Modern-Rock Ensemble > Eclectic/ Symph?
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Topic: Modern-Rock Ensemble > Eclectic/ Symph?
Posted By: Matti
Subject: Modern-Rock Ensemble > Eclectic/ Symph?
Date Posted: August 22 2016 at 01:49
Vladimir Gorashchenko, a long-time Ukrainan musician, kindly sent me the brand new CD by his MODERN-ROCK ENSEMBLE, "Touch the Mystery". It seems the group hasn't even been suggested yet, at least not openly?" rel="nofollow - There's no slightest doubt about the progressive orientation of this fine album. It contains epic compositions and two shorter, classically influenced piano instrumentals. The keyboard-oriented arrangements feature also orchestral string instruments, and perhaps there was some jazz flavour too. (I have listened to it just once a couple of days ago, my opinion on the right subgenre isn't fully developed yet.) Any other collab aware of this CD?
Posted By: Guillermo
Date Posted: August 23 2016 at 08:25
Yes. Last year I recieived a Private Message to ask me to listen to the tracks in a web page. I listened to the tracks. It is a good album. They contacted me again recently. It seems that they asked to be included in Prog Archives using the usual procedures , but they have not received an answer yet. So, they still are not included in Prog Archives. Why?
------------- Avatar: Photo of Solar Eclipse, Mexico City, July 1991. A great experience to see. Maybe once in a lifetime.
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: August 23 2016 at 11:04
I can't find anything on this band before this thread, either on the
forum here or in the official e-mail which might have also been used to
suggest bands (though opening a thread here is simpler and quicker). So
it looks like that a lot less people know about this group than you
I'm not sure about a genre in general either, but feel free to suggest them directly to a team thread.
Posted By: AndrewNazarenko
Date Posted: August 25 2016 at 08:08
Dear friends, you can listen to some demos at" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: AndrewNazarenko
Date Posted: August 25 2016 at 08:10
The official release of the album is on the 5th of September. It is already available at Musea Records
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: September 05 2016 at 11:21
Andrew was kind enough to send me a copy of the newly released "Touch The Mystery" by his project Modern Rock Ensemble. After only one spin it is really a no brainer that this should be included on PA as it is a collection of highly dense and intricate prog workouts albeit on the mellow side.
The only question is where it should be placed. It seems like it mostly falls into the symphonic prog realm but it also is very spacey and i could see it being space rock as well. It also incorporates all kinds of other sounds ranging from indo raga to smooth jazz, so possibly even eclectic.
I'll drop this by the symphonic team first and see what they think since i think the main style that dominates is symphonic." rel="nofollow - Spotify Web Player - Modern-Rock Ensemble
Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: September 05 2016 at 19:03
Call me crazy, but the singer really puts me in mind of Lou Rawls (You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mind).
------------- -- Frank Swarbrick Belief is not Truth.
Posted By: taclon
Date Posted: September 14 2016 at 16:01
Gorashchenko's project has elements such as psychedelic, soft rock, sometimes ballad, eclectic, symphonic... the winds treatment reminds me Supertramp in the eighties, or epic Alan Parsons or Wakeman Opus. well guys, that's the essence of progressive rock! Searching for new frontiers inside the music. Perhaps the outstanding influence of Classic Prog Bands from the seventies, the band shows an identity and a sound of their own. This is a very good album, and it's a pity that I haven't found more information about the band, except for the concise note in Musea Records. My favorite piece in this album is "Touch the Mystery", where the band shows their creativity and keyboard treatment in a maximum expression. In my opinion, this album deserves a five-star qualification.
------------- Taclon
Posted By: AndrewNazarenko
Date Posted: September 21 2016 at 10:05
An interesting review of the album on the Progvisions" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Matti
Date Posted: September 22 2016 at 02:46
What's the situation in the artist evaluation? Hopefully not as stagnant/forgotten as it seems.Many people in several teams have expressed their (mostly positive) comments. In the end the most plausible subgenres seem to be either Neo Prog or Crossover Prog, but lately there hasn't been visible activity concerning this artist.
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: September 22 2016 at 04:00
They were sent to multiple genre teams and are still being evaluated; everything is in order and no one forgot about this suggestion.
Posted By: Igor Cherezov
Date Posted: September 27 2016 at 12:18
Very strong and high-professional progressive rock album. It attracted me first by “Meditations”, then it was
“Swamp”. I am not a big fan of long epics, quite often they are dull and
boring. But once in a right mood at night I listened to the “Touch the Mystery”
– and it knocked me down. Such a unique, organic and distinctive fusion of the
sympho-rock, jazz-rock and art-rock!!! Great counter points and canons in the
“Funeral Ceremony”. The main theme is permanently developing composition wise
and sound wise. 20 minutes’ve passed like 10 and the only question was – why
Vladimir hasn’t done it an album long? Listening this
composition I found myself in the mood to listen some more and more variations of
the charming main theme. So many beautiful themes and cleverly arranged
culminations. It’s one of my favorite epics now. And what about the style? In
my opinion – it is neo prog.
Posted By: Yuriy Danko
Date Posted: September 29 2016 at 02:23
I bought “Touch the Mystery” CD occasionally in Tokyo in the beginning of September. Then I entered Progarchives for the first time to find some info about the Modern-Rock Ensemble. All I found was this forum dilemma about the sub-genre. Rather funny. Being a very modest fan of contemporary prog-rock I liked “Touch the Mystery” very much. While many other guys are still exploring the heritage of Yes and Genesis, Vladimir is obviously having his own approach to the prog-rock. I do agree with Taclon - “Searching for new frontiers inside the music”. It’s hard for me to define the sub-genre but it is a great prog rock album.
------------- Make Love Not War
Posted By: Dragon@
Date Posted: October 03 2016 at 02:45
I am a big fan of Yes, ELP, Genesis, Pink Floyd, PFM, Unitopia, Spock's Beard, IQ and Anima Mundi and have big enough collection of classic and contemporary prog-rock - about 15000 CDs. Now "Touch The Mystery" by the "Modern-Rock Ensemble" is in my Top 30. Very strong sympho-rock!< ="" id="ubar-loader">
Posted By: AndrewNazarenko
Date Posted: October 13 2016 at 08:05
Dear Sir,
Since this process is ongoing for more than 1 month, please advise what is the result of the team evaluation of the Touch the Mystery Album?
Yours truly,
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: October 13 2016 at 08:21
Now every member in Neo Team is a tad busy ... under evaluation.
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Posted By: Rockodessa
Date Posted: October 23 2016 at 05:14
“I am a fan of progressive rock since 70-th. However, to my opinion there are not too many attractive new projects nowadays. When I heard the Modern-Rock Ensemble (Touch the Mystery) I was impressed: it’s like a new King Crimson (“At the Court…”) but played by Weather Report and UK. Great and strong CD by Vladimir. Strong keyboards and guitar, strings are adding correct mood of a sympho-rock. Solos by cello and violin are really authentic and unique. I like “the sound” of an album, since as far as I understood it was a job of Vladimir as well – a great job. By the way the sound of a 12-string guitar in “Meditations” brings some nostalgia for the 70-th. I might call the style of Modern-Rock Ensemble a sympho-rock, however according to the Progarchives classification – it’s an “Eclectic prog””.
Posted By: SBob
Date Posted: October 29 2016 at 19:01
Guys, it’s a strange situation – a great album from Ukraine, however like some politicians you are putting it on hold? It’s obvious that “Touch the Mystery” by Modern-Rock Ensemble is not only a progressive-rock album, but a very strong one. Let the Progarchives subscribers listen to it. You’ll be astonished how many guys will enjoy it.
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: October 30 2016 at 03:06
^No politics, just volunteers with limited time working on the site when they can. Modern-Rock Ensemble is being evaluated and when teams decide where it gets added everyone will be properly notified in this thread.
Posted By: AndrewNazarenko
Date Posted: November 10 2016 at 09:00
There is enough special and interesting review on the Touch Mystery album
on the site" rel="nofollow - .
It is in Japanese, the language not all of us understand. However, Japanese
fans of Modern-Rock Ensemble sent the translation – here are the few of quotes:
“This album is of very high quality, which allows it to be recognized among
many albums of this year. It is really worth noting very high level of
composition and professional performance of the musicians. The album crosses
all the frontiers, it has not only Ukrainian but a world-wide importance. It reminds
me Tales From Topographic Oceans by Yes, A Trick of the Tail by Genesis. It is
melodically, symphonically brave and even fearless. It has some similarity with
Pat Metheny Group and ECM, which adds some jazz tinctures, there are eastern
enigmas and exotic eastern passion in it…
you have still not listened to this album then you have no right to talk about
sympho-rock in 2016!”
Posted By: AndrewNazarenko
Date Posted: November 10 2016 at 09:01
Guys, 2.5 months have passed – have you decided
regarding the style of the Modern Rock Ensemble?
Posted By: Matti
Date Posted: November 10 2016 at 23:52
Indeed a valid question! I never would have thought it would take this long.
Posted By: yam yam
Date Posted: November 11 2016 at 08:04
One 'move' and one 'yes' in Neo, with two team members still to vote...who apparently are unable to use progfreak for some reason...even though they have an account there :" rel="nofollow - . I can't access the collab zone myself to read any comments that might have been made about this artist in the Neo team thread...but you can Matti!
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: November 11 2016 at 16:11
^ Now almost all of Neo Team members (including me ) are a tad too pressed with their real life and work methinks. Would you please give us more time?
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Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: November 19 2016 at 18:19
We received this suggestion some months ago, we checked it and the decision was unanimous, not Symphonic.
It's clear it has Prog orientation, but we're not even sure it's fully Prog.
Posted By: Matti
Date Posted: November 20 2016 at 02:42
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
It's clear it has Prog orientation, but we're not even sure it's fully Prog.
This ridiculous slowness of things feels like "The more you keep on asking, the less interested we are in assisting in the adding process."
I feel a bit ashamed for PA, being the one who suggested the artist.
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: November 20 2016 at 03:24
No need for that Matti. Some times things are slow - people are busy in real life with either family or their jobs...or maybe they've got soooooo many bands to check out whenever they visit this place, that it just seems insurmountable. Anyway 2-3 months is nothing compared to some other acts here on PA. That is not to say that it wouldn't be nice if we could add every band in a week, but that is not going to happen (although it occasionally does).
Top tip: seeing as you are the one who suggested them and furthermore have complete access to the collab zone (AND know the band in question) then why not suggest this band directly to the team you find the most suitable? Slinging mud in the open forum does noone good.
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: November 20 2016 at 03:59
They ended up evaluated by the neo-team, I don't find them right for neo, so cross-over and eclectic need to look at them as well when they can, if they can.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: November 20 2016 at 17:18
Comments like this one really bother me. We try to be faster than anybody, and still people complain, despite they have access to the Collaborators Zone.
We replied about Modern-Rock Ensemble in September 5, 6 and 7 in a lapse of 48.30 hours after notified
Check our thread, here are the posts
SOURCE:" rel="nofollow -
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Posted: September 05, 2016 at 11:30
Hey symphonic ones!
Andrew Nazerenko was kind enough to send me a copy of the newly released "Touch The Mystery" by his project Modern Rock Ensemble. After only one spin it is really a no brainer that this should be included on PA as it is a collection of highly dense and intricate prog workouts albeit on the mellow side.�" rel="nofollow - Modern-Rock Ensemble > Eclectic/ Symph? - Progressive Rock Music Forum
The only question is where it should be placed. It seems like it mostly falls into the symphonic prog realm but it also is very spacey and i could see it being space rock as well. It also incorporates all kinds of other sounds ranging from indo raga to smooth jazz, so possibly even eclectic." rel="nofollow - Spotify Web Player - Modern-Rock Ensemble
We were notified IN OUR THREAD on September 5 of this year, and I replied in 6 hours
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
Posted on September 5, 2016 at 17:03
Heard the full album samples in Bandcamp.
1.- Meditations: Acoustic Rock with Prog Leanings 2.- What will happen to My Country?: Ambient with a nice organ 3.- Touch my Mistery: The closer they get to Symphonic but a biot too jazzy 4.- My Angels: I listen more nice New Age style. 5.- Swamp: Prog it is, but a blend of Hard Rock, Jazz and a lot more
Honestly, I listen more Crossover.
Not Symphonic material IMO, but the team members will also give heir opinions.
My whole team replied in 15 and 48.30 hours
rdtprog wrote:
Posted on September 6, 2016 at 05:22
Modern-Rock Ensemble - too much styles of music to be in the symphonic genre. Crossover
SouthSideoftheSky wrote:
Posted on September 7, 2016 at 12:11 Okey, the concensus seems to be Crossover; so, let's send it there.
So in 48 hours we replied by unanimous votes to the member who suggested them.
And to make it more abundant, DamoXt7942 gently informed that the Neo Team were checking them, but still we took the tome to check again.
DamoXt7942 wrote:
Posted: 05 September 2016 at 11:30
^ Now under evaluation also in Neo Team.  |
So please, don't tell us to be faster, we replied in less than two days to the person that suggested them (In the thread they were suggested) and we were gently told by the Neo Team that they were under revision. Our team responds normally in 24 or 48 hours after notified at the maximum and this is well known by each and every member of the forum.
I just found this thread with an ambiguous title yesterday and just mentioned that they were checked several months ago before we received a sermon.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: November 20 2016 at 18:00
I'm sorry with Andrew Nazarenko, because he should had been informed before that we didn't accepted Modern-Rock Ensemble in Symphonic....That's why we respond in 48 hours max, for consideration to the musicians (That and because there are very few Symphonic suggestions lately. )
But we were notified in our thread, created for this purpose and we replied there to the member who suggested Andrew in the same thread.
Hope you get a reply soon.
Posted By: Matti
Date Posted: November 21 2016 at 00:06
I'm sorry Ivan, I didn't mean to attack on you (I do understand it sounded like that). In fact, I would have deleted my stupid comment afterwards yesterday if I had had the opportunity. You see, I felt frustrated yesterday for the way this case (that I thought would be pretty fast) has been stuck in inactivity. Symphonic team acted fast, that's true. I think with this subgenre bureaucracy we sometimes tend to take too seriously the whole business of artist addition. (Well, I myself used to be perhaps too careless in team work: when busy, I just gave less time for evaluation and voted quickly.  )
Posted By: Matti
Date Posted: November 21 2016 at 00:28
Guldbamsen wrote:
Top tip: seeing as you are the one who suggested them and furthermore have complete access to the collab zone (AND know the band in question) then why not suggest this band directly to the team you find the most suitable?
Don't worry, I've done that and I'm well aware of the system. This has been the situation with Modern-Rock Ensemble for a very long time, as far as I know: the subgenre choices came down to either Neo or Crossover and the teams were informed. From my point of view: Neo or Crossover, not a big deal! How could that little decision take such a long time? But yeah, letting my frustration show openly does no good anyway. So, my apology to everyone, especially to Neo guys for being under pressure in this case.
Posted By: AndrewNazarenko
Date Posted: November 21 2016 at 09:41
Let’s drink to Peace and Friendship!  Thank you, Matti, SillyPuppy, Ivan and other guys for
clarification. Now we understood that PA have not forgotten about our project.
It eased our mind a lot. However, now we have to start from the scratch . Hopefully, we will not end up with
“Progressive Hip Hop”. If to say seriously – we understand that PA reviewers
are volunteers and really life is not that simple. There are families, jobs and
at least a mood to listen to somebody else’s music, and there is a lot of it.
Irrespectively to what happens to our project, PA is doing a great job by
providing a lot of information about progressive rock music and in Ukraine the
website is very popular. Thank you all for cooperation. We are entering round
Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: November 21 2016 at 10:03
Matti wrote:
]I think with this subgenre bureaucracy we sometimes tend to take too seriously the whole business of artist addition. |
We have been there before. It didn't end well
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Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: November 21 2016 at 10:28
Matti wrote:
I'm sorry Ivan, I didn't mean to attack on you (I do understand it sounded like that). In fact, I would have deleted my stupid comment afterwards yesterday if I had had the opportunity. You see, I felt frustrated yesterday for the way this case (that I thought would be pretty fast) has been stuck in inactivity. Symphonic team acted fast, that's true. I think with this subgenre bureaucracy we sometimes tend to take too seriously the whole business of artist addition. (Well, I myself used to be perhaps too careless in team work: when busy, I just gave less time for evaluation and voted quickly.  ) |
I understand Matti, I've been there.
Pushing for a band to be included for months and never finding a reply, it's frustrating.
I thank Andrew's position, in his place I would be screaming in blue fonts  ...But I've been on the other side too,
We are a short team (3 members), that's why we contact each other in minutes and normally have the answer the same day, that's why I seem over protective with the team, but other teams are bigger, and sometimes a couple members don't come for weeks and that paralyzes everything.
When we started, Symphonic was the most popular genre, we had 10 suggestions per day, luckily HT, Raff, Micky, Fragile DT, ClemofNazareth and I joined every night to discuss each band and replied in 5 or 6 days at the max.
But we were special, we loved to do that, we loved to chat every night because we had very much in common, we managed to write 120 bios in 30 days (Some very onscure bands) but real life caught us...Micky married Raff, I got a new job and my soon to be wife told me to limit my hours on PA, Fragile DT entered to the University, Clem went Folk and HT started to spend more time with his son, and now we can't afford that....So 3 guys that contact by PM s the best way for us (Myself, Louis and Anton), we receive a band and try to listen them that same night or faster if possible, because we know what the artists feel.
Please keep me informed about the progress of this band to my PM, I will see what I can do.
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: November 21 2016 at 16:07
Tossed to Crossover Team.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: December 11 2016 at 01:15
Finally approved as a Neo combo.
Now waiting for inclusion. ..
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: FragileKings
Date Posted: December 14 2016 at 04:57
I hope to see Modern Rock-Ensemble on here. Andrew asked me to give my thoughts on the album before it ever became a CD. It don't think it fits the neo-prog style at all. It has two short keyboard instrumentals, one mini-epic, one epic, and an old mini-epic jazz-tinged live performance. The mini-epic and epics combine a variety of styles. Could this band be in eclectic prog?
------------- I used to be a fan of particular bands like Rush, Yes, and Deep Purple. Now I travel the Proglands, exploring a little bit of everything. I have become a Prog Voyager.
Posted By: FragileKings
Date Posted: December 14 2016 at 04:59
Oh, I missed Damo's last comments. We are just waiting for inclusion. I'll have to get this back in my ear buds again soon. Start thinking about my review again.
------------- I used to be a fan of particular bands like Rush, Yes, and Deep Purple. Now I travel the Proglands, exploring a little bit of everything. I have become a Prog Voyager.
Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: December 15 2016 at 02:50
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: December 15 2016 at 03:01
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