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Project RnL/Ozric Tentacles - PARIS(Fr) SHOW 02/20

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Topic: Project RnL/Ozric Tentacles - PARIS(Fr) SHOW 02/20
Posted By: MisèRecords
Subject: Project RnL/Ozric Tentacles - PARIS(Fr) SHOW 02/20
Date Posted: January 29 2016 at 07:59
Hello to all, Bonjour à tous,

We organize a gig in Paris, France, the 20th of February 2016 at the Badaboum (ex- Scène Bastille) with :
Nous organisons un concert à Paris, le 20 Février 2016 au Badaboum (ex- Scène Bastille), avec :

- Project RnL" rel="nofollow -

- Ozric Tentacles" rel="nofollow -

For both bands, it will be their first time in France !
C'est le premier concert en France de ces deux groupes !

We think this might please some folks, we hope to have a lot of people, so don't hesitate to spread the news! Early-birds tickets fee is at 15€ until February 3rd, all infos are on our Facebook event :" rel="nofollow -
On s'est dit que ça ferait plaisir à pas mal de monde, on espère avoir beaucoup de monde alors n'hésitez pas à partager la nouvelle ! Les préventes sont au tarif réduit de 15€ jusqu'au 3 Février, toutes les infos sont sur notre event Facebook ci-dessus.

Merci à tous, à très vite !


L'absurdité nous a créés, nous créons l'absurdité.

Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: February 16 2016 at 06:49
Project RnL is a band that usually don't play many concerts, there might be one or two shows a year, I'm lucky to have seen them yesterday in Tel Aviv just before they go on this tour with the Ozrics! This is cool!

I'm posting this not because you should check out Ozric Tentacles (although you really should) but because Project RnL must be heard by more people. I'm extremely proud to have this kind of band out of small Israel that's for sure.
RnL's prog seems highly influenced by Gentle Giant but also throws in the mix a lot of different styles like fusion, jazz, metal and other unknown territories with many instrumental breaks. they also enjoy doing prog cover versions to pop songs which is really awesome. These young guys are true musicians, the band is extremely tight and the playing is top notch.

Anyone who this tour goes his way, do check out these guys!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Here's a peek.." rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: February 16 2016 at 07:51
I will get the chance to see both this coming friday Tongue.

Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: February 21 2016 at 13:47
Hey Roj how was the show?

BTW I saw on RnL's facebook page that after the Manchester gig their tour bus broke down and they couldn't get to their next show in Paris.

Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: February 23 2016 at 08:00
^ I enjoyed the night thanks.

That sucks re: the tour bus.

Project RNL had the longest set I've ever known for a support act, they must have been on for approaching an hour and a half!!  The bad news is that meant Ozrics came on very late.  Project RNL were difficult to take in as they are very eclectic, some parts piqued my interest though and they can certainly play.  My wife absolutely hated them LOL.  Ozrics were well, just the Ozrics really!  The venue was heaving, the gig was a total sell out.  Much better sound than last time I saw them.

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