstrels, big bands, etc).
Should people be more educated to appreciate art and support artists? absolutely. But there really is no alternative to the current system without nuking it entirely and getting rid of the internet. Also will that happen? Nope. Do I want it to happen? Nope.
------------- http://handwrist.bandcamp.com" rel="nofollow - My Music
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Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: May 29 2019 at 10:32
"I think you can only truly own something if it has a physical existence (CD, vinyl, whatever). Also if you take the idea that you can own non-physical things, like mp3 files or pdfs, to its logical conclusion, it becomes absurd"
It's called COPYRIGHT..... "intellectual property"........
"Speaking for myself......."
Big picture ?
Posted By: handwrist
Date Posted: May 29 2019 at 11:44
I am looking at the big picture, hence the questions I asked:
So what is the solution? Shut down the internet? Execute people who copy and share files? How do you do this across borders?
It might be morally wrong, but should we legislate morality?
Complaining about something when you know there is no solution is just wasting time and energy. So, do you have a solution? Or are you just complaining to complain? I'm all ears.
------------- http://handwrist.bandcamp.com" rel="nofollow - My Music
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Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: May 29 2019 at 13:02
Re handwrist: "Should we legislate morality". Most laws do legislate morality, thats why things like murder, rape, kidnapping, theft, robbery etc are illegal, because we do legislate morality.
------------- Help the victims of the russian invasion: http://www.jazzmusicarchives.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=28523&PID=130446&title=various-ways-you-can-help-ukraine#130446
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: May 30 2019 at 03:08
Sorry, Handwrist, it's a ridiculous non-argument. No one is going to "shut down the internet" or "execute " anyone.
You don't seem to understand that intellectual property is protected all over the world by international copyright agreements. To say that just a physical object has value is stupid- behind every physical object is an idea. You don't copyright a CD, you copyright the music. Music has no physical presence. It's intellectual property.
Actually, there IS a solution, if you read the thread. Google et al have strict copyright laws. I've put several breach of copyright complaints in against sites who have illegally put my whole discography up. Google then serve the site a breach of copyright order: if the music is not taken down, Google remove their site from their search engines. This is usually enough to force a site to divest themselves of your illegally held music. Since you're all ears, is that a solution ?
So it's not wasting time and money, music piracy IS illegal, it's not a moral issue and your personal opinion seems to be based on zero knowledge of the law, an inability to reconcile your personal circumstances with the big picture and a seeming incapacity to conduct a logical, structured argument or to have the courtesy to read a thread before posting. Still all ears ?
If you don't believe that's the case, feel free to set up another Bandcamp account and clone all my music. We can discuss it in court.
Posted By: handwrist
Date Posted: May 30 2019 at 03:58
Dude, chill. I am not condoning piracy, and I am well aware of copyright laws and what they mean.
You do what you want. I actually went back and read the whole thread and I'm glad I did because it's comedy gold, mostly because of your entitled tone and lack of self awareness - you got called out for it and just doubled down - hilarious. You give this issue way too much importance, while claiming you don't: it's not about the money, it's not about the audience, it's about... what exactly? Respect? Again, funny. Seeking respect on the internet... different generation I guess.
If you want to go around reporting sites and whatnot and restrict your music distribution online, or even stop releasing stuff at all and just play for the fun of it, that's fine. More than fine, great. What rubs people the wrong way is the entitlement mentality and faux moral superiority - "argh, I'm the only one who knows the law, everyone who disagrees with me must be completely ignorant, argh".
Your last sentence is great example of this: why would I waste my time setting up a bandcamp to clone your music? You're NOT important and your music is not that great (sorry, I listened to a few tracks on bandcamp without tossing you a buck.. ups).
I saw this thread and it reminded me of when I found these piracy sites the first time - just wanted to share my impression of it, not get into a fruitless debate with a self-righteous and delusional guy. But oh well, if you take anything from my reply it should be this: I am laughing at you.
------------- http://handwrist.bandcamp.com" rel="nofollow - My Music
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Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: May 30 2019 at 04:01
As a PS to Handwrist: just listened and your music is good enough to charge money for. You may not want to, personal choice, but you are good enough. People may not buy it, but that's nothing to do with copyright law or piracy or arbitrary internet executions. ;-)
Posted By: handwrist
Date Posted: May 30 2019 at 04:04
Davesax1965 wrote:
As a PS to Handwrist: just listened and your music is good enough to charge money for. You may not want to, personal choice, but you are good enough. People may not buy it, but that's nothing to do with copyright law or piracy or arbitrary internet executions. ;-) |
Man, now I feel bad for being so mean. Sorry dude. And thanks.
I'm going to keep it on 'pay what you want' though, it's just my style.
------------- http://handwrist.bandcamp.com" rel="nofollow - My Music
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Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: May 30 2019 at 07:04
Well, that's better. Handwrist, I think you might have got the wrong impression of this.
Let me just mention two things - "entitlement mentality". Well, a rough calculation of the value of downloads I've missed out on is about $5,000 - $7,500. To which, sorry, I was actually entitled.
"Faux moral superiority" - remove the faux, please. I don't steal anything off music sites, lots of people do. I'll also just say, nope, not superiority, just moral.
Unfortunately - as you say, generational thing, mid 50's here, I seem to have a different view than people many years younger. But that doesn't mean to say that they're right and I'm wrong. Legally, I'm actually right, sorry.
As for setting up a Bandcamp account, etc, nope, I'm not that important a musician. But there's the general principle behind it. People do go off and clone Bandcamp accounts. They do go off, rip music off sites and put it up either for free or for a paid download, and it doesn't just affect small artists - big ones as well. It's morally and legally wrong. I've had radio play where someone will say "You can forget any royalty payments, they're worth sh*t here in Belgium".
Unfair ? Do something about it.
As for self righteous and delusional, no. Sorry, I'm right on behalf of all musicians, who are honestly getting ripped off. Like you, I'm not in it for the money, I'm honestly in it for the music. I'd charge nothing or very little for a download and produce CDs if there was actual evidence that those CDs would sell, but most people want something for nothing, which is a very sad state of affairs. It'll kill music. As I said, musicians will go off jamming with other musicians instead and will just stop releasing music - whilst a lot may pay for free, few have the time to recoup money by gigging - which rarely breaks even.
I'm very happy to release music for free or low cost - but I'm not happy to be ripped off, or to see any fellow musician ripped off.
It's a really sad state of affairs and I do wish you luck and all the best with your music, which I genuinely enjoyed. I also seriously hope - honestly - that you don't wake up one day to realise you've been ripped off for about $5k.
Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: May 30 2019 at 08:41
Music stealers? No need to execute them, they will rot in hell anyway.
but make sure they suffer down here...in a very slow and endless way.
Posted By: handwrist
Date Posted: May 30 2019 at 09:25
I really don't believe that each pirated download = lost sale, but it's impossible to know for sure of course.
I do know however that at least one guy that found my music on one of these Russian sites that put music for free actually ended up becoming a fan enough that he has bought every album of mine since (including some obscure stuff I published on another channel), including physical ones, and it's one of my most loyal fans to this day. And perhaps he would have never heard of me if not for the pirates. And I doubt this is a one-case situation.
Sometimes good can come out of evil, I believe.
------------- http://handwrist.bandcamp.com" rel="nofollow - My Music
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Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: May 30 2019 at 10:08
Well, one way of getting a fan !! ;-)
Thing is, one pirated download probably doesn't equal one lost sale, but if and when a lawyer gets hold of it, it's in their interest to mention that that's the case. And difficult to disprove. ;-)
Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: May 30 2019 at 10:08
^^ Yeah, I discovered a lot of music I would never have bought (and I would be a lot more richer today) when I used to steal it on napster way back when, but that argument has no value for those who wan't the cash cash cash right away.