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Topic: Android based TV seriesPosted By: Logan
Subject: Android based TV series
Date Posted: April 27 2017 at 13:02
Please mention any favourites not on the list as I commonly do polls merely as accessories to discussion. Also feel free to mention any TV episodes you like with androids, or any android talk you like.
Some people might mention Star Trek: The Next Generation for Data (and Lor). With classic Trek there are "Mudd's Androids", and in one of my favourite Star Trek episodes, "What are Little Girls Made Of?" -- "This is how we make an android." Then there's Ilya, the probe in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits (the classic versions being favourite shows of mine) have also delved into it, as did The Bionic Woman and the Bionic Man. And Doctor Who....
Lots of stuff about robots with a human appearance. In film, I liked Ex Machina considerably, and then of course there's a little known flick called Blade Runner based on a story by a little-known author called Phillip K. Dick: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? And are electric sheep sheared with electric razors? Oh, and there's Terminator, but that film didn't particularly interest me because it doesn't explore what it means to be human and sentient as much as various others. I like ones which raise certain moral, and political, questions when exploring the subject matter. A film such as A.I. does, but the film didn't altogether work for me.
Westworld and Real Humans are my particular favourites here. Humans I haven't got into so much because I had already watched the Swedish original, but I think there are any differences to make both series worthwhile. I didn't like the re-imagined BSG at first, but it grew on me as the story unfolded.
Would love to get some recommendations.
Replies: Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 27 2017 at 16:04
6 Million Dollar Man!!!
and definitely had one of the great show intro's ever...
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 27 2017 at 16:14
Steve Austen, like the Bionic Woman became a cyborg after an accident (my favourite "bionic" creature from, which was robotic, was Bionic Bigfoot). I remember a scene in the 6 million Dollar man where there was a whole in his robotic arm and he was wondering if he was human, but a girl pointed out that he was bleeding. There was some cool android stuff, though, especially in the Bionic Woman as I recall (remember the Fembots?) I think they were inspired by the movie Westworld.
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 27 2017 at 16:25
A lot of years in the past I suppose but I thought I had read both were, and makes a bit of sense that they would be, inspired by Westworld.
Man that movie freaked me out as kid.. powerful life lesson was learned though... it is better to wear the black hat and kick ass than to not.. and get yours kicked.
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 27 2017 at 17:22
I think that I'd sooner find myself wearing the white hat and kissing ass, but it's not something I could really commit myself too so no one would be satisfied. No passion, and no tongue....
Many people hated Futureworld, the sequel, but I liked it. You should try the Westworld series if you haven't already. Awesome show, I think.
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 27 2017 at 17:31
white hats really don't look on me
haven't seen either of those series... should check them out!
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 27 2017 at 17:56
Yeah, I really think you'd like the Westworld series. I don't want to give spoilers, but speaking of the white hat/ black hat contrast there is an amazing journey { where someone changes hats, and well, it's so well done. Humiliation can be a beautiful thing. } ;p
Very obscure and pretty uninformative spoiler, highlight between brackets to read, but it's one of those shows where its not good to have anything spoiled. That said, if no one reads that, let's just say that the journey involves a great scene with a horse, a naked butt, and a slap on the horse's butt, but isn't that the same of life generally? Don't think horse plus butt should spoil this futuristic Western too much.
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: May 02 2017 at 10:56
Not one vote; seriously, and only Micky interested in the topic at all (not to imply that Micky ain't enough)? Westworld and Real Humans blew me away.
Here's the Humans trailer:
I'm going to trawl through the What are You Watching Right Now thread to get to know PA peeps TV interests better. :) Ah, sports....